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为了筛选极端蛋白质含量或氮素营养含量的大麦材料,以采自以色列不同生境的9个群体90个野生大麦基因型为试验材料,分别于2012年和2013年种植于黔中地区4个环境条件下(Y2012 Farm、Y2013 AS、Y2013 Garden和Y2013 9F),测定并比较其籽粒可溶性蛋白质和总氮含量。结果显示,Y2012 Farm环境下的籽粒总氮含量显著高于Y2013 AS环境;Y2013 AS环境下的籽粒可溶性蛋白含量显著高于其他3个环境;在Y2012 Farm 和Y2013 AS两个环境下,籽粒总氮含量最高的是Tabigha群体,最低的分别是Golan High和Hermon群体,两者均与Tabigha群体有显著差异;Y2012 Farm、Y2013 AS及Y2013 Garden 3个环境中,Gilboa群体的可溶性蛋白质含量均显著高于其他群体,说明野生二棱大麦籽粒氮素营养积累既受种植环境的影响,又有一定的保守性。Y2012 Farm 和Y2013 AS两个环境下,总氮含量较高的基因型有T8R23R3,分别为3.42%、3.04%和3.12%,较低的基因型是GN26,平均值为2.01%。综合比较发现,在供试的野生二棱大麦基因型中,有利用价值的氮素含量极端高和低的基因型分别为T8HM17,可用于现代栽培大麦的改良。  相似文献   

为了解江苏二棱大麦表型性状特征及其相关性,以1989年以来江苏省审定/认定的32份二棱大麦品种(系)为材料,在江苏沿海地区对其3个农艺性状(株高、穗长、穗粒数)、7个籽粒性状(粒长、粒宽、粒厚、长宽比、长厚比、宽厚比、千粒重)和6个品质性状(直链淀粉含量、支链淀粉含量、支链淀粉含量/直链淀粉含量、淀粉含量、蛋白质含量和β-葡聚糖含量)进行分析.结果表明,在农艺、籽粒和品质性状中,籽粒性状的变异系数最小,变化范围为3.91%~9.13%;品质性状的变异系数最高,变化范围为8.56%~36.21%.经相关性分析,同类性状间相关性达到显著水平的较多,而不同类别性状间较少;穗长、穗粒数和籽粒长宽比在不同育种阶段的大麦品种(系)间差异显著.通过综合聚类分析,32份大麦品种(系)被分成三类,三类品种(系)间株高、支链淀粉含量、支链淀粉含量/直链淀粉含量、淀粉含量差异显著.  相似文献   

为改良大麦籽粒性状,依据棱型、皮裸及选育水平对125份大麦材料按3种不同分类方式进行分组,比较了组别间的粒重、粒长、粒宽及粒厚的差异及各性状间的相关性。结果表明,大麦粒重与棱型相关,与皮、裸无相关性,二棱大麦粒重(46.89mg)显著高于六棱大麦(35.71mg)。就籽粒长而言,皮大麦长于裸大麦,二棱大麦长于六棱大麦,以野生大麦最长,为13.19mm;人工驯化和品种选育使大麦粒长有所变短。二棱大麦的粒宽(3.55mm)显著大于六棱大麦(3.26mm);粒宽在皮、裸大麦间无显著差异。粒厚变异与粒宽类似,野生大麦的粒厚最小(1.69mm)。相关分析表明,大麦粒重主要由粒宽、粒厚决定,且后两者呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

不同玉米品种子粒植酸磷及其他形态磷含量的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以50个自交系和24个杂交种为材料,测定其总磷、植酸磷、无机磷含量,分析不同基因型玉米子粒中植酸磷及其他形态磷含量的差异性和相关性。结果表明:不同自交系和杂交种间3种磷形态的含量均存在显著差异,植酸磷与总磷间呈正相关,与无机磷间呈弱度正相关。在低植酸玉米选育时,应该同时采用植酸磷和无机磷两个指标作为选择标准。自交系丹黄02是选育较低植酸磷、高无机磷含量杂交种的优良亲本材料。  相似文献   

