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正目前,苏格兰蓝莓种植者呼吁大力开展本地蓝莓的宣传营销,以突出本地蓝莓的季节性和高品质。其主要原因在于本地蓝莓与南美蓝莓的竞争日趋激烈。据苏格兰蓝莓种植者表示,本产季第一批蓝莓已经上市,消费者已习惯全年购买蓝莓作为早餐。然而,消费者对秘鲁蓝莓和本地蓝莓一视同仁,并未意识到本地蓝莓更佳的风味、广泛的种植面积与采收的季节性。  相似文献   

2021年初,阿根廷的官方统计数据显示,2020年蓝莓产量为1.8万t,其中近1.1万t新鲜蓝莓用于出口。刚刚结束的收获季和出口季显示,2021年阿根廷蓝莓产量及出口量均下降。初步统计显示,2021年阿根廷蓝莓出口量为8000 t,蓝莓种植面积缩小。究其原因,主要有运营和税收成本高、美元化、高通货膨胀以及缺乏政府部门对蓝莓行业的指导政策等,这些原因与阿根廷的柑桔产业类似。所不同的是,阿根廷柑桔主要销往国内市场,但阿根廷的蓝莓主要销往国际市场。  相似文献   

南半球蓝莓出口出现了意想不到的状况,尤其是在智利、阿根廷和乌拉圭等地。原本以为随着阿根廷和乌拉圭蓝莓上市,蓝莓市场会出现平稳增长。然而,由于天气、国内政策和运输费用等方面原因却造成了蓝莓出口暂时停滞。  相似文献   

正本刊讯(特约通讯员葛德光)日前,笔者从怀宁县城乡水果市场了解到,市场上销售的一级蓝莓50元/kg,同比价格下跌18.66%。据分析,该县蓝莓价格持续走低的主要原因是近几年来该县蓝莓种植面积增幅较快。目前该县蓝莓种植面积达到4 800 hm2,年产量达到4.8万t,蓝莓上市量增多,价格逐渐下降。虽然蓝莓价格下降,但销售更顺畅。另据安徽省农业科学院食品加工研究所专家胡勇介绍,蓝莓除了出售鲜果获利,还可以经深加工成食品和医药原料增值。仅以蓝莓浓缩  相似文献   

正阿根廷于20世纪90年代后半期开始生产蓝莓,其目的是供应世界最大的蓝莓消费市场——北美。2008年阿根廷蓝莓产量达到顶峰,出口量约2 000万kg。阿根廷蓝莓产量曾仅次于智利,后者是拉丁美洲最大的蓝莓生产国。然而,由于通货膨胀和税收方案改变等原因,阿根廷的情况变得复杂起来,其在蓝莓市场的竞争力下降。根据INTA的数据,1995—2015年,世界蓝莓产量增加了两倍,从23 600 t增加到66 400 t。  相似文献   

<正>根据农业研究和政策办公室(PASO)的一份报告,智利蓝莓和樱桃种植面积、产量和出口量出现爆炸性增长。在过去10年中,蓝莓和樱桃已经成为智利水果中增长最快的水果,其主要原因是生产商从中获得了可观的收益。目前尽管由于小卷蛾的原因智利蓝莓无法出口美国,但蓝莓售价仍可达5美元/kg。与此同时,樱桃售价达6.3美元/kg。另外,由于出口市场销量  相似文献   

山东省日照市东港区于2006年开始种植蓝莓,至2010年底,全市蓝莓种植面积已达到546.67hm2,成为山东省唯一的"蓝莓之乡".介绍了日照市东港区蓝莓生产现状,分析了蓝莓产业发展优势,提出了蓝莓产业发展的对策措施.  相似文献   

蓝莓灰霉病是蓝莓生产中的一种重要病害,主要为害蓝莓的花、果、叶、嫩梢等幼嫩器官,在低温高湿条件下,给蓝莓生产带来重大损失。本文通过对蓝莓灰霉病病原及发生规律进行分析,结合生产实践经验,提出了蓝莓灰霉病的防治技术。  相似文献   

