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通过驱虫试验证明,左旋咪唑使育肥猪蛔虫的虫卵减少率达97.74%,但对毛首线虫的效果并不确定。阿苯哒唑对猪蛔虫、毛首线虫的虫卵减少率分别为97.13%和93.75%。伊维菌素对猪蛔虫和食道口线虫的虫卵减少率分别为98.78%和96.81%。采用阿苯哒唑和伊维菌素联合用药,对育肥猪蛔虫、食道口线虫、毛首线虫的虫卵减少率增加到100%、100%和95.28%。  相似文献   

阿苯达唑对波尔山羊消化道线虫的药效试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了观察阿苯达唑片对波尔山羊消化道线虫的驱除效果,探讨其对波尔山羊线虫病治疗的最佳剂量,将150只波尔山羊随机分成5组,其中设阿苯达唑7.5、15、30 mg/kg作为试验组,同时设左旋咪唑7.5 mg/kg作为药物对照组和阳性对照组,给药前后检查虫卵和虫体,计算虫卵转阴率、虫卵减少率和驱虫率,最后进行统计分析。结果显示,高剂量组和中剂量组的虫卵转阴率、虫卵减少率和驱虫率均显著高于低剂量组和盐酸左旋咪唑片对照组(P0.01),而高剂量组与中剂量组的虫卵转阴率、虫卵减少率和驱虫率差异不显著。15 mg/kg的阿苯达唑片对波尔山羊线虫的驱除效果安全。  相似文献   

为调查乌审旗地区捻转血矛线虫感染及耐药性情况,通过粪便中虫卵定性定量及剖检法对乌审旗不同地区的绵羊进行捻转血矛线虫感染情况调查,并开展了驱虫效果比较试验。结果表明,该地区绵羊捻转血矛线虫病流行比较严重,平均感染率和平均感染强度分别为89%和416.92×200个/g,捻转血矛线虫对伊维菌素注射剂和阿苯达唑片剂产生了严重的耐药性。  相似文献   

用饱和盐水浮聚法对60只云岭峻王黑山羊筛选肠道线虫感染者,共发现8种消化道线虫,分别是捻转血矛线虫、奥斯特线虫、古柏线虫、马歇尔线虫、仰口线虫、毛圆线虫、食道口线虫、夏伯特线虫,它们的感染率分别为100%、100%、100%、71.67%、86.67%、22.33%、100%、90%;体外寄生虫有软蜱和疥螨,感染率为100%和85%.从中选30只感染寄生虫的阳性山羊,分别用左旋咪唑片剂和伊维菌素注射液进行驱虫试验,间隔7 d重复用药一次.结果表明:左旋咪唑组消化道线虫的虫卵减少率平均为84.63%,对体外寄生虫无效;伊维菌素组消化道线虫的虫卵减少率平均为99%,体外寄生虫软蜱的感染率下降为13.33%,疥螨的感染率下降为3.33%;在增重上,左旋咪唑组平均日增重为48.89 g,伊维菌素组平均日增重为72.22 g,比左旋咪唑组提高47.72%;即伊维菌素注射液驱虫效果明显优于左旋咪唑片剂驱虫效果.  相似文献   

为了研究芬苯达唑片剂、伊维菌素片剂和伊维菌素针剂对绵羊体内捻转血矛线虫的驱虫效果,筛选出高效敏感性的驱虫药物,进行了药物驱虫试验。结果表明:伊维菌素的驱虫效果明显高于芬苯达唑,而且其针剂的作用速度和效果更加明显。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解常用驱虫药的驱虫效果,选择陕北白绒山羊开展驱虫研究。试验选取3种市场常用驱虫药(伊维菌素注射液、芬苯达唑粉、伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂),应用饱和食盐水漂浮法和虫卵计数法对陕北白绒山羊的消化道线虫驱虫前后的感染情况进行检测。结果表明,伊维菌素注射液组驱虫后虫卵转阴率为6.25%,感染强度由766.7降低至233.3;芬苯达唑组驱虫后虫卵转阴率为31.25%,感染强度由766.7降低至100;伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂组驱虫后虫卵转阴率为50%,感染强度由766.7降低至167.0。建议在陕北白绒山羊生产中将伊维菌素芬苯达唑预混剂作为消化道线虫的首选驱虫药。  相似文献   

验证放牧条件下伊维菌素驱虫效果,从饲养管理、放牧条件相同的一群300多只羔羊中通过粪便检查、称重从中选出体重相差不大、感染消化道线虫较为严重60只,根据感染程度均匀搭配,分为三组进行试验,每组20只用伊维菌素预混剂拌料饲喂放牧山羊,试验结果是试验组、药物对照组驱虫后3 d虫卵减少率分别是96.4%和88.7%,虫卵转阴率分别为80%和25%;驱虫后10d两组羊的虫卵减少率分别为100%和97.8%,虫卵转阴率分别为100%和85%,伊维菌素对放牧山羊消化道线虫驱虫效果优于药物左旋咪唑。  相似文献   

