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对杜仲皮先进行蒸汽爆破预处理,然后利用纤维素酶对预处理杜仲皮进行水解提取活性成分及杜仲胶。考察了蒸汽爆破预处理条件对杜仲皮中活性成分及杜仲胶得率和杜仲胶相对分子质量的影响。研究结果显示:乙醇超声波提取未预处理杜仲皮中活性成分的较优条件为:1 g杜仲皮粉末,以乙醇为溶剂,乙醇体积分数40%,料液比1∶10(g∶mL),超声功率200 W,提取温度40℃,提取40 min。在此条件下,以蒸汽爆破预处理杜仲皮为原料,当预处理蒸汽压力为3.25 MPa、预处理时间为1 min时,乙醇超声波提取黄酮和绿原酸的得率分别为26.83和1.22 mg/g,纤维素酶水解提取黄酮和绿原酸的得率分别为19.17和0.93 mg/g。预处理后的杜仲皮经酶解后固体残渣可用于提取杜仲胶,当预处理压力为0.52 MPa、预处理时间为15 min时,杜仲胶得率可达5.92%,其M_w和M_n分别为28.39×10~4和6.45×10~4。  相似文献   

为了优化杜仲胶提取工艺,以酶解液中的总糖含量和酶解杜仲胶的提取率为试验考察指标,来确定纤维素复合酶预处理杜仲叶残渣的生产工艺条件。试验结果表明:纤维素复合酶预处理杜仲叶残渣的最佳工艺条件为pH值5.5,温度50℃,酶用量为1.6 mg/g,料液比为1∶15(g∶mL),酶解4 h。与非酶解原料相比,杜仲叶残渣经酶解预处理后胶提取率是未经酶解的1.49倍。表明纤维素复合酶可用于杜仲叶残渣提取杜仲胶的酶解预处理过程。  相似文献   

【目的】杜仲胶是优质天然橡胶,有望替代传统的三叶橡胶,而杜仲的树叶、树皮、果实等不同部位均可提取杜仲胶。探究杜仲不同部位杜仲胶的最佳提取方法,为杜仲橡胶的广泛应用奠定基础。【方法】以杜仲树叶、树皮、果壳为试材,分别采用机械法、碱浸法和综合法提取杜仲粗胶。【结果】以机械法提取,杜仲树叶粗胶的提取率为15.00%,其树皮粗胶的提取率为13.35%,其果壳粗胶的提取率最高(24.99%);经20%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲树叶的提胶率最高,经5%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲树叶的提胶率最低;经10%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲树皮的提胶率最高,经5%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲树皮的提胶率最低;经25%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲果壳的提胶率最高,经10%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲果壳的提胶率最低。经不同浓度的NaOH溶液碱浸后,杜仲果壳的提胶率树皮的提胶率树叶的提胶率;经过浓度分别为5%和20%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲树叶的提胶率存在显著差异(P 0.05),而经过浓度分别为5%和20%的NaOH溶液碱浸后杜仲树皮和果壳的提胶率均无显著差异。以综合法处理后,杜仲树叶的提胶率为0.25%,其树皮的提胶率为1.43%,其果壳的提胶率为2.02%;杜仲果壳的提胶率树皮的提胶率树叶的提胶率。3种提胶方法中,以机械法所提粗胶的外观品质最差,胶中含较多的残渣和杂质;以综合法所提杜仲树叶粗胶有光泽,杜仲树皮和果壳粗胶均具色白、细腻、无杂质等特点。【结论】杜仲果壳的提胶率高,以综合法提胶具有成本低、胶的杂质少等优点。建议在生产中以综合法提取杜仲果壳粗胶。  相似文献   

以蒽酮比色法测定的酶解液中的总糖含量和酶解杜仲胶的提取率为考察指标,优化纤维素酶解预处理杜仲粕壳的工艺条件。结果表明,纤维素酶预处理杜仲粕壳的最佳工艺条件:温度50℃,pH值3.8,酶的用量为0.30 g,料液比为1∶15(g∶mL),酶解2次,每次3 h。经最佳酶解工艺条件预处理后的杜仲粕壳,第一次提取酶解物中杜仲胶得率达到57.7%,是非酶解物中的1.3倍。采用薄层层析法检测,结果表明经酶解预处理后所提取的胶与非酶解而提取的胶成分基本相同。  相似文献   

