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随着科学技术的不断创新,通讯事业飞速发展,千家万户都安上了电话,家畜繁育改良工作也由过去在繁育中心坐家配种转变为主动到农户家中服务,母畜保定就成了当前比较棘手的问题.为了解决母畜保定问题,我们采用了以下几种方法仅供参考.  相似文献   

二十世纪前半期一、意大利蜂的引入1903 ̄1920年,西方蜂种(主要是意蜂)及新养蜂法先传入福建、广东、香港、天津、北京等地,不久也传入黑龙江省。民国初年的养蜂情况《珠河县志》有以下记载:"民国初年,西洋蜂种及养蜂法传来以后,  相似文献   

(一)病因类型 1.消化不良型:母猪产前精料喂的过多,或突然更换饲料,加重胃肠负担,引起消化不良.此病常发于分娩之后,体温正常,食欲不振,粪便先干后稀,有的病猪喜欢喝点成汤,有的吃点鲜块茎和生米等食物,但数量不大,严重者食欲废绝.  相似文献   

随着年关临近,为了确保产区农民收入稳定增长,近日,政府有关部门出台了东北储备粮收购计划。在该重大利好政策拉动之下,我国部分产区玉米价格有望触底反弹,但受市场供应依然充足、需求整体依旧偏弱影响,国内玉米市场行情涨跌两难,具体分析如下:  相似文献   

1 配种准备期的管理 1.1营养供给原则 要维持本身的需要,使其肥胖度适中,外形匀称.另外,补充由于繁殖而消耗的营养物质,供给冬毛生长所需的营养物质.建议日粮标准是:10~11月份,鱼肉类10%~15%,动物副产品5%~10%,谷物70%,蔬菜10%.食盐2.5%,骨粉5%~10%,12月到明年1月份,鱼肉类20%~25%,动物副产品5%~10%,谷物'70%,蔬菜10%,酵母5%~8%,食盐2.5%,骨粉5%~10%,维生素A、B适量.给饲标准:10~11月份每只每日550~700g;12月份到明年1月份每只每日400~500g.  相似文献   

非洲菊:又名扶朗花,菊科,大丁草属,多年生草本植物;原产非洲南部,性喜温暖,阳光充足和空气流通的环境,不耐寒,忌炎热,生长适温20 ̄25℃,喜疏松、肥沃、排水良好且富含有机质的微酸性土壤。园艺品种花色丰富,有白、红、粉、黄等色系。兼有切花和盆花类型。彩色马蹄莲:天南星科多  相似文献   

<正>河南省地处黄河中下游,蚕业生产历史悠久。建国50年以来,尤其是近20g间,经过“七·五”至“八·五”的迅速发展和“九·五”、“十·五”的稳步调整,河南蚕业生产规模基本稳定,生产水平得到提高。目前全省桑园面积1.67万hm~2,年产桑蚕茧6000t,与建国时相比,桑园面积和蚕茧产量分别增长了24倍和42.2倍,与改革开放初期的1978年相比,分别增长了2.25倍和4.18倍;蚕业深加工等综合产值达到10亿元,农民收入达5亿元,出口创汇8600多万美元。“九·五”、“十·五”期间,河南茧丝绸业保持着北方诸省(山东、陕西省除外)生产、出口主要基地和传统优势产业、出口创汇大户的地位。蚕业生产已成为不少平原和山区农民脱贫致富奔小康的支柱产业。 1 “九·五”、“十·五”实际生产情况 1.1 实际生产情况 1.1.1 生产规模保持基本稳定桑蚕生产在经历了1995年“全面下滑”桑园规模大幅度缩减后,“九·五”期间,全省蚕茧的总产和年产量也相应减少,但集中产  相似文献   

孟俊英 《养猪》2008,(2):74-75
在丹麦,人们已经提出一个分组饲养妊娠母猪的新观念,名叫"最佳猪栏",它把群饲设备与单独饲喂和铺有稻草、排水良好的地面结合在一起,见图1.对这种设计的研究显示,给妊娠母猪建成一个既有饲喂/休息的去处,又有一个铺垫良好的躺卧处的猪栏-所占面积总量与配备给群饲母猪的电子饲喂系统的场地所使用的面积相当.  相似文献   

商机无论大小,从经济意义上讲一定是能由此产生利润的机会.商机表现为需求的产生与满足的方式上在时间、地点、成本、数量、对象上的不平衡状态.旧的商机消失后,新的商机又会出现.没有商机,就不会有"交易"活动.商机转化为财富,必定满足五个"合适":合适的产品或服务,合适的客户,合适的价格,合适的时间,合适的渠道.目前我们能认识的商机大致可归结为14种:  相似文献   

夏秋季节龟活动较多,或运输中腹甲损伤,或池子粗糙引起磨损龟甲后而导致龟甲内局部红肿发炎,多数常见于腹甲内部有出血斑块,并向四周浸润扩散,严重时可波及整个龟甲,引起败血症而死亡.池中水质差、消毒少、水底氧气少时易产生大量单孢杆菌是引起此病的元凶.  相似文献   

