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Understanding the interactions among biological and physical processes is essential to determining how the environment affects transport and survival of fishes. We examined vertical distribution in larval Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) using 126 depth stratified tows in Delaware Bay, USA, during two cruises, in December 2007 and February 2008. Menhaden larvae were 16.8–24.6 and 20.5–26.2 mm standard length in December and February. Corresponding lengths for croaker were 9.3–17.9 and 8.6–19.6 mm. Using empirical observations, and statistically derived models, we explored larval concentration for both species as a function of location, depth, diel period, tidal period, size, and pairwise interactions. Menhaden concentration was best modeled as a function of station, cruise, and interactions between depth and size as well as between station and cruise. No significant differences in larval menhaden concentration were present among tidal and diel periods. Croaker concentration was best modeled as a function of size and interactions between station and diel period, depth and size, cruise and size. Despite tidal period not emerging as a significant model parameter, we observed larger croaker larvae during nighttime flood tides. Our statistical models are consistent with processes of up‐estuary transport for both species, suggesting larvae are increasingly affected by behavioral responses as larvae grow, exhibiting stronger patterns in vertical distribution. The results refine our understanding of the potential importance of size‐related differences in vertical distribution for larval transport in these species. Future research should examine the interactions among size‐specific vertical migratory capabilities, vertical distribution, transport, and retention.  相似文献   

Currents that effect the shoreward transport of the larvae of estuarine-dependent fishes spawned in winter in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, USA, were driven by winds and pressure gradients, and influenced by the Gulf Stream. Aside from storms, winds over the continental shelf in Onslow Bay blew predominantly alongshore with velocities approaching 14 m s-1 during February and March 1986, and January and February 1989. Water masses and currents observed at two current-meter moorings, one at mid-shelf and the other on the outer shelf, reflected the onshore (or offshore) advection of interior water in compensation for the offshore (or onshore) advection of wind-driven surface water. Winds and currents reversed direction approximately every 4 to 6 days. The larvae of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus , spot, Leiostomus xan- thurus, and Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus , were most abundant in 17–19oC and 20–21oC water of the outer shelf and Gulf Stream fronts. There was little indication of diel vertical migration; larval Atlantic menhaden were most abundant in mid- and surface water, while spot and Atlantic croaker were most abundant in mid- and deep water. Given this distribution, the inferred advective transport of larvae was at times onshore, but at other times it was offshore. Within a spawning season, the prevalence of either reciprocation could determine the number of larvae that reach coastal inlets.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of abundance, age and spawning date distributions of Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus larvae immigrating during two seasons through three North Carolina inlets—Oregon, Ocracoke and Beaufort—to elucidate their spawning and transport dynamics. These patterns were examined in conjunction with corresponding predictions from a three-dimensional, wind-and tide-driven hydrodynamic model. Larvae immigrating through different inlets showed consistent similarities as well as marked differences in temporal patterns of abundance, spawning dates and transport times. Intraseasonal patterns in abundance and spawning date distributions among inlets suggest that, in both study years, the spatio-temporal dynamics of menhaden immigration were driven by large-scale patterns along the Atlantic coast, rather than by localized variation in spawning activity. Interannual differences in the temporal patterns of spawning dates and larval immigration indicate interannual differences in transport dynamics and/or the spatial-temporal distribution of spawning. When the spawning locations predicted by the hydrodynamic model are interpreted in conjunction with advanced very high resolution radiometer sea-surface temperature information, the results are consistent with the limited historical information available on spatio-temporal distribution of Atlantic menhaden eggs and larvae. The transport model also predicted distributions of arrival times for immigrating larvae that were comparable in range and variability with observed patterns. Our use of data from immigrating larvae, coupled with a hydrodynamic transport model and sea-surface temperatures, allowed us to uncover relationships between spatio-temporal patterns of Atlantic menhaden spawning and transport dynamics that could not have been identified by either approach alone.  相似文献   