为了解草原放牧绵羊捻转血矛线虫流行情况及目前常用驱虫药物的耐药情况,2018年3—10月,根据不同草场类型、不同养殖模式,在内蒙古乌兰察布市察右后旗贲红、白音察干、大陆号、锡林郭勒、土牧尔台5个地区选择16个牧场,每个牧场随机选择15只绵羊,共240只,进行绵羊捻转血矛线虫检测,发现绵羊捻转血矛线虫平均感染率为75%,平均感染强度为14.8×200个/g;选取6个牧场的感染率和感染强度都较大的绵羊进行驱虫试验,发现有5个牧场的绵羊捻转血矛线虫对阿苯达唑和伊维菌素产生了较强的耐药性。调查结果表明,察右后旗的绵羊捻转血矛线虫流行较为普遍,羊群感染较为严重,且对阿苯达唑、伊维菌素产生了不同程度的耐药性。结果提示,加强捻转血矛线虫的耐药性监测,研发新的驱虫药物,优化驱虫措施,防止盲目用药,同时加强饲养管理,改善圈舍和牧地环境卫生,依然是有效防控绵羊捻转血矛线虫的重要途径。  相似文献   

为筛选出抗白牦牛肠道寄生虫的最佳药物,并进行临床效果评价,笔者拟用不同药物组进行线虫、球虫驱虫效果对比试验,经饱和盐水漂浮法及麦克马斯特氏计数法对其驱虫效果进行评价。结果表明:伊维菌素组虫卵减少率与转阴率(88.5%、98.0%)均高于阿苯达唑组(85.6%、92.0%)与盐酸左旋咪唑组(74.0%、84.0%)。地克珠利组卵囊减少率与转阴率(83.0%、96.0%)也明显高于肠球清组(74.5%、88.0%)与盐酸氨丙啉组(71.7%、88.0%)。经伊维菌素与地克珠利联合用药后,其虫卵减少率与转阴率依次为72.5%、98.4%,卵囊减少率与转阴率依次为77.6%、96.9%。可见,伊维菌素与地克珠利是祛除圆线虫与球虫的最佳药物。  相似文献   

为进一步做好寄生虫病防控工作,保证驱虫药品的生物安全,确保驱虫药品防治效果。本试验采用口服伊维菌素溶液、阿苯达唑混悬液、吡喹酮片、伊维菌素-阿苯达唑混悬液和伊维菌素-吡喹酮纳米乳等5种驱虫药的方式,对羊体内寄生虫进行了驱虫试验。结果表明:5种药物的虫卵减少率达83%以上,且伊维菌素-阿苯达唑混悬液和伊维菌素-吡喹酮纳米乳虫卵减少率分别为96.07%和95.56%,对照组前后两次粪检虫卵数无明显变化。说明5种药物均具有良好的驱虫效果,且复方制剂驱虫效果优于单方制剂驱虫效果,羊体重增重效果更佳。复方制剂具有疗效更佳、安全性高、价格低廉、驱虫谱更广等特点,具有更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

The occurrence of a field strain of Haemonchus contortus resistant to thiophanate is reported for the first time in New Zealand. In a controlled anthelmintic trial with experimentally infected animals, thiophanate at 50-100 mg/kg had no appreciable effect on the Haemonchus burden. Albendazole reduced faecal strongylate egg counts by 95% in animals with naturally acquired 59 infections.  相似文献   

为了解家畜寄生线虫对使用较久的驱虫药丙硫咪唑的抗药性情况, 用虫卵孵化试验对江苏某羊场进行抗药性检测, 测得丙硫咪唑虫卵孵化半数抑制量ID50 = 0-060 2 μg/mL, 约是敏感株(0-020 4 μg/mL) 的3 倍, 但较世界兽医寄生虫促进协会提出的线虫抗药性临界值(0-1 μg/mL) 小。虫卵减少试验也证实了该羊场不存在抗药性。因此该场羊寄生线虫尚无抗药性。  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance of nematodes to benzimidazoles and ivermectin was suspected from field observations in an Angora goat herd in northern Hesse. Larvae of the caprine trichostrongyle isolate were used for artificial infections of helminth-naive sheep. Groups of the lambs were treated with albendazole (3.8 mg/kg p.o.) or ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg s.c.) four weeks after infection or remained untreated as controls and were necropsied one week later. Albendazole reduced the mean faecal egg counts by 82% and the mean worm counts of Haemonchus contortus by 22%, Ostertagia circumcincta by 10% and Trichostrongylus colubriformis by 41% as compared with the controls. Ivermectin was 100% effective. This is the first report from Germany of multispecific resistance to benzimidazoles in a trichostrongyle population of goats.  相似文献   

