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从林区职工家庭的视角出发,在问卷调查的基础上弄清目前国有森林资源管护经营责任制的实施现状,总结出职工在管护经营林地中存在认知水平较低、发展林下经营问题重重、缺乏管护积极性的问题,并提出强化宣传、加大政府扶持、实施差别化管护策略的改进对策。  相似文献   

随着天然林保护工程实施过程的深入,管护经营是巩固已取得的成果的必然手段。从6个方面论述了管护经营的必要性及实施方法。  相似文献   

森林资源规范管护的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在森林资源管护经营责任制的基础上,通过实施管护经营规范化管理,进一步强化了森林资源的管护力度。本文介绍了森林资源规范管护的主要内容和做法。  相似文献   

论述了森林资源管护经营责任制的内容和实施方法,提出加强管护经营工作建议。  相似文献   

实施森林资源经营管护责任区,是保护森林资源,利用森林资源,保护环境的战略决策。因此必须树立长远观点,保护环境,克服短期行为,提高对实施森林资源经营管护责任区的认识、确保其落到实处。  相似文献   

王刃  李彬  唐新 《森林防火》2005,(2):9-11
分析了伊春市北部农林交错地带森林防火状况,吸引农民参加森林管护经营,促进森林防火工作设想提出的原因、背景及实施的可能性。阐述了允许农民参加森林管护经营,促进森林防火工作的具体做法;农民参与森林管护经营初现创收、防火双赢效果以及对完善农民参与森林管护经营的再思考。  相似文献   

根据永安市生态公益林结构,调查分析了当前存在的生态补偿标准低于空山林地使用费、现有管护模式管护效果有待提高、经营利用方式难以实施和推广等困难,提出分区施策、分类管理、组织专业机构实施管护、提高经济效益的经营管理对策,为生态公益林可持续经营提供依据。  相似文献   

本文对实施森林资源管护经营责任区的任务、措施及急需解决的问题进行了较全面的论述,阐明实施森林资源管护责任区是实施“天保工程”的具体措施之一。  相似文献   

东方红林业地区公安局,是一支有 248名干警 (其中,森保大队和山上 7个派出所干警 52名 )肩负着 42.17万公顷森林资源保卫任务的特殊队伍。 1999年 9月,东方红林业局全面推行了森林资源管护经营责任制。东方红林业地区公安局为确保森林资源管护经营责任制的顺利实施,进一步加大了森保工作力度,积极主动参与到实施管护经营之中,做到服务与打击并举,为企业深化改革和经济发展创造了一个较为稳定的森林治安环境,被誉为管护经营的保护神、护航兵。 研究新课题 实施森林资源管护经营责任制,给森林资源管理带来了一些新情况。东方红林业…  相似文献   

论述了管护分类经营的实施步骤和内容,对实施成效进行了评价。  相似文献   

天然林保护工程下的森林采伐伐区管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在进行木材生产过程中,怎样才能实施好天然林保护工程,抓住伐区管理这个木材生产的源头,是关键的关键,本文详细的阐述了从伐区拨交到验收全过程的管理方法及要求,为加大天然林保护的力度起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

应用以"3S"技术为基础的黑龙江省森林资源管理与监测地理信息系统,可以进行林相图、地形图等图库一体化查询,对小班属性查询具有"快捷"、"详细"2种查询方式.应用于伐区调查设计,分别对主伐年伐量、择伐年伐量、散生木年伐量、抚育年伐量、低产林改造年伐量、更新年伐量、卫生伐年伐量的计算方法进行了论述.  相似文献   

本文介绍了伐区经营管理方法——伐区木材生产模拟利润法.具体介绍了概念、意义、计算方法、具体做法、效果等.  相似文献   

A large-scale and long-term research and development project Forest management inspired by natural disturbance dynamics (DISTDYN) was initiated in Finland in 2009. The aim is to examine how variation in spatial and temporal scales of felling affects forest structure and biota. Harvesting methods applied in this project include selection, gap, partial and clear felling with variable retention. Rehabilitation is also applied as dead wood is intentionally increased while harvesting. The motivation of the project lies in the growing interest in using natural disturbances as an inspiration of forest-ecosystem management and in the recognition that mid- to small-scale disturbances are a characteristic feature of unmanaged Fennoscandian forests. The effects of felling methods are studied at the stand scale. However, a unique aspect of the project is the focus on landscape-scale impacts of different harvesting alternatives by comparing ca. 150-ha landscape units with varying harvesting regimes. Overall, the project aims at creating a long-lasting multidisciplinary research infrastructure. It also addresses core issues of forest-ecosystem management, including ecological, timber-production, economic and socio-cultural performances of alternative harvesting practices.  相似文献   