日前,笔者在安徽省城合肥市大润发超市水果销售区内看到,标价十几元一盒(125 g)的蓝莓无人问津.蓝莓虽然具有极高保健和食用价值,其含有花青素可明显增强视力,并有延缓脑神经衰老等功效,被誉为"世界水果之王",但销售不理想.出现这种情况的主要原因一是消费者对蓝莓鲜果不了解,有的消费者还未见过完整的蓝莓鲜果.  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯(特约通讯员葛德光)日前,笔者从合肥市永辉超市生鲜部了解到,一级标准蓝莓70元/kg,同比价格下降三成左右。据分析,今年该市蓝莓价格持续走低的主要原因是,近年来蓝莓种植面积逐年扩大,产量增幅较大。该市蓝莓种植规模最大的企业——南陵县的徽王食品有限公司总经理表示,现在超市一盒蓝莓(125 g)售价7~9元,还是比较合理,种植的多了,产量增加,拉低"贵族水果"价格,开始回归  相似文献   

Have you made the decision to sell your veterinary practice and enter a new stage of lifé If so, the next big question is how do you maximise the sale price and minimise your capital gains tax. of such points and potentially bring them up to the standard of the rest of your business. For example is your store or practice in need of a refit? Do you need to update equipment, train staff or review stock choices?  相似文献   

In summary, therefore, my experiences as a witness have been divided into three major areas. In the first, in what was essentially the political process, the game was charge and counter-charge, and the rules, such as they were, were fairly loose. In the second area, that of administrative hearings, the rulesare somewhat tighter, but still not as restrictive as those of a full court session. In court session you are always sworn, carefully qualified as an expert and almost invariably subjected to searching cross- examination. The rules of evidence are strictly adhered to. This is the situation where your freedom of action is most restricted, and is the most rigorous of the situations in which you will use your expertise. However, in the last analysis, you should remember that all that is required of you are simple statements of fact,and your best opinions. Make your statements simple, consistent, and concise, and keep your answers on cross-examination as short as possible.Expert appearances under any of these conditions are very stressful circumstances. They will absorb your attention entirely for some time before you make your appearance. You will feel totally drained after them,and images from the hearing will reverberate in your mind for days. They are, nevertheless, ultimately satisfying experiences. This is because the only measure of the quality of your research is how much it changes the way things are done. Appearances as an expert are a sure sign that you are contributing to change, and speak the significance of your expertise.  相似文献   


The first and over-riding consideration in the basic management of a successful practice is to get your attitude right and the attitude of all your associates (veterinary and lay) oriented aright. Earnest solicitude, genuine concern and enthusiastic interest are the attitudes to shape the careers of veterinary success. Don't sell yourself short.  相似文献   

In order to run a small business effectively you must be in financial control and this means that you have to be aware how the business is performing. If you wait until your accountant has got out the annual accounts valuable time has been wasted in making necessary decisions and corrections to poor trends in your business so monthly/quarterly records are required. Decisions as to whether you can afford to take another assistant, set up a branch surgery, the level of your fee increases, whether to buy or lease your cars; are all dependent on having available up to date financial knowledge of your business. If you have a microcomputer in the practice you can use spreadsheets which will allow the accurate prediction of cash flow or profitability. You can also ask the question 'what happens if...?' and get the answer in seconds. But even without a computer, financial control can be easily maintained if you are prepared to spend a couple of hours each month with your practice figures.  相似文献   

