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The coral species composition of uplifted Pleistocene reefs on Barbados is very similar to Recent West Indian reefs. Acropora palmata, Acropora cervicornis, and Montastrea annularis are qtuantitatively the most important of the coral species.  相似文献   

Competition for space amon reef corals includes interspecific destruction by extracoelenteric digestion., rapid growth. and Overtopping. No Caribbean species excela in all strategies, and on western Caribbean coral reefs there is a positive correlation between coral abudance and diversity. On eastern Pacific coral reefs, however. Pocillopora damicornis excludes other corals, and on these reefs there is an inverse relation between coral abundance and diversity, except in areas where distrubances, such as Acanthaster predation offset space monopolization.  相似文献   

The relationship between natural variations in coral species diversity, reef development, and ecosystem function on coral reefs is poorly understood. Recent coral diversity varies 10-fold among geographic regions, but rates of reef growth are broadly similar, suggesting that diversity is unimportant for reef development. Differences in diversity may reflect regional differences in long-term biotic history in addition to environmental conditions. Using a combination of new and published fossil and stratigraphic data, we compared changes in coral diversity and reef development within the tropical western Atlantic over the past 28 million years. Reef development was unrelated to coral diversity, and the largest reef tracts formed after extinction had reduced diversity by 50%. High diversity is thus not essential for the growth and persistence of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Climate change,human impacts,and the resilience of coral reefs   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The diversity, frequency, and scale of human impacts on coral reefs are increasing to the extent that reefs are threatened globally. Projected increases in carbon dioxide and temperature over the next 50 years exceed the conditions under which coral reefs have flourished over the past half-million years. However, reefs will change rather than disappear entirely, with some species already showing far greater tolerance to climate change and coral bleaching than others. International integration of management strategies that support reef resilience need to be vigorously implemented, and complemented by strong policy decisions to reduce the rate of global warming.  相似文献   

To examine the problem of how far coral larvae disperse from their natal reef, coral recruitment densities were experimentally determined at distances up to 5 kilometers from a small, relatively isolated platform reef, Helix Reef, on the central Great Barrier Reef for 7 months. High concentrations of recruits, accounting for up to 40 percent of all recruitment, were found downstream of the reef in areas of high water residence time, suggesting that near-field(proximal) circulation has a profound influence on dispersal and recruitment of coral larvae. Coral recruitment declined logarithmically with distance from the reef, decreasing by an order of magnitude at radial distances of only 600 to 1200 meters. On an ecological time scale, advective dispersal of semipassive marine larvae with relatively short planktonic lives(minimally days) may be extensive, but success of recruitment is highly limited. Through evolutionary time, sufficient dispersal occurs to ensure gene flow to reef tracts hundreds or possibly thousands of kilometers apart. In the short term, however, coral reefs appear to be primarily self-seeded with respect to coral larvae.  相似文献   

潜水旅游对珊瑚礁生态系统影响研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
早期潜水活动曾被认为是一种经济价值高且对珊瑚礁影响较小的生态旅游项目,但随着潜水旅游逐渐盛行,诸多研究结果表明,全世界潜水区的珊瑚礁均出现了不同程度的退化,一些热门潜水旅游区每年接纳的游客数量甚至远超出珊瑚礁的生态承受极限.笔者对与珊瑚礁生态系统与潜水旅游承载能力相关的研究结果进行了统计分析,总结了潜水活动影响珊瑚礁的...  相似文献   

Acanthaster planci, a coral predator, is undergoing a population explosion in many areas of the Pacific Ocean. Data on feeding rates, population movements, and stages of infestation were collected along coral reefs of Guam and Palau. Direct observations on destruction of Guam's coral reefs indicate that narrow, fringing reefs may be killed as rapidly as 1 kilometer per month. In a 2(1/2)-year period, 90 percent of the coral was killed along 38 kilometers of Guam's shoreline.  相似文献   

Marine biodiversity hotspots and conservation priorities for tropical reefs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse of shallow water marine ecosystems but are being degraded worldwide by human activities and climate warming. Analyses of the geographic ranges of 3235 species of reef fish, corals, snails, and lobsters revealed that between 7.2% and 53.6% of each taxon have highly restricted ranges, rendering them vulnerable to extinction. Restricted-range species are clustered into centers of endemism, like those described for terrestrial taxa. The 10 richest centers of endemism cover 15.8% of the world's coral reefs (0.012% of the oceans) but include between 44.8 and 54.2% of the restricted-range species. Many occur in regions where reefs are being severely affected by people, potentially leading to numerous extinctions. Threatened centers of endemism are major biodiversity hotspots, and conservation efforts targeted toward them could help avert the loss of tropical reef biodiversity.  相似文献   

