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该文基于种养平衡的生态模式,根据上海地区单位饲养规模畜禽场粪便产生量及其氮磷含量和各类农作物氮磷需求量,研究分析了基于氮磷养分管理的单位养殖规模畜禽场产生的粪便还田利用需匹配的三大类农作物种植面积。结果表明:在畜禽粪便作为农作物氮磷养分的来源和满足农作物氮养分需求的前提下,根据农作物对氮磷养分需求的木桶效应,各类畜禽粪便提供的磷养分总体上超过各类农作物对磷养分的需求量,具有流失污染环境的隐患。因此,提出了畜禽场粪便还田利用农田面积匹配应基于农作物磷养分需求,不足的氮养分可通过化肥氮给予补充,从而达到种养结合、环境友好的畜禽生态养殖。  相似文献   

基于氮磷养分管理的畜禽场粪便匹配农田面积   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
该文基于种养平衡的生态模式,根据上海地区单位饲养规模畜禽场粪便产生量及其氮磷含量和各类农作物氮磷需求量,研究分析了基于氮磷养分管理的单位养殖规模畜禽场产生的粪便还田利用需匹配的三大类农作物种植面积。结果表明:在畜禽粪便作为农作物氮磷养分的来源和满足农作物氮养分需求的前提下,根据农作物对氮磷养分需求的木桶效应,各类畜禽粪便提供的磷养分总体上超过各类农作物对磷养分的需求量,具有流失污染环境的隐患。因此,提出了畜禽场粪便还田利用农田面积匹配应基于农作物磷养分需求,不足的氮养分可通过化肥氮给予补充,从而达到种养结合、环境友好的畜禽生态养殖。  相似文献   

  目的  本文通过对辽宁省畜禽养殖产污系数测算及污染负荷空间分布特征的探讨,为降低畜禽养殖造成的环境污染风险和辽宁省农业的可持续发展提供理论依据。  方法  根据2019年辽宁省畜禽粪便及其主要养分参数的周年监测结果,估算各市区畜禽粪便及其主要污染物的产生系数以及单位耕地面积猪当量负荷量,氮(N)、磷(P)负荷量,并对环境承载力现状进行风险评价。  结果  辽宁省畜禽粪便总产量4.65千万t;产污系数最高的是COD,全氮次之。  结论  辽宁省多数市区畜禽粪便单位耕地面积磷耕地负荷低限额,对环境有尚未构成威胁,且负荷预警值在省内存在空间分布不均的特征。  相似文献   

基于氮素循环的耕地畜禽承载能力评估模型建立与应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了避免畜禽粪便大量流失对环境构成威胁,指导农区畜禽养殖规模合理配置与布局,建立农牧结合、种养平衡、生态循环、环境友好型现代动物农业可持续发展产业模式,提供直观、实用、易行的科学方法,该研究基于农牧生产系统中"耕地-作物-畜禽"氮的流动循环规律及养分收支平衡原则,运用畜牧生产学及线性规划的理论与方法,引入猪饲料蛋白当量及粪便氮排泄当量等参数,设计建立农区耕地畜禽承载能力评估数学模型(N-LSCM)。并以四川农区为案例分析评估表明,2006年该农区畜禽养殖规模较为合理,对环境不构成威胁,且仍有新增22419574头猪(杜洛克×长白×大约克夏三元杂交,出栏体质量100kg的商品肉猪的头数)的发展潜力。  相似文献   

密云水库流域畜禽养殖粪便的污染影响及污染控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对密云水库流域畜禽养殖现状分析的基础上,通过对规模化养殖场周边地下水及地表水环境的监测,分析规模化养殖场粪便的污染影响。根据我国畜禽养殖污染控制的总体思路,提出密云县立足于规模化养殖场资源化综合利用、农牧结合、种养平衡一体化的畜禽养殖业发展与环境保护"双赢"的农业循环经济发展模式。  相似文献   

天津市畜禽粪便养分耕地负荷情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究天津市各地区畜禽粪便养分耕地负荷情况,为养殖业发展规划提供依据。本文利用畜禽养殖数量和粪便排泄数据,在畜禽粪便全部施入耕地的假设条件下,对天津市各地区的负荷情况进行了分析。结果表明,天津市各地区耕地均氮、均磷和养分总量负荷差异很大。蓟县、宁河县、津南区、北辰区、汉沽区和西青区的耕地养分负荷较大,因此这些地区应该缩减畜禽养殖业的规模或者控制畜禽粪便的还田量;东丽区、塘沽区和武清区已接近全市平均水平,也应适当控制畜禽养殖规模;大港区、静海县和宝坻区的耕地养分负荷小于全市平均水平,因此这些地区还有扩大畜禽养殖规模的潜力。  相似文献   

