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对略阳县、成县、礼县"长治"工程区的10多条小流域治理情况的调研结果表明:通过多年"长治"工程的实施,这些小流域的面貌发生了巨大的变化,不仅有效地控制了水土流失,增强了防灾减灾能力,使农业生产基本条件得到了根本改善,而且探索总结出了一条符合当地实际的小流域综合治理与开发同步、生态效益与经济效益双赢的路子。"长治"经验告诉我们:水土保持要有成效,必须坚持以小流域为单元的综合治理,并且"措施到位"、"少有空白";必须遵循循序渐进、连续治理的原则,不能急于求成;必须有一支过硬的技术队伍;必须在确保基本农田的前提下发展经济林果。  相似文献   

马龙县自1998年开展水土保持生态建设以来,先后实施了"长治"工程、国债水土保持项目、"珠治"试点工程、"长治"生态修复工程、"珠治"工程等,完成了26条小流域的综合治理,治理面积达198.50 km2。介绍了具体做法和经验,针对存在的问题提出了解决的办法。  相似文献   

汉源县先后实施了"长治"工程、汶川地震灾后恢复重建生态修复水土保持项目、坡耕地水土流失综合治理工程、岩溶地区石漠化综合治理工程等,且在工程实施过程中不断总结经验,探索制度创新,尤其重视水土保持科技创新。介绍了双溪乡石漠化水利工程治理模式、桂贤小流域红岩子片区坡面水系综合治理、大田乡建设村坡改梯重点片倒虹管喷灌节水措施、桂贤小流域松林五组小流域生态家园试验示范等典型经验和做法。  相似文献   

四川达州市 7县 (市、区 )列入“长治”工程区后 ,坚持以小流域为单元的综合治理 ,改善了农业生产条件 ,增强了抗灾能力 ,发展了农村经济 ,提高了农民生活水平。 1999年达州市委、市政府做出创建水土保持“长治”工程大样板的决定 ,各级各部门正采取措施认真实施。  相似文献   

织金县自1997年被列为"长江上游水土保持重点防治县"后,20多年来,共完成"长治"四期、六期、七期19条小流域和新增中央预算内投资项目小流域水土保持综合治理,水土流失治理面积达346.65 km2,农业生产条件大为改善,群众生活水平大大提高。介绍了综合治理成效和具体做法。  相似文献   

四川省水土保持工作的成功经验是,狠抓宣传工作,实行水土保持政府目标责任制,坚持依法行政,坚持以小流域为单元的综合治理,创新机制,加强科研与科技推广工作。近期工作思路是,以"长治"工程为龙头,以监督执法为重点,以科技创新为手段,全面推进水土保持工作。  相似文献   

我国水土保持研究已近百年,水土保持小流域综合治理具有丰富的治理模式及经验。本文通过Meta-analysis法,从基本概念、核心理论、建设内容、措施体系、运行管理效益机制及案例调查等方面阐述小流域综合治理与海绵体系的相关性,将较为成熟的水土保持小流域综合治理模式,作为海绵城市技术落地的基础支撑,初步构建具有中国特色的海绵体系。从流域角度阐述,为海绵城市拓展流域治理提供应用视角及思路,对海绵城市建设范围的边界界定有一定的启发,对建设有中国特色的海绵体系有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

正改革开放以来,四川坚持小流域综合治理技术路线,先后启动实施了"长治"工程、"农发"水保项目、坡耕地水土流失综合治理工程、国家水土保持重点建设工程、中央财政水利发展资金水土保持项目等一批水土流失重点防治工程,全省治理水土流失面积9.61万km~2,治理区水土流失面积和土壤侵蚀量减少70%以上,粮食单产平均提髙30%以上,生态环境得到有效保护,水土保持措  相似文献   

<正>大春河水土保持生态科技示范园位于云南省晋宁县境内,园区总面积168 hm2。1995年,大春河小流域被列为"长治"工程第三期重点治理区,有关方面在综合治理的基础上,按照水利部开展水土保持  相似文献   

甘肃省长江流域水土保持生态建设工作突出以梯田建设和小流域综合治理为重点,先后实施了"长治"工程、国家坡耕地水土流失综合治理试点工程和中央预算内投资水土保持工程等,初步治理水土流失面积1.25万km2,取得了显著成效。目前存在的主要问题是"暴洪灾害频发,防洪能力薄弱"、"水土流失严重,治理任务艰巨"、"生产建设项目人为造成水土流失的现象依然存在"、"水土流失监测能力不足"等。针对以上问题,提出了"加大投资力度,加快水土流失治理步伐"、"多措并举,确保治理成果的巩固"、"建立长江流域水土保持生态补偿机制"的发展建议。  相似文献   