The aim of this evaluation study was to assess the possible role of a specific nutraceutical diet in relieving main clinical symptoms of chronic bilateral otitis externa (occlusion of ear canal, erythema, discharge quantity, and odor) in 30 adult dogs. Thirty dogs of different breeds (mean age?±?SEM; 6.03?±?0.15 years and mean weight?±?SEM; 32.01?±?1.17 Kg; 53.3 % males, 46.6 % females) with evident chronic clinical otitis symptoms were equally divided and randomly assigned to receive either the nutraceutical diet (ND group) or a standard diet (SD group) over a period of 90 days. In all cases a topical pharmacological treatment was given. The nutraceutical diet, also endowed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, significantly decreased the mean score intensity of all symptoms after 90 days of intervention (P?<?0.0001) with the exception of Malassezia pachydermatis infection which was only slightly reduced. Our investigation is one of the few evidence-based results where a commercial nutraceutical diet has been proven effective, in combination with drugs, in relieving otitis externa-related symptoms. This study opens new insights into otitis externa clinical management providing evidence of efficacy of a combined therapy with drugs and a specific nutraceutical diet.  相似文献   

The presence and importance of visual oestrous symptoms and the relation to conception, breed, housing system and milk yield were studied. Data were collected from a Swedish research herd during a 16-year period. Local, secondary and primary oestrous symptoms and an overall oestrus intensity score (OI) were studied. Decreasing trends in oestrous expression and conception rates (CR), and an increase in CR with more intensive oestrus, from 24% at OI score one (very week) to 54% at OI score five (very strong) were observed. The mean interval from first to last observed oestrus symptom was long with a large variation (54?±?SD?=?32?h). Generally, irrespectively of housing system, Swedish Red cows had higher CR, more intensive oestruses and longer oestrus durations compared to Swedish Holstein cows. Local oestrous symptoms, with CR of 24–28%, were most frequently detected, which is why more attention should be paid to local oestrous symptoms.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to estimate effect of various genetic and non-genetic factors on persistency of milk production and to identify the most appropriate persistency method that fits best in our environment. In the present study, effects of different non-genetic factors, viz. year, season, days to attain peak yield, and genetic group based on the level of exotic inheritance on persistency of milk yield in crossbred cattle were studied. Data comprised of 686 first lactation daily milk yield records of crossbred cattle that were maintained at GADVASU dairy farm over a period of 25 years from 1991 to 2015 were utilized to calculate persistency coefficients by four methods, viz., Ludwick and Peterson method (P1), Mahadevan method (P2), ratio method (P3), and Prasad et al. method (P4). Overall least squares means for persistency by Ludwick and Peterson method (P1), Mahadevan method (P2), ratio method (P3), and Prasad et al. method (P4) were 0.896?±?0.096, 1.385?±?0.224, 187.207?±?26.398, and 0.621?±?0.098, respectively. Effect of sires was significant (P?<?0.05) on P2 and P4 methods. Effect of genetic group on all four methods was non-significant. Period of calving had significant (P?<?0.01) effect on persistency of milk yield (P2, P3, and P4 methods). Effect of season of calving on persistency of milk yield was found to be significant in all estimates obtained by the four methods. Summer and autumn calvers were most persistent whereas spring and winter calvers were least persistent for (P2, P3, and P4 methods). Persistency of milk yield was significantly (P?<?0.05) affected by days to attain peak yield in P1 and P2 methods. Maximum persistency was obtained in animals attaining peak at 41–57 days of lactation and minimum in <?41 days for Mahadevan method and ratio method. The highest heritability of persistency and minimum value of standard error was estimated as 0.275?±?0.11 for the Mahadevan method followed by the Prasad method (0.197?±?0.10) by half sib correlation method. The maximum coefficient of variation which indicates available variability was estimated as 20.788% for persistency by the Mahadevan method followed by 18.969% for the Prasad method. The highest correlation was also observed between P1 and P3 methods by Spearman’s and Pearson’s correlation for least squares breeding value of the sires. On the basis of heritability, standard error of heritability, and coefficient of variation, it can be concluded that the Mahadevan method followed by the Prasad method suits best to our environment for animals in first lactation as well as they can be utilized for effective selection for higher persistency in crossbred animals of Punjab.  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立浏阳黑山羊瘤胃上皮细胞的体外培养模型,并对其周期分布、增殖和凋亡特点进行研究。试验采集60日龄浏阳黑山羊的瘤胃上皮组织,应用0.25%胰蛋白酶+0.02%乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)消化法对山羊瘤胃上皮组织进行消化,得到单个的山羊瘤胃上皮原代细胞进行体外培养。通过倒置显微镜对原代和传代培养阶段细胞形态进行观察,采用细胞计数法检测细胞的生长活性,应用细胞免疫组化学方法对传代细胞进行鉴定,并用流式细胞术检测山羊瘤胃上皮传代细胞周期分布情况和凋亡比率。结果显示:1)经0.25%胰蛋白酶+0.02%EDTA消化获得的山羊瘤胃上皮原代细胞,培养1 d开始贴壁生长,2 d开始生长较快(对数期),呈典型的"波峰"状生长,3~4 d生长最为迅速,7 d生长速度平稳(平台期)。2)经细胞免疫组化学方法的鉴定,细胞胞浆为黄褐色,即细胞角蛋白19呈阳性表达。3)膜联蛋白-V/碘化丙啶联合染色显示,随着培养时间的延长,细胞凋亡比率显著增加(P0.01)。结果表明,通过0.25%胰蛋白酶+0.02%EDTA的消化方法成功得到了浏阳黑山羊瘤胃上皮细胞,可为今后研究反刍动物瘤胃相关机制与功能提供模型。  相似文献   