现阶段的太阳能真空管采用的膜层绝大多数是ALN/AL-N/AL渐变工艺或ALN/AL-SS-N/Cu干涉膜工艺。本文研制出一种具有高耐热性的α-C:H复合膜系,替代ALN/AL-N/AL和ALN/AL-SS-N/Cu两种工艺,生产出在使用寿命、热性能指标等质量和技术方面均大幅优于国家标准和现行真空管的全玻璃真空管产品。  相似文献   

Insensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus to glycopeptides became known at the end of the 1990s. To distinguish intermediate (VISA and GISA) and full resistance (vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, VRSA) is of both epidemiological and clinical importance. The VISA (GISA) phenotype is obviously selected by glycopeptide usage in individual patients and can be disseminated by clonal spread of particularly affected staphylococcal isolates, preferentially methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). In the meantime emergence of VISA became known worldwide. VRSA evolve by acquisition of the vanA gene from enterococci, which are of significance as reservoir of resistance genes among gram-positive bacterial pathogens. Until now three independent single cases of emergence of VRSA became known from the USA, in two of them an association with vanA containing Enterococcus spp. at the same site of the affected patients could be established. The frequency of VISA (GISA) among MRSA in Central Europe is still low (<0.1%); no VRSA have been detected until now.  相似文献   

为提高红霉素发酵单位,考察了二甲基亚砜(DMSO)添加时间和体积分数对红霉素合成的影响,采用筛选自身代谢产物突变株的方法,将突变株进行常压室温等离子体(ARTP)诱变和耐受高浓度DMSO处理。结果显示,在36 h向发酵瓶中添加30000μg/m L红霉素,筛选得到化学效价比对照提高22.4%的菌株。DMSO最适添加时间为发酵48 h,最适添加剂量为0.2%,其可提高发酵单位10.1%。  相似文献   

建立以苜蓿干草日粮为基础的高产优质高效奶牛业   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
奶业是世界上许多国家的重要产业,牛奶产量稳中有升,奶牛存栏稳中有降,奶牛单产水平持续增加,奶牛品种不断优化、饲养条件不断改善、集约化程度不断提高是世界奶业生产的发展方向。 以美国为例,美国奶牛良种化程度高,主要  相似文献   

Thirty-eight sheep flocks, located in three municipalities in the Eastern Yucatan, Mexico, were surveyed for gastrointestinal nematodes resistant to benzimidazole (BZD) anthelmintics (AH). On each flock, 30 sheep were randomly distributed into two groups of 15 animals: albendazole group (5mg/kg BW) and untreated control group. Animals were refrained from any food (either browsing/grazing or supplement) for a period of 16 h prior to treatment. Faecal egg counts (FEC) and larval cultures were performed 10 days after anthelmintic treatment. Percentage reduction and 95% confidence intervals were determined. Anthelmintic resistance (AR) was declared when the percentage reduction in FEC was <95% and the 95% confidence interval was <90%. AR was suspected when only one of the two criteria was met. The survey indicated that AR occurred in 15.8% (n=6) (95% confidence interval=+/-11.6%) and was suspected in 23.7% of the farms (n=9) (95% confidence interval=+/-13.3%). Post-treatment larval cultures indicated that Haemonchus was the only resistant genus. The questionnaire survey showed that most farmers (92%) considered their sheep a secondary activity to cattle production. The majority of farmers (97.4%) treat their animals according to visual appreciation of weight. However, most farmers (79%) treat their flocks at very low frequencies (<3 times per year). Drug rotation was performed every 12 months or more by 84.2% of farmers. Anthelmintics used were: macrociclic lactones (47.4%), BZD (39.5%), levamisol (10.5%) and 1 farmer used closantel.  相似文献   

Multi-agent chemotherapy successfully induces remission in most naïve, high-grade canine lymphoma patients; however, disease recurrence is common. MOPP (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) is an effective rescue protocol used to re-induce remission, but is associated with gastrointestinal toxicity and can be a less desirable option for patients that previously failed vincristine-containing protocols. Therefore, alternative members of the vinca alkaloid family, such as vinblastine, could be potentially advantageous as substitutes for vincristine to reduce gastrointestinal toxicity and chemoresistance. The objective of this study was to report the clinical outcomes and toxicity of 36 dogs with relapsed or refractory multicentric lymphoma treated with a modified MOPP protocol whereby vincristine was replaced with vinblastine (MVPP). The overall response rate to MVPP was 25% with a median progression free survival of 15 days and a median overall survival of 45 days. MVPP at the prescribed doses resulted in modest and transient clinical benefit, but was well tolerated with no treatment delays or hospitalizations secondary to side effects. Given the minimal toxicity, dose intensification could be considered to improve clinical responses.  相似文献   

本试验对2011年由哈尔滨周边地区采集的263份腹泻犊牛的肛拭子进行大肠杆菌的分离鉴定,并通过小鼠致病性试验鉴定出26株致病性大肠杆菌,用Kirby-Bauer法开展对12种药物的药敏试验,PCR检测了我国流行广泛的9种耐药基因,脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)进行基因分型.检测结果,该地区主要流行的致病性血清型为O26、O78和O15,所有致病性菌株都存在多重耐药现象,其中阿莫西林-棒酸、链霉素、四环素、复方新诺明的耐药率达到了100%,共检出7种耐药基因,检出率符合我国平均分布趋势,且检出率基本上与耐药表型相一致.PFGE结果显示,该地区存在致病性菌株的克隆传播.  相似文献   

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