Rain-fed (dryland) farming is an ancient agricultural production system in China. It occurs widely across almost the whole country, especially in the Northwest and North China. The semi-arid Loess Plateau is the most important region of rain-fed farming in China, but unfortunately, soil erosion on the Loess Plateau area is the highest in China, and indeed amongst the highest in the world. This highlights the necessity for developing practices that can reduce soil and water erosion, improve soil water use efficiency, improve crop productivity, and reduce rural poverty in the region. Many techniques of soil and water conservation are being used in rain-fed areas of China, including such systems as mulch, ridge and furrow systems. The Appendix describes a unique system of soil and water conservation, called Shatian.Modern research on conservation tillage (No Till), although essential for reducing erosion, increasing crop productivity, and ameliorating poverty, is just beginning in China. Modern conservation tillage research started in the1990s' with support from Australia and other countries. The procedures, however, were modified to be in accord with local conditions and prevailing farmer experiences. With 10 years of experimentation, results show that the most successful conservation practice on the Western Loess Plateau is no till with stubble retention. This technique helps to conserve soil water, increases soil organic carbon, improves soil structure and water infiltration, reduces soil and water erosion, and improves crop productivity and sustainability of rain-fed farming systems. However, its adoption rate remains low due to barriers such as traditional attitude, insufficient rural extension, and so forth.  相似文献   

水土保持的水环境效应研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 非点源污染已成为我国很多湖库型水源地的主要污染源,给人们的生活和健康以及经济社会的可持续发展造成严重危害。水土保持措施是防治非点源污染,保护水源水质,保障饮水安全的重要手段。笔者界定了水土保持水环境效应的概念;将非点源污染的类型划分为农业型、水土流失型、农村生活型、城市径流型和降水降尘型;首次系统地揭示水土保持的水环境效应机制;定量分析小流域综合治理与区域综合治理水土保持的水环境效应。  相似文献   

资料整编是水土保持监测的基础性工作.按资料的来源和属性,可将水土保持监测资料分为基础资料、观测资料、调查资料和衍生资料.水蚀区水土保持地面观测主要涉及径流小区和小流域控制站,按监测内容和对象,一般可分为影响因子、径流和泥沙观测资料整编3大类,不同资料整编内容与方法不尽相同,各有侧重.近期,应抓紧制订监测资料整编的技术标准和整编制度,规范整编行为,同时,还应加强技术培训和档案管理,提高水土保持监测资料整编的信息化和现代化水平.  相似文献   

保水剂在水土保持中的应用及研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
保水剂作为一种高分子化合物,具有保水、保土、保肥功能.保水剂通过自身保水特性和土壤学作用机制,可改善土壤结构,降低土壤密度,提高土壤抗蚀性,起到水土保持作用.针对保水剂的水土保持功能,通过介绍保水剂的水土保持作用机制、在水土保持应用中的关键因素、水土保持效益以及目前应用中存在的问题,指出保水剂虽具有显著的水土保持效益,但必须结合适宜的保水剂类型、适宜的施用方法和施用量等因素合理使用.认为对于保水剂的研究,应以基础研究为重点,并开发多功能复合保水剂,同时扩大保水剂在水土保持中的应用领域和范围.  相似文献   

论生态恢复与水土保持   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 生态恢复是研究生态整合性的恢复和管理过程的科学,现已成为世界各国的研究热点。目前,恢复已被用作一个概括性的术语,包括重建、改建、改造、再植等含义,一般泛指改良和重建退化的生态系统,使其重新有益于利用,并恢复其生物学潜力。生态恢复的原则包括自然法则、社会经济技术原则和美学原则。我国的水土保持小流域治理是通过工程的手段进行生态恢复的典范。水土保持小流域治理应以生态经济系统理论作指导,正确处理好人口再生产、自然再生产和经济再生产三者之间的关系,才能真正做到人与自然的和谐共处。水土保持小流域治理的方法是系统工程方法,包括综合调查与系统诊断、模型开发与治理规划、防治体系与模式设计、组织机构与运行机制等方面的内容。我国的水土保持工作亟需开拓创新,创新是水土保持工作的灵魂。只有认真纠正目前水土保持工作中存在的2种偏向,全面贯彻人与自然和谐共处的发展方针,把当地人民群众的社会需求与水土保持工作有机结合起来,才能实现“山川秀美”的宏伟目标。  相似文献   

