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The influence of time of emergence of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) on its competition with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was studied, using boxes that allowed separation of root and shoot competition. The relative yield total for mixtures of wild oat and wheat, grown under different forms of competition and with different wild oat sowing times, was very close to unity, indicating that the two species competed fully for limiting resources. Wild oat was more competitive than wheat when the two species were sown simultaneously, due largely to its greater root competitive ability; the two species had similar shoot competitive abilities. When wild oat was sown 3 or 6 weeks later than wheat, wheat was more competitive than wild oat and the production of wild oat panicles was prevented. This was mainly the result of greater root competitive ability of the wheat, although shoot competitive ability was also greater. The effects of root and shoot competition were additive. It is concluded that in order to prevent the return of wild oat seeds to the soil, and hence obtain long-term benefit, it is necessary to control the wild oat seedlings emerging within the first 3 weeks after drilling a wheat crop.  相似文献   

The dynamics of early root growth and dry matter partitioning were compared in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and wild oat (Avena fatua L.) grown in solution culture. Total root length was greater in wheat than wild oat throughout the experiment; a result of a greater number of seminal axes and greater production of lateral root length per axis. The final number of adventitious roots was greater in wheat than in wild oat, but their length was similar. Relative growth rates were also similar as was shoot:root dry weight ratio and rate of root respiration. However, wheat used the dry matter partitioned to its roots more efficiently, producing a greater specific root length (SRL, length per unit weight). Caution must be exercised when relating these results to plants growing and compet-ing in the field, but three general points are raised. First, the initial number of seminal axes can have a profound effect on the rate of early root development; second, the adventitious root system of wild oat is not inherently more vigorous than that of wheat; and third, future studies should compare SRL of wheat and wild oat in the field. If differences similar to those in the present study are found they may contribute to the greater competitive ability of wheat.  相似文献   

Summary. This project was designed to study various aspects of wild oat competition in spring wheat and flax. From ten to forty wild oat plants/yd2 were sufficient to cause significant yield reductions in wheat when grown on summerfallow land or when ammonium phosphate fertilizer was added to stubble land. However, when wheat was grown on stubble land without the benefit of a fertilizer treatment, seventy to one hundred wild oat plants/yd2 were needed to suppress wheat yields significantly. This would suggest that on stubble land, soil fertility was a more important factor than moderate densities of wild oats in determining eventual crop yields. In these experiments, wild oats reduced the number of tillers per plant, but did not significantly affect the protein content of the harvested grain. Only ten wild oat plants/yd2 were sufficient to reduce flax yields significantly on both summerfallow and stubble land. The only exception was in 1966, when flax grown on summerfallow land was not significantly affected until the density of wild oats reached forty plants/yd2. This confirms the general observation that flax is a poor competitor with wild oats. The results suggest that wild oat competition had already commenced prior to emergence of wheat, particularly with the higher densities of wild oats. In general, competitive effects increased with time and with wild oat density. In flax, severe competition had already taken place prior to the 2–3-Ieaf stage of the weed in 1964, but did not become severe until after the 2–3-leaf stage of wild oat growth in 1965 and 1966. Again, competitive effects increased with time and with wild oat density. Results of a final series of experiments, suggested that the optimum seeding date for flax in Manitoba is the latter part of May or the first week of June. Yield reductions due to wild oat competition became very severe as seeding dates were delayed. La compétition de la folle avoine (A vena fatua L.) avec le blé et le lin  相似文献   

A series of field experiments was conducted to evaluate the competitive effect of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Norstar’) yield. Grain yield at the centre of dense C. arvense patches ranged from 28–71% of the yield in adjacent weed-free plots, based on measurements made at 11 experimental sites over a 2-year period. The mean reduction in yield was 49%. Two models were used to describe grain yield reduction in terms of C. arvense shoot density: (a) linear regression of percentage yield reduction on the square root of shoot density, and (b) non-linear regression, based on a rectangular hyperbola. Both models give similar yield loss estimates at commonly occurring shoot densities of C. arvense, but the non-linear model accounted for more of the observed variation in grain yield. The major yield component affected by C. arvense competition was spikes per unit area, with kernel weight affected to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was done in the glasshouse to study the competition between Avena sterilis ssp. macrocarpa Mo. and six wheat cultivars of different lengths of growth cycle. The competitiveness of wild oat was similar for all six wheat cultivars with respect to grain weight, straw weight, number of ears and total accumulation of nitrogen. The cultivar with the longest cycle was the most affected by wild oat competition as regards height, because a large part of its stem extension and some of the heading took place after the panicles of wild oat had expanded. Wild oat competition with wheat plants was greater than the competition among wheat plants themselves. The wild oat had a similar tolerance to all the wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