We report a massive region-wide decline of corals across the entire Caribbean basin, with the average hard coral cover on reefs being reduced by 80%, from about 50% to 10% cover, in three decades. Our meta-analysis shows that patterns of change in coral cover are variable across time periods but largely consistent across subregions, suggesting that local causes have operated with some degree of synchrony on a region-wide scale. Although the rate of coral loss has slowed in the past decade compared to the 1980s, significant declines are persisting. The ability of Caribbean coral reefs to cope with future local and global environmental change may be irretrievably compromised.  相似文献   

南海重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域软骨鱼类的组成与分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年5—7月和2005年3—4月采用深水三重刺网在南海的羚羊礁、华光礁、银砾滩、东岛、滨湄滩、排洪滩、本固暗沙、比微暗沙、武勇暗沙、海鸠暗沙、双子群礁、中业群礁、鲎藤礁、美济礁、仁爱礁、仙宾礁、南方浅滩、棕滩、大渊滩、永署礁、南薰礁、牛轭礁、道明群礁等23座重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域进行了2个航次专业调查,其中有21座岛礁共渔获到7目15科33种408尾软骨鱼类,而美济礁和南方浅滩没有渔获到软骨鱼类。根据调查资料,通过物种各分类阶元的分布、优势度(IRI)和单位努力量渔获量等几个方面分析南海重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域软骨鱼类的组成与分布,旨在为南海珊瑚礁渔业资源的开发和管理提供科学依据。结果表明,西沙群岛的重量单位努力量渔获量范围为73~499kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是迈氏条尾虹、灰六鳃鲨和黑梢真鲨;中沙群岛的重量单位努力量渔获量范围为114~245kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是迈氏条尾虹、灰三齿鲨;南沙群岛除了美济礁和南方浅滩外其重量单位努力量渔获量范围为51~846kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是黑梢真鲨、灰三齿鲨。  相似文献   

2004年5—7月和2005年3—4月采用深水三重刺网在南海的羚羊礁、华光礁、银砾滩、东岛、滨湄滩、排洪滩、本固暗沙、比微暗沙、武勇暗沙、海鸠暗沙、双子群礁、中业群礁、鲎藤礁、美济礁、仁爱礁、仙宾礁、南方浅滩、棕滩、大渊滩、永署礁、南薰礁、牛轭礁、道明群礁等23座重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域进行了2个航次专业调查,其中有21座岛礁共渔获到7目15科33种408尾软骨鱼类,而美济礁和南方浅滩没有渔获到软骨鱼类。根据调查资料,通过物种各分类阶元的分布、优势度(IRI)和单位努力量渔获量等几个方面分析南海重要珊瑚礁过渡性水域软骨鱼类的组成与分布,旨在为南海珊瑚礁渔业资源的开发和管理提供科学依据。结果表明,西沙群岛的重量单位努力量渔获量范围为73~499kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是迈氏条尾虹、灰六鳃鲨和黑梢真鲨;中沙群岛的重量单位努力量渔获量范围为114~245kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是迈氏条尾虹、灰三齿鲨;南沙群岛除了美济礁和南方浅滩外其重量单位努力量渔获量范围为51~846kg/10^4m^2,其优势种类是黑梢真鲨、灰三齿鲨。  相似文献   

The elevations and ages of a sequence of three uplifted Pleistocene coral reefs on the Northwest Peninsula of Haiti have been determined. With the assignment of a sea level of +6 meters (relative to the present day) at 130,000 years before present and constant uplift of the reefs, the data indicate that sea level stood -10 and -13 meters at 108,000 and 81,000 years before present, respectively. These results are in substantial agreement with those reported for Barbados and New Guinea and support the hypothesis of constant uplift for each area. Sea level data from raised reefs indicate that the interglacial marine oxygen isotope oscillations during oxygen isotope stage 5 are a result of 30 percent ice volume effects and 70 percent temperature effects.  相似文献   