充分发挥水土保持科学内涵功能作用,加强防治土壤侵蚀,是提高治理效益和加强农业后劲,发展商品经济的需要。本文就如何形成水土保持科学体系问题,提出了几点构想:1.在指导思想上抓好“意识效应”;2.运用“整体效应”的观点,抓好水土保持科学体系的运行机制;3.运用“综合效应”的观点,抓好防、治、管、用各环的技术质量标准;4.以小流域为单元,进行综合治理,是水土保持科学体系中一个重要的科学方法;5.讲求“法律效应”开展社会治理是水土保持科学体系中不可分割的织成部分。  相似文献   

F.A. Gumbs   《Soil & Tillage Research》1993,27(1-4):341-354
This review describes the tillage methods and soil conservation methods currently utilized in the Commonwealth Caribbean on a range of slopes. A high percentage of the land has slopes which exceed 20° minimum. In these circumstances, tillage is carried out with hand tools and frequently combined with conservation contour drains or/and barriers of cut vegetation laid across the contour. Many farmers form ridges and furrows on the contour with hand tools and a significant number do not use any conservation measures. Tillage, on flat or gently sloping land, is done largely by tractor drawn implements and the tillage method is mainly determined by the crop to be grown and the soil type. The tillage methods used for the cultivation of sugar cane, rice, banana, vegetables and other small row crops are described. The agronomic, cultural and engineering practices used to conserve the soil against water erosion are also described.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis is a quantitative measurement and mathematical analysis of landforms. It plays a significant role in understanding the geohydrological characteristics of a drainage basin in relation to the terrain feature and its flow patterns. It also helps to estimate the incidence of infiltration and runoff, and other related hydrological character of a watershed like erosion and sediment transport which has a strong implication for natural resource conservation. This study has attempted to quantify the morphometric characteristics of Guna- Tana watershed for proper implementation of soil and water conservation practices. ASTER (DEM) was used for extracting morphometric parameters. The watershed covers a total area of 3601.5 km2 and it has a basin length of 78.89 km. It has been tried to generate morphometric parameters which account basin drainage network, geometry, drainage texture, and relief characteristics together with hypsometric characteristics. The morphometric analysis of drainage density of the study watershed is 0.49 km/km2 which indicates the basin is highly permeable and result with better underground water storage capacity. Ruggedness number is 0.02 that implies the area is less prone to soil erosion. In addition, it has stream frequency of 0.32 and form factor 0.57 which indicates slightly elongated basin shape. Comparative analysis of its sub watersheds Gumara and Ribb was also undertaken. Therefore, practicing soil and water conservation in the watershed could enhance/strengthen the water storage capacity, prevent sediment loss and related natural resource from the watershed that rehabilitate its productivity.  相似文献   

“猪-沼-果”水土保持综合治理模式简析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 “猪—沼—果”工程是20世纪90年代以来江西省赣南等水土流失严重地区综合治理水土流失的一种新模式,对巩固和促进治理成果取得了积极有效的作用。通过介绍“猪—沼—果”综合治理模式的内涵及“猪—沼—果”产业循环生态链,对“猪—沼—果”综合治理模式在小流域治理中的作用和效益进行全面阐述。其作用主要表现在3个方面:1)缓解能源紧缺的矛盾,保护自然植被,巩固治理成果;2)提供有机肥料,改善水土流失地土壤养分条件,促进开发性治理;3)促进小流域经济的发展,加快脱贫致富的步伐。同时,取得了显著的水土保持效益、生态效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

The effect of different soil management practices on crust strength and thickness, soil water conservation and crop performance was investigated on a ferric lixisol in a semi-arid environment of eastern Kenya.

The study proved that manure and mulching with minimum tillage have a greater effect on the water balance of crusted soils and maize emergence. There was increase in steady infiltration rates, amount of soil water stored in the soil and better drainage. The physical effect of mulch was less important in the rehabilitation of crusted soils in the study site when it was incorporated into the soil. Manure and surface mulch with minimum tillage should therefore be taken into account in land management and water conservation in the semi-arid areas of Kenya. The response of crops to the improved water availability due to manure with minimum and with conventional tillage and surface mulch was very clear. These management practices should be recommended when considering the effectiveness of soil and water management techniques in the study area.  相似文献   

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