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<正> 在我国西南马铃薯产区,晚疫病发生极为普遍且具毁灭性,垂直抗性的品种对某些专化型的生理小种具有明显的抗性,但因晚疫病的生理小种复杂,且易发生变异,一旦遇上流行年份,就对生产造成严重的损失。鉴于目前很少有高度田间抗性的品种,采用化学药剂防治对马铃薯种薯生产和大田生产  相似文献   

为提高马铃薯晚疫病抗病育种水平,筛选出适宜于天水地区种植的马铃薯品种和抗晚疫病较强的亲本资源,特此对引自全国的38份马铃薯品种(系)进行晚疫病抗性的田间鉴定。试验采用随机区组设计,对参试材料的植株、块茎晚疫病和产量进行评价与分析。结果表明:植株发病最轻的是‘L0527-4’、‘L9901-10’、‘L0527-7’、‘农天2号’、‘天薯12号’、‘同薯20号’、‘陇薯7号’等;块茎晚疫病未发病的为‘同薯20号’、‘陇薯7号’、‘天薯12号’等17份材料;‘陇薯7号’、‘天薯12号’较对照‘陇薯6号’增产,折合产量依次为26 300 kg/hm2、23 800 kg/hm2;最终筛选出‘陇薯7号’和‘天薯12号’两份晚疫病田间抗性和丰产性较好的材料,可用作马铃薯晚疫病抗病育种的资源,并在天水地区推广种植。  相似文献   

为了探究甘肃省渭源县马铃薯晚疫病流行规律,有效地防治马铃薯晚疫病,在甘肃渭源县对马铃薯晚疫病田进行了一个生长季节的监测和调查。结果表明:不同品种晚疫病发生程度不同,晚熟品种比早熟品种晚发生,早熟品种抗病性比晚熟品种差;马铃薯晚疫病的流行与气象条件的关系中,相对湿度、降雨量和马铃薯晚疫病流行呈正相关,日照时数与马铃薯晚疫病流行呈负相关,其中相对湿度为晚疫病流行的主导因素,在这期间温度不是当地晚疫病流行的主导因素。  相似文献   

高寒山区马铃薯晚疫病的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐德江 《中国马铃薯》2003,17(5):314-315
1 前 言兴安盟阿尔山市地处内蒙古东北部 ,是马铃薯的主产区之一。属于北方一作区的高寒栽培区。是内蒙古的高产种植区和良种繁育基地。近年来严重影响马铃薯产量和品质的晚疫病 ,已成为阿尔山发展马铃薯产业的一大制约因素。本文对阿尔山马铃薯晚疫病的发生及防治的情况作一总结 ,供生产上参考利用2 发生及流行原因2 1 品种与病害的关系阿尔山的农业比较落后 ,农民的市场观念淡薄。种植马铃薯品种杂乱 ,良种更新慢。 70年代育成的品种 ,到现在仍大量种植 ;脱毒种薯种植比例小 ,而且种植时不重视良种的提纯复壮 ;不能科学地进行良种繁…  相似文献   

为了筛选产量高、抗晚疫病性能好、适宜宁南山区大面积推广的优良品种,在适宜马铃薯种植和晚疫病流行的西吉县对23个马铃薯品种作田间抗病性鉴定。结果表明:马铃薯品种‘青薯9号’、‘庄薯1号’、‘庄薯3号’、‘冀张薯8号’、‘陇薯3号’等品种高产、抗病性强,适宜大面积推广。产量在1 000 kg/667 m2以上且抗性较好的品种依次是:‘晋薯14号’、‘宁薯4号’、‘晋薯15号’、‘宁薯13号’、‘同薯23号’、‘克新17号’,适宜做轮换品种。经相关分析,不同马铃薯品种的病情指数和产量呈极显著的负相关。  相似文献   

12个马铃薯品种对晚疫病抗性比较与药剂防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验,探讨常用马铃薯晚疫病防治药剂对不同马铃薯品种晚疫病防治效果,对产量影响及筛选出对马铃薯晚疫病有抗性的品种。结果表明,田间晚疫病发病初期,银法利单用或与其他药剂混用均可以有效控制马铃薯晚疫病,并且增加田间产量;‘荷兰7’,‘黄麻子’、‘荷兰15’和‘尤金’为马铃薯晚疫病易感品种,因此田间管理要提前预防马铃薯晚疫病的发生;‘克新18号’、‘麦肯’、‘延薯4号’和‘克新13号’对晚疫病有较高的抗性;‘中兴202’、‘Lt-5’、‘夏波蒂’和‘克新1号’对晚疫病表现中抗,病害发生初期施药可以有效的控制病害扩展。  相似文献   

