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深山含笑对3种植物的化感作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以刺槐、萝卜和苏丹草3种植物作为受体,通过种子萌发及幼苗生长试验,研究7年生深山含笑新鲜叶片自然挥发物、水浸提液和挥发油的化感作用.结果表明,深山含笑叶片自然挥发物、水浸提液和挥发油降低3种受体的发芽率,对受体的根长、苗高和鲜重有不同程度的抑制作用;并均使3种受体幼苗蛋白质含量、SOD、POD活性降低,MDA含量增加.因此,深山含笑对刺槐、萝卜和苏丹草均有化感抑制作用.  相似文献   

林牧复合经营突破了单一种植桉树的传统模式,实现了林业、牧业和草业有机结合。根据林牧复合生态系统模式的理论,充分利用林下空间等资源,发挥生物的资源潜能,在桉树林下种植适宜牧草,促进了桉树的生长,又缓解种植桉树带来的环境弊端。通过桉树林下种植的4种牧草的株高、叶长、叶宽、叶面积、存活率、生长率,茎叶的鲜质量和干质量等指标并统计对比,结果表明,苏丹草在株高、叶长、叶面积、存活率、生长率、茎叶的鲜质量和干质量指标中占明显优势;在4种牧草8项指标的显著性分析中,不同的牧草品种对各项指标皆产生了显著影响;据以牧草的8项指标为变量的聚类分析,紫花苜蓿不适合种植,黑麦草和高丹草为基本适合种植,苏丹草最适合种植。  相似文献   

草花混播作为一种新兴的花卉应用方式,近年来备受关注并在酒泉市初步应用。本文总结了在酒泉应用的一系列草花混播组合及栽培管理方法,为今后草花混播在北方干旱地区的推广提供参考。  相似文献   

论观赏草的特性及其在园林景观中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观赏草是一类新型的植物造景材料,而且越来越多地被用于各种景观设计中。我国应用观赏草的时间较短,对观赏草的认识还不够,为在园林中更好的应用观赏草类,通过对观赏草的概念、观赏特性、生物学特性等的研究阐述,提出观赏草的11种应用形式,并探讨观赏草在园林应用中应注意的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

观赏草是一类形态美丽、色彩丰富,以茎秆、叶丛和花序为主要观赏部位的草本植物的统称。观赏草质朴自然、动静皆宜,作为景观绿化中独具特色的一类观赏植物,而日益受到园林界的关注。本研究以福建地区观赏草研究文献为依据,对研究现状做了分析,探讨了观赏草在福建地区的研究进展,并对其未来发展应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

观赏草在北京奥林匹克公园中心区的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观赏草是一类日益受到重视的新型景观植物材料。在国外,观赏草已被广泛的应用于园林景观设计中,但是目前在我国对观赏草的认识和应用尚少。为了达到城市绿化植物物种的多样性和消除人们的审美疲劳,满足人们回归自然的需求.使观赏草在我国园林绿化中发挥实际的应用价值,本文通过对奥林匹克公园中心区观赏草的应用种类和应用形式的调查,对其观赏价值和园林应用作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

关于观赏草及其园林应用形式的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
调查了济南市、泰安市各主要公园和庭院中观赏草的园林应用现状,分析了观赏草5种园林应用形式,对观赏草在园林应用中存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

草坪草在屋顶绿化中功能广泛,发展前景良好,发现并解决草坪草在屋顶绿化应用中出现的问题有利于屋顶绿化中草坪草生态效益的发挥。文章从生态功能和环境效益两方面论述了草坪草在屋顶绿化中的作用。同时,针对草坪草在屋顶绿化中存在的问题的进行全面分析,总结经验并提出建议,对于草坪草在屋顶绿化中的应用前景进行展望,以期更好地对草坪草在绿色屋顶中的利用深入研究,使之得到更大范围的推广。  相似文献   

观赏草是近年来兴起的新型植物材料。其种类繁多,养护管理较为简易,景观效果和谐、自然、质朴,在植物造景中具有独特作用,是公园、水体、山坡、花坛、花境等美化的好材料。整理了南京观赏草的常见种类以及在公园的造景实例,并阐述了观赏草在应用中的造景方法。最后,结合理论与实践提出了观赏草在应用中应注意的几点问题,希望为今后观赏草在南京的大范围应用能提供参考。  相似文献   

以近年来逐渐发展起来的观赏草为主要研究对象,对观赏草的形态特征进行了统筹描述,对其为什么适合在城市园林中应用进行了分析,着重从它的美观性和适应性进行论述,并举出了观赏草主要的运用形式,以有利于大力推广观赏草在城市园林中的应用.  相似文献   

退耕还林还草行政指导的出现与运用是市场经济发展的需要,它既是现代行政法中合作、协商、民主精神发展的结果,也是现代市场经济发展过程中对市场调节失灵和政府干预双重缺陷的一种补救方法。我国从2002年开始,陆续对退耕还林还草进行了立法,其中对行政指导内容有不同程度的涉及。文章从退耕还林还草行政指导的定义和特征、退耕还林还草行政指导的方法及基本类型三个方面,试对我国退耕还林还草行政指导作一简述。  相似文献   

观赏草是植物配置与造景的新兴材料。文中介绍了观赏草的概念及其应用价值,通过文献查阅结合实地调查分析了目前南京地区观赏草的应用种类与配置形式,最后为了丰富南京城市植物配置与造景材料,推荐了24种观赏草,希望能为观赏草在南京的普及与推广提供参考。    相似文献   