核桃加工过程会产生大量核桃壳,而核桃壳中木质素含量较高,可作为潜在商业木质素的来源。为充分利用核桃壳中的木质素,必须了解核桃壳木质素的结构特点。用不同浓度的碱溶液对核桃壳中的木质素进行逐级提取,得到了4种碱木质素,并探索了各浓度梯度下木质素的得率。随后,通过深度酶水解得到了酶解残渣木质素。利用凝胶色谱(GPC)、红外光谱(FT-IR)和二维核磁共振(2D HSQC)技术对分离所得木质素样品的结构进行定性和定量表征。对各木质素样品的纯度及分子结构特点进行综合分析后发现,通过逐级碱提核桃壳得到的碱木质素总得率仅为27.25%,但碱提核桃壳残渣酶水解后得到的酶解残渣木质素的得率却高达62.44%。研究中木质素总得率达到了89.69%,代表性良好。4种碱提木质素样品的相对分子质量(1 930~2 330 g/mol)明显低于酶水解木质素样品的相对分子质量(3 190 g/mol),且所有木质素样品的分子质量分布都相对较窄(M_w/M_n1.5)。核桃壳木质素为典型的SGH型木质素,该木质素分子中S型单元与G型单元比例相近,且含量远高于H型结构单元。核桃壳木质素中主要联结键为β-O-4'醚键结构、β-β'树脂醇结构及β-5'苯基香豆满结构。研究结果可为核桃壳木质素的高效分离和高值化利用提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为给杜仲胶的综合开发利用提供一定的理论基础,利用凝胶渗透色谱法,研究了叶林种植模式下,杜仲叶中杜仲胶含量与相对分子质量的变化规律.结果表明,6~10月,叶中杜仲胶含量随月份的增长总体上呈递增趋势,6月份最低,为2.71%,10月份最高,达到3.95%.其相对高分子质量随着月份增长总体上呈增大趋势,6月份最小,为8.65...  相似文献   

[目的]建立快速、简便、重复性好、得率高的杜仲胶颗粒提取技术,为进一步分析胶颗粒膜蛋白、脂肪酸、糖脂等组成及杜仲橡胶分子量奠定基础。[方法]以杜仲叶片和翅果为材料,利用不同离心条件及研磨次数探究杜仲胶颗粒得率,并结合光镜与电镜观察结果,探讨适合从不同杜仲组织器官中提取胶颗粒的最优条件。[结果]杜仲组织(叶片或翅果)液氮经速冻、反复研磨捣碎6次过滤10次,在4℃条件下以5 000 g离心力,45度定角离心10 min,并反复漂洗8次得到的杜仲胶颗粒含量最高。在此条件下,以10月采摘的杜仲叶和翅果为材料,提取的杜仲胶颗粒含量可分别达3.70 g·kg~(-1)叶片、5.37 g·kg~(-1)翅果。进一步观察发现,不论是杜仲叶片或翅果随着其发育的成熟,组织中胶颗粒粒径大小和积累量均呈现先增加后稳定的变化趋势。杜仲胶颗粒在光镜和电镜下呈球形,胶颗粒间粒径大小差异较大。以10月杜仲叶、翅果及树皮为例,小胶颗粒(1■4μm)分别占39%,53%,98.38%,中等胶颗粒(4■7μm)分别占38%,34%,0.12%,大胶颗粒(7■11μm)分别占23%,13%,0.05%。[结论]本研究建立的杜仲胶颗粒提取技术较为快捷,得率高,可快速对不同时期不同组织器官的杜仲胶颗粒进行提取。  相似文献   

采用水提醇沉法从杜香(Ledum palustre L.)叶中提取得到多糖,通过硫酸苯酚比色法测定杜香叶多糖含量;在单因素试验的基础上进行正交试验优化提取条件,采用试剂盒法和化学实验法测定其体外总抗氧化活性以及DPPH·、·OH和H2O2清除能力;采用肝癌细胞Hep G2为细胞模型,研究其对Hep G2细胞的体外抗增殖活性。结果表明:杜香叶多糖提取的最佳条件为:液料比30∶1(m L∶g),提取温度80℃,提取时间3 h。在此条件下,多糖提取得率为7.86%±0.16%,纯度为90.06%。在质量浓度1~5 g/L范围内,杜香叶多糖体外抗氧化活性和抗癌细胞增殖活性均呈现出量效关系趋势。5 g/L杜香叶多糖总抗氧化能力为(10.27±0.2)U/m L,达到相同质量浓度的Vc总抗氧化活性的95%以上;各浓度杜香叶多糖DPPH·、·OH清除能力均达到相同质量浓度的Vc 90%以上,杜香叶多糖对H2O2清除能力在5 g/L时达到相同质量浓度的Vc 60%以上;当质量浓度为5 g/L时,杜香叶多糖对Hep G2细胞增殖抑制率达57.41%±0.02%。  相似文献   