颜荣炎 《中国马铃薯》2005,19(3):172-172
德化县地处闽中戴云山区,马铃薯是传统冬种作物,晚疫病发生流行十分频繁,重发年份发病面积达893hm2,占播种面积的34%,每hm2损失鲜薯1.95万kg,并严重影响品质。摸清影响德化县马铃薯晚疫病发生流行的因素,积极采取有效防治措施,减轻、控制其危害,是目前提高马铃薯产量和品质的重要课题。1发生流行的因素1.1气候因子利于发病德化县地处山区,具有温暖适中,雨水充沛,潮湿多雾,春季日照偏少等特点;同时,由于海拔高低悬殊,地形复杂,导致小气候突出,为马铃薯晚疫病发生流行提高了有利条件。抗病品种在其抗性丧失初期,正是从气候有利于晚疫病发生的…  相似文献   

选择毕节地区主推品种威芋3号微型薯开展不同粒级对一级原种繁殖的影响试验,设每粒≤5、6~10、11~20、21~30、31~40 g 5个处理粒级。结果表明:在马铃薯品种和种植密度相同的情况下,晚疫病危害程度与原原种粒级存在一定关系,当原原种粒级每粒≤5 g时,不利于晚疫病的发生和流行,当原原种粒级在每粒6 g以上时,晚疫病发生情况接近;粒级为每粒21 g以上的原原种繁殖一级原种产量较高,生产上调进原原种时建议选择大粒种薯为宜。  相似文献   

对从国际马铃薯中心引进的19组晚疫病抗性材料进行扩繁种植试验。总体上看,这些引进材料在西南山区表现较好,尤以其中的392716 54、385524 9、391002 6、385556 4和391580 30等5个品种表现高产,抗病,大中薯率高,可望选出高产抗病的组合,以解决鄂薯3号高产不耐贮,米拉、克新2号等品种晚疫病发生导致严重减产的问题。  相似文献   

河北省一季作区马铃薯主要病虫害有晚疫病、早疫病、黑痣病和二十八星瓢虫,此外,病毒引起的品种退化比较普遍,造成不同程度的损失。本文根据河北省一季作区马铃薯病虫害发生特点总结出一套综合防控技术体系,包括将马铃薯与玉米、大白菜等非茄科作物轮作3年减轻黑痣病危害;采用脱毒薯克服病毒引起的品种退化问题;种薯和(或)土壤消毒控制黑痣病和晚疫病;待马铃薯生长至封垄后,遇到适宜晚疫病发生的天气,喷施1~3次保护性杀菌剂预防晚疫病和早疫病;一旦监测到晚疫病中心病株后即拔除并装入塑料袋带出田外,并交替喷施有治疗效果、能兼治早疫病且作用机制不同的内吸性杀菌剂及混剂;田间出现马铃薯二十八星瓢虫成虫,在杀菌剂中混入高效氯氰菊酯或高效氯氟氰菊酯等高效杀虫剂防虫;马铃薯成熟前1~2周将地上部分割掉并运出田外后收获块茎。  相似文献   

西南山区由于其立体气候的多样性而使马铃薯发生多种病虫害,造成产量的不稳定性。通过一系列的问卷调查和大田观察取样以及实验室病理检测,结果说明晚疫病、病毒病和青枯病是本地区最重要的病害。晚疫病常年造成10%~30%的产量损失,且每隔数年有一次大流行而造成更大的产量损失。种薯因病毒和其它病菌感染而不同程度地影响到产量的发挥。青枯病的发病规律较为复杂且较难预测控制。这几种病害的发生程度与作物生长季节、海拔、种薯年龄、品种、农艺措施等等密切相关。现有品种间发现有抗晚疫病和青枯病的差异。土样根系样中发现有各种寄生性线虫存在,但其危害性特别是与青枯病的关系有待进一步研究明确。28星瓢虫是本地区危害最重的害虫。本文还列举讨论了各种病虫害防治措施。  相似文献   

Due to changes in the pathogen population, late blight of potatoes caused byPhytophthora infestans has become a more difficult disease to manage and there is a need for new potato cultivars with greater and more stable disease resistance. Field studies are required to identify and characterize host resistance to late blight in both foliage and tubers but, as epidemics vary from year to year, combining multi-year results can be difficult. Residual maximum likelihood (REML) was successfully used to analyze data which demonstrated good correlations between foliar and tuber responses to late blight (US-1 genotype). In addition, studies on post-harvest inoculated tubers provided more reliable disease responses than field studies, and the disease resistance with this method correlated well with foliar disease responses. This tuber test would be a useful method of pre-screening selections for disease response prior to testing in the field.  相似文献   