Napier grass strips and livestock: a bioeconomic analysis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Napier grass strips are gaining some acceptance in Southeast Asia as a vegetative means of soil erosion control, due to the relative ease of establishment and management. In addition, the napier grass strips aid productivity of agroforestry systems by providing mulch or by being fed to livestock. In this paper, a bioeconomic comparison of different ways of utilising the napier grass cuttings is undertaken. The three uses examined for the cuttings were: as mulch in the alley areas, sold as fodder, and fed to animals with manure applied back to the system. The analysis linked the soils-oriented SCUAF model with economic and animal component models. SCUAF was parameterized using field data based on farmer interviews and field visits. Farmer interviews and field visits were conducted at Claveria, Misamis Oriental to gather additional data regarding costs and returns associated with animal production, and also to obtain the farm gate price of napier. Predicted biophysical results produced by the SCUAF model showed that application of napier grass cuttings, back into the system, directly as mulch or indirectly as animal manure resulted in higher maize and napier yields, lower soil erosion rates, and less of a reduction in soil mineral nitrogen and soil labile carbon levels. The comparison was made with the case where napier was sold off-farm as fodder. Cost-benefit analysis showed that higher economic returns were gained when napier grass cuttings were fed to animals, rather than applied directly as mulch. This economic benefit was attributed to the draught and transport services rendered by the animal and to a change in the value of the animals. This analysis highlights the value of utilizing animals within a napier grass strip system for control of erosion.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

新型五色草花坛从景天科植物中选出,在自然低温条件下和干旱季节中试验,比老五色草抗寒抗旱,更具有应用价值。用于花坛造型显现出红、绿、黄、粉和紫粉五种色颜动态变化,不同于老五色草的静态拼色,而且,整体越冬完好。母株冬储和繁殖均在露地进行,改变了老五色草在加温温室内越冬和需要在保护地繁殖的传统方式,花坛模纹时间提前1个月,观赏期延长60d,一年建植多年享用。新型五色草可取代现行的老五色草,在寒冷地区广泛应用。  相似文献   

多效唑对草坪天鹅绒生理特性影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
草坪天鹅绒喷施多效唑,对当年生长有明显抑制效应,其抑制作用随施用量增加而加强,起到了人工修剪的作用。施用多效唑还能增加叶绿素、可溶性糖含量,使叶片在冬季自然低温下维持较高水平的SOD、POD活性,从而抑止衰老,延缓枯黄。  相似文献   

水生植物是城市园林造景不可或缺的元素,对郑州市紫荆山公园水生植物资源调查得知:紫荆山公园共有水生植物11科23种,而常用的仅有荷花、睡莲、黄菖蒲、梭鱼草、蒲苇等少数几个品种;通过园林景观应用分析,对水生植物在园林中的应用提出建议。  相似文献   

野生狗牙根引种试验初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用坪用质量观测结合抗逆性生化测定的评价方法,对经多年反复筛选驯化的华南野生狗牙根的3份草种:狗牙根1号、4号和5号与引进杂交天堂419为对照,进行小区比较试验,试验结果表明:野生狗牙根除密度和质地比419稍差外,其余的盖度、均一性、绿期、耐践踏性无显著差异,而抗逆性极显著强。适应性广,特别是狗牙根4号和1号是具有城市草坪使用价值的优良乡土草种,可在园林草坪试用;狗牙根5号是个抗逆性强的变异草种,可在城郊公路、堤围草坪建植护坡,并可作为育种的优质种质资源加以利用。  相似文献   

A split-plot experiment was conducted in southern Chile to study the effects of tree cover and level of fertilizer application at establishment on the morphology and development of the legumes Lotus uliginosus and Trifolium subterraneum, when sown in conjunction with Festuca arundinacea as the companion grass. Trees were 13-year-old Pinus radiata, spaced at 4 × 12.5 m intervals and with a mean canopy diameter of 4.8 m. At 150 days after sowing the total area of Lotus leaves and length of Lotus stems/plant were not affected by tree cover. Individual plants had fewer stems but they were longer. For Trifolium, despite large increases in individual petiole length and leaf area, total petiole length and leaf area/plant were reduced by tree cover because of a reduced number of petioles/plant. At 275 days after sowing, the number and weight of Lotus components/ha was not affected by tree cover, although companion grass development was reduced. By 640 days the number and weight of Lotus components/ha was reduced but only to the same degree as the companion grass. Trifolium plant development, and in particular seed yield, was affected by tree cover at 275 and 640 days and to a greater extent than Lotus or the companion grass. A high level of fertilizer application at establishment induced a greater development of both legumes at 275 days, but by 640 days the effects were much reduced. It is concluded that both Lotus uliginosus and Trifolium subterraneum respond to tree cover by increasing stem length and leaf area, but that in situations with low soil fertility, the development of Lotus is less affected by tree cover than Trifolium. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

南方林下饲草作为一种新兴林下经济模式,实现了资源和能源的合理利用和林业的可持续发展。对林下饲草进行干燥压块不仅适于保存、运输及商品化,也利于保证干草的品质,提高林农的经济收入。通过三叶草与百喜草的压块影响因素及其压块后营养价值对比研究,得出了三叶草最优保压时间为60~90 s,百喜草最佳保压时间为80~100 s;在饲养价值上三叶草优于百喜草。  相似文献   

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