以成熟叶老鹰茶为原料,在单因素试验的基础上,以总黄酮得率为指标,采用响应面法优化微波辅助提取其总黄酮的最佳工艺条件,并通过老鹰茶总黄酮对1,1-二苯基苦基苯肼自由基(DPPH·)的清除和铁离子还原能力(FRAP)来评价其抗氧化能力。结果表明,经过优化后的工艺参数为:成熟叶老鹰茶1 g微波时间61 s,微波功率560 W,液料比10∶1(mL∶g),乙醇体积分数80.3%,此条件下总黄酮得率为6.52%。成熟叶老鹰茶总黄酮具有较强的DPPH·清除和铁离子还原能力,质量浓度20 g/L时,DPPH·清除率66.66%,铁离子还原能力相当于2.05 mmol/L FeSO4,并呈一定的量效关系。  相似文献   

研究了生产低聚木糖(XOS)所得的废渣对里氏木霉纤维素酶合成的诱导作用和纤维素酶水解特性.废渣对里氏木霉合成纤维素酶的诱导作用较差,而纤维素酶水解性能优异.里氏木霉以含纤维素15 g/L的废渣为碳源合成纤维素酶,滤纸酶活为0.48 FPIU/mL,酶产率为6.67 FPIU/(L·h),酶得率为每克纤维素32.00 FPIU,而在相同条件下以玉米芯为碳源时滤纸酶活为3.20 FPIU/mL、酶产率19.00 FPIU/(L·h)和酶得率每克纤维素213.33 FPIU.质量浓度为20 g/L的废渣在酶用量为每克纤维素10 FPIU条件下水解24 h,水解得率达92.8 %;底物废渣质量浓度为100 g/L时,48 h纤维素酶水解得率达到80.6 %.  相似文献   

Feng S  Hao J  Xu Z  Chen T  Qiu SX 《Fitoterapia》2012,83(1):161-165
A rare naturally-occurring polyprenylated isoflavanone, designated ormosinol (1), and a new isoflavonoid glycoside, named ormosinoside (2), along with 21 known compounds were isolated from the root bark of Ormosia henryi Prain. The structures of compounds 1 and 2 were determined as 5,7,2′,4′-tetrahydroxyl-6,8,5′-tri-(γ,γ-dimethylallyl)isoflavanone and isoprunetin-7-O-β-d-xylopyranosyl-(1 → 6)-β-d-glucopyranoside on the basis of a combination of 1D-, 2D-NMR and mass spectroscopic measurements. Compound 1 showed significant anti-oxidation activity against DPPH radicals (IC50 28.5 μM) and cancer cell line (A549, LAC, and HepG2) growth inhibitory activity with IC50 ranging from 4.25 to 7.09 μM, while compound 2 found to be inactive to both testing systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the occurrence and diversity of hemi-parasitic plants, vertebrate and insect pest species of Parkia biglobosa (Keay), and Vitellaria paradoxa (Gaertn.) as well as the strategies for their control in the parklands of the Nigerian humid savanna. Results indicated that of the two major hemi-parasitic plants encountered, Tapinanthus globiferus was the more widespread with wider host range than T. dodonifolius. Mechanical control by cutback of infested branches was ineffective for both species. The major vertebrate pests consist of 6 avian species from 3 families: Nectaridae, Plocidae and Cuculidae; a fruit bat, Epomops frangueti and an unidentified squirrel. The species fed on both the fruits of the trees and the seeds of the hemi-parasitic plants. Twenty insect species from 14 families were encountered on P. biglobosa compared to 33 species from 17 families on V. paradoxa in all the ecological zones covered in the study. Species diversity was comparatively higher in the fallow than in the cultivated land. The majority of the insects encountered was of little significance and may not warrant application of control. Cirina forda (Saturnidae:lepidoptera) was a major pest causing 60%–90% defoliation of mature trees of V. paradoxa. All larval stages were destructive but control at this stage is not advised because it provides incidental source of food to locals. Control after pupation using a slow-release insecticide with a soil penetration depth of 15–20 cm is suggested.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Natural fruiting and sporulation of cone rusts were investigated in cones of Picea spp. and leaves of Prunus spp. in a botanical garden in northern Finland in 2007–2012. Thekopsora areolata was the most frequent cone rust in Picea abies cones, where it colonizes the host tissues and hinders normal seed development. Aecia of T. areolata were also common in cones of Picea engelmannii and occasionally in cones of P. glauca. Aecia of T. areolata sporulated in cones that were at least one year old. Chrysomyxa pirolata, another pathogenic cone rust, fruited and sporulated annually but infrequently in current‐year cones of P. abies. The spruce needle rust, Chrysomyxa ledi, fruited and sporulated commonly in current‐year cone scales of P. abies, P. omorika and P. glauca, while P. rubens, P. mariana and P. pungens appeared to be resistant during the study period. Chrysomyxa ledi did not affect seed development in infected cones. Uredinia of T. areolata frequently occurred on leaves of 41 Finnish and Russian cultivars, varieties or subspecies of Prunus padus L. ssp. badus and ssp. borealis and Pr. virginiana both in the botanical garden and in the field, while 13 exotic Prunus spp. lacked rust fruitbodies. All the Pr. padus cultivars were highly susceptible to T. areolata, thus, spreading the rust efficiently to surroundings. This is the first report of aecia of T. areolata in cones of P. engelmannii and P. glauca, and those of C. ledi in cones of P. omorika and P. glauca. Molecular identification confirmed the presence of T. areolata and C. pirolata on all hosts, and all samples of C. ledi belonged to the C. ledi‐rhododendri complex.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):301-310
Through the collaborative efforts of companies affiliated with the International Program for Tree Improvement and Conservation (Camcore), a number of pine hybrids have been produced over the last decade. Many of these have been planted in trials across southern Africa that broadly represent winter and summer rainfall areas, with the latter ranging from warm to cold temperate sites. The five-year survival and growth of the hybrids and other pines in 12 of these trials were compared with Pinus radiata in the winter rainfall, and P. patula in the summer rainfall, regions where these species have been planted extensively. Except for the highest altitude site, where freezing conditions are common, the survival of most hybrids and tropical pines was better than P. patula or P. radiata. This was, in part, attributed to their improved tolerance to the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum, which was present in the nursery at the time of planting. In the winter rainfall area, the P. elliottii × P. caribaea hybrid, P. maximinoi and, surprisingly, the P. patula hybrids performed well. In the summer rainfall regions, hybrids with tropical parents such as P. caribaea, P. oocarpa and P. tecunumanii were more productive in the subtropical/warm temperate zone and, with increasing elevation, those hybrids crossed with P. patula performed relatively better. The P. patula × P. tecunumanii hybrid, particularly when crossed with low-elevation P. tecunumanii, performed exceptionally across most sites.  相似文献   