1. Behavioural and neural responses of 65 broilers to head-to-cloaca electrical stunning were evaluated and meat quality was assessed on two groups of 25 broilers stunned either head to cloaca, or in a conventional water bath method.

2. On the EEG recordings, a general epileptiform insult was observed when applying a current of 100?mA (100?Hz) or 70?mA (70?Hz) for 1·5?s. This general epileptiform insult shows a tonic, clonic and exhaustion phase followed by spikes of alpha, beta, theta and delta waves with duration of on average 34?±?12?s and 39?±?23?s respectively. These birds may have been unconscious for 20?s or longer, according to the correlation dimension analyses.

3. The heart rate decreased significantly (P? 4. Within a confidence limit of 95%, taking into account the number of animals with a reliable EEG, the chance of an effective stun of all broilers lies between 0·9 and 1·0?with a current of 70?mA (100?Hz for 1·5?s; n?=?28) and with 100?mA (100?Hz for 1·5?s; n?=?27).

5. The shear force of breast fillets was slightly lower (P? 6. It can be concluded that broilers are effectively stunned with the head-cloaca method by using a controlled current of 70?mA or 100?mA for 1·5?s. The fillets and legs of bird stunned head-cloaca showed fewer blood splashes in the muscles compared with birds stunned in a conventional water bath.  相似文献   

本试验旨在比较分析雏鸡冷应激前后血清中蛋白质的表达差异,并对重点差异蛋白质进行鉴定。将30只雏鸡随机分为3组,分别为冷应激组、冷适应组和常温对照组,收集各组雏鸡的血液制备血清后进行双向凝胶电泳(2-DE),以获得血清蛋白质表达的2-DE图谱,对2-DE图谱进行差异分析(利用PDQuest 8.0软件),随后采用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)技术对差异表达蛋白质进行鉴定,并利用蛋白质印迹(Western blot)方法进行验证。结果显示:通过2-DE对常温对照组、冷应激组和冷适应组雏鸡血清进行分析,得到了比较完整的差异蛋白质数据,共找到差异蛋白质点23个。采用MALDI-TOF-MS技术分析其中几个重复性好且较为明显的蛋白质点,成功鉴定出4个差异蛋白质,其中2个为果糖二磷酸醛缩酶C(ALDOC),是参与葡萄糖、能量代谢通路供能的相关蛋白;随后,对差异蛋白质ALDOC进行Western blot验证,所得结果与2-DE的结果相一致。结果表明,雏鸡冷应激前后血清中蛋白质的表达具有明显的差异,这些蛋白质的表达差异可能与冷应激有关。  相似文献   

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