京郊畜禽粪污氮磷含量特征及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
中国规模化养殖废弃物中养分资源数量可观,但缺乏循环利用技术,处置不当易引发环境污染问题。该文通过问卷调研和粪污样品检测,对京郊典型养殖场粪便和废水中的总氮、总磷含量特点进行分析,同时追踪典型规模化猪场废水中总氮、总磷含量变化的影响因素及其季节性变化特征。结果表明:所调研的养殖场中,猪粪、牛粪的总氮质量分数平均值分别为29.1,17.8 g/kg,总磷质量分数平均值分别为15.1,6.8 g/kg,猪粪便的总氮、总磷含量变异程度大于牛粪;猪场和牛场中废水总氮、总磷质量分数的平均值分别为892,540和82.4,53.3 mg/L,猪场废水总氮、总磷含量变异程度明显大于牛场。规模化猪场粪便总氮、总磷含量受到饲料配方的影响较大;受饲料和圈舍用水量的影响,现行饲养工艺及粪污处理方式下粪便对废水中总氮、总磷含量的影响较小;万头以上的规模化猪场废水中总氮、总磷含量存在季节性差异,且随着废水存储时间的推移其无机磷比例增加。这些变化特征可对畜禽粪便和养殖废水的资源化再利用提供了有用的参考。  相似文献   

为减少农田氮磷流失,改善洱海水质、遏制富营养化发展,以洱海流域北部8个乡(镇)为研究区域,采用现场调查与分析测试相结合的方法研究了洱海流域北部10种典型轮作模式的施肥量、作物养分吸收量、农田养分盈余量以及土壤养分残留状况,对不同轮作模式农田养分平衡及残留特性进行了分析评价。结果表明,水稻-大蒜轮作模式下有机肥和氮肥的投入量显著高于其他模式,水稻-蔬菜作物轮作模式的磷肥投入量显著高于其他模式;不同轮作模式间土壤养分残留差异性以硝态氮最为突出:水稻-大蒜轮作条件下土壤硝态氮残留量达43.4mg.kg-1,明显高于其他轮作模式;10种轮作模式均处于养分盈余状态,以水稻-大蒜轮作模式养分盈余量最大,为1258.8kgN.hm-2和1472.7kgP2O5.hm-2;养分盈余量差异主要凸现在小春季作物上;土壤中易流失的硝态氮、铵态氮和速效磷与氮磷肥的投入量和养分盈余均呈显著相关。表明水稻-大蒜和水稻-蔬菜轮作是洱海流域农田环境污染风险较高的种植模式,需要重点防控。  相似文献   

为了解山西省畜禽粪便产生量及其环境效应,根据《山西统计年鉴2017》中畜禽养殖数据,估算了2016年山西省畜禽粪污产生量。结果表明,2016年山西省畜禽粪便总排放量约为3 410.97万t,按年粪便产生量排序,依次为牛羊猪鸡兔。畜禽粪污的总氮、总磷、总化学需氧量、总生化需氧量、总氨氮产生量分别为23.54、7.56、75.97、70.85万t和7.72万t。畜禽粪便发酵可产沼气总量约为21.33亿m~3,畜禽粪便产沼气潜力相当于山西省天然气年消费量的25.42%。2016年山西省平均单位耕地面积畜禽粪尿氮、磷养分负荷分别为63.28、20.32 kg·hm~(-2),均未超过欧盟粪肥年施氮和年施磷限量标准,畜禽粪便耕地负荷预警值为0.38,为Ⅰ级。然而从区域分布的角度来看,太原,晋城和晋中三市的单位耕地面积畜禽粪尿磷负荷超过了欧盟粪肥年施磷限量标准,除了临汾和运城,山西省其他地市的畜禽粪便农田负荷量对环境有不同程度的威胁。因此,迫切需要对部分重点区域进行畜禽养殖粪便综合管理。  相似文献   