The guaianolide 8-epi-mikanokryptin (1) and the melampolide 11Hβ-11,13-dihydromicrantholide (2) along with known sesquiterpene lactones (313) and other constituents were isolated from the aerial parts of different populations of Mikania micrantha and Mikania cordifolia collected in several states of Mexico. The relative and absolute configurations of 1 were determined by X-ray diffraction and CD analysis, respectively. Considering the 1H and 13C NMR chemical shift similarities and the H–H coupling constant values, a [1D14, 15D5] conformation was established for micrantholides (2, 813). We tested nearly all the sesquiterpene lactones for antiproliferative activity in human cancer cell lines, and they exhibited moderate activity. Additionally, in a mouse ear model of edema induced by TPA, the anti-inflammatory activities were marginal.  相似文献   

We exposed the roots of nine Myrtaceae species (Melaleuca bracteata F. Muell., Melaleuca cajuputi Powell, Melaleuca glomerata F. Muell., Melaleuca leucadendra [L.] L., Melaleuca quinquenervia [Cav.] S.T. Blake, Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. ex Gaertner, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., Eucalyptus deglupta Bl., and Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden) to 1 mM Al in a nutrient solution for either 24 h or 20 days to evaluate their sensitivity to excess Al and to determine whether callose and lignin formation can be used as interspecific indicators of Al sensitivity. Inhibition of root elongation by Al varied among the species. Melaleuca leucadendra, M. cajuputi, E. grandis, M. quinquenervia, and E. deglupta were tolerant to 1 mM Al, whereas M. viridiflora, E. camaldulensis, M. glomerata, and M. bracteata were sensitive to 1 mM Al. We found that Al induced callose formation in the root tips of each species, but lignin was formed only in the root tips of the most sensitive species, M. bracteata. Root elongation at 1 mM Al was negatively correlated with Al-induced callose formation but not with the Al-induced lignin formation in the root tips. These results suggest that Al-induced callose formation, rather than lignin formation, can be used as an interspecific indicator of Al sensitivity.  相似文献   