 选用4个稻米直链淀粉含量有显著差异的粳稻品种配制两个杂交组合(系选1号×通769和东农423×藤系180),研究其杂交后代籽粒直链淀粉含量选择对品质和产量性状的影响。结果表明,籽粒直链淀粉含量选择对杂种后代蒸煮食味品质和产量相关性状有不同程度的影响,其影响程度因杂交组合及性状不同而异;在蒸煮食味品质性状中,淀粉黏滞性谱的崩解值和消减值受直链淀粉含量选择的影响较大,而在产量相关性状中抽穗期、单株有效穗数、结实率、单株粒重等受直链淀粉含量选择的影响相对较大;通过直链淀粉含量的连续定向选择可以从杂种后代中分出直链淀粉含量不同的后代,粳稻杂种后代低直链淀粉含量的定向选择效果优于高直链淀粉含量的选择效果,更容易得到超低亲的变异类型;直链淀粉含量的选择对杂种后代产量性状的影响较复杂,存在有利或不利的影响,低直链淀粉含量的选择将会导致单株粒重的下降。  相似文献   

利用水稻穗离体培养方法,对不同外源磷浓度下水稻籽粒植酸等磷化物含量的差异及其植酸代谢相关功能基因在灌浆过程中的表达特征进行了探讨。结果表明,水稻籽粒中的植酸、无机磷和总磷含量随外源磷处理浓度上升呈增加趋势,但磷处理对千粒重和单位籽粒中植酸积累量的影响因磷浓度水平而异,高磷处理会导致水稻千粒重和籽粒植酸积累绝对量的显著降低;外源磷处理浓度的上升,不仅会引起水稻籽粒中锌和铁元素含量的显著降低,而且会导致锌、铁营养的生物有效性下降;外源磷处理对水稻籽粒植酸含量的影响与不同磷处理下RINO1基因的相对表达量之间存在较密切关系,中磷浓度(3P)处理会诱导RINO1基因的表达,但高磷浓度(12P)会抑制RINO1基因的表达,RINO1是外源磷浓度处理对水稻籽粒植酸合成代谢过程产生调控作用的一个重要功能基因位点,而IPK2基因与水稻在不同磷浓度处理下的植酸含量变化无直接联系。  相似文献   

为了解不同棱型大麦籽粒性状的差异性及其千粒重与粒型性状的相关性,对98份二棱大麦和89份六棱大麦品种(系)在不同试点的千粒重、粒长、粒宽进行测定和分析。结果表明,二棱大麦千粒重、粒长和粒宽普遍高于六棱大麦,不同棱型大麦千粒重、粒长和粒宽在基因型间及环境间差异均达到显著或极显著水平。经过聚类分析,依据千粒重将二棱大麦和六棱大麦聚为高、中、低粒重3类。随着千粒重的减小,二棱大麦千粒重与粒长之间由显著正相关变为不显著负相关,六棱大麦则由不显著正相关变为显著正相关。二棱大麦和六棱大麦各类品种(系)的平均千粒重与粒宽均呈极显著正相关,而且相关系数均高于千粒重与粒长的相关系数。  相似文献   

基因型和环境对安徽小麦品质性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解基因型和环境对小麦面粉类胡萝卜素含量、LOX活性、白度、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和总淀粉含量的影响,选用15个小麦品种连续2年在安徽省4个试点进行试验,分析了15个小麦品种籽粒类胡萝卜素含量和其他5个品质性状的异同。结果表明,供试材料的6个被测品质性状在基因型间的差异均达到极显著水平;类胡萝卜素含量和蛋白质含量在环境间差异达到显著或极显著水平。被测品质性状在年份间差异均达显著或极显著水平(湿面筋含量除外);环境×年份的互作对LOX活性、白度、蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量和总淀粉含量的效应极显著;基因型×环境互作对类胡萝卜素含量、LOX活性、白度的影响极显著;基因型×年份、环境×年份、基因型×环境×年份互作对蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、总淀粉含量的效应极显著。  相似文献   