基于NUFER模型的生猪养殖氮磷利用效率及排放时空变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
城市郊区集约化畜禽生产系统的快速发展在满足日益增长的畜产品需求的同时也带来了严重的环境问题。该研究利用北京生猪养殖场调研数据和养分流动模型NUFER分析了1980年到2013年北京城郊生猪生产体系氮、磷养分利用效率和环境损失时空变化,并利用情景分析提出了5种饲料和粪尿优化管理措施。从1980年到2013年,育肥猪个体尺度(仅包括育肥猪)氮利用效率从17.8%增加到19.0%,磷利用效率从32.0%增加到35.8%;群体尺度(包括育肥猪、母猪等)氮利用效率从16.0%增加到16.7%,磷利用效率从29.5%降低到23.4%;系统尺度(土壤-饲料-生猪)氮利用效率从18.5%降低到11.4%,磷利用效率从41.6%降低到17.1%。2013年,总氮损失和总磷损失分别为4.22和0.65万t,较1980年分别增加了56.9%和97.0%。产生这一变化的原因是生猪养殖模式从家庭和传统养殖模式向集约化模式转变,家庭副产品作为饲料利用的比例迅速降低,养分循环链条中断,从而导致系统养分利用效率不断降低。但就育肥猪个体尺度和群体尺度而言,集约化生产模式优化了饲料精准喂养和粪尿管理。与此同时,2000年后国家提出了大量有关畜禽养殖的政策、法规、标准和规范,使得1980年至2013年间养分利用效率出现先减后增和环境损失出现先增后减的趋势。空间分布变化结果显示,北京城区和近郊区域由生猪养殖导致的环境损失迅速减少,而远郊区域的环境损失快速增加,这主要归因于城市发展规划。  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in agricultural subsidies in Europe and the ready availability of fertilizers have allowed a spatial decoupling of livestock and crop production. This has increased the flow of nutrients that occurs between farms compared to within individual farms. In terms of nutrient cycling, mixed farms provide the opportunity to re-integrate aspects of agricultural production. The degree of integration between crop and livestock production is defined by the reliance on the use of home-produced feed compared to imported feed, and is independent of intensity. Management of inputs and/or internal flows offers the scope to improve nutrient use efficiency (NUE) on mixed farms. Greatest uncertainties in calculating NUE are associated with variation in yield and composition of home-produced feed, and consequent manure composition. Three key areas are addressed to highlight the interchange of nutrients (and risks for losses) between crop and livestock production; (i) the role of livestock diet in manipulating the amount and availability of manure nutrients; (ii) the impact of manure management on nutrient losses; and (iii) nutrient management through the integration of crops and livestock in rotations. While not all the associated issues are unique to mixed farming, these three areas all influence NUE.  相似文献   

Abstract. The intensity of animal production around the world has increased substantially during the last half-century, which has led to large problems with the disposal of manures and waste waters. The focus of this paper is on the development of national policies to improve the nutrient management of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), where nutrients are invariably in surplus. To create proper nutrient management strategies for CAFOs, and to avoid environmental problems when surplus nutrients enter air, soil and water, we need to know the number of animals/birds in the unit, the quantity of manure/slurry produced, how this material is stored and handled and how much land is available for manure spreading. In this paper, we discuss the development of nutrient management strategies for CAFOs in Europe and North America, and the voluntary measures and environmental regulations related to this. For the planning of nutrient management to be comprehensive and efficient, we need expertise from several disciplines. This planning includes development of: animal diets that reduce the amounts of excreted nutrients; efficient storage and land application technologies; land application programmes to optimize yields and reduce nutrient losses; and strategies for use of excess manure outside the farm. Also, large-scale efforts involving many stakeholders (farmers, governments and private industry) are needed to solve problems with nutrient imbalances over the long term. Efforts along these lines include manure relocation, alternative uses of manures, nutrient trading, and a general extensification of animal agriculture. The overall guiding principle for policies and planning should be a balance of nutrients, on farms as well as at larger scales.  相似文献   

