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红地球葡萄丰产、粒大、果肉硬脆、着色好、耐贮运,是一个优良晚熟葡萄品种。汉沽管区自1998年引进以来,通过几年的不断摸索、改进和完善栽培技术,从2001年开始,推广了一套适合滨海盐碱地的红地球限产提质高效栽培技术。通过土壤改良、架式改造、严格限产、花果管理、配方施肥、病虫害无公害防治等多种技术措施的实施,收到了很好的经济效益。主要技术措施如下。  相似文献   

从选址、设施建造、品种选择、定植和架式、整形修剪、覆膜后的管理等方面介绍了保护地葡萄栽培技术规程。  相似文献   

对引种种植在武汉地区的"申丰"葡萄的果实经济性状、物候期、抗病性等进行了连续7年观察,并总结出了申丰葡萄的建园定植、架式与整形修剪、花果管理、土肥水管理、病虫害防治方面的栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

黄重 《北方园艺》2016,(19):68-70
分析了"香悦"葡萄的品种特性及其在汉中市的种植现状,从产地环境、建园、架式、土肥水管理、整形修剪、花果管理、病虫害防治、采收等方面对"香悦"葡萄标准化栽培技术进行了阐述,旨在为"香悦"葡萄的推广种植提供重要参考。  相似文献   

葡萄采用塑料棚栽培后,能使成熟期提前,上市早,经济效益好。现介绍日本爱知县采用的无核巨峰葡萄塑料棚栽培技术,供借鉴。 1 塑料棚的构造及栽培架式 塑料棚的构造如图1所示,跨度4~5m为佳,这种棚的优点在于内部空间大,便于防止高温伤害。葡萄在棚内采用棚架式栽培。  相似文献   

根据‘玫瑰香’葡萄品种特性,从棚室建造、栽植架式、扣棚前后温湿度控制、整形修剪和花果管理、土肥水管理及病虫害防治等方面介绍‘玫瑰香’葡萄冷棚栽培技术。  相似文献   

葡萄V形、篱架式改造成高宽垂架式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍将葡萄V形架、篱架改造成为高宽垂架式T字树形的技术。其关键是利用副梢培养出足够数量的结果母枝当年成形。改造后使之成为高干稀植,能生产高品质果品的新架式。  相似文献   

丁从波 《落叶果树》1997,29(3):29-29
葡萄高密栽培技术的尝试丁从波(江苏省盱眙县果园211702)1992年起,以凤凰51号和红富士葡萄为试材,进行了单篱架式高度矮化密植分3步建园的尝试。供试葡萄共15株,株行距1.2m×1.5m,立地环境为宅前平地,面积38.64m2,土质为重砧土,土...  相似文献   

经过20多年的不懈努力,目前全州县葡萄产业己初具规模,并逐步成为具有竞争优势的农业支柱产业。文章回顾了全州县葡萄产业发展历程,近年通过推广采用"密植改稀植、架式改造、简化修剪、控产提质"等技术进行改进后,显著提升了葡萄品质和效益。  相似文献   

不同架式对阳光玫瑰葡萄夏果树体生长及坐果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果表明,与其它架式相比,水平棚架栽培模式下,高宽垂型架式能显著提高阳光玫瑰葡萄树体生长量和单株穗数,果粒均匀,枝条生长旺盛,是适宜南方的树形。该架式可改变光照和通风条件,能改善葡萄树体营养和减轻病虫害发生,同时便于管理,节省劳力和架材,可为生产上葡萄栽培技术提供参考。  相似文献   

不同整枝方式对薄皮甜瓜植株生长、产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以薄皮甜瓜‘金蜜1号’为研究对象,探讨了双蔓、3蔓、4蔓和吊蔓4种不同的整枝方式对其植株生长、产量、品质和抗病性的影响。结果表明:薄皮甜瓜的蔓长以吊蔓整枝为最优,单果质量以3蔓整枝为最优,3蔓整枝的单果质量为0.51 kg,比吊蔓、双蔓和4蔓整枝分别高出0.07 kg、0.06 kg和0.1 kg,而蔓粗、叶面积、可溶性固形物含量和总产量均以双蔓整枝方式最优。双蔓整枝方式667 m2产量达3 500.2 kg,比3蔓整枝、4蔓整枝和吊蔓整枝分别高出15%、8.9%和2.2%。双蔓整枝的品质最好,可溶性固形物含量为15.1%,比3蔓整枝、4蔓整枝和吊蔓整枝分别高出16.6%、25.8%和27.8%,并且双蔓整枝抗病能力最强。  相似文献   