为了明确籽粒植酸含量降低率作为磷高效大豆品种筛选指标的可行性,本试验以26个大豆品种为材料,采用沙培盆栽法,测定正常磷和低磷水平下各品种产量、农艺性状、生理指标和植酸含量并分析各指标间的相关性。根据产量损失率将26个品种聚类成A^G共7个类型,A类品种产量损失率均小于10%,G类品种产量损失率大于60%;B^F各类品种产量损失率介于A、G中间。产量、植酸含量与株高、茎粗、叶绿素含量、净光合速率、地上及地下部含磷量均呈正相关关系,其中与茎粗和净光合速率呈显著正相关。在正常磷及低磷条件下,A^G各类型品种籽粒植酸含量变化无明显规律,但A类大豆品种籽粒植酸含量降低率小于30%,G类则大于80%。田间种植试验进一步证实植酸含量降低率低于30%的品种耐低磷指数大于1.0,属于强磷高效类型;G类品种耐低磷指数小于0.6,属于弱磷高效类型;B^F各类品种介于A、G中间。综上所述,正常磷与低磷水平下大豆籽粒植酸含量降低率可以作为又一个关键指标,与产量及部分农艺性状协同筛选磷高效大豆品种。  相似文献   

大麦籽粒生育酚含量的基因型和环境变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨基因型和环境变异对大麦籽粒生育酚含量的影响,本文采用超声提取和高效液相色谱法测定了种植在3个生态条件差异很大的环境条件下的7个二棱大麦品种籽粒的生育酚含量。结果表明:各生育酚含量在基因型间、环境间及基因型和环境互作间差异均达到极显著水平;α-生育酚、γ-生育酚、δ-生育酚和总-生育酚含量的环境效应大于基因型效应,β-生育酚含量的基因型效应大于环境效应。  相似文献   

Improving drought tolerance has always been an important objective in many crop improvement programs and is becoming more important as one way of adapting crops to climate changes. However, due to its complexity, the genetic mechanisms underlying the expression of drought tolerance in plants are poorly understood and this trait is difficult to characterize and quantify. This study assessed the importance of the wild progenitor of cultivated barley, Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch, in contributing developmental and yield-related traits associated with drought tolerance and therefore its usefulness in breeding for improved adaptation to drought stress conditions. Fifty-seven fixed barley lines derived from crosses with two H. spontaneum lines (41-1 and 41-5) were evaluated in Mediterranean low rainfall environments with 10 improved varieties and three landraces for grain yield, developmental and agronomic traits. The study was conducted for three years (2004–2006) in a total of nine environments (location–year combinations), eight in Syria and one in Jordan, which were eventually reduced to seven due to a large error variance in two of them. There was significant genetic variation among the genotypes for most of the traits measured, as well as differential responses of genotypes across environments. Traits such as peduncle length, peduncle extrusion and plant height were positively correlated with grain yield in the dry environments. Differences in phenology were small and not significantly correlated with differences in grain yield under stress. Performances at the three highest yielding environments were much more closely correlated than those at the four stress environments. The GGE biplot analysis allowed identification of genotypes consistently best adapted to the lowest yielding environments and confirmed the existence of unique environments for identifying better adapted genotypes in the low rainfall environments of Syria. The top yielding lines in the driest of the seven environments derived mostly from crosses with H. spontaneum 41-1, while most of the improved varieties showed a positive genotype by environment (GE) interaction with the highest yielding environments. The results of the field experiments indicated that there was variation for grain yield under drought stress among barley genotypes, and that some of the lines derived from H. spontaneum had consistently superior specific adaptation to the range of severe stress conditions used in this study. The usefulness of H. spontaneum in breeding programs for stress conditions is likely to increase in view of the predicted increase in the occurrence of high temperatures and droughts.  相似文献   

