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A tumor of hair follicle origin with histological features characteristic of a benign pilomatrixoma was removed surgically from the tail of a five year old male Old English Sheepdog. The tumor recurred locally two months after surgery, and 14 months later metastatic involvement of the lungs became clinically evident. This aggressive local growth and metastasis indicate that canine pilomatrixoma, although normally considered benign, may have malignant potential which is difficult to predict histologically.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old, spayed female, Labrador dog was presented for evaluation of polyphagia, polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss of 2 months duration, and multiple cutaneous and subcutaneous masses. The dog was diagnosed with malignant pilomatrixoma with renal, lung, and lumbar metastases. This report describes an atypical presentation of malignant pilomatrixoma.  相似文献   

Vaccination schedules and a challenge carried out in laboratory animals are necessary to test the Rabies vaccines for potency.Two main techniques, described by W.H.O., are compared:—The Habel test is a system involving a constant vaccine and a variable virus.—The N.I.H. test is the inverse system with a few major differences during the immunization phase.Although the Habel test is easier to implement, it is quite impossible to make a rigourous statistical interpretation of its results.Although it is more difficult to implement the N.I.H. test as it requires a reference vaccine and a titrated viral suspension, the statistical interpretation is simple.For a same vaccine, the variation amplitude is 1 to 250 for the Habel test and 1 to 7,6 for the N.I.H. test. The N.I.H. test is preferred to the Habel test  相似文献   

民主社会主义认为社会主义具有“自由、平等、互助”等价值,因此,社会主义取代资本主义是人们一种道德追求,是道德力量使然,社会主义的实现,不具有历史必然性和规律性。唯物史观则认为,社会主义是科学性与价值性的统一,前者是后者的前提,规定着后者实现程度和速度,后者是前者的必然要求,并为前者提供精神动因。中国特色社会主义与民主社会主义存在原则区别,那种认为只有民主社会主义才能发展中国的论调是荒谬的。  相似文献   

The economic feasibility of the use of rapid milk progesterone assays (RMPA) for early detection of pregnancy status in cows, to reduce the cost associated with reproductive inefficiency, was evaluated by use of decision analysis techniques. A decision tree was formulated and used to compare the RMPA to the alternative of palpation per rectum alone for the determination of pregnancy status. A computer spreadsheet was used to examine the effect of manipulating the values of inputs affecting the optimal decision (ie, cost of a day a cow is not pregnant, conception rate, cost of the RMPA, test sensitivity and specificity, cost of insemination) over the range of values likely to be encountered. The sensitivity of the optimal decision was greatest to the variables for cost of a day a cow is not pregnant, conception rate, and cost of the RMPA. When the cost of a day a cow is not pregnant is +2.00 and the cost of the RMPA is +6.00, the best decision is to use the RMPA when the herd conception rate is between 20 and 77%. When the herd conception rate is 60%, the best decision is to use the RMPA as long as the cost of a day a cow is not pregnant is greater than +1.44. Indifference curves were calculated, allowing both the cost of a day a cow is not pregnant and conception rate to vary, and used to select the most economical decision. Use of the RMPA for early detection of pregnancy status is likely to be economically advantageous in most dairy operations.  相似文献   

Survivin: a bifunctional inhibitor of apoptosis protein   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Survivin is a recently discovered protein belonging to the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) gene family. IAP molecules are characterized by both the presence of a zinc-binding fold termed the baculoviral IAP repeat and the ability to suppress apoptosis. In addition to inhibiting apoptosis, survivin is essential for proper cell division. Survivin is expressed during embryonal development but is absent in most normal, terminally differentiated tissues. Survivin is also upregulated in a variety of human cancers, and its expression in tumors is associated with a more aggressive phenotype, shorter survival times, and a decreased response to chemotherapy. The exact mechanism behind the ability of survivin to inhibit apoptosis is still unclear. Furthermore, it is not known why this protein is upregulated in cancer. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the current knowledge of survivin, including its role in cell division and its expression in normal and neoplastic tissues. Although much of the current research in this field is focused on human medicine, this area also has potential significance for veterinary species.  相似文献   

Bilateral ovariectomy of mares is performed most commonly to eliminate or diminish unwanted behaviour, create a teaser mare, sterilise a mare so that it can be registered in its breed association, or produce a recipient mare for embryo transfer. A practical technique of bilateral ovariectomy that can be easily performed without the mare sedated and without a surgical facility is ovariectomy through a colpotomy. Ovariectomy through a colpotomy is less expensive than ovariectomy using other approaches because it is performed with the mare standing, can be performed quickly and the only specialised instrument required is a chain écraseur. Complications of ovariectomy performed through a colpotomy are uncommon when the mare is correctly prepared for the procedure and when proper precautions are taken during and after the procedure.  相似文献   