To promote afforestation in sandy lands and increase the effects of prevention and control of desertification, the application of a new drought-resistant product—solid water and foliar fertilizer “Shifengle”—was studied. A comparison of three treatments (solid water, foliar fertilizer, and control) showed that both solid water and foliar fertilizer increased plant survival rate by 10% and 18.2%, respectively. Afforestation survival rates of Salix psammophila and Hedysarum mongolicum reached over 90%. In addition, height and crown growth as well as biomass of seedlings were improved by the treatments. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2006, 28(3): 76–80 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

Information is lacking on how yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don.) Spach) stecklings compare with seedlings in their response to potentially limiting field site environmental conditions. Before planting, yellow-cedar seedlings and stecklings were characterized at 5 and 22°C root temperatures for gas exchange parameters (n=6), root growth capacity (n=12) and plant water movement (n=6) using a fully randomized design in a controlled environment growth room. Seedlings, compared with stecklings (t-test), showed a faster (p=0.01) recovery of net photosynthesis (Pn) and stomatal conductance (gwv) after root temperature increased from 5 to 22°C. Seedlings had greater (p=0.05) root growth capacity (number of new roots 0.5 cm in length) than stecklings after 14 days at 22°C and after 14 days at 5°C followed by 15 days at 22°C. Seedlings had a lower (p=0.01) resistance to plant water movement measured after 29 days (14 days at 5°C followed by 15 days at 22°C root temperature).Seedlings and stecklings were planted on a coastal British Columbia field site and monitored for 1) morphological development and physiological response to ambient site conditions throughout the first growing season, and 2) physiological response to drought conditions during late summer. Both trials used a fully randomized design and stock type means were compared using t-tests (p=0.10, 0.05, and 0.01). Initially, seedlings were taller (p=0.01) than stecklings but otherwise morphologically similar (n=20). Over a 35 week period after planting, stecklings had greater incremental height growth, while seedlings produced a greater (p=0.01) number of roots extending out of the root plug. Seedlings and stecklings (n=6) had similar Pn and gwv patterns under late spring environmental conditions. However, seedlings had greater Pn and gwv under cold temperature (p=0.05 and p=0.1, respectively) and drought conditions (p=0.05 and p=0.01, respectively), but during conditions of high evaporative demand and adequate soil moisture, stecklings had greater (p=0.01) Pn and gwv. Seedlings had higher (p=0.01) daily integrated shoot water potential values (D) at different times during the growing season, and maintained higher (p=0.05) predawn (pd) shoot water-potential values, higher (D) (p=0.01) and lower (p=0.01) resistance to plant water movement (RSPAC) during drought conditions.  相似文献   

This paper studied root biomass and underground carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) storage of a more than 200-year-old primitive Korean pine and broad-leaved forest and its two 20-and 80-year-old secondary Populus davidiana and Betula platyphylla forests in Changbai Mountain, northeast China. The results showed that with forest succession, the root biomass of 20-year-old, 80-year-old, and primitive forests was 2.437, 2.742, and 4.114 kg/m2, respectively. The root C storage was 1.113, 1.323, and 2.023 kg/m2, soil C storage was 11.911, 11.943, and 12.587 kg/m2, and underground C storage was 13.024, 13.266, and 14.610 kg/m2, respectively, while the root N storage was 0.035, 0.032, and 0.038 kg/m2, soil N storage was 1.208, 1.222, and 0.915 kg/m2, and underground N storage was 1.243, 1.254, and 0.955 kg/m2, respectively, which indicated that along with forest succession, the forest underground became a potential “carbon sink,” whereas underground N storage did not change obviously. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(7): 1,195–1,199 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(7): 1,195–1,199]  相似文献   

Three multipurpose tree species (MPTS)-leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala), sesbania (Sesbania sesban var. nubica) and pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) were pruned at a height of 60 cm above the ground every two months, and resulting plant biomass was incorporated into the soil as green manure. For comparison, maize (Zea mays) stover was also incorporated into some plots, while some other plots were left fallow. Varying quantities of plant biomass which were incorporated into the soil over a period of 12 months caused large changes in major soil plant nutrients, and it substantially improved soil fertility. To test for improved soil fertility, test crops of maize and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were grown on the plots after six biomass incorporations of 4806, 13603, 16659 and 7793 kg. ha–1yr–1 for pigeonpea, sesbania leucaena and maize, respectively. Responses of the test crops indicated that sesbania and leucaena green manures improved maize stover, cobs and grain yields; and bean haulms and grain yields by 77.6% when compared to fallow plots. Residual effects of green manures still resulted in significant (P < 0.05) yield differences in the test cropin the third testing season. Economic significance of green manures in increasing food crop yields to small scale farmers is discussed.  相似文献   

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