Abstract. Low input grazing-based meat production is often practised on land where alternative land use is restricted and where high biodiversity warrants specific environmental payments. Although these systems are characterized by low external nutrient inputs, significant nutrient losses may occur per unit of produce, even though losses per unit area are low. If the aim is to have animal production without further eutrophication of watercourses, these losses should be minimized,. However, if nutrient-poor grasslands characterized by high biodiversity are the aim, some losses must be accepted to balance nutrient inputs by atmospheric deposition. The impact of grazing animals on nutrient dynamics in grasslands is reviewed in this paper, and options to further improve nutrient management are discussed. It is concluded that nutrient management should largely be addressed indirectly through management of animal behaviour in relation to grazing and supplemental feeding, as well as through optimization of the seasonal distribution of livestock size. A case study indicated that N losses from a cattle farm could be reduced considerably by these means, while animal production could actually be improved. Sustainability issues and trends in legislative and social pressures on low input grazing-based systems of animal production are discussed in relation to nutrient management and practical recommendations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Low input grazing-based meat production is often practised on land where alternative land use is restricted and where high biodiversity warrants specific environmental payments. Although these systems are characterized by low external nutrient inputs, significant nutrient losses may occur per unit of produce, even though losses per unit area are low. If the aim is to have animal production without further eutrophication of watercourses, these losses should be minimized,. However, if nutrient-poor grasslands characterized by high biodiversity are the aim, some losses must be accepted to balance nutrient inputs by atmospheric deposition. The impact of grazing animals on nutrient dynamics in grasslands is reviewed in this paper, and options to further improve nutrient management are discussed. It is concluded that nutrient management should largely be addressed indirectly through management of animal behaviour in relation to grazing and supplemental feeding, as well as through optimization of the seasonal distribution of livestock size. A case study indicated that N losses from a cattle farm could be reduced considerably by these means, while animal production could actually be improved. Sustainability issues and trends in legislative and social pressures on low input grazing-based systems of animal production are discussed in relation to nutrient management and practical recommendations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sustainable management of nutrients in agricultural systems is critical for sufficient production of nutritious foods and to minimize environmental pollution. In this overview, we discuss some of the most important factors influencing nutrient cycling, and how practices for sustainable nutrient management can be optimized. In most cases, problems are associated with excessive use of nutrients (manures, other organic amendments, and inorganic fertilizers). Options for dealing with such problems at the farm level include: reducing nutrient inputs to balance exports, increasing the land area on which manures are applied, and export of excess nutrients from the farm in the form of value-added products. These strategies can be used singly, or in combination. Nutrients in the human food chain are often not recycled back to primary crop production. To manage such issues, and avoid regional nutrient accumulations, we need to develop a better understanding of large-scale nutrient flows, and develop policies to manage them. We stress the importance of scale when considering nutrient management in the future.  相似文献   

中国食物链养分流动与管理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为寻求食物生产与消费系统中粮食安全、资源高效和环境友好的协调和农业绿色发展途径,研究团队构建了"土壤-作物-畜牧-家庭-环境"(简称食物链系统)研究体系,运用物质流动和养分代谢理论方法创立了养分流动模型,深入研究了该系统养分流动规律及调控机理,经过近十多年系统研究,获得结果如下:(1)提出食物链养分流动金字塔概念模型,创建了食物链系统养分流动模型。通过分析养分在"土壤-作物-畜牧-家庭-环境"系统的行为特征,发现养分从"土壤-作物-畜牧"向"家庭"的流动呈金字塔状,其形状决定了系统生产力、养分效率和环境效应。处于金字塔顶端的"家庭"消费驱动了系统养分流动,决定了养分效率;"土壤-作物-畜牧"位于金字塔底层,支撑顶层"家庭"消费,决定了系统养分通量,也是养分调控的核心。在此基础上,开发了食物系统养分流动模型——UFER,构建了参数体系,实现了国家和区域尺度食物链氮磷流量、利用效率和环境排放的定量分析。(2)揭示了食物链系统氮磷养分流量、利用效率及其资源环境代价的时空变化特征。阐明了我国土壤-作物系统、农牧系统和整个食物链系统氮磷养分流量、养分效率和环境排放的时空分异特征;明确了土壤作物、畜牧和家庭各子系统对整个食物链养分环境排放的贡献;提出了食物氮(磷)代价概念,发现我国食物生产和消费的资源环境代价增速很快,已远远超过发达国家。(3)明确了食物链系统养分流动的驱动因素,阐明了提高养分效率和降低环境排放的调控机理。明确了决定食物链系统养分效率的关键环节,发现城镇化、食物结构变化和畜牧业发展是食物链养分流动加速的主要驱动因子;阐明了增加粮食和饲料进口、优化膳食结构和改善农牧业养分管理技术等对食物链系统优化的效应及作用机制。发现农牧结合和粪尿资源化利用是大幅度减少化肥需求和环境排放的关键途径,是实现农业绿色发展和食物链养分优化管理的重要突破口。  相似文献   

