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Ugandan smallholder farmers need to feed a growing population, but their efforts are hampered by declining soil fertility rates. Agricultural extension can facilitate farmers’ access to new practices and technologies, yet farmers are understandably often hesitant to adopt new behaviors. New knowledge assimilation is an important component of behavior change that is often overlooked or poorly addressed by current extension efforts. We implemented a Fertility Management Education Program (FMEP) in central Uganda to investigate smallholder farmers’ existing soil knowledge and their assimilation of new scientific concepts into their knowledge framework. Qualitative data were collected through participant observation, farmer interviews, and focus groups, and coded for using a priori and emergent themes. Our exploration revealed some notable similarities between farmers’ soil knowledge and scientific concepts, particularly in regards to soil health concepts, a discovery that could facilitate communication between extension agents and farmers. However, certain scientific concepts are either unknown to farmers or discordant with existing soil knowledge; these concepts are unlikely to be assimilated by farmers without convincing and concerted extension efforts. Importantly, we found that the combination of new scientific knowledge and hands-on experimentation with novel practices gave farmers far greater confidence in implementing improved soil management practices. Our study provides evidence that extension programs should engage directly with farmers’ existing soil knowledge to develop their understanding of key biological concepts and confidence in implementing improved practices.  相似文献   

在我国,农业科研单位大多属于事业单位,主要从事农业相关领域的知识创新、技术创新、技术产品研发及成果转化和示范推广工作。农业科研单位为农业科技进步做出了突出贡献,但由于受体制和机制等因素影响,其发展也面临一系列问题和困难。文章以江西省为例,通过了解江西省农业科研单位发展的现状,剖析存在的问题,并查找存在问题的原因,进而对加快江西省农业科研单位发展提出了思路与建议,以期为相关决策部门提供参考依据。  相似文献   

科技创新是知识经济发展的动力源,推进新的农业科技革命,把握农业科技革命的内容,确定天津农业科技发展的方向与重点,对发展农业知识经济,实现农业现代化具有重要作用。本文提出了迎接知识经济时代到来,推进天津新的农业科技革命应采取的对策建议。  相似文献   

互联网的迅速发展使得期刊出版界各个环节发生了巨变.早期,科技期刊互联网版权大多属于免费获取模式.但是随着近几年科技期刊版权管理的逐渐完善以及知识付费时代的到来,期刊版权免费模式逐渐被取代.由于我国相关版权管理条例亟待完善,导致科技期刊版权管理仍存在一些问题.文章以知识付费时代为背景,对我国科技期刊版权管理情况进行分析,...  相似文献   

大学是科技成果的发源地,提升大学学术生产力是促进科技发展的重要途径。大学图书馆为促进大学学术生产力的提升,可在大学教学工作中的知识转移、科研工作中的知识创造和科研成果的知识转化三个环节提供信息服务。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]支撑数据密集型科学发现下科技创新生态的知识服务新业态正悄然形成。文本挖掘作为知识服务技术的核心,在知识服务新业态环境下面临挑战。本文旨在探讨在新环境下知识服务中应用文本挖掘技术的发展策略。[方法/过程]梳理文本挖掘技术框架,论证文本挖掘技术逐步成熟。结合农业领域分析文本挖掘在农业信息检索、智能问答、信息监测和知识抽取等方面应用,展示其在领域科技创新和产业应用中取得的良好应用效果。[结果/结论]结合中国国情提出以文本挖掘为主的知识服务技术发展策略:(1)基于文本挖掘技术构建专门知识服务系统;(2)重视语料库和基础知识库建设;(3)在重点领域优先开展和部署文本挖掘技术的应用。  相似文献   

Bad scientific writing involves more than stylistic inelegance: it is often the outward and visible form of an inward confusion of thought. The scientific literature at its present standard distorts rather than forms the graduate student's view of scientific knowledge and thought, and corrupts his ability to write, to read, and to think. Strong educational measures are needed to effect reform. I advocate a course on scientific writing as an essential feature in every scientist's training. Such a course delves deep into the philosophy and method of science if it deals with logic, precision, and clarity; on how these qualities can be achieved in writing; and on how such achievement strengthens the corresponding faculties in thinking.  相似文献   

