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西花蓟马在中国的适生性分布研究初报   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:20  
根据西花蓟马生物学及生态学特性的研究,利用地理信息系统ArcView 3.2分析预测了该虫在中国可能适生分布范围。结果表明,西花蓟马在中国可能的最适宜分布范围大体在16.53-30.77°N,97.85-121.9°E范围内,涉及华南、西南、华东地区的11个省(自治区、市)的123个县(市或地区);潜在适宜分布范围大体在25.43-48.77°N,75.23-132.96°E范围内,涉及华东、华南、西南、华中、西北、华北共28个省(自治区、直辖市)的468个县(市或地区)。  相似文献   

潜在外来入侵甜菜孢囊线虫在中国的适生性风险分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用MAXENT与GARP两种生态位模型对甜菜孢囊线虫在中国的适生性进行了风险分析和预测。结果表明甜菜孢囊线虫可在中国17个省市生存,适生范围为26°N~48°N,77.6°E~136°E。甜菜孢囊线虫入侵的高风险区:内蒙古南部、新疆西部、河北中南部、山西东北部、宁夏、甘肃北部;中风险区:北京、天津、陕西、山西大部、内蒙古西部和东南部、吉林西部、新疆北部;低风险区:河南、陕西南部、山东、内蒙古中东部、新疆中部、辽宁、吉林大部、黑龙江南部、江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江北部;而青海、新疆南部、西藏、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、广西、广东、福建、海南、内蒙古少数地区和黑龙江部分地区属于基本不发生区。我国内蒙古、新疆、辽宁等省市甜菜种植区均适合甜菜孢囊线虫发生,对上述地区的进出口岸应加强甜菜孢囊线虫的检疫工作。  相似文献   

柽柳属植物的生态适应性与引种   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
介绍了中国柽柳属植物的分布格局 ,分析了自然分布区和引种区的生态特点 ,阐述了柽柳属植物的生态适应性。认为本属多数植物在中国 30°~ 5 0°N ,75°~ 130°E范围的干旱、半干旱荒漠区都有引种和发展的可能性。对其在吐鲁番盆地的抗逆性和生长发育特点进行了论述  相似文献   

在全球大幅度变暖的背景下,西北地区的气候变化及其响应受到越来越多的关注。为了进一步探讨其气候变化过程与机理在时间与空间上变化的差异性,选取中国西北地区(80°E~115°E,32°N~50°N)1961-2004年140个气象台站逐日降水、日照、风速、水汽压、温度等资料,根据Penman公式计算了潜在蒸散量,并根据其与降水的关系建立了干燥度指数。采用自组织特征映射神经网络的方法,根据上述多种物理量进行西北地区内部的气候区划,寻找不同的区域异常中心。在此基础上,采用正交小波分解的方法,对各异常区域中心的干燥度序列进行分析。最后对北大西洋涛动指数对我国西北地区的区域气候变化的影响进行多时间尺度的相关分析,并从大气环流异常的角度解释其影响机制。  相似文献   

墨西哥按实蝇在我国的适生性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
墨西哥按实蝇是美洲地区严重危害水果生产的一种重要害虫。本研究采用CLIMEX模型与ArcGIS分析相结合的预测方法,明确了墨西哥按实蝇的CLIMEX参数指标体系和适生性评判标准,分析了该实蝇在我国的的适生范围和适生程度。研究发现冬季低温构成了影响墨西哥按实蝇分布的主要限制因素,墨西哥按实蝇在我国南部较为适生,分布在16.43~27.12°N,97.67~121.29°E和28.19~30.83°N,102.53~108.42°E范围内,其中云南、广西、广东、海南和台湾5省入侵并适生的可能性较高。鉴于该实蝇在我国南方地区适生范围较广,适生程度较高,我国应加强墨西哥按实蝇的植物检疫措施力度,严防该虫的传入。  相似文献   