Atlantic menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus ) is an estuarine-dependent fish that spawns in coastal waters of the Middle and South Atlantic Bights. Circulation modelling studies of larval transport suggest that recruitment of larvae into the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System, North Carolina, is linked to dynamics on the shelf from New York to South Carolina. Field-collected menhaden egg data (from MARMAP and SABRE) define a range of temperatures within which menhaden eggs have been found. In this study we refine the transport model-predicted spawning grounds for the 1994–95 season by using satellite-derived sea surface temperature data to highlight regions that are outside the observed spawning temperature range. We also use transport pathways leading from source locations to the estuarine system to characterize the temperature field experienced by particles/larvae during their spawning-ground to inlet transit. The modelled nearshore location of source regions agrees well with MARMAP and SABRE egg data, and points to the importance of understanding biological and physical linkages between the Middle and South Atlantic Bights. The combination of modelled transport and synoptic temperature maps can provide useful guidance to future sampling efforts as well as help refine our understanding of menhaden ecology.  相似文献   

The circulation over the continental shelf off the southern Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) and northern South Atlantic Bight (SAB) is examined for the fall and winter periods. Observational data are compared with results from a three-dimensional numerical model to identify the dominant processes on the shelf. By considering wind-forcing, tides, and a specified upstream inflow (into the MAB), the observed and modelled flow fields are in close agreement in the mid- and inner shelf regions. The resulting larval drift indicates a seasonal dependence of transport pathways from spawning grounds to estuarine nursery areas for menhaden larvae and other offshore-spawning estuarine-dependent fish. Specifically, the physical oceanography of the MAB and SAB during the fall and winter months suggests a north-to-south shift in spawning areas providing recruits to the Carolina estuaries, in agreement with the observed migration of the spawning populations.  相似文献   

The circulation over the continental shelf off the southern Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) and northern South Atlantic Bight (SAB) is examined for the fall and winter periods. Observational data are compared with results from a three-dimensional numerical model to identify the dominant processes on the shelf. By considering wind-forcing, tides, and a specified upstream inflow (into the MAB), the observed and modelled flow fields are in close agreement in the mid- and inner shelf regions. The resulting larval drift indicates a seasonal dependence of transport pathways from spawning grounds to estuarine nursery areas for menhaden larvae and other offshore-spawning estuarine-dependent fish. Specifically, the physical oceanography of the MAB and SAB during the fall and winter months suggests a north-to-south shift in spawning areas providing recruits to the Carolina estuaries, in agreement with the observed migration of the spawning populations.  相似文献   

A model system consisting of two three-dimensional circulation models and a three-dimensional transport model is used to simulate the dispersal of sprat larvae (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) in the German Bight. A Northwest European shelf sea model simulates the currents of the North Sea and provides sea surface elevation data for the open boundaries of the German Bight circulation model. The German Bight circulation model has a horizontal grid resolution of 2.75 km and a vertical resolution of 5 m except for the bottom layer. The driving forces of the circulation models are the M2-tide, six-hourly time-dependent wind stress and air pressure fields as well as monthly climatological density fields. The simulated currents serve as input to the transport model. The model area, grid size and the vertical resolution of the transport model are in accordance with the German Bight circulation model. The transport model simulates advection and diffusion using a Monte Carlo method. Furthermore it incorporates a simulation of active vertical movement of the larvae. The vertical migration pattern is dependent on the time of day and size of the larvae and is based on field data from the German Bight. Horizontal larvae distribution data, gained from two out of five field surveys carried out in the German Bight during spring and summer 1991, are used as initial values for the starting points of the tracers in the transport model. Simulated tracer distributions are compared with larval distributions observed during subsequent cruises about 3 weeks later. Discrepancies and similarities between tracer and larval distributions are discussed.  相似文献   

The South Atlantic Bight Recruitment Experiment (SABRE) brought together a interdisciplinary team of scientists to conduct research to enhance our understanding of the relationship between variation in environmental factors and the variable recruitment of 'estuarine dependent' fishes within the SAB. The project sought to develop a new fusion of government and academic scientists, each possessing unique skills, to address the difficult problem of recruitment variability in fishes. This fusion required the development of appropriate and at that time novel management and administrative strategies. SABRE initially focused on recruitment dynamics of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus , in the South Atlantic Bight, but expanded over time to include several estuarine-dependent species and much of the Middle Atlantic Bight as well. The project was conducted from 1991 to 1997 and resulted in a substantial improvement in our understanding of the life history and ecology of Atlantic menhaden and the potential constraints upon its recruitment. SABRE also contributed to our understanding of the physical oceanography of the western North Atlantic shelf and adjacent coastal inlets and the implications of physical dynamics upon the potential pathways for larval transport.  相似文献   

