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我市铁西办事处养犬专业户王某,2002年4月养犬28只,其中2月龄幼犬7只.4月12日幼犬先后发病,经个体宠物门诊用常规止血、止痢、消炎、补液等疗法治疗3天不见明显效果,且发病幼犬死亡1只.4月15日来我站就诊,依据犬的发病日龄、临床症状、病理剖检和病原学检查结果,确诊为犬球虫病.采用中西药物结合疗法治疗6例病犬,均获治愈,现报告如下.  相似文献   

犬瘟热是一种急性、传染性极强的传染病.主要发生于1~6月龄的幼犬,在幼犬中本病的死亡率较任何其他传染病为高。目前,临床上治疗效果多不够理想,笔者采用中西医结合的方法治愈警犬犬瘟热一例.兹报告于后.一、临床资料山东省惠民地区公安处刑警大队之警犬——  相似文献   

佝偻病又称软骨病,是幼犬机体维生素D不足或缺乏引起钙、磷代谢障碍性疾病,临床上以发育迟缓、异嗜、软骨肥厚和骨骺肿胀为特征,本病多发于1~3月龄幼犬.断奶过早、胃肠道疾病及缺乏光照等均可诱发本病.  相似文献   

应用ELISA双抗体夹心法对兰州地区幼犬轮状病毒感染情况进行调查,结果表明该地区幼犬轮状病毒感染阳性率为57.1%,其中2~4月龄的幼犬占阳性病例的75.0%,4月龄以上者感染率最低为42.86%.  相似文献   

1头4月龄幼犬,因长期食后呕吐,吐后再食,幼犬发育迟缓,机体日渐消瘦,经反复治疗,不见好转。死后剖检,见食道胸段严重扩张,现将有关情况介绍给大家,希望与同行交流切磋。一、基本情况及临床特征该幼犬为德国牧羊犬,公犬,2005年10月27日出生,2月龄前该幼犬体质、进食、排泄等各方  相似文献   

<正>1发病情况白城市一畜主的6月龄的5只幼犬出现体温升高、腹泻、食欲不振、干咳等症状。并有1只幼犬死亡。为确诊该种疾病,对死亡的幼犬进行剖检,并对发病的幼犬进行临床观察。2临床症状根据畜主描述,幼犬体温升高,饮水量增加,食欲减退,呕吐腹泻等症状。根据对发病幼犬进行临床观察,发现2只幼犬出现眼角膜变成蓝色,眼角有分泌物,并出血水肿。4只幼犬牙龈有出血点。对死亡幼犬进行剖检,肝脏和脾脏出现肿  相似文献   

犬细小病毒性肠炎(canine parvovirus enteritis)是由犬细小病毒引起的急性传染病,多发生于2至4月龄以内的幼犬,40日龄以下幼犬少见,其临床特征为呕吐、出血性肠炎、严重脱水和心肌炎。笔者在临床实践中诊治了一起犬细小病毒性肠炎,现报告如下:  相似文献   

幼犬腹泻是由感染因素、饮食因素、管理因素、气候因素等不同原因引起的临床综合症,为幼犬时期的常见病,发病年龄多在3月龄以下.可导致幼犬营养不良,生长发育障碍,严重时可导致死亡. 引起幼犬腹泻的主要原因: 一是喂养不当,过食,喂食不定时,量忽多忽少,食物成分不适宜,过早地喂大量的淀粉或脂肪类食物,突然改变食物的种类和断奶,都可以引起消化功能紊乱而发生腹泻.  相似文献   

一、发病情况 萨摩犬( ),15月龄,产下5只25日龄幼犬.早上一切都正常,还饲喂过姜片熬制的鸡汤.当天天气炎热,一直未外出,中午发现幼犬不愿走动,呼吸急促,步态不稳.主人马上将其送往附近宠物医院诊治,使用头孢曲松钠、病毒唑、柴胡治疗,病情不见好转.当天18:00两只幼犬死亡,后马上转来我院治疗.  相似文献   

