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Twelve dogs were used in a series of three experiments designed to simulate the assumed mechanism of initiation of anal sacculitis: infection, impaction and abscessation. The disease was reproduced by inoculation of the sacs with a mixture of Streptococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Clostridium welchii in broth, both with and without ligation of the ducts of the sacs. The disease was also produced by ligating the ducts of the sacs without inoculation. In one case, where inoculation was performed and where the condition was chronic, the dog developed a debilitating chronic diarrhoea. The signs described in a previous paper (Halnan, 1976b) were variously encountered in the experimental cases confirming the basis of early diagnosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to characterize the bacterial microbiota of anal sacs in healthy dogs using NGS. Swabs were used to sample the rectum and secretions from each anal sac in 15 healthy dogs. DNA was extracted from swabs and the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced with Illumina MiSeq. Overall, 14 different bacterial phyla were identified in the rectum and in both anal sacs, the 5 main ones being Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Fusobacteria. The rectum had higher microbial diversity and richness than the left and right anal sacs. Community membership and structure significantly differed between the rectum and both anal sacs, but not between the right and the left anal sacs. This study showed that the diversity and richness of the bacterial microbiota of the anal sacs in dogs is greater than what has been reported in previous studies with culture-based methods. In conclusion, the bacterial microbiota of the anal sacs in dogs varies between individuals and differs from the rectal bacterial microbiota.  相似文献   

No previous study has explored the relationship between cytology and the frequency of behaviours associated with anal sac disease (ASD). The goals of the study were: (i) to compare the cytological findings between anal sac secretions from normal dogs with no history of ASD to those with non-neoplastic ASD; (ii) to determine whether anal sac cytological findings can be used to differentiate between normal dogs and dogs with ASD; (iii) to explore the correlation of anal sac cytology and behaviour between normal dogs and dogs with ASD; and (iv) to describe behaviours typical of ASD as reported by owners. Thirty dogs were selected for this study, based on their behavioural history as detailed in a questionnaire completed by their owners. Of the thirty dogs, ten were considered normal insofar as they had no history of ASD clinical signs. The remaining 20 dogs were characterized as having ASD, with a chronic history of perianal pruritus, but no other pruritus. All dogs had their anal sacs manually expressed, and the discharge was examined microscopically in a blinded manner. A total of 171 oil immersion fields (OIFs) were examined from normal dogs and 333 OIFs from dogs with ASD. The behavioural results for dogs with ASD revealed that scooting recurred with a median frequency of 3 weeks post-anal sac expression. There were no clinically statistically significant cytological differences between normal dogs and those with ASD, thereby leading to the conclusion that cytology is an ineffective tool for diagnosing ASD.  相似文献   