Sustainable land management of smallholder farms is crucial for ensuring food security in sub-Saharan Africa. However, little is known about the nutrient dynamics of smallholder farming systems at the farm level based on primary data. In this study, carbon (C) and nutrient budgets of the home garden system in the Kilimanjaro highlands, where Andosols predominate, were quantified at the farmer's field. We evaluated (1) the soil C and nutrient flow in the main three land-use blocks (banana (Musa spp.) garden, maize (Zea mays L.) field and grassland) in one representative home garden and (2) the internal flow between farmland and livestock and the external nutrient flow across the inside and outside of the six home gardens. Intensive applications of livestock dung to the banana trees resulted in a positive C budget (7.2 Mg C ha−1 year−1) in the banana garden. Nitrogen loss through the harvesting of feed and crops was almost balanced with the livestock dung application, while nitrogen loss through leaching only accounted for 3% of that applied. Banana productivity has been maintained despite a negative potassium budget (−241 kg K ha−1 year−1), probably owing to the replenished exchangeable potassium from Andosols. In the maize field, the C budget was negative (−1.7 Mg C ha−1 year−1) owing to high organic matter decomposition. Carbon and nutrient budgets in the grassland were all negative. Our results revealed that the village average livestock density (4.4 TLU ha−1: TLU means tropical livestock unit) was sufficient for P, Ca and Mg balance in the home garden, whereas it was not sufficient for N and K balance. Increasing livestock density improved the nutrient balance of the system. However, it is noteworthy that 33%–47% of the feed supplied as C and nutrients was collected from outside the home gardens, suggesting a high reliance on external inflow to fulfil feed demands. In conclusion, intensive livestock dung application to banana cultivation was fundamental for maintaining agricultural productivity to replenish the nutrients lost from the system. At the same time, this system was sustained not only by C and nutrient cycling within the system, but also by transporting resources from the external environment into the system.  相似文献   

京郊畜禽粪肥资源现状及其替代化肥潜力分析   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
随着都市型规模化养殖业快速发展,畜禽粪尿废物大量排放因缺乏足够面积土地消纳所带来的环境压力很大,而粪尿中的氮磷钾养分与化肥一样对作物同等重要,如何合理利用这些废物资源决定了都市化农业的可持续发展。该文针对京郊养殖业和农用地面积现状,结合调研、收集畜禽养分排泄系数和农田养分需求等参数,估算京郊固液粪便养分资源现状及其替代化肥的潜力。结果表明:京郊畜禽固液粪便中N、P、K养分量分别为58.7×103、21.3×103、29.8×103 t,其中固体粪便N、P、K养分分别为43.1×103、20.3×103和19.7×103 t,京郊畜禽固液粪便可分别满足农田N、P、K养分需求量的99.3%、185.2%、62.7%。大部分区县粪肥中P养分产生量超过作物P需求量,粮田秸秆还田可带入的N、P、K养分分别为11.0×103、1.6×103和15.0×103 t,情景分析表明在秸秆还田条件下,按照磷素平衡原则估算本地区所能消纳的粪肥所带入N、P和K养分数量分别为18.3×103、9.9×103和10.3×103 t,同时需要补充N、K化肥分别为29.8×103和22.2×103 t,其余粪肥则需经过堆肥化处理并输往外地。经过堆肥处理,固体粪肥可提供的N、P、K养分分别下降了23%、11%和12%,外输固体粪肥堆肥可进一步减少农田氮磷负荷以及可能的环境风险。  相似文献   

丹麦畜禽粪肥利用对中国种养结合循环农业发展的启示   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
丹麦在畜禽养殖粪肥利用方面处于世界领先地位。丹麦完善的粪肥利用体系可做到种养平衡和按需施肥,在保证畜牧业健康发展的同时,也促进了种植业的发展。该文综述了丹麦粪肥利用与管理现状,重点分析了丹麦种养平衡生产模式和粪肥施用过程中氨减排技术,从科学理念、法规体系、先进技术和成熟模式等方面总结了丹麦畜禽养殖粪肥利用的成功经验,包括全过程污染控制的科学理念,详细量化、严格执行的管理政策法规,先进的粪肥利用关键技术装备,以及完善的粪肥利用模式,以期提高中国畜禽养殖粪肥利用水平,为推进中国种养循环农业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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