We used modified Leslie matrix models to explore the life history of Atlantic menhaden ( Brevoortia tyrannus ). By examining the sensitivity of long-term population growth rates to changes in vital rates, we identified those life history components which can cause large population level responses. Our models subdivide the first year of life into five stages (eggs, early larvae, late larvae, juveniles, and 'peanuts' or subadults), and population growth rate responds most strongly to changes in juvenile and late larval stages. The relative ranking between these stages is dependent on the magnitude of mortality during the prejuvenile stages relative to juvenile mortality. An examination of low-level model parameters indicates that the population growth rate is influenced by the growth and mortality rates during the time when young-of-the-year menhaden are gaining access to and residing in the estuaries. Sensitivity to changes in many adult metrics, such as fishing mortality, were relatively low. We conclude that a better understanding of biotic and abiotic factors that influence the late larval and juvenile stages will further our understanding of population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

In this paper, we highlight the major results from the SABRE programme and applications to research and management. In particular, SABRE provided new scientific insights into the fisheries oceanography of the estuarine-dependent fishes of the South Atlantic Bight. Although we concentrated our efforts on Atlantic menhaden, we also gained insights on the coupling of physics to biology in the early life history of a number of marine fishes. Larval transport from spawning sites to and through barrier island inlets is now better understood. Analysis of menhaden population dynamics suggests survival in the late larval/early juvenile stage is particularly important to population growth. This phase of the life history appears likely to present a bottleneck to recruitment for Atlantic menhaden. We also made a number of technological breakthroughs which are already being applied elsewhere in research and assessments including the Continuous, Underway Egg Sampler (CUFES), enzyme-based approaches to evaluating condition of individual larvae and various physical and biological modelling innovations. Our experiences establishing and managing the SABRE research team also provide insights into one model for promoting multidisciplinary research in fisheries oceanography. Throughout SABRE, we have sought an open exchange of information and insights from a wide variety of researchers and environmental managers. We hope the synthesis provided here continues that dialogue.  相似文献   

The Eastern Canadian northern shrimp population, representing one of the most important fisheries in the region, decreased dramatically since the mid‐2000s to a historical low in 2017, but changes were not spatially uniform. Applying a biophysical model within Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) management areas, we investigated connectivity processes during the long pelagic larval phase (2–3 months) of Pandalus borealis and key drivers of larval dispersal in different environmental conditions. We selected 3 years representative of contrasting North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) phases to assess potential larval dispersal patterns of the northern shrimp population in NL, and hierarchically assessed the impact of the timing of release (yearly and daily), release location, and vertical migration behaviour on shrimp larval dispersal. Overall, we found that populations located on the northern Newfoundland and Labrador shelf supplied potential settlers to southern populations because of the dominant Labrador Current. Ocean circulation and current velocities during the NAO positive year differed from other years, generating contrasting settlement spatial patterns. Larval release location and vertical migration behaviour were the two most important influences on the strength of larval supply and settlement patterns. Inclusion of diel and ontogenic swimming behaviour increased settlement success of larvae released from inshore areas, regardless of study years. Our study improves understanding of northern shrimp stock‐recruitment relationships, their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions, and spatially non‐homogeneous population decline for bentho‐pelagic species with a long larval phase, which could potentially help improve management strategies.  相似文献   

The spread of infectious larval sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1838), between wild salmonids and farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , remains a contentious area of uncertainty. However, as laboratory and field experiments increase our knowledge of sea lice behaviour under environmental forcing, numerical modelling tools can be used to predict the spread of infectious sea louse larvae from a point source. A three-dimensional numerical model has been developed and recently validated within Loch Torridon, a fjordic sea loch on the west coast of Scotland. Output from the numerical model is used to drive a particle tracking model which follows statistical representations of sea lice through the planktonic stages of a louse life cycle. By including maturation and mortality, the models can be used to predict the dispersion and transport of infectious sea lice from a point source and can be used to produce maps of infectivity under varying environmental conditions. Results highlight the importance of the wind-driven circulation for larval lice transport and suggest that local environmental conditions have considerable impact on the probability of sea lice infection spreading between wild and farmed fish populations.  相似文献   