Toxicity in sponges and holothurians is inversely related to latitude and may reach 100 percent for holothurians in high-diversity coral reefs. Evidence from approximately 700 experiments and from underwater observations suggests that predation by fish has resulted in natural selection for noxious and toxic chemical compounds in species within these taxa.  相似文献   

Hughes TP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1994,265(5178):1547-1551
Many coral reefs have been degraded over the past two to three decades through a combination of human and natural disturbances. In Jamaica, the effects of overfishing, hurricane damage, and disease have combined to destroy most corals, whose abundance has declined from more than 50 percent in the late 1970s to less than 5 percent today. A dramatic phase shift has occurred, producing a system dominated by fleshy macroalgae (more than 90 percent cover). Immediate implementation of management procedures is necessary to avoid further catastrophic damage.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide lead to warmer sea surface temperatures and altered ocean chemistry. Experimental evidence suggests that coral calcification decreases as aragonite saturation drops but increases as temperatures rise toward thresholds optimal for coral growth. In situ studies have documented alarming recent declines in calcification rates on several tropical coral reef ecosystems. We show there is no widespread pattern of consistent decline in calcification rates of massive Porites during the 20th century on reefs spanning an 11° latitudinal range in the southeast Indian Ocean off Western Australia. Increasing calcification rates on the high-latitude reefs contrast with the downward trajectory reported for corals on Australia's Great Barrier Reef and provide additional evidence that recent changes in coral calcification are responses to temperature rather than ocean acidification.  相似文献   

In 1986 more than 8 million liters of crude oil spilled into a complex region of mangroves, seagrasses, and coral reefs just east of the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal. This was the largest recorded spill into coastal habitats in the tropical Americas. Many population of plants and animals in both oiled and unoiled sites had been studied previously, thereby providing an unprecedented measure of ecological variation before the spill. Documenation of the spread of oil and its biological begun immediately. Intertidal mangroves, algae, and associated invertebrates were covered by oil and died soon after. More surprisingly, there was also extensive mortality of shallow subtidal reef corals and infauna of seagrass beds. After 1.5 years only some organisms in areas exposed to the open sea have recovered.  相似文献   

The scale of larval dispersal of marine organisms is important for the design of networks of marine protected areas. We examined the fate of coral reef fish larvae produced at a small island reserve, using a mass-marking method based on maternal transmission of stable isotopes to offspring. Approximately 60% of settled juveniles were spawned at the island, for species with both short (<2 weeks) and long (>1 month) pelagic larval durations. If natal homing of larvae is a common life-history strategy, the appropriate spatial scales for the management and conservation of coral reefs are likely to be much smaller than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Analysis of data on coral abundance and growth, and the population size (26 individuals per hectare) and feeding rate of Acanthaster indicates that Pocillopora reefs on the Pacific coast of Panama are undergoing vigorous growth in the presence of this predator. Prediction of the effects of a population increase in Acanthaster to plague proportions (2.5 times that presently observed) suggests that reefs could still maintain a positive growth. However, Acanthaster at ten times the present population density would lead to rapid destruction of reefs. It is argued that coral destruction due to Acanthaster represents only one of several factors affecting coral reef progression.  相似文献   

Mass spawning in tropical reef corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synchronous multispecific spawning by a total of 32 coral species occurred a few nights after late spring full moons in 1981 and 1982 at three locations on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The data invalidate the generalization that most corals have internally fertilized, brooded planula larvae. In every species observed, gametes were released; external fertilization and development then followed. The developmental rates of externally fertilized eggs and longevities of planulae indicate that planulae may be dispersed between reefs.  相似文献   

根据深圳杨梅坑人工鱼礁区投礁前(2007年4月)和投礁后(2008年5月)2个航次调查所获底泥中大型底栖动物的资料,探讨了人工鱼礁对大型底栖动物种类组成的影响。结果表明:投礁一年后,人工鱼礁对大型底栖动物的养护作用已初步显现,海域内大型底栖动物种类数由投礁前的20种提高到34种,环节动物的比例有所增加;投礁后海域内大型底栖动物群落的种类组成也发生了较大变化,投礁前后的种类相似性仅为23.3%,优势种发生了较为明显的变化,由投礁前的方格皱纹蛤Periglypta lacerate变为投礁后的方格皱纹蛤Periglypta lacerate、弦毛内卷齿蚕Aglaophamus lyrochaeto和单鳃虫Nothria holobranchiata。  相似文献   

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