厚皮甜瓜冬春茬栽培整枝方式研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了探求不同栽培整枝方式对日光温室冬春茬厚皮甜瓜熟性、产量、品质和商品性状的影响,进行了4种栽培整枝方式比较试验。结果表明:甜瓜采收期以爬地栽培单蔓整枝方式最早,比吊蔓栽培单蔓整枝方式和爬地栽培双蔓整枝方式早3d,比对照爬地栽培3蔓整枝方式早8d。单果质量、总产量、可溶性固形物含量均以吊蔓栽培单蔓整枝方式最高。吊蔓单蔓方式单果质量(755g)高出对照335g;667m2总产量达2926kg,比对照增产56.6%;中心可溶性固形物17.5%,高出对照2个百分点;且甜瓜果面光洁,果色均匀,果形周正,口感风味好,商品性状优良。据此,建议冬春茬厚皮甜瓜保护地栽培宜推广吊蔓单蔓整枝栽培方式,以取得优质高产高效。  相似文献   

以新品种‘北冰红’、品系‘2001-1-135'和‘98-8-165’为试材,研究了株距0.5、0.75、1.0、1.5m,行距2.5、3.0m,不同株行距和架式组合试验对葡萄品质和产量的影响.结果表明:篱架株行距(0.5~0.75)m×2.5m和小棚架0.5m×3.0m,建园密度大,通风透光差,植株感霜霉病害较重,导致第2年植株萌芽率和坐果率低而大幅度减产.小棚架株行距1.0m×3.0m单株保留2个主蔓和1.5m×3.0m单株保留3个主蔓,分别需5a和6a进入盛果期,表现植株感染霜霉病轻、坐果率、果实含糖高、产量低.株行距0.75 m×3.0m单株保留1个主蔓的小棚架,始花期早,4a生树可进入盛果期,表现产量最高,果实品质好,1.0m×2.5m单株保留2个主蔓的篱架产量较高,这2种架式和株行距表现试验当年和试验第2年稳产.通过试验结果确定,新品种‘北冰红’、品系‘2001-1-135'和‘98-8-165'建园适宜的株行距和架式是:0.75m×3.0m的小棚架和1.0m×2.5m的篱架.  相似文献   

以促成栽培的4 a生设施"红地球"葡萄为试材,研究宁夏地区设施"红地球"葡萄促早栽培在扣棚膜弱光下花芽分化的特点。结果表明:不同的种植结构和株行距对葡萄花芽形成的影响显著,"红地球"葡萄篱架双行密植适宜的最小株行距应为0.4 m×0.5 m×1.6 m,篱架单行栽植适宜的株行距应至少为0.4 m×1.4 m,"红地球"葡萄行距小于1.4 m不利于成花,日光温室篱架单行栽植"红地球"葡萄成熟枝蔓在第5~8节结果新梢分化比例最高,双行密植"红地球"葡萄成熟枝蔓在第7~8节结果新梢分化比例最高,结果母枝以选留中壮梢的结果最好,冬剪宜采用长、短梢修剪相结合,长梢留10~12芽修剪,可保证来年产量。  相似文献   


Trees of peach cvs Flordastar, Flordaprince, Flordacrest and Maravilha, low in chill requirement (Flordaprince 150; Flordacrest 350 C.U.), with a short fruit development period (Flordaprince 90; Flordacrest 110 d) and a very early ripening time (Flordastar mid May; Flordacrest first week of June), were planted in Sicily (37° 30′ Lat. N) both in a medium (667 trees per ha) and a high density (2000 trees per ha) plantation system. In the medium density planting system, the trees were trained to a Fusetto, and in the high density to a Y-shape. Both in the Fusetto and Y, the size of the trees was controlled by severe pruning soon after harvest, consisting in the shortening of most of the one year old wood. From mid June to October, the trees of all four cultivars were able to recover a “fruiting canopy”; flower bud density, flower fertility, fruit set, fruit quality and crop efficiency were not affected by the severe summer pruning. Due to the planting density and the pruning, the tree growth was restricted: no platforms or ladders were required to perform the cultivation techniques at the top of the Fusetto nor was the wire-trellis necessary to sustain the Y-shaped trees. To distinguish these training systems from the original ones, Fusetto and Tatura trellis, we called them “dwarfed Fusetto” (dF) and “free standing Tatura” (fsT), respectively. Although production per tree was higher in the dF, due to planting density fsT yielded more per hectare.  相似文献   

简约化叶幕管理对酿酒葡萄生长及品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以"赤霞珠"葡萄为试材,研究了简约化叶幕层管理对酿酒葡萄生长及果实品质的影响。结果表明:简约化叶幕层管理下葡萄植株枝条节间长度变短,径髓比变小,萌芽率提高,表明此种修剪方式可以保证葡萄园的可持续生产;简约化管理下葡萄果实的果穗小,果粒稍小,可溶性固形物含量与对照差异不大;简约化叶幕层管理可以在很大程度上提高葡萄夏季管理的劳动效率,比常规叶幕层管理省工39.72%。  相似文献   