Sprat (Sprattus sprattus (L.)) larval dispersal in the German Bight is predicted with a model system consisting of two three-dimensional circulation models and a three-dimensional transport model. Horizontal distribution data for specific length classes of larvae, obtained from field surveys carried out in the German Bight during summer 1991, are used as initial conditions for the starting points of the tracers in the transport model. Sprat larval distributions are predicted and are compared with distributions of the appropriate length class of larvae observed during a subsequent cruise about 3 weeks later. The predicted larval (tracer) distributions compare favourably to observed larvae distributions in the inner model areas but not in the areas close to the coast. Factors contributing to inaccurate predictions are uncertainties in horizontal and vertical larval distributions as well as the model grid resolution, which is too coarse in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Larval transport in the slope region off north‐eastern North America influences recruitment to juvenile habitats for a variety of fishes that inhabit the continental shelf. In this study, collections of larval fishes were made during springtime over the continental slope to provide insights into larval distributions and transport. Ichthyoplankton composition and distribution mirrored the physical complexity of the region. Three larval fish assemblages were defined, each with different water mass distributions. A Gulf Stream assemblage was found predominantly in the Gulf Stream and associated with filaments of discharged Gulf Stream water in the Slope Sea. Larvae of this assemblage originated from oceanic and shelf regions south of Cape Hatteras. Several members of this assemblage utilize habitats in the Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) as juveniles (Pomatomus saltatrix, Peprilus triacanthus) and other members of the assemblage may share this life cycle (Mugil curema, Sphyraena borealis, Urophycis regia). A Slope Sea assemblage was found in all water masses, and was composed of epi‐ and mesopelagic fish larvae, as well as larvae of benthic shelf/slope residents. Larvae of one member of this assemblage (U. tenuis) are spawned in the Slope Sea but cross the shelf‐slope front and use nearshore habitats for juvenile nurseries. A MAB shelf assemblage was found in MAB shelf water and was composed of larvae that were spawned on the shelf. Some of these species may cross into the Slope Sea before returning to MAB shelf habitats (e.g. Enchelyopus cimbrius, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus). Previous studies have examined the effect of warm‐core rings on larval distributions, but this study identifies the importance of smaller‐scale features of the MAB shelf/slope front and of filaments associated with Gulf Stream meanders. In combination with these advective processes, the dynamic nature of larval distributions in the Slope Sea appears to be influenced, to varying degrees, by both vertical and horizontal behaviour of larvae and pelagic juveniles themselves.  相似文献   

Coupled three-dimensional (3-D) physical oceanographic modelling and field sampling programmes were carried out in May 1988 and August 1991 to investigate the potential drift of larval cod ( Gadus morhua L.) in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea. The goals were to predict the transport of cod larvae, thus aiding the identification of physical processes influencing larval retention/dispersal. Numerical simulations were performed using a 3-D eddy-resolving baroclinic model based on the Bryan–Cox–Semtner code adapted for the Baltic Sea. Within the Bornholm Basin, the model was initialized with ground truth data of physical parameters obtained on the research cruises, and all simulations were forced with actual wind data. Outside the basin, generalized hydrographic features of the Baltic Sea were utilized by incorporation of simulated hydrographic fields from previous model runs typical for the time periods considered. Larval drift was simulated either by incorporation of passive drifters, or as the initial horizontal distribution of larvae implemented into the model. Drift model simulations of larval transport agreed relatively well with field observations. The influence of variations in the vertical distribution on a smaller scale, i.e. vertical deviations of ± 6 m from the observed mean centre of mass, on the drift was examined, revealing no significant differences in the drift of larvae depending on their vertical distribution. The different wind forcing during the investigated time periods was linked to a retention situation in May 1988 and to a dispersal situation in August 1991. Finally, observed spatial distribution patterns of 1-group cod based on Baltic Young Fish Surveys (BYFS) were compared with their predicted transport in the larval phase and examined with respect to recruitment.  相似文献   