A new approach to diagnosis is described based on behavioural signs of which some twenty are listed. Fixation licking, starting at the rump and asymmetrical sitting are among signs added to the existing commonly accepted ones such as 'scooting'. Normal anal sac fluid is defined as almost clear, slightly yellow in colour, and abnormal material is described in varying forms of coloured pus. Predisposing factors are suggested such as diarrhoea and diets leading to soft bolus. The bacterial flora involved is defined consisting of micrococci, diphtheroids, Escherichia colt, Salmonella, Streptococcus faecalis, Clostridium welchii, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Proteus. Moreover, it is suggested that some unresponsive skin conditions are prolonged through a secondary effect of anal sacculitis.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to characterize the gross and cytological characteristics of secretions from normal canine anal sacs. Fifty dogs with no recent history of anal-sac disease were selected consecutively and their anal sacs manually expressed. Of the 47 dogs with known or estimated ages, 27 were < 1 year olds. However, these youngest dogs were not significantly different from the rest in cell counts, viscosity, or presence of dark or light solid portions of the secretions. For all dogs combined, the secretions typically contained 41 (median) corneocytes per 400x magnification microscopic field, lots of basophilic background debris, and a mixture of Gram-positive cocci (173 per field; median), Gram-positive rods (29 per field; median), and Gram-negative rods (two per field; median). Although median counts across 10 400x fields per sac indicated no leucocytes or yeasts, many of the normal dogs had an occasional 400x field with non-degenerate neutrophils and yeasts. Erythrocytes were not a feature of these anal-sac secretions, and mononuclear leucocytes were found only rarely. Extreme heterogeneity existed in gross colour, consistency and the amount of solid material. Thus, these latter parameters probably would not be valid indicators of anal-sac disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantify numbers of leucocytes, keratinocytes and microorganisms in, as well as the turgidity, colour and consistency of, anal sac exudates in clinically normal dogs. DESIGN: Selection criteria were formed based on the absence of clinical signs associated with anal sac disease, and the absence of factors potentially affecting colonic flora. Anal sacs were palpated for turgidity then expressed onto a swab, where colour and consistency were noted. A squash preparation made from any exudate was heat fixed and stained with modified Wright's stain. Eight representative 1000x oil immersion fields from each were examined for leucocytes, erythrocytes, keratinocytes, bacteria and yeast. Results were summarised, and cytological counts grouped into quartiles (minimal, few, moderate, numerous). Due to the multivariate nature of the study and limited subject numbers, further significant statistical analysis could not be performed. RESULTS: Seventeen dogs satisfied the selection criteria. The physical characteristics of the exudate and sac varied, though 31/34 sacs were empty or soft, 22/27 exudates were light or dark brown and 19/27 exudates were a thin liquid. Total leucocyte, keratinocyte and bacilli counts were extremely variable. Yeasts were present in 26/208 microscopic fields examined cytologically. Only 5/208 fields showed numerous cocci. A single instance of intracellular bacteria and a single erythrocyte were noted following examination of all fields. CONCLUSION: In this study, the characteristics of normal anal sacs and their exudate varied but greater than 70% showed similar features. Exudate cytology was highly variable, though yeasts were uncommon, and intracellular cocci and erythrocytes extremely rare.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of anal sac tumours without pulmonary metastases, from the author's clinical records for the period July 1989 to July 2002, was conducted to establish the response to treatment with surgery and melphalan chemotherapy. Of 21 dogs with tumours of the anal sacs 19 had apocrine gland adenocarcinomas of anal sac origin, one had a benign papillary cystadenoma and another had a malignant melanoma. Two of the 19 dogs had bilateral anal sac adenocarcinomas. Ten of the 19 dogs with apocrine gland adenocarcinomas of anal sac origin had sublumbar lymphadenopathy. Five dogs were excluded by their owners from recommended treatment. Fourteen dogs with apocrine gland adenocarcinomas of anal sac origin were treated by surgical cytoreduction and chemotherapy with melphalan. Seven of the 14 dogs had regional lymph node metastases. Cytoreduction was by local excision of the anal sac in all 14 dogs and concurrent removal of the sublumbar retroperitoneal lymph nodes in the seven dogs with regional lymph node metastases. The median survival time of dogs with sublumbar nodal metastasis was 20 months and for dogs with tumour localised to the anal sac the median survival time was 29.3 months. There was no difference in median survival of those dogs with sublumbar metastases compared to those without. This study suggests there is a role for melphalan in the treatment of dogs with anal sac adenocarcinoma when combined with cytoreductive surgery, with treatment survival times and the local recurrence rate of the primary tumour comparing favourably with previously published treatment regimes.  相似文献   