The DOD carefully evaluates its technical needs and executes programs of sponsored research and development to fulfill them. Thus, while individual projects proceed in accordance with established scientific principles of objectivity, the overall system of DOD funding allows the military to influence the development of science technology. Many have argued that this system of contracts and grants has well served science and the universities. One cannot deny that the influx of money led to rapid progress in selected scientific fields and increased scientific institutions' affluence. With this fact we have no quarrel. However, these same people often continue to argue that the systems of federal funding for science, specifically DOD funding of science, follows merely on the work's scientific merit, not on how it fits any larger scheme. They continue, that, since DOD supports good science for its own sake, the combination of military money and universities strongly encouraging faculty to seek that money encourages healthy competition for faster scientific progress. The DOD's approval process is seen to follow from the scientist up, with the military deciding which proposals for research have the most intrinsic (scientific) merit, then after the fact, thinking up a military justification for congressional budget requests. It is this latter belief with which we take issue. The DOD considers the scientific worth of the proposals for research it receives, but only after it has determined that the proposal fulfills a specific military need. This fact and its implications for the university as an institution charged with protecting the process by which man discovers new knowledge have been ignored in the debates over DOD sponsored research and development in universities. In addition, the Nixon Administration's efforts to tighten management controls over civilian research, especially in the biomedical and energy areas, promises to further undermine the university's role as an institution charged with fostering a search for truth free from bias in both methodology and subject selection.  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,管理科学在我国取得了蓬勃的发展,逐渐形成了庞杂的学科知识体系,与此同时,管理学也涌现了一大批管理科学专家,并在各自的领域中作出了卓越的贡献。利用中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)2000~2009年的20种管理科学重要期刊文献为数据,从文献计量的角度对我国管理科学十年来的发展进行分析,通过可视化分析工具CiteSpace展示了企业与事业单位管理、管理基础与方法、宏观管理与政策研究三个主要的学科领域的代表人物和研究热点。  相似文献   

随着农业科技创新持续发展,科技成果转化的重要性日益凸显。通过农业科学技术的基础研究和应用研究取得的系列科技成果往往以技术合同形式进行科技成果转化与产业化,这个过程中最重要的法律风险就是合同法律风险。文章总结阐述了农业科研单位技术合同的特点,剖析了合同法律风险点,有针对性地从关注法律法规发展、完备合同条款、严格履行执行时限等方面提出相应的建议,以期保障农业科研单位合同管理工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

我国科普旅游的发展现状及发展对策   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
科普旅游是将科技建设、科学实验、科普知识讲座与旅游者的广泛参与融为一体的一种新型旅游形式。为了推动这种旅游形式的发展,在叙述科普旅游出现的背景、概念、特征和意义的基础上,指出了科普旅游发展中所存在的问题,并提出了我国科普旅游的发展潜力与对策。  相似文献   

The absence of a national soilclassification system for Nigeria hinderssuccessful agrotechnology transfer inparticular, and agricultural development ingeneral. A discussion of the role of indigenousknowledge in agricultural development showsthat indigenous knowledge of the soil can beintegrated with modern soil science to developa soil classification system for the country.Much as local knowledge is invaluable foradvancing scientific knowledge and vice versa,caution is given against overestimating therole of indigenous knowledge in developmentalactivities. It is important to encourage theproper integration of all knowledge systems increating new paradigms for sustainabledevelopment in Nigeria.  相似文献   