犬瘟热是一种急性传染病,肉食动物多发,尤其是幼犬最容易发病。笔者通过对28例犬瘟热的临床观察总结了一套防治方案,取得了较好效果,现介绍如下。1临床症状笔者接诊的28例幼犬中2~3月龄的16例,3~4月龄的5例,4月龄以上的7例。所有病例均有发热、咳嗽、呼吸急促表现,体温多在40~41℃  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To characterise clinical, electrophysiological and histopathological findings. To analyse pedigree information in six young related Pyrenean mountain dogs with laryngeal paralysis-polyneuropathy complex (LP-PNC). METHODS: A retrospective study of clinical records and pedigrees of six young related Pyrenean mountain dogs with LP-PNC was carried out. RESULTS: All dogs were presented with laryngeal paralysis and concurrent megaoesophagus. Electrodiagnostic testing was performed in three dogs and showed electrophysiological abnormalities in the distal appendicular muscles. Histopathological findings of peripheral nerve samples were dominated by distal axonal degeneration. Clinical, electrophysiological and histopathological findings were supportive of a diagnosis of degenerative, sensorimotor LP-PNC, similar to that reported in young dalmatians and rottweilers. All dogs died or were euthanased by two years of age. An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance was suspected based on pedigree analysis. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Congenital LP-PNC should be suspected in any young dog presenting with laryngeal dysfunction and other concurrent neurological abnormalities. The prognosis is usually poor.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of age on myocardial function assessed by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) in healthy dogs.AnimalsThirty-two healthy Beagles were used.MethodsMyocardial function was assessed in each dog by using 2D-STE, and the results were compared between young and old dogs.ResultsThe myocardial deformations in systole, besides the apical rotation rate, were not significantly different between young and old dogs. In contrast, the early diastolic circumferential strain rate, basal rotation rate, and torsion rate were significantly lower in old dogs than in young dogs (P = 0.03, P = 0.033, and P = 0.015, respectively). Late diastolic longitudinal and radial strain rates were significantly higher in old dogs than in young dogs (P = 0.002 and P = 0.018, respectively).ConclusionsYoung and old dogs showed similar systolic myocardial deformations, but significant differences in the values of some diastolic deformation variables were found between young and old dogs, highlighting the need for using age-matched control subjects in studies of diastolic function.  相似文献   

The growth hormone (GH) secretagogue activity of variable dosages of clonidine (16.5, 50, 150, and 450 micrograms/kg of body weight), given orally mixed with the daily food ration, was evaluated in young and old dogs. Significant (P less than 0.05) increase in plasma GH concentration was detected at all dosages tested in young dogs and in response to all but the lowest dose tested in the old dogs fed the clonidine-containing diet. Old dogs had plasma GH concentration that exceeded that of young dogs when higher doses of clonidine were used. A clonidine (100 micrograms/kg)-supplemented diet was fed to middle-aged dogs twice daily for 30 days. Significant (P less than 0.01) increase of plasma GH concentration was observed on the first day of the feeding trial, but was undetectable by day 30. After feeding the clonidine-enhanced diet for 30 days, the effects on thymic morphology were variable, and there was no effect on plasma thymulin titer. Clonidine-fed dogs had significantly increased lymphocyte blastogenic responsiveness to mitogens, compared with that of control dogs, when evaluated as stimulation index.  相似文献   

Rotavirus of human origin which had been propagated in gnotobiotic pigs was successfully transmitted eight times in young dogs including once by contact. The infections caused no clinical diarrhoea or any other illness in the pups and all infected animals developed both complement fixing and neutralising antibody against rotavirus.A serological survey carried out on sera collected from 23 dogs demonstrated antibody against monkey SA 11 rotavirus, indicating that dogs are naturally infected with this virus.It is concluded that young dogs could play a role in the transmission and dissemination of rotaviruses.  相似文献   

The effects of three growth hormone secretagogues (GHSs), ghrelin, growth hormone-releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6), and growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), on the release of adenohypophyseal hormones, growth hormone (GH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), luteinising hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL) and on cortisol were investigated in young and old healthy Beagle dogs. Ghrelin proved to be the most potent GHS in young dogs, whereas in old dogs GHRH administration was associated with the highest plasma GH concentrations. The mean plasma GH response after administration of ghrelin was significantly lower in the old dogs compared with the young dogs. The mean plasma GH concentration after GHRH and GHRP-6 administration was lower in the old dogs compared with the young dogs, but this difference did not reach statistical significance. In both age groups, the GHSs were specific for GH release as they did not cause significant elevations in the plasma concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, TSH, LH, and PRL. It is concluded that in young dogs, ghrelin is a more powerful stimulator of GH release than either GHRH or GHRP-6. Ageing is associated with a decrease in GH-releasing capacity of ghrelin, whereas this decline is considerably lower for GHRH or GHRP-6.  相似文献   