以3~4 a生野生毛葡萄两性花品种“野酿2号”为试材,研究比较了冬剪和夏剪技术对野生毛葡萄坐果率和产量、效益的影响.结果表明:双层“干”字整形法不适于该品种,顶端萌芽和生长优势极强.生产上对2~3 a幼龄树冬剪可采取7芽以上中长修剪法,夏剪结果枝留穗数与末穗前留叶数比例以1∶(1.5~2.5)为佳,可获得50%的收果率.4a以上成龄树冬剪宜采用3~6个芽中短剪法,夏剪穗叶比则以1∶3为好,可获得30%的收果率.花前副梢留1叶摘心,副梢全留或只留末穗前全部副梢,收果率在30%以上.  相似文献   

连续3年对庆丰和燕红桃树进行研究,结果表明,与传统短枝修剪技术相比较,长枝修剪后,树体丰产性能好、产量高,果实着色好,且在大多数情况下,果实可溶性固形物含量高,提高了品质。长枝修剪对果实生长的影响与品种的成熟期有关,早熟品种庆丰无显著作用,晚熟品种燕红采收时平均果重显著增加。采用长枝修剪技术,能显著地提高花芽的质量,尤其是枝条下部的花芽质量,从而可增强对晚霜冻害的抵抗能力,还对在长枝修剪条件下树体保留一年生枝的长度和姿势与果实大小的关系进行了研究,并对长枝修剪早果、丰产、稳产和优质的生物学基础和果园管理特点进行了讨论表示处理间存在P=0.01差异水平。2.2开花物候期修剪方式对树体初花期及花期待续时间无影响。1994年,长枝修剪和短枝修剪的庆丰、燕红的花期分别均为4月14~18日和4月14~19日。但是,开花动态在处理间存在差别。在初花期(4月14日和15日)长枝修剪树花朵开放率显著地高于短枝修剪树。另外,长枝修剪处理树体之间开花较整齐(变异系数小)。2.3坐果和产量1993年花期连续低温,经观察短枝修剪早久保和大久保受到严重冻害,坐果率低,负载量严重不足,而长枝修剪树对低温抵抗力强,坐果率显著高,从而获得?  相似文献   

以厚皮甜瓜"玉菇"、"翠雪5号"、"夏蜜"为试材,研究了不同整枝方式对秋茬厚皮甜瓜品质、产量及延缓植株早衰的影响。结果表明:打顶后留1~2个侧枝并不影响甜瓜植株的生长发育、果实性状和果实品质,反而能延长功能叶片的寿命,合成更多的光合产物,较好地平衡了地上部分与地下部分的生长关系,延缓植株早衰,提高维生素和部分甜瓜品种的可溶性固形物含量。  相似文献   

Light interception by the orchard canopies in a spacing trial with Golden Delicious and Jonathan on M IX and on M II was measured in 1968, 1969 and 1970. In 1969 and 1970 light distribution over the Golden Delicious hedges in the high-density plots was also measured and related to fruit and foliage distribution and to fruit quality. Simultaneously, integrated light readings at 100–200 locations were taken over 24-hour periods, using a photochemical method.Although all plots attained their ceiling yield level in 1967, the 6th year after planting, light interception continued to increase from 1968 to 1970. In the low-density plots — 1100 trees per ha on M IX and 660 trees per ha on M II — the canopies intercepted roughly half of the incident light and yields levelled off at 40 tons per ha. The high-density M IX plot (3300 trees per ha) intercepted two-thirds, the high-density M II plot (2260 trees per ha) more than three-quarters of incident light. Both plots yielded more than 70 tons per ha in 1967 and 1968, but thereafter the yield level dropped, especially for trees on M II, presumably because of mounting inter-tree competition for light.Light levels in the hedges in the high-density plots at equal distances from the hedge perimeter were very much the same for both varieties, for both rootstocks and in the two years. Light levels fell sharply towards the interior and bottom parts of the hedges. The main advantage of the M IX hedge was its smaller cross section, leaving little room for a poorly illuminated centre. At lower light levels weight per fruit and especially fruit colour declined, but the relation between light level and fruit quality was not consistent for both rootstocks and in both years. These inconsistencies could be explained on the basis of differences in pruning system, affecting the type of wood on which the fruit is borne.Fruit was concentrated in the interior part of the hedges, so that a high proportion of the crop suffered from the poor light conditions in this part. Fruit distribution was generally correlated with foliage distribution. In the M IX hedge by far the highest leaf density was found in the centre of the hedge. This is an advantage in comparison with the large leaf area — relatively unproductive and casting much shade — in the top of the M II hedge. Light measurements before and after fruit removal suggested that the shade cast by the fruit is negligible as compared to shading by the foliage.It is concluded that canopy architecture in the high-density M IX plot, with a leaf area index of 2.15, is close to the optimum for single row planting systems in Northwest Europe. Gains in percentage light interception, as in the high-density M II plot, are associated with a greatly inferior light distribution over the canopy, leading to lower yields per unit growth and deterioration of fruit quality. In addition to light, pruning strongly influences fruit quality.  相似文献   

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