生物化学实验教学可以有效提高学生的动手能力和实验技能,进一步深化对书本理论知识的理解。而传统的基础实验往往都是孤立的,实验之间的关联性不大,缺乏系统性,实验效果不够理想。综合性和设计性实验可以激发学生的学习热情,促使学生参与资料收集、实验方案设计,培养其创新意识和创新能力、掌握科学研究方法等,为日后独立开展科研工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]开放科学正成为创新的动力系统。本文旨在分析开放科学和开放创新的内涵一致性,研究开放科学对于创新生态的动力作用机制,为开放科学创新生态研究,以及开展面向科技创新的开放科学治理提供参考。[方法/过程]建立开放科学“资源-过程-主体-行为”内涵分析框架,并以此为理论框架分析开放科学的开放创新内涵,从创新过程的角度分析开放科学对于创新生态的作用机制。[结果/结论]开放科学创新生态已形成,开放科学和开放创新的内涵具有一致性。开放科学在创新的不同阶段都发挥作用,显性知识和隐性知识在不同创新阶段开放流动,加速开放科学创新、开放式创新、公众创新和负责任创新。  相似文献   

从知识经济时代,高等院校应承担的社会历史责任及办学方向的政策分析入手,通过高校产业发展的个案剖析,对农业院校科技产业提出了培植核心科技企业,培育农业科技要素市场,建好生物种苗工程项目,培养科技产业化人才的发展构想,以及实现构想的具体措施;建设农业科技园,产学研结合,合作发展,做好项目贮备和重点成果转化的确认,建立良性企业运行机制等。  相似文献   

采用定性定量比较和系统分析的方法,研究了科技期刊在促进科技创新、推动社会经济发展的重要作用:揭示了福建省科技期刊发展的现状及存在问题,分析了当前“海峡西岸经济区”战略框架下福建省科技期刊发展面临的机遇与挑战,提出了未来发展的对策措施及政策建议,对进一步提升福建省科技期刊整体办刊水平和综合竞争力,更好发挥其信息载体、知识平台和学术窗口的作用.为制定福建省科技期刊发展政策、推动“海西”科技创新和经济建设提供决策依据。  相似文献   

马丽茹 《安徽农业科学》2013,(25):10376-10376,10394
天津中医药大学新校区景观设计选取具有代表性的药用植物作为景现绿化材料,以中医药传统文化景观为主线,把科学知识、自然景观和人文景观有机地结合起来,既满足药用植物的教学实习、科学研究、保护、展示的功能,又起到传承中医药文化的作用,努力将新校区打造成集教学、科研、开发、科普、旅游、休闲、养生保健为一体的可持续发展的园林景观.  相似文献   

“昆虫生态学”课程教学改革与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对农林"昆虫生态学"课程教学中存在的学生基础的差异、教学大纲和教学内容及实践实验中的不足,以生态学思想为指导,提出了以学生成才为根本目的的教学改革;选编教学内容,以农林害虫的生态学教学作为"昆虫生态学"课程的重点内容,错位发展;改进教学方式,合理优化使用多媒体课件,将科学研究成果应用于研究生课程教学中;改变学生成绩考核由教师单一评定为由学生和教师共同评定的方式,通过一系列的改革探讨,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

新时期农业科研基地推进青少年科普教育工作的思考*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业科研基地是开展青少年科普宣传的重要场所,是创新教育的组成部分,农业科普教育不仅能丰富青少年的科技知识,有利于青少年身心发展及智力发育,培养青少年的科学精神和创造能力,还能促进科研单位的科技推广。文章结合本单位的青少年科普实践工作,分析了新形势下青少年发展的需求,提出农业科研基地推进青少年科普工作的建议。  相似文献   

在国家新农村建设总体战略的推动下,我国农村的经济和社会发展面临重要的新的历史性机遇,农村经济的多样化、产业化和信息化将加快发展。但与此同时,因我国农村的原有基础薄弱,农民素质普遍较低,需要相应的大量的信息、知识服务支持。在这方面,地方大学图书馆可以依托其强大的馆藏资源和现代化图书馆技术以及高素质的人力资源.开展多种形式的本地区农业知识服务,以支持地方农村经济和社会发展。  相似文献   

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