如今动物园给野生动物注射药物时,依靠吹管和气枪来发射,但有时相当的不便。本实用新型涉及了一种用于远程注射器的发射装置,包括发射本体,所述发射本体包括托架、管体、端盖;所述托架上设置有支架,所述管体置于托架上,所述端盖位于支架的后侧,所述端盖的前侧设置有从后至前口径依次缩小的固定部,所述端盖的固定部向前穿过支架,管体的后端与对应口径的固定部连接;所述管体与托架在靠近前端的位置通过连接件连接。旨在为日后的应用做出贡献。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explain what the ‘Selectadog’ programme is, to emphasize some things it is not, to show what it is for and who benefits, to detail the forms that it is in, to give some indication as to how it works and to relate some of the experiences of using ‘Selectadog’ in the United Kingdom and elsewhere since 1975. ‘Selectadog’ is a programme designed to match up the characteristics of the more popular breeds of dog to the circumstances of potential owners, as identified by means of a questionnaire. Its purpose is to give guidance to people thinking about getting a dog and above all to make them think through the points they should be considering about fitting a new dog into their lives. At best and it is quite a good best, it can give the prospective owner a number of leads and a positive starting point. It also provides a good deal of free advice and information to allow the new owner to begin a prolonged period of responsible pet animal ownership, without putting them off unnecessarily.  相似文献   

Unlike Geek Tragedies that have a rigid control over the form,Arden of Faversham which has a simple plot and an incomplete form,is not so well-known to attract numerous critics.And because the playwright is anonymous,it is entitled as a naked tragedy by the insider of the incident.But based simply on the words of the insider,scholars are not convinced that it is a naked tragedy.Therefore,this paper attempts to argue why Arden of Faversham is a naked tragedy and gives enough evidence to support this argument.Regardless of its shortcomings of being simple and anonymous,this tragedy is of great significance in the history of British Drama development to show how British Drama initiates a way different from the traditional Geek ones and gains its own characteristics.  相似文献   

It is essential that proper advanced preparation is in place before initiating a field project situated in a cold environment. Protection of the body from the wind, precipitation, and low temperatures through the use of appropriate clothing is a key to survival. Having appropriate cold-climate clothing is important, but also wearing this clothing in a manner that is most effective at maintaining a normal body temperature will help prevent both hypothermia and hyperthermia. Proper preparation includes working emergency equipment, knowledge of how to use the emergency equipment, and developing a field plan to leave with a contact. Special care must be provided to medications in a freezing environment, and there are methods that ensure that treatments can occur when needed.  相似文献   

文章研究了利用血球制备亚硝基血红素的制备方法及其作为着色剂在肉制品中的应用,实验证明其加工工艺简单,成本低,亚硝酸盐残留量低,着色效果优于亚硝酸钠、红曲红色素,是肉制品着色剂较佳选择。  相似文献   

Haemodilution is a technique used to reduce perioperative homologous blood transfusions. Haemodilution is a poorly investigated technique in veterinary medicine. This article reviews haemodilution as a potential technique to reduce perioperative homologous blood transfusions. The history of haemodilution is briefly reviewed followed by the mathematical basis to haemodilution. The issue of critical oxygen delivery and its implications for haemodilution are discussed. The effects of haemodilution on the patient, including the effects on oxygen transport, blood flow and coagulation are discussed as well as the use of colloids, fluids and blood components in haemodilution. The success and failure of haemodilution in human clinical trials and experimental evidence is discussed. Some guidelines are given for the use of haemodilution in small animal patients in the perioperative setting. It appears in all likelihood that haemodilution has a limited application in cats and other small patients. Haemodilution is most beneficial when the initial haematocrit is high, a low haemodiluted haematocrit is achieved, the patients circulating volume is large and a large amount of blood was lost. It is important to avoid haemoconcentration during surgery as this increases red blood cell loss. Haemodilution is not a substitute for poor surgical technique and inadequate haemostasis intra-operatively. Intravascular volume should be maintained throughout the procedure.  相似文献   