As the surface area with late blight symptoms of seed tubers increased, the incidence of plant emergence decreased. This relationship was more dramatic with the US-8 genotype than the US-1 genotype ofhytophthora infestans, causal agent of late blight. However, when seed tubers were inoculated with both US-1 and US-8 isolates, the plant growth responses were generally intermediate to those obtained with the two genotypes alone. More resistant cultivars (eg. Dorita, Island Sunshine, and Sebago) had greater plant emergence and less seed rot than more susceptible cultivars (eg. Green Mountain and Shepody) but the response differences between resistant and susceptible cultivars was less clear with US-8 as most cultivars had 100% seed rot. Seed handling treatments affected crop growth and disease risk; as the inoculum levels and in some cases, the pre-planting storage period increased, plant emergence decreased generally due to greater seed rot incidences. Of the one registered seed treatment fungicide and several non-registered and/or experimental fungicides tested, only two significantly improved plant emergence. During three years of study, “diseased” seed treatments generally led to seed rot except in 1996 when one plant in one experimental plot of infected seed had subsequent spread of the disease to the foliage. Furthermore, within one week, a field epidemic developed outwardly from the single infected plant due to the occurrence of favourable weather conditions. Further research opportunities are discussed relative to the impact of infected seed on crop growth and disease risk  相似文献   

北美马铃薯新品种在福建冬种的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建冬种马铃薯主栽品种为紫花851,该品种虽在福建种植表现高产稳产,但其薯块芽眼深,裂薯率偏高,干物质含量偏低,商品性较差,晚疫病的抗性减弱,生产上迫切需要高产优质抗病等各类新品种。本研究引进北美育成的6个马铃薯品种,以紫花851为对照,采用随机区组试验设计,评价它们在福州的植物学性状、生育期、块茎性状、总产量、商品薯产量及其抗病性。6个品种的生育期介于90~98d,其中生育期最长的为NY128。各品种抗性较好,干物质含量介于18.18%~21.18%之间,鲜薯产量每667m2介于1347.5~1924.0kg,其中Salem和CalWhite量较高,增产达显著水平,薯块大中薯率高,商品性好,可进一步进行示范试种。  相似文献   

Summary Tests for systemic induced resistance (SIR) to late blight were performed with different potato cultivars in field trials and in growth chamber experiments. The non-pathogenPhytophthora cryptogea (Pc) and salicylic acid (Sa) were used as inducer agents. In the field, plants were naturally infected byPhytophthora infestans while the indoor plants were inoculated. The degree of SIR obtained varied with the cultivar used and also with the type of inducer. For example in the field the susceptible cv. St. Cecilia had enhanced resistance with Pc whereas Sa caused increased susceptibility. Inbred resistant cvs acquired increased resistance after treatment with Sa. In a separate pilot experiment in a growth chamber, Sa at two different concentrations was injected into potato seed tubers before planting. The higher Sa concentration increased resistance in genetically resistant cultivars while the lower Sa concentration brought about increased susceptibility.  相似文献   

对马铃薯晚疫病水平抗性11份高代无性系材料进行了比较试验,结果显示,在参试的11份高代材料中,产量高于37500kg·hm-2的品系3个,高于33000kg·hm-2的品系4个,最高达41445kg·hm-2;多数品系晚疫病抗性较当地主栽品种强;淀粉含量高于17%的优良品系4个,最高达20.589%;商品薯率高于85%的优良品系1份。  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we present observations made during three years in a potato field in Sweden that indicated the presence of soil borne inoculum ofPhytophthora infestans. In 1994, a fungicide trial against late blight was left in the field with various degrees of late blight infection. In 1995, cereals was grown in the field. In 1996, certified potato seed tubers were planted and blight appeared early in the season in a pattern corresponding to the heavily infected areas in 1994. No volunteer potato plants were found in 1995 or 1996. Both mating types A1 and A2 were isolated in 1996 and 1997 and oospores were found in leaves, stems as well as in stolons.  相似文献   

赵多长 《中国马铃薯》2010,24(3):190-191
通过多年的试验研究和实践探索,掌握了天水市马铃薯晚疫病、环腐病等重大病害的发生流行及危害情况,总结出了推广运用抗病良种、严格精选种薯、选用无病小种薯整薯播种、改进栽培方式等农业措施和化学防治相结合的一套较为规范的马铃薯重大病害综合防治技术。  相似文献   

Summary In 1983 and 1984 there were reports in Norway of more severe late blight infection than usual on tubers of cv. Pimpernel, a cultivar without R-genes known to be somewhat resistant to both haulm and tuber infection. Results from routine tests confirmed earlier experience that cv. Pimpernel shows stable resistance to tuber late blight, although the ranking of cultivars may vary between years. In experiments during three harvest seasons tubers of different cultivars were inoculated with isolates ofP. infestans obtained from stocks of cv. Pimpernel with severe tuber late blight and with other isolates. In these experiments the isolates from cv. Pimpernel caused more rot on tubers of Pimpernel than did other isolates.  相似文献   

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