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刺楸是一种树干挺拔粗大的落叶乔木,是人们生活和工业建设过程中不可或缺的重要资源,但近年来由于资源的短缺和人们需求量的增加,刺楸的乱砍滥伐现象非常严重。为了保护资源,实现供需平衡,人们开始进行刺楸人工种植,这既是对基因资源的保护,也是满足当前社会发展需求的重要手段。基于此,本文就刺楸苗木繁育及栽植技术要点进行论述。  相似文献   

指出了刺楸的生态特征及刺楸种子的特性,从刺楸种子的播种方法、催芽方法等方面探讨了刺楸的播种育苗技术。  相似文献   

指出了刺楸的生态特征及刺楸种子的特性,从刺楸种子的播种方法、催芽方法等方面探讨了刺楸的播种育苗技术。  相似文献   

刺楸是集用材、绿化、食用和药用于一身的高价值树种。生产上,存在苗木繁育技术不完善的问题,一定程度上制约了该树种的产业发展。该文从播种育苗技术和无性繁育技术(根繁和组织培养)两个方面总结了我国刺楸育苗技术的研究现状,指出当前刺楸育苗技术存在的问题并提出发展建议,旨在为完善刺楸育苗技术,促进刺楸产业发展提供指导与参考。  相似文献   

刺楸调查研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刺楸是五加科刺楸属(Aralinceae kalopanex)的一种落叶乔木。据有关文献记载,刺楸天然生长在阔叶林内或林缘,在温带阔叶树种中是直径生长较快的树种之一。木材硬度适中,纹理细致,刨光涂漆后花纹美观,浸水数月后耐磨擦,抗腐能力强,是造船和民用良材。由于刺楸生长快,材质好,人为活动频繁的山区,砍伐的多,栽植的少,已渐稀有。  相似文献   

分析了刺楸的形态特征、生活习性和主要用途,从刺楸嫩枝插穗的选择入手,详细地阐述了刺楸嫩枝扦插繁育的技术要点及其管理措施。  相似文献   

分析了刺楸的形态特征、地理分布、生活习性和主要用途,经过生产实践探索,总结了刺楸在山地育苗经验,详细地探讨了刺楸育苗技术要点和具体管理措施。  相似文献   

分析了刺楸的形态特征、地理分布、生活习性和主要用途,经过生产实践探索,总结了刺楸在山地育苗经验,详细地探讨了刺楸育苗技术要点和具体管理措施。  相似文献   

刺楸是五加科刺楸属(Araliaceae kalopanax)的一种落叶乔木。我省多在秦巴山区林中散生,当地有些社员也在宅旁栽植。由于刺楸生长快,材质好,纹理美观,适做家具,林中成材的多被群众砍伐,现濒于绝迹。根据几年的试验,该树种播种和扦插育苗均很困难,仅凭林下有限的根蘖苗繁殖,极大地限制了这个树种的恢复和发展。为了探求刺楸有效的繁殖方法,我们于1981年12月在我校实习农场苗圃对引种栽培的3年生和6年生刺楸大苗,进行了根型和根系发育的初步研究。  相似文献   

刺楸造林技术研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刺楸是我国珍贵阔叶树种 ,目前对刺楸的育苗和人工林培育技术等方面研究较多。总结了前人的研究成果 ,并结合当前的发展趋势 ,就刺楸今后需要深入研究和探讨的问题提出了几点想法 ,旨在为今后刺楸的开发利用和产业化经营提供依据。  相似文献   

The effect of root and shoot pruning on early growth of hybrid poplars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Planting stock type and quality can have an important impact on early growth rates of plantations. The goal of this study was to evaluate early growth and root/shoot development of different planting materials in typical heavy clay soils of northwestern Quebec. Using one-year-old bareroot hybrid poplar dormant stock, four planting materials were compared: (1) regular bareroot stock, (2) rootstock (stem pruned before planting), (3) whips (roots pruned before planting), and (4) cuttings (30 cm stem sections taken from the basal portion of bareroot trees, i.e. roots and shoot pruned). Rooted stock types (bareroot and rootstock) produced, on average, 1.2 times larger trees than unrooted stock types (cuttings and whips). However, shoot-pruned stock types (rootstocks and cuttings) reached similar heights and basal diameters as unpruned stock types (bareroots and whips), during the first growing season. Shoot pruning reduced leaf carbon isotopic ratios, suggesting that unpruned stock types were water-stressed during the first growing season. The stress was most likely caused by early leaf development while root growth occurred later in the summer. We conclude that shoot pruning bareroot stock is a useful management option to reduce planting stress without compromising early growth rates of hybrid poplars.  相似文献   

KERR  G. 《Forestry》1994,67(4):297-312
With the increased availability of cell grown broadleaved plantingstock on the UK market there has been a need to evaluate itsplace in amenity and forestry planting. The results of threeexperiments using oak and beech seedlings grown in three typesof modular cell or as undercut bare-rooted stock are described.Plants were subjected to poor plant handling, planting outsidethe normal season, cold storage and different planting methods. The results demonstrate that, one season after outplanting,cell grown stock was more resistant to poor standards of planthandling, and being planted outside the normal planting season,compared with bare-rooted stock. On the other hand, there wereno significant differences between the stock types due to coldstorage or planting method. The difficulties of conducting trials between stock types arediscussed. The development of a Plant Quality Index which describesthe morphological and physiological features of good plantingstock, and the assessment of complete establishment systemsis advocated as a better approach.  相似文献   