为探讨起源地生态地理因素对野生燕麦物候期和农艺性状的影响,对种植于成都金堂试验地的源自以色列不同地区7个野生燕麦群体70个基因型的19个物候和农艺性状进行了测定,并用单因素方差(One-Way ANOVA)、相关性网络(Correlation-based network analysis,CNA)、斯皮尔曼秩相关(Spearmanp’s Rho Correlation)等方法进行数据分析。结果表明,不同群体和基因型间的物候期和农艺性状差异明显。其中,全生育期最短的群体是Sede Boqer,来自该群体的SB14-07的生育期仅170.0d;最大单株生物产量出现在Caesarea群体中,达268.1g;而千粒重最大的是来自Tabigha群体的Tg-09,为28.8g。起源地水分、温度、地理等因素对野生燕麦的物候及农艺性状起不同程度的关键性影响。以上结果说明,野生燕麦物候及农艺性状差异的实质是其长期与环境相互作用,在自然选择压力下进化形成的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

大麦(Hordeum vulgare L)是位于小麦、水稻和玉米之后的世界第四大主要作物。从野生物种转变为栽培种的驯化过程中,大麦的许多性状发生了改变。大量研究发现,这些驯化过程中变化的主要性状,都是相关基因突变导致功能丧失的结果,而且已克隆的驯化基因多数为转录因子。本文对非脆穗轴、六棱穗和裸颖果等大麦驯化的主要性状及其相关基因的研究进展进行了综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

B组醇溶蛋白是大麦的主要贮藏蛋白之一,其组成及含量与大麦的营养品质和加工品质密切相关。为探究大麦B组醇溶蛋白对小麦面粉加工特性的影响,以转青稞B-hordein基因的小麦转基因高代株系(T4、T5代)及其受体品种龙麦30为材料,分别对转B-hordein基因小麦高代株系及龙麦30进行分子检测、农艺性状测量、近红外分析和粉质分析。结果表明,转B-hordein基因小麦高代植株均为阳性植株;在农艺性状方面,转B-hordein基因小麦与龙麦30无显著差异;在品质方面,转B-hordein基因小麦的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量的平均值均极显著高于龙麦30;粉质分析结果也表明转B-hordein基因小麦的粉质参数优于龙麦30。由此推测,B-hordein基因的成功转化能够改善小麦的面粉加工特性。  相似文献   

Thermostability assays in conjunction with IEF and molecular mapping were used to identify three beta-amylase alleles (Bmyl-Sd1, -Sd2L, -Sd2H) in cultivated barley and an additional allele (Bmy1-Sd3) in an accession of wild barley Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum. The four forms of beta-amylase exhibit different rates of thermal inactivation in barley extracts. This variation was shown to persist after the proteolytic processing of the enzyme that occurs during germination. Three forms of beta-amylase representing the range of thermostabilities were purified and shown to have T50 temperatures of 56·8°C for the Sd2L enzyme, 58·5°C for the Sd1 enzyme, and 60·8°C for the Sd3 beta-amylase from wild barley. Analysis of the relationship between beta-amylase thermostability and fermentability, i.e. the yield of fermentable sugars obtained from starch hydrolysis during brewing in 42 commercial malt samples suggests that increased thermostability results in more efficient starch degradation. Screening for specific beta-amylase alleles is proposed as a method for increasing fermentability in malting barley.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2003,84(3):335-340
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) with high grain β-glucan content in the soluble dietary fiber fraction may be useful as a specialty crop for human food. In contrast, low β-glucan content is desirable for brewing or animal feed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen and irrigation on barley grain β-glucan content. Relationships between barley grain β-glucan content and some agronomic traits were examined. Generally, high nitrogen levels increased barley grain β-glucan content in both years. The N2 treatment gave the best grain β-glucan contents. A negative effect of irrigation was observed for barley grain β-glucan content. Increased levels of irrigation tended to decrease grain β-glucan content in barley. Non-irrigated treatments commonly had the greatest values for grain β-glucan content in all treatments. Higher positive correlations between β-glucan and protein content were observed in both years. A negative correlation between β-glucan content and 1000 grain weight was significant in 1999 while a negative correlation between β-glucan content and sieve analysis was significant in 2000. It may be concluded that increased nitrogen is desirable for high grain β-glucan content in barley but not irrigation.  相似文献   