Abstract Macroscopic and cytological aspects of anal sac content were evaluated in 40 normal dogs and 10 dogs each with pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis associated with atopic dermatitis and uncomplicated atopic dermatitis. Bacteria isolated from anal sacs were compared with those from abdominal skin and hair in 20 normal dogs and 10 dogs with pyoderma. There was no difference between the groups in anal sac dimension, or in the colour, consistency or presence of granules in their content. Extracellular bacteria were found in higher numbers in diseased animals, whereas intracellular bacteria were observed in 40% of dogs with pyoderma and in only 2.5% of normal dogs. Malassezia spp. were present in 15.7% of dogs, with no difference between groups. Neutrophils were observed in 12.5% of normal dogs, 30% of dogs with Malassezia dermatitis with underlying atopic dermatitis and in 70 and 80% of dogs with pyoderma and uncomplicated atopic dermatitis, respectively. Seven bacterial species were isolated from anal sacs, with no difference between normal dogs and dogs with pyoderma. In five normal animals and in four dogs with pyoderma the same bacterial strains were isolated from anal sacs and from abdominal skin and hair.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate combination therapy with azathioprine and metronidazole in German Shepherd Dogs with perianal fistulae. DESIGN: Prospective study. PROCEDURE: Five dogs (31.5 to 36.0 kg) with perianal fistulae were treated with azathioprine (50 mg per dog orally every 24 h) and metronidazole (400 mg per dog orally every 24 h). Patients were re-evaluated at 2 week intervals by inspection, palpation, photographs of the perineal region and assessment of white blood cell counts where possible. Treatment was continued until improvement in lesions reached a plateau. Surgical excision of residual fistulae and anal sac remnants was then performed, with medical therapy continued for an additional 3 to 6 weeks. RESULT: Signs attributable to anal irritation were reduced or eliminated in all dogs within 2 weeks, although visible healing of lesions progressed more slowly. Ulcerated lesions reduced in surface area and depth, and some fistulae healed completely. Non-healing areas were usually associated with anal sac rupture or chronic fibrosis. Visible improvement typically reached a plateau 4 to 6 weeks after commencing treatment. Immunosuppressive therapy continued for 5 to 24 weeks before surgical intervention to remove anal sacs (four dogs) and/or residual fistulae (five dogs). All dogs remain disease free 7 to 10 months postoperatively. No important complications of treatment were encountered. CONCLUSION: Azathioprine with metronidazole effectively reduced perianal irritation, and the severity and extent of lesions prior to surgery. Treatment was economical even in large dogs and associated with few untoward sequelae. The combined use of immunosuppressive and antimicrobial therapy followed by surgery minimised potential morbidity associated with aggressive use of either medical of surgical treatment alone.  相似文献   