Sixteen 10-12-year-old and eight 1-year-old dogs were studied over a two year period to determine comparative differences in physiological response to 4 diets varying in protein content and percentages of energy contributed by protein. The ability of old dogs to utilize nutrients as supplied by these foods was not significantly different from that of young adult dogs. Except for indices of mitogenic stimulation and serum urea nitrogen (SUN) other physiological parameters studied were not affected by the diet fed. Regardless of diet, old dogs had significantly higher serum levels of cholesterol, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase and had lower indices of mitogenic stimulation than did young dogs.  相似文献   

Six dogs with laryngeal paralysis had clinical, electrophysiologic, and pathologic evidence of a more generalized polyneuropathy. Three of the dogs were young Dalmatians, one was a young Bouvier des Flandres, and two were older, large-breed dogs. The results of this study suggest that laryngeal paralysis in dogs may frequently be one clinical sign of an underlying, more generalized polyneuropathy. Two forms of this generalized polyneuropathy may exist: an early form, as seen in young dogs with congenital or hereditary disease, and a delayed-onset form that is usually found in older dogs with so-called idiopathic laryngeal paralysis, some of which may have hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

The influence of age on the myelogram and on the different indices (ratios) was studied on bone marrow aspirates of 131 healthy dogs which were divided into different age groups (A [4-6 months] to G [> 8 years]). Myelograms were obtained by performing a differential count on 1000 cells. Age dependent differences were particularly seen in the 4 to 6 month old dogs. These dogs had significantly higher percentages of immature erythroid cells (p < 0.01) than dogs of the other age groups and, consequently, the lowest proportion of myeloid cells. This fact was also reflected by a lower quotient of number of myeloid cells/number of erythroid cells (M:E-ratio) and increased erythroid maturation index (I:ME-ratio). In addition, the proportions of monocytes and lymphocytes were increased and the number of plasma cells was decreased in juvenile dogs. The results in young dogs which were different from the values of adult animals reflect the increased requirements of red cell mass during the time of growth and ontogenesis of the immune system. These findings have to be considered in the interpretation of bone marrow films of young dogs.  相似文献   

Objectives— To evaluate laryngeal function using 3 diagnostic techniques: echolaryngography (EL), transnasal laryngoscopy (TNL), and laryngoscopy per os (LPO).
Study Design— Prospective clinical study.
Animals— Dogs with laryngeal paralysis (n=5) and control dogs (n=10); 5 age- and breed-matched dogs and 5 young, breed-matched dogs.
Methods— Laryngeal function was evaluated in conscious dogs using EL. All examinations were recorded and evaluated by separate, blinded observers upon completion of the study. The methods were compared with a standard evaluation incorporating all clinical knowledge of the case (STD) using sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values.
Results— Three dogs with bilateral laryngeal paralysis requiring surgery were diagnosed as unilaterally affected or normal on EL. Three dogs had paradoxic motion on TNL and LPO, 2 of those were considered normal on EL, and 1 had no motion on EL. Paralysis was diagnosed in 1 age-matched and 3 young control dogs on EL. LPO and TNL falsely diagnosed lack of arytenoid movement in 2 age-matched controls and 1 young control. Two age-matched and 1 young control dog were misdiagnosed as paralyzed with TNL and LPO.
Discussion— Direct observation of the larynx allowed better evaluation of laryngeal function compared with EL. TNL did not require induction of anesthesia, but did not improve the ability to assess laryngeal function compared with LPO.
Conclusions— EL was not as effective as direct observation of the larynx. TNL did not improve the evaluation of laryngeal function compared with LPO.
Clinical Relevance— We use LPO combined with knowledge of the clinical history and physical examination to diagnose laryngeal paralysis in preference to EL and TNL.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Two groups of young growing dogs (one group maintained on balanced commercial diet and the other on high-fat-low-calcium diet) and one group of adult dogs on balanced commercial diet were given lead orally at 4 different dose levels. Post-treatment blood lead levels did not reveal any significant difference between the young and adult dogs maintained on balanced commercial diet. However, dogs on the high-fat-low-calcium diet showed marked elevation in blood lead at each of the 4 dose levels used. The results emphasise the importance of dietary factors in absorption of lead from the alimentary tract and suggest that the influence of age on lead uptake from the gut requires further evaluation.  相似文献   

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