穗分枝突变体是大麦穗发育研究的重要种质。利用EMS诱变北青7号的成熟种子,再通过连续7年自交繁殖选育了9个裸大麦穗分枝突变(Ynbs)株系。在不同世代中9个Ynbs株系的穗分枝性状均可稳定遗传,多联穗明显退化,每个主穗着生2~5个分枝穗和10.53±0.53~13.23±0.22个多联穗,每个分枝穗具有1~3个分枝穗轴节,每个多联穗着生10~15个小花。为系统了解Ynbs株系的穗部特性差异,分析了不同材料多联穗数、小花数、结实粒数、结实率、穗茎轴长、穗长、穗轴节数和百粒重的表型差异和偏相关性。结果表明,多联穗数等8个穗部性状在不同材料间均有显著或极显著差异,9个Ynbs株系的多联穗数、结实率和百粒重显著低于诱变亲本,但其小花数极显著高于诱变亲本,多联穗减少、小花增多、结实率和百粒重下降是9个Ynbs株系的共有突变性状;穗分枝性状与多联穗数、结实粒数、结实率、穗长和百粒重5个穗部性状呈极显著偏相关,偏相关系数分别为-0.524、0.584、-0.646、0.418和-0.563。9个Ynbs株系具有穗分枝、多联穗退化、小穗增多等特性,是大麦穗发育等研究的不可替代种质。  相似文献   

Modern sugarcane cultivars are derived from the interspecific crossing between Saccharum officinarum and wild sugarcane, Saccharum spontaneum. The introgression of valuable characteristics from wild sugarcane is recognized as extremely important, but this process typically requires long-term effort over multiple generations of backcrosses owing to the low sugar content of the initial interspecific hybrids. In this study, we aimed to identify Japanese wild sugarcanes with high juice brix in order to promote effective interspecific crossing of sugarcane. Sixty-four accessions from the Nansei Islands and 70 accessions from the Honshu were evaluated for juice brix. Wild sugarcanes with high juice brix were demonstrated to exist among wild sugarcanes indigenous to the Honshu. A significant difference was observed between the median juice brix values of wild sugarcanes of the Nansei Islands and those of the Honshu. The relationship between juice brix and stem traits was then examined in 20 wild sugarcanes, 10 each from the Nansei Islands and the Honshu. The reproducibility of juice brix value in both experiments was confirmed. In contrast to juice brix, stem traits, such as length, diameter, and volume, were typically smaller in wild sugarcanes from the Honshu. Moreover, a negative correlation was observed between the index of stem volume and juice brix. In this study, we identified outstanding wild sugarcanes with high juice brix. Using germplasms from the identified wild sugarcanes in interspecific crossing could contribute to the increases in both yield and sugar content.  相似文献   

Grain compositional components impacting barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) use in food, feed and fuel products, must be combined with improved agronomic traits to produce a commercially viable barley cultivar. Little current information is available on grain composition and variability among winter barley genotypes. This study was conducted to determine the variability among modern hulled and hulless winter barley genotypes in grain composition. Barley types varied significantly in grain and kernel weight, starch, beta-glucan, oil and ash content, but not in protein concentration. Hulless barley had significantly higher grain test weight and starch concentration than hulled and malting types, and significantly higher beta-glucan than malting barley. Hulless barley had significantly lower kernel weights, oil, and ash concentrations than hulled and malting types. Higher starch and lower fiber and ash in grain of hulless barley versus hulled feed or malting type barley are characteristics that increase hulless barley desirability. Selection for high starch concentration among all barley types is feasible and will facilitate development of barley cultivars better suited for use in feed, malt, and ethanol production.  相似文献   

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