A survey of the incidence of anal sacculitis in the dog based on a population of 3,053 dogs treated at two urban practices, one in England and one in Australia, showed that 12-5% of dogs presented at clinics were affected with anal sacculitis. No predisposition in the dogs or selectivity on the part of the disease was found in relation to breed, sex, age or geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on clinically healthy growing and adult nonbreeding female ostriches. Multiple acoustic windows and the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the coelomic viscera were described. Good images of the heart and its major vessels, proventriculus, ventriculus, intestines, liver, and kidneys could be obtained. Additionally, an anechoic structure, believed to function as an urinary bladder, could be imaged in the cloacal region. The pancreas, spleen, thyroid glands, ovary, and adrenals could not be seen in this study. General limitations were the size of the ostriches, massive leg and dorsal muscles, large sternum, the extensive air sac system, compact convoluted intestines, and varying amounts of gastrointestinal gas. Ostriches do not posses a gall bladder, and thus it could not be used as a landmark or acoustic window. The extensive air sac system and feathers did not limit the use of ultrasonography as much as anticipated. Imaging of air sacs should, however, be considered to detect pathology such as air sacculitis, which may result in consolidation. Veterinary  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: An adult New Zealand falcon was presented with metacarpal fractures in the left wing. CLINICAL FINDINGS: In addition to the fractures, radiographs revealed an area of opacity in the air sacs. A few days after hospitalisation and initiation of treatment of the fractures, the bird developed signs of respiratory disease; the area of opacity was found to have increased in size and density. Treatment with antibiotics and nebulisation was commenced; the bird initially responded but respiratory signs subsequently worsened and the bird died. At necropsy, air sacculitis and bronchopneumonia were associated with numerous nematodes in the air sacs, which were morphologically consistent with Serratospiculum guttatum. DIAGNOSIS: Serratospiculosis CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The discovery of this parasite and the associated disease for the first time in New Zealand indicates that it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory disease in falcons and possibly other raptors in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy are important parts of oncologic staging in human medicine. Sentinel lymph node mapping enables identification of the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage while avoiding unnecessary lymph node dissection. Anal sac adenocarcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm of the canine perineal area. For dogs with anal sac adenocarcinoma, lympadenectomy and metastasis to the iliosacral lymphocentrum are negative prognostics indicators. The objectives of this prospective, two by two, crossover pilot study were to establish the feasibility of lymphoscintigraphy using Technetium‐99 sulfur colloid of the canine anal sac of healthy dogs, compare two injection techniques, and the time for identification of sentinel lymph nodes using each technique. We hypothesized that both intramural and perimural injections of the canine anal sac would identify similar sentinel lymph node drainage. The sentinel lymph node was identified in all dogs using either technique. Intramural injection of the canine anal sac showed radiopharmaceutical uptake faster than perimural injection technique (P = 0.040). There was concordance between intramual and perimural techniques for the sentinel lymph node identified in 50% of cases. A sacral lymph node was identified as sentinel in three of eight dogs (37.5%). Lymphoscintigraphy of the canine anal sac is safe and feasible in normal dogs; however, the method of injection technique seems to have a significant effect on the sentinel lymph node identified.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: An adult New Zealand falcon was presented with metacarpal fractures in the left wing.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: In addition to the fractures, radiographs revealed an area of opacity in the air sacs. A few days after hospitalisation and initiation of treatment of the fractures, the bird developed signs of respiratory disease; the area of opacity was found to have increased in size and density. Treatment with antibiotics and nebulisation was commenced; the bird initially responded but respiratory signs subsequently worsened and the bird died. At necropsy, air sacculitis and bronchopneumonia were associated with numerous nematodes in the air sacs, which were morphologically consistent with Serratospiculum guttatum.

DIAGNOSIS: Serratospiculosis

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The discovery of this parasite and the associated disease for the first time in New Zealand indicates that it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory disease in falcons and possibly other raptors in New Zealand.  相似文献   

A caecal impaction can be caused by an accumulation of dry ingesta (type I) or abnormal caecal motility resulting in a feed impaction of fluid consistency (type II). Horses that develop a caecal impaction have often been administered a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) during hospitalisation for treatment of a painful condition such as an ocular or orthopaedic disease. Clinical signs of caecal impaction can be mild, and progress to more moderate to severe signs of abdominal pain as the impaction enlarges. Since an impacted caecum has a high risk of rupture, early diagnosis and treatment are important. Horses with a caecal impaction can be treated medically or surgically, and treatment decisions are based on clinical signs, results of transrectal palpation, character of peritoneal fluid and response to medical management. For type I caecal impaction, medical management consists of aggressive fluid therapy, both intravenous and enteral, to soften ingesta. Fluid therapy can be combined with laxatives, motility-enhancing drugs and analgesic drugs. Surgery is indicated if results of transrectal abdominal examination indicate that the impaction is unchanged or has enlarged, signs of abdominal pain increase, or if there is cardiovascular deterioration. Horses with type II caecal impaction have a greater chance of survival if managed surgically. Using a ventral mid-line celiotomy approach, a caecal impaction can be resolved via a typhlotomy. When caecal motility is poor, or there are signs of chronic caecal dysfunction, a caecal bypass procedure (jejunocolostomy or ileocolostomy) should be considered. Although the prognosis for horses with a caecal impaction is claimed to be fair to good, choice of treatment is controversial and may influence prognosis. If the affected horse survives to discharge from the hospital, the long-term prognosis is generally good. Many retrospective studies of cases of caecal impaction are weakened by failure to distinguish between types I and II.  相似文献   