Between 1997 and 2000, an outbreak of skin lesions and observations of emaciated striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), in upper Chesapeake Bay were attributed to a perceived shortage of its main prey, Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus Latrobe. Abundance estimates, Atlantic menhaden consumption per recruit analysis (modified yield‐per‐recruit), bioenergetics analysis and predator–prey theory were combined to explore whether an imbalance between striped bass and Atlantic menhaden in upper Chesapeake Bay was plausible. Reduced fishing mortality and higher size limits that underpinned the effort to restore striped bass during the 1980s and 1990s lead to more abundant and larger striped bass in upper Chesapeake Bay, increasing predatory demand for forage‐sized Atlantic menhaden, the abundance of which declined to a historic low. Nominal losses of age 0–2 Atlantic menhaden to harvest and potential striped bass predation exceeded supply after 1998. The outbreak of lesions in upper Chesapeake Bay striped bass coincided with increased variation in weight‐at‐length, decreased length‐at‐age, and decreased presence of Atlantic menhaden in diets. Decreased attack success, inferred from a 97% decline in ratios of forage‐sized Atlantic menhaden to striped bass between 1983 and 1998, would have expected to have been followed by a deterioration of striped bass nutritional state. Transmission of disease would have been aided by high density of striped bass in poor nutritional condition residing in degraded habitat (Chesapeake Bay was the most hypoxic estuary in the mid‐Atlantic region in the late 1990s). These problems suggest that striped bass exceeded their carrying capacity in Chesapeake Bay during the late 1990s.  相似文献   

Present theory suggests that population regulation in marine fishes cannot be resolved until an understanding of the processes involved in shaping the overall distribution (the number of populations, geographical extent, mean abundance and temporal changes in abundance) is developed. Here, we present a step toward understanding Atlantic menhaden population patterns, by studying processes in the Middle and South Atlantic Bights, which shape those patterns. We use individual-based and hydrodynamic models to reinterpret the 'mechanics' of the menhaden life history, and put forward several potentially testable hypotheses. The success of the menhaden reproductive strategy seems to depend on the seasonal changes in the mean flow field of the Middle and South Atlantic Bights, suggesting that their life history may have been strongly structured by the regional physics of the system. Because the annual menhaden migration is size-based and spawning occurs throughout the population's range, the size distribution of the adult population may influence the supply of larvae to particular estuaries along the coast. Recruitment of larvae into Delaware and Chesapeake Bays may be dependent on spawning to the north of the bays' mouths, owing to coastline shape and orientation in the vicinity of the bays. Our results suggest that management of this resource might be improved by consideration of the spatial and temporal variability in both the biological and the physical system.  相似文献   

To study the transport of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) eggs and larvae in the eastern Irish Sea, we constructed a 3D‐baroclinic physical model and coupled it to a particle‐tracking scheme that allowed aspects of larval behaviour to be simulated. Starting positions for eggs were based upon data from a series of ichthyoplankton surveys and final positions were compared with results of settled plaice distributions from two beam trawl surveys conducted on beaches around the eastern Irish Sea. If simulated larval behaviour was limited to passive drift or horizontal swimming, the particles diffused away from the spawning areas but failed to reach nursery grounds in significant numbers (85–90% remaining offshore). In contrast, switching on circatidal vertical swimming significantly increased the numbers of larvae reaching the coast (only 23–30% remained offshore). Particles tended to accumulate in bays and estuaries and this pattern compared well with the distribution of settled plaice from the field surveys. Studies in the southern North Sea (where spawning and nursery grounds are widely separated) have also demonstrated the importance of selective tidal stream transport for successful recruitment of settling plaice to nursery grounds. Although our understanding of the ontogeny of this behaviour is still poor, the model results presented suggest that this aspect of behaviour is a key factor influencing plaice settlement success.  相似文献   

The recent increase in the Atlantic coast population of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), prompted managers to re‐evaluate their predatory impact. Published and unpublished diet data for striped bass on the Atlantic Coast of North America were examined for geographical, ontogenetic and seasonal patterns in the diet and to assess diet for this species. Diets of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) striped bass were similar across the Upper Atlantic (UPATL), Chesapeake and Delaware Bays (CBDEL) and North Carolina (NCARO) areas of the Atlantic coast where either fish or mysid shrimp dominate the diet. For age one and older striped bass, cluster analysis partitioned diets based on predominance of either Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe), characteristic of striped bass from the CBDEL and NCARO regions, or non‐menhaden fishes or invertebrates, characteristic of fish from the UPATL, in the diet. The predominance of invertebrates in the diets of striped bass in the UPATL region can be attributed to the absence of several important species groups in Northern waters, particularly sciaenid fishes, and to the sporadic occurrences of Atlantic menhaden to UPATL waters. In all regions, across most seasons and in most size classes of striped bass, the clupeiod fishes; menhaden, anchovies (Anchoa spp.) and river herrings (Alosa spp,) and Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus L., dominated the diets of striped bass above the first year of life.  相似文献   

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