关于土兰的北界,在文献中有许多互相矛盾的见解。例如在《中亚》一书中,中亚和南哈萨克斯坦荒漠的北界是沿N44°划线,而E.柯洛宾和加巴索夫认为它是N48°。拉甫连柯把荒漠的界限定在N50°。在苏联的地植物学图上(《苏联植被》,1956)荒漠的界限提高到N51°。在很多的情况下,人们划定荒漠的北界是有条件的。譬如,巴甫洛夫写道:“荒漠带的北界决定于草原的南界……”。往往荒漠的范围根据气候因素划出。例如全年降水量少于300毫米的地区认为是荒漠。也有用一种植物的分布区的范围作为界限。例如Artemisia  相似文献   

潜在外来入侵甜菜孢囊线虫在中国的适生阵风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用MAXENT与GARP两种生态位模型对甜菜孢囊线虫在中国的适生性进行了风险分析和预测。结果表明甜菜孢囊线虫可在中国17个省市生存,适生范围为26°N~48°N,77.6°E~136°E。甜菜孢囊线虫入侵的高风险区:内蒙古南部、新疆西部、河北中南部、山西东北部、宁夏、甘肃北部;中风险区:北京、天津、陕西、山西大部、内蒙古西部和东南部、吉林西部、新疆北部;低风险区:河南、陕西南部、山东、内蒙古中东部、新疆中部、辽宁、吉林大部、黑龙江南部、江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南、江西、浙江北部;而青海、新疆南部、西藏、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、广西、广东、福建、海南、内蒙古少数地区和黑龙江部分地区属于基本不发生区。我国内蒙古、新疆、辽宁等省市甜菜种植区均适合甜菜孢囊线虫发生,对上述地区的进出口岸应加强甜菜孢囊线虫的检疫工作。  相似文献   

新疆北塔山地区的野生动物   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
于 1998年 9月、10月对新疆东北部阿尔泰山系北塔山地区的野生动物 ,以有蹄类为重点 ,采用定点观测、路线考察和调查访问相结合的方法进行了专题考察研究。通过 12个定位点的观测 ,定位点周边地区的辐射考察和 95 3km的路线考察并参阅有关文献 ,共记录陆栖脊椎动物 14 9种 ,其中两栖类 1种、爬行类 6种、鸟类 10 0种、兽类4 2种。考察过程中 ,于 10月 7日在考察区南部山前荒漠见波斑鸨 (Otisundulatamacqueeni) 2只 (N4 4°5 2 .310′,E91°4 4 .30 4′) ,结合卫星跟踪定位监测 (另项专题研究 )结果 ,证实北塔山地区南部冲积平原为波斑鸨的繁殖地、迁徙的经途和停息地。同时对分布于该地区的数种主要有蹄类动物的生存现状作了考察 :1、野马 (Equusprzewalski)。证实原野中的野马已不复存在 ,野马已经从中国的原野消失。2、蒙古野驴 (Asinushemionushemionus) 。观察到 17群·次 ,10 8头。仅见 1次单独活动的个体 ,最大群 2 5头(N4 4°5 4 .92 1′,E92°0 1.938′) ,其余均为 2至 12头不等的集群。该地属中等密度区。3、鹅喉羚 (Gazellasubgutturosasairensis)。在山前荒漠观察到 5群·次 ,19只。均为 3至 5只的小群。该地属低密度区。4、盘羊 (Ovisammondarwini)。在北部山地 2次见到犄角 ,在南部低山丘  相似文献   

<正> The Manas River valley, situated in the middle part of northern slope of TianshanMountains, in a geographcal position of N43°20′--45°56′, E84°57′--86°43′,composed of Manas and Shawan counties, and the 8th Agricaltural Reclamation Division,has a total area of 24328Km~2. This area belongs to the arid regions of China with a great distance to the sea. For in-  相似文献   

<正> Mongolian Plateau is located in the center of Asia, remote from oceans and sur-rounded by mountains of various heights. It is a closed inland plateau and a special land-scape ecological region in the Euro-Asia Continent. Mongolian Plateau includes the landof the Republic of Mongolian and Inner Mongoilia of China. It covers a area of 34°36′longitude (E87°40′-E122°15′) and 15°22′latitude (N37°46′-N53°08′). Thispaper briefly describes the landscape feature and ecological division of this region.  相似文献   