Treatment of anal furunculosis in dogs is often unsatisfactory and may be associated with significant recurrence and complications. This may be compounded by the simultaneous presence of colitis in affected animals. Clinical signs associated with colitis and anal furunculosis may be similar, including faecal tenesmus, dyschezia and haematochezia. To examine the incidence of concurrent anal furunculosis and colitis, colonic biopsies were collected from 18 dogs referred for treatment of anal furunculosis. Nine dogs (50 per cent) had a histopathological diagnosis of colitis. Clinical signs more indicative of colitis than anal furunculosis (increased frequency of defecation, mucus in faeces and diarrhoea) were not observed more frequently in dogs with confirmed colitis compared with those with furunculosis alone. Therefore, while an association between colitis and anal furunculosis may exist, clinical signs alone cannot be used as an indicator of the presence of colitis in cases of anal furunculosis. The authors recommend that colonic biopsies should be undertaken in all dogs presented with anal furunculosis. Whether specific treatment of colitis in dogs with histopathological evidence of colitis improves the outcome of treatment for anal furunculosis awaits further study.  相似文献   

A survey was made of the prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of dermatological conditions in small animals in general practice in the UK. Out of 3707 small animal consultations in general practice that were observed and recorded, 795 (21.4 per cent) involved animals that had a dermatological problem. In dogs and exotic species, pruritus was the most common presenting sign, accounting for 30 to 40 per cent of the dermatological consultations. In cats, cutaneous swellings were the most common presentation (36 per cent). A diagnosis or recommendation for treatment was made on the basis of the presenting clinical signs and physical examination alone in 576 (72 per cent) of the cases, and various diagnostic tests were performed in the other cases. In dogs, parasitic infestations, bacterial infections and neoplasia accounted for the majority of the diagnoses. In cats, parasites and bacterial infections were the most common. In exotic species, parasites accounted for over 80 per cent of the dermatological diagnoses. In dogs, the most common final diagnoses were otitis, pyoderma, anal sac impaction, flea infestation and atopic dermatitis. In cats, abscesses, flea infestation, and otitis were the most common diagnoses. In exotic species, the most common diagnosis was an unspecified mite infestation. Systemic antibiotics were prescribed in 196 cases (25 per cent), systemic glucocorticoids were prescribed in 162 cases (20 per cent) and treatment with an ectoparasiticide was prescribed in 167 cases (21 per cent).  相似文献   

Air sacs are considered to be one of the controlling factors of bird behaviour and habits in addition to their roles in ventilation, regulating body temperature, swimming and flight. As a scavenger and an omnivorous flight bird, air sacs of the hooded crow were the focus of this study. Eight healthy, adult hooded crows were used to examine the morphological characteristics of the air sacs, which were examined grossly and with latex and cast preparations. In general, the morphological overview of the hooded crow air sacs is similar to other avian species. We observed nine air sacs; four paired sacs (cervical, cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and abdominal air sacs) and one unpaired sac; the clavicular air sac. The cervical air sac communicated to the lung through the medioventral bronchus and had three diverticula; intermuscular, subscapular and subcutaneous. The clavicular air sac communicated with lung through the medioventral bronchus and had subscapular, axillary, humeral, subpectoral and sternal diverticula. The cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs were communicated with lung through the lateroventral bronchi and the both sacs did not have any diverticula. The abdominal air sacs were posterior to the caudal thoracic air sacs. The left abdominal sac was the largest air sac. The right and left abdominal sacs gave off branches to diverticula that pneumatized synsacrum. The abdominal air sacs gave off femoral diverticula behind the hip joint as well as perirenal diverticula.  相似文献   

Anal sac squamous cell carcinoma is rare in dogs. Five cases have been previously reported, treatment of which involved surgery alone. This report describes three further cases of canine anal sac squamous cell carcinoma which underwent medical (meloxicam) management alone, resulting in survival of up to seven months. No metastases were identified. Squamous cell carcinoma, although extremely uncommon, should be considered as a possible differential diagnosis when a dog is presented for investigation of an anal sac mass.  相似文献   

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