The simplest medication rule is a “no detectable level” rule. This rule is used in much of Europe and North America. The principal problem with this rule is that it is virtually impossible to give any guidance to horsemen as to when they should cease drug administration. Part of the reason for this is that the analyst can change the rule at will, simply by changing his detection method.A much more equitable rule is one that specifies a blood or urinary tolerance for a drug. When a tolerance is specified, changing the test method is of no significance, and guidelines can be given to horsemen to help them comply with the rule. The National Association of State Racing Chemists' tolerance for phenylbutazone is a classic example of such a rule.Both of these rules have the advantage that the event which defines the violation is objective and independently verfiable. In each case, the drug can be detected or quantitated by an independent analyst. Independent confirmation removes all doubt as to the scientific basis of the regulatory action.Time rules specify times prior to post during which drugs cannot be administered. While such rules read well and are easy to write, they are troublesome to enforce. This is because enforcement of a time rule depends not on a measured blood or urinary drug level, but rather on an analyst's opinion as to when the drug was administered. This opinion will always have a probability of error, which may be greater, for example, than the number of horses that the analyst tests per year. Under these circumstances, the horsemen's testimony may be correct, and the analyst's opinion incorrect, in a significant proportion of cases. No objective, independent check of the analyst's opinion is possible, and neither are contrary opinions independently verifiable. Such a regulatory process is unsatisfactory and may undermine the credibility of the analyst.Because of the technical difficulty and expense of medication control, the strategy of no control for some medications is an option which requires careful evaluation.  相似文献   

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a clinicopathologic syndrome resulting from a multitude of underlying causes that manifests itself clinically as hemostatic/fibrinolytic failure. There is much debate on the definition, diagnosis, and treatment of DIC, a situation that is most likely the result of the multifaceted clinical presentation of the syndrome and the fact that patient outcome is often influenced by the underlying disease process. The fact that DIC increases morbidity and mortality in critical care patients is well established, but the exact mechanism of what specifically occurs on a microvascular level is still often argued.  相似文献   

大麦虫是一种供动物食用的高蛋白虫体。本文就大麦虫突然大量死亡,通过对其体液的培养成功分离到病原菌,革兰氏染色呈红色、瑞氏和姬姆萨染色呈蓝色等着色特点,伊红美蓝琼脂培养呈红色及麦康凯琼脂培养不变色的生物学特性以及产酸、产气、糖发酵等49项生化试验,最终将分离到的细菌鉴定为绿脓杆菌。通过药敏试验,34种药物检测出其对磷霉素高敏、对庆大霉素等药物中敏,而对青霉素、红霉素等一些常见药物不敏感,旨在为临床药品的合理选用,消除动物性食品污染。  相似文献   

“婚内强奸”算不算犯罪,理论界已经存在众多争议。主要有三种观点:全盘否定说,全盘肯定说以及折中说。然而在现实生活中,它依然侵害着女性的合法权益,危及家庭的稳定和睦。笔者认为婚内强奸构成犯罪。为了切实的保护妇女的合法权益,严惩这种恶劣的行为,我国立法对其做出明文规定为强奸罪将成为一种必然。  相似文献   

The ostrich is an important animal in many livestock industries. A significant threat to this industry is losses from diseases. Newcastle disease is a notifiable, highly contagious viral infection of ostriches. Avian influenza may be transmitted from waterfowl, shorebirds and gulls to ostriches. Borna disease virus is a viral neurotropic infection spread mainly by rodents and felines. Crimean‐Congo hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease transmitted by Hyalomma ticks to humans. Avipoxvirus afflicts ostrich chicks and is transmitted by mosquitoes or by direct contact with a pox lesion. Maintenance of a healthy and profitable enterprise requires the implementation, with assistance from the local veterinary authority, of comprehensive, practical and effective methods of health management and preventative medicine.  相似文献   

Advances in immunoparasitology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A selective review of the advances in immunoparasitology is presented. It is selective simply because it is not feasible to embrace the whole field of parasitology within the compass of a single review paper, for if it were attempted, it would suffer undue abbreviation. Emphasis is placed on the advances in helminthology and especially the gastro-intestinal parasites of ruminants, an obvious selection because of the interests of the author. Reviews are always somewhat retrospective in outlook; to write a review at the present time is especially foolhardy since developments in biology are such that totally new concepts can arise almost overnight, as it were. This is a particularly healthy state, and the discipline of parasitology is caught up in the application and interpretation of molecular biological considerations. "Parasitism" is a field of increasing importance and challenge.  相似文献   

It is proposed that just as the stethoscope and thermometer are fundamental tools for individual medicine, production and health recording systems are fundamental tools for effective population medicine. Treatment and control of clinical diseases as the primary objective is no longer considered appropriate for livestock population. Disease in populations now describes a deviation between what is happening and what is expected to happen. This redefinition of disease implies that it is of multifactorial origin and thus a different problem solving approach must be implemented. Therefore, a swine enterprise must be considered as a system, a set of interdependent components continuously interacting to produce pork. As a system, it is characterized by certain properties: change, environment, counterintuitive behavior, drift to low performance, interdependency, and organization. A redefinition of diseases implies also that they are not only “treated” but managed. Management consists of planning, monitoring, evaluation, and analysis. For this process to be implemented successfully, a goal-directed recording system providing a farm-based infrastructure for problem solving is essential. Clinical problem solving (diagnosis) is thus based on epidemiological and demographic methods.  相似文献   

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