刺桐姬小蜂的发生、危害与检疫   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
刺桐姬小蜂是一种新入侵的有害生物,专一危害刺桐属植物。近两年陆续在美国夏威夷、中国台湾等地严重发生,2005年7月中国大陆首次发现该虫。本文分别介绍了刺桐姬小蜂的发生、传播、危害、鉴定、生物学特性和防控检疫等。  相似文献   

After the first introduction of chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, in Italy, it has spread rapidly in several other European countries, probably largely due to trade in chestnut plants. Despite the measures taken to prevent further spread of this pest to other countries, D. kuriphilus was detected in Greece for the first time in 2014. However, surveys have shown that the pest is still of very limited distribution in Greece. Having faced the damage caused by chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) over the last 50 years, the production of chestnuts in Greece is now seriously threatened by chestnut gall wasp, which has already caused extensive losses in chestnut production of other countries. In order to minimize the impact of chestnut gall wasp, control measures are being designed involving the release of the parasitoid Torymus sinensis.  相似文献   

To investigate the susceptibility of hairy root lines of Brassica species to Plasmodiophora brassicae, hairy roots were induced in a number of Brassica species with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Turnip hairy root was highly susceptible to P. brassicae; infection rates were high and large galls formed. In contrast, the rates of root hair infection and gall formation on intact Brassica plants did not differ significantly from the control. To induce resting spore formation, turnip hairy roots were incubated at 15°, 20°, or 25°C after 3 weeks of incubation at 25°C. The number and fresh mass of the galls per hairy root were higher and formation of resting spores was greatest after a 7-week incubation at 20°C. To subculture P. brassicae using turnip hairy root, turnip hairy roots were reinoculated with resting spores and gall with resting spores then formed on the hairy roots. In this way, P. brassicae using hairy roots could be subcultured in vitro two or three times on three single-spore isolates of P. brassicae. This is the first report of in vitro subculture of P. brassicae using hairy root.  相似文献   

刺桐姬小蜂检疫与防控技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刺桐姬小蜂(Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim)是2005年7月在中国大陆发现的重要外来入侵物种,对刺桐属植物造成严重为害,已被列为中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物和全国林业检疫性有害生物。本文观察了该虫的羽化、取食、寿命、产卵、越冬等生物学习性;研究了该虫检疫处理和田间防治技术。  相似文献   

The Eucalyptus gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and its parasitoid Closterocerus chamaeleon (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were observed for the first time in Portugal, in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Data on the distribution of O. maskelli in Portugal, differences in the susceptibility of two host species, Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus camaldulensis, and parasitism by C. chamaeleon are given.  相似文献   

The parasitoid complex of the Asian chestnut gall wasp Drycosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu was studied in Calabria (Italy). A total of 14 different species of parasitoids were collected, of which three are recorded on the Asian gall wasp for the first time. The composition of the parasitoid complex collected in Calabria was compared with that reported from Italy and from Europe. The altitude of the sites of collection seemed to have an effect on the distribution and abundance of the single species of parasitoids.  相似文献   

Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an invasive species in the Mediterranean area that occurs naturally onEucalyptus camaldulensis at Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, was studied in Israel on the same host plant. The most distinctive characteristic ofO. maskelli as compared with other congeners is the presence of only a single seta on the submarginal vein.O. maskelli shows a clear tendency to oviposit in developed, immature leaves, and it prefers to oviposit on an area of the leaf blade near the petiole. The female lays an average of 109 eggs when maintained on water alone. The egglaying distribution tended towards aggregation, and the same tendency has also been observed within and among trees. The wasp prefers to attack the lower canopy. The gall diameter ranged from 1.2 to 0.9 mm, and gall density from 11.5 to 36.0 galls cm−2, respectively. The typical color of the gall appeared as soon as third instar larva developed. Galls on shaded leaves remained green or greenish-yellow, whereas those that were exposed to the sun were reddish.O. maskelli produces three generations per year in Israel. High flight occurs among the spring generations, starting in early March. The wasps were attracted to green sticky plates much more than to the other tested colors. Heavy galling byO. maskelli results in premature shedding of the leaves, soon after the emergence of the wasps. Among the 84 eucalyptus species tested, the following 14 species were found to be suitable hosts:E. botryoides, E. bridgesiana, E. camaldulensis, E. cinerea, E. globulus, E. gunii, E. nicholii, E. pulverulenta, E. robusta, E. rudis, E. saligna, E. tereticornis andE. viminalis. This study focused on morphological and development characters that can clearly distinguishO. maskelli fromOphelimus eucalypti Gahan, and on examining the effect of crossing between eucalyptus species on the development possibilities of the wasps. Also considered were the effect of the food on adult survival, the competition between the eulophid gall makerLeptocybe invasa Fisher & LaSalle andO. maskelli, the heavy damage inflicted on eucalyptus, and the health problems and nuisance to people caused by the wasp near heavily infested trees during the mass emergence of adults. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 5, 2006.  相似文献   