采用不同根穗长度、根穗粗度、不同树龄及不同激素等处理,对刺楸的埋根繁殖技术进行试验研究。结果表明,刺楸埋根育苗是一种切实可行的无性繁殖方法。  相似文献   

对西吉县梯田地埂灌木树种(以杞柳和柠条为主)的栽培技术进行了研究。结果表明:(1)造林整地时,梯形槽和鱼鳞坑整地均可,整地深度以40cm左右为宜,整地时间以雨季预整地最佳;(2)造林方法要根据具体树种而定。柠条最好选择植苗造林,春秋皆宜,杞柳适宜秋季造林,总体上秋造的苗木成活率和存活率明显好于春造。另外,在柠条播种造林时,坡向最好在阴坡;(3)杞柳造林时的种植深度以种条覆土2cm最佳,适宜的几种种植深度模式为:阳坡种条覆土2cm、阴坡种条齐地面、阴坡种条覆土2cm;(4)造林整地、种植深度对苗木生长量的影响较大,造林方法、造林坡向、种植深度对造林成活率和保存率的影响相对显著。  相似文献   

针对刺楸大苗培育过程中存在的关键技术难题开展栽培试验研究,总结出了不同规格刺楸苗木合适的培育密度和整形修剪技术方法。  相似文献   

对刺楸木材的理化性质进行了研究,分析了刺楸的材性。结果表明:(1)刺楸木材的绝干密度为0.57g/cm^3,差异干缩为0.68,说明刺楸的干燥性能较好;(2)根据木材力学性质划分方法,除抗弯弹性模量属低级外,抗弯强度、顺纹抗压强度、综合强度、冲击韧性,均为中等;(3)刺楸的综纤维素含量为82.20%,克见纤维素为43.86%,木素含量为17.6%,符合造纸工业的要求;(4)根据刺楸的理化性质,刺楸可作为优质家具材料、装饰材料、造纸原料。  相似文献   

通过不同试验材料、GA3应用和变温层积催芽对比试验,对刺楸种子解除休眠进行研究的结果表明:鲜种+GA3+(15℃,30 d;冷冻,90 d;-4~0℃,90 d)处理方法发芽率达到90.2%,出苗率达到81.5%;气干种温水(72 h)+GA3+(13~18℃,90 d;0~4℃,90 d)处理方法发芽率达到76.3%,出苗率达到66.4%。采用鲜种进行变温催芽处理对刺楸种子发芽率、出苗率和1年生苗木质量提高具有显著作用(p<0.01和p<0.05)。研究表明,刺楸种子属于形态-生理休眠类型,采用鲜种+GA3+变温层积催芽的综合处理方法能有效解除刺楸种子休眠。  相似文献   

Vegetative propagation of Acacia senegal is possible from branch fragments taken from the crown of mature trees (13 years old), without causing ortet destruction.The most responsive planting stock is taken from cuttings 15 cm long (with 12 to 15 nodes) and a diameter of 10 ± 6 mm (wood of 2 to 4 years old). With this material, the ablation of the leaves prior to planting is a factor which furthers development of the cutting's root system.The development of the root system is also highly influenced by the time at which the cutting is taken: results vary from 10% during the dry season to more than 70% during the rainy season (June—October).Cuttings can be taken from branches 50 cm long. It is thus possible to preserve the planting stock for 8 days in a continually humidified jute cloth and then to make the cuttings at the time of establishment in a nursery, without changing their rhizogenic aptitude.The cuttings show characteristics of maturity (slow growth, plagiotropy, fructification). It is nevertheless possible to preserve the collected genotypes in the field, or better, in planting pots in the nursery, so as to further the process of physiologic rejuvenation with the aim of in vitro cloning.researcher at CIRAD/C.T.F.T., detached to ISRA/D.R.P.F.  相似文献   

通过对红松、刺楸人工混交林,红松纯林物种多样性的研究,结果表明,红松、刺楸混交林物种丰富度最大,植物种类最多,红松纯林仅为混交林的43%,总数量为混交林的32%,红松、刺楸混交林乔木层多样性指数为1.430 5,均匀度指数为0.687 9,优势度指数为0.290 6,丰富度指数为1.413 7,而红松纯林多样性指数、均匀度指数均为0,优势度指数为1,丰富度指数为0.371 2。在灌木层中,混交林与纯林各项指标区别不大,只有丰富度指数为混交林(纯林。在草本层中,混交林各项指数基本都大于纯林,只有均匀度指数红松纯林(混交林。  相似文献   

谢萍 《绿色科技》2013,(12):95-97
在景谷县大黄栀子多年来的种植基础上,探讨了景谷县大黄栀子的主要技术措施,内容包括:采种、育苗、选地、整地、定植、初植、密度、病虫害、抚育管理,为进一步推动景谷县发展山区经济、增加农民收入、调整产业结构提供科学和实践依据。  相似文献   

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