A faecal egg count reduction test was conducted on a sheep farm with suspected avermectin resistance. Five groups of 10 sheep were formed. Group 1 was the untreated control group. Groups 2-5 were treated according to weight with the recommended dose of, respectively, levamisole, doramectin, moxidectin or albendazole. Resistance was found in the sheep treated with doramectin (15% efficacy) and albendazole (87% efficacy). Levamisole and moxidectin were 100 and 99% effective, respectively. Larval identification of the faecal cultures of the doramectin-treated sheep revealed 100% Haemonchus contortus larvae. After albendazole treatment, 77% of the cultured larvae were H. contortus and 23% Teladorsagia/Trichostrongylus. Because there is a lot of trade in sheep on the farm, it is probable that the resistant worms were introduced with livestock from other farms than being selected on the farm.  相似文献   

While surveys in Southern Africa indicate anthelmintic resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes to be common in small ruminants in South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe there have been no reports of resistance in Zambia. The objective of this study was to determine whether anthelmintic resistance occurs in Zambia, and to obtain information on nematode control practices in the country. During the rainy season six commercial sheep farms were selected in and around Lusaka and Chisamba. Worm control practices were gauged by means of a questionnaire, and the Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test was performed for assessing anthelmintic efficacy of albendazole, levamisole and ivermectin. On all farms anthelmintic treatment was the only approach used to control nematode infections. Frequency of treatment varied from twice a year to every 6 weeks and drugs of different anthelmintic groups were alternated within the same year. There was a wide range in faecal egg counts of individual sheep before treatment, with some individual counts of up to 87000. Larval identification showed that Haemonchus was almost the only genus recovered from the faecal cultures before and after treatment. Albendazole resistance was found on five of the six farms. On each of the four farms where ivermectin gave less than 95% reduction in egg counts, there was resistance to albendazole as well. Levamisole showed an efficacy of 95% or higher on all six farms.  相似文献   

The faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) was conducted on 39 sheep farms and 9 goat farms located in Peninsular Malaysia. The anthelmintic groups used in these tests were the benzimidazoles, levamisole, the benzimidazole/levamisole combination, macrocyclic lactones and closantel. Results indicated that the prevalence of resistance to the benzimidazole group was high, with approximately 50% of the sheep farms and 75% of the goat farms having resistant nematode parasite populations present. Resistance to levamisole, closantel and ivermectin was also detected. Differentiation of the infective larvae derived from faecal cultures indicated that by far the most predominant parasite species was Haemonchus contortus.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance was monitored over a 30 month period within a goat herd in eastern Virginia, USA. Resistance to ivermectin, levamisole and benzimidazole drugs was detected in Haemonchus contortus using the fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT). When levamisole use was discontinued for 1 year, susceptibility to levamisole appeared to return. Although a single treatment with fenbendazole was able to reduce fecal egg counts by only 50%, two doses administered in a 12 h interval increased efficacy to 92%, however, confidence intervals indicated that resistance was still present. When fecal egg counts were determined the following year after several treatment using this protocol, the efficacy of fenbendazole had fallen again to 57% reduction in fecal egg counts. The predominant genus present in cultured composite fecal samples was Haemonchus. Trichostrongylus, Cooperia and Teladorsagia were also present in smaller numbers.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic activity of condensed tannins (CT) was evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro tests included egg hatch test and paralysis/mortality assay on adult Haemonchus contortus. In vivo anthelmintic effect was determined by faecal egg count reduction test in lambs. To this end, 18 lambs were divided into three groups (low tannin, high tannin and control). The lambs of low and high tannin groups were fed diets containing 2 and 3% CT while the control group was fed on diets without CT. In vitro trials showed a dose-dependent inhibition of nematode egg hatching; whereas, there was no effect of CT on adult H. contortus. In vivo trials indicated reduction in faecal egg counts in lambs fed diets containing CT. Feed intake and nutrient digestibility of CT-fed sheep was lower and nitrogen balance was higher as compared to control. Maximum weight gain was observed in animals fed diets containing 3% CT. The direct anthelmintic effect of CT, therefore, was evidenced by inhibited egg hatching; whereas, faecal egg counts reduction in sheep was through improved nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

The prevalence of drug-resistant ovine parasites in the United States has not been widely reported. Thirteen flocks, typical of commercial sheep production units, were selected for survey. Four anthelmintics (fenbendazole, ivermectin, pyrantel pamoate, and levamisole) were tested for their ability to reduce herd mean pretreatment fecal egg count. If a properly dosed and administered drug failed to reduce herd mean pretreatment fecal egg count by 80%, it was considered ineffective in that flock, and the presence of parasites resistant to that drug was inferred. Fenbendazole administration changed pretreatment fecal egg counts by +9% to -100%. On the basis of the aforementioned definition, drug resistance existed in 6 of 13 flocks. Posttreatment larval culture indicated that Haemonchus contortus survived administration of fenbendazole. Levamisole, pyrantel pamoate, and ivermectin reduced pretreatment fecal egg count by -83% to -100%; resistance to these products was not evident in the flocks surveyed.  相似文献   

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