Meteorus pulchricornis is a parasitic wasp, which plays an important role in the biological control of lepidopteran pests. Through assessment of the effect of host instar and temperature on fitness-related traits of M. pulchricornis, this study ascertained the establishment potential of M. pulchricornis in the fields. Results showed that M. pulchricornis accepted Spodoptera exigua for oviposition and the progenies developed successfully in hosts of all ages at three constant temperatures, 20°C, 25°C and 30°C. Parasitoid survivorship from oviposition to adult eclosion was highest at 25°C, followed by 20°C and 30°C. Cocoon weight and hind tibia length differed significantly when the parasitoid was exposed to 20°C, 25°C and 30°C. The fitness-related traits of M. pulchricornis did not increase linearly with the host age at different temperatures. The host quality was found to be optimal at intermediate host instars, which the female parasitoid preferred to parasitize. The larval development rate increased with temperature in a linear fashion up to 30°C. The threshold for larval and pupal development of M. pulchricornis was 4.2°C and 1.6°C, respectively. These results have implications for predicting the population dynamics of M. pulchricornis in situ and optimizing mass rearing of the parasitic wasp under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

栗瘿蜂生物学特性观察与防治方法探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
栗瘿蜂在北京地区一年发生一代。无雄蜂,营孤雌生殖。以初龄幼虫在栗芽组织内越冬,翌年5月下旬幼虫老熟在虫瘿里化蛹,6月中、下旬羽化,脱孔出蜂,产卵于栗芽内。卵于7月中旬孵化,初孵幼虫先在栗芽组织表面危害,然后形成小虫室越冬。室内药效测定表明,10%六六六乳剂200倍液、50%杀螟松乳剂1000倍液、50%乐果乳剂1000倍液,对刚脱孔和正在咬孔的成虫触杀效果都很好。田间栗树喷药试验结果表明,成虫羽化95%以上时,喷布10%六六六乳剂或超低量油剂,效果良好。冬季剪枝,保留结果母枝和有用发育枝,防虫效果明显。保护及利用自然天敌长尾小蜂是防治栗瘿蜂值得注意的途径。  相似文献   

The Asian chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae), is one of the most damaging insect pests on Castanea sativa Miller trees (Fagales, Fagaceae) worldwide. Dryocosmus kuriphilus galls were collected between late May and August 2014 from 11 sites in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of North‐East Italy, differing in elevation and forest cover composition. The number of parasitoids that emerged was higher than the number of D. kuriphilus specimens that emerged for 5 out of 11 sites considered. The mean number of larval chambers per gall dissected was between 1.5 and 2.8 (for the 11 different sites). There were no fewer than 2–3 specimens of parasitoids emerging per 100 galls, in all sites. The parasitoids identified belonged to five different Chalcidoidea families (Torymidae, Eupelmidae, Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae and Eulophidae). Among them, Torymidae and Eupelmidae represented approximately 90% of the total hymenopteran parasitoids. The most represented species were Torymus flavipes (Walker), Megastigmus dorsalis (Fabricius) and Eupelmus urozonus Dalman, all indigenous parasitoids of species causing oak galls. All identified parasitoids were already known to be associated with D. kuriphilus in Italy. These data support the hypothesis of a high species richness of this parasitoid community.  相似文献   

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