关于改革当前森林采伐管理机制若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对森林经营和采伐管理的现状,剖析目前森林采伐管理机制存在的主要矛盾和问题,提出改革森林采伐利用、森林经营培育和森林资源管理政策的建议。  相似文献   

次生阔叶林改建为食用菌原料林后的群落恢复和林分生长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选择12年生林相较好的天然次生阔叶林,通过择伐更新和皆伐人促更新2种经营方式定向培育食用菌原料林。研究发现,择伐经营的经济效益较高,且有利于群落的快速恢复,经过7a的封育,林分蓄积量已达到择伐前的水平。皆伐人促更新获得的食用菌材虽较择伐利用高出40%左右,但因经营强度过大,保留的幼树受损严重而不利于伐后林木的生长与恢复,封育期内蓄积增长量分别为择伐更新和对照未经营区的64 7%和73 41%。动态监测结果显示,采用择伐和皆伐人促更新措施后群落恢复较快。疏伐后因透光度的急剧增加,阳性和中性树种大量侵入,地面芽植物和1年生植物的比例增高。到第7a时,高位芽植物的比例已接近未经营区的状态,乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数高于未经营的天然阔叶林,物种均匀度则与其相近。研究还发现,2种更新经营方式对土壤养分的损失较小,经过7a的恢复,林地土壤肥力已基本达到原有天然林水平。  相似文献   

Forest management strongly influences the interactions between ungulates and their food resources. Different ungulate-adapted measures have been proposed in forestry to improve forage availability or to reduce browsing damage. However, the potential and feasibility of such measures are inadequately known. We studied the effects of harvest timing and slash treatment in final felling and commercial thinning on the availability of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris forage and its use by ungulates during winter in the Swedish boreal forests. Pellet group counts showed that moose (Alces alces) was the dominating species using the post-harvest stands. Under conventional slash treatment, final felling stands held on average 226 kg pine forage ha?1 after harvesting and commercial thinning stands 137 kg ha?1. Ungulate-adapted slash treatment increased the available forage biomass by 20 %, but had no significant effect on consumption of forage by ungulates. Time since harvest had the strongest effect on forage consumption; for example, under conventional slash treatment, there was a tenfold increase in consumption (3 vs. 33 kg ha?1) following final felling as exposure time increased from 2–3 to 4–5 months. Consumption was higher in thinned stands than in final felling stands for the first 3 months but not later. To increase ungulate use of the forage made available at harvest, pine-dominated stands should be harvested in the late autumn or early in the winter.  相似文献   

凭证采伐率是体现一个地方森林资源管理的重要指标,文章对重点林区凭证采伐率的现状及下降原因作了分析,提出提高凭证采伐率的对策,这对森林采伐限额管理有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Decline of cavity-using wildlife species is a major forest management issue. One of the causes of this problem is the loss in cavity tree abundance, resulting from short rotation silviculture, stand-replacing disturbance events and timber harvesting in disturbed stands. Cavity tree availability cannot be guaranteed due to the stochastic nature of disturbance events. We developed a Markov model to predict future cavity tree availability under alternative tree felling and fire protection strategies using information on cavity tree dynamics and fire history. Stochastic dynamic programming was used to find a strategy that maximizes timber revenues less forest management costs, including the cost of an artificial nest-box program that must be implemented whenever cavity trees become critically scarce. The requirement to implement a nest-box program in such circumstances strongly influenced the optimal tree felling strategy and resulted in a higher probability of having cavity trees in the future. This reflected an increase in the retention of old growth forest and stands with fire-killed cavity trees as well as stands of younger trees to provide a future source of cavities. These results demonstrate the need to consider the costs of artificial habitat enhancement and the risk of future cavity tree scarcity in multiple-use forest management planning.  相似文献   

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