Competiton between seedlings of gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L cv. Grasslands Nui) was studied in a replacement series experiment under glasshouse conditions. Without cutting, the shoot growth of gorse in monoculture exceeded that of ryegrass over 22 weeks but was reduced more by competition from ryegrass than the grass growth was reduced by competition from gorse. The root system of gorse was small compared with that of ryegrass and was further reduced by competition. Cutting three times at 2 or 4 cm reduced the total growth of both species and gorse was affected more than ryegrass. With grass, however, the ‘growth between succeeding cuts declined faster than that of gorse and in the final harvest period, gorse in monoculture oulyielded ryegrass. The relative crowding coefficients of gorse were low compared with those of ryegrass and their products consistently exceeded 1.0. The results are discussed in relation to lirmiting seedling establishment of gorse in the field.  相似文献   

The competitive interactions between Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana (Dur.) Nyman and winter barley have been studied, taking into consideration the densities of both species. As the density of A. sterilis increased, barley yield decreased exponentially. A 10% reduction in yield was found with wild oat densities ranging from 20–80 panicles m–2, and yield losses reached 50%, with densities of >300 panicles m–2, Barley grain yield was reduced by wild oats through a reduction in the number of fertile tillers. Climatic conditions during the growing seasons affected the response of barley to wild oat competition. In general, barley yields were relatively unaffected by seeding rates, with similar responses observed in the presence and in the absence of wild oat infestations. However, the highest yield losses were obtained with the lowest seeding rate (100 kg ha–1). Furthermore, low barley densities allowed the wild oat plants to produce more seeds, increasing the potential infestation during the following season.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of each of three spring cereals (wheat, barley and oats) were grown with Avena fatua in a box experiment, where the effects of root and shoot competition were separated using soil and aerial partitions. Measures of resource complementarity (RYT) and of the relative severity of competition indicated that competition for soil resources, particularly nitrogen, was more severe than competition for aerial resources, i.e. light. When both root and shoot competition occurred, oats and barley were generally more competitive than wheat, but there were significant differences in competitive ability between cultivars of all three cereals. Although competition between cereals and A. fatua occurred predominantly below-ground, the various cultivars only differed slightly in root competitive ability against weeds. Nitrogen fertilizer did not significantly change the ranking of competitive abilities of the cultivars. Although shoot competition had less effect than root competition, the various cereals differed markedly in shoot competitive ability. The two oat cultivars, and the barley cultivar Egmont, had higher shoot competitive abilities than the two wheat cultivars or the barley cultivar Goldmarker. There was little evidence that differences in shoot competitive ability were due to differences in plant height. Une comparaison de la competition racinaire et aerienne entre les cereales de printemps et Avena fatua L. Deux cultivars de chacune des 3 céréales de printemps (blé, orge et avoine) ont été cultivés avec de l'Avena fatua dans des boites expérimentales ou les effets de la compétition aérienne et ceux de la compétition racinaire étaient séparées en utilisant des partitions de sol et d'air. Des mesures de complémentarité de ressources (RYT) et de la sévérité relative de la competition ont montré que la compétition pour les ressources du sol, en particulier l'azote, était plus forte que la compétition pour les ressources aériennes comme la lumière. Quand à fois on avait une compétition aérienne et racinaire, l'avoine et l'orge étaient généralement plus compétitives que le blé, mais il y avait des différences significatives dans l'aptitude à la compétition entre les cullivars des 3 céréales. Bien que la compétition enlre céréales et A. fatua soit apparue pour la majeure partie sous le sol, les différents cultivars ont seulement légèrement différé dans leur aptitude à la competition contre les adventices. Les engrais azotés n'ont pas changé de façon significative le niveau de la competitivité des cullivars. Bien que la compétition aérienne soit moins forte que la racinaire, les différentes céréales ont exprimé des différences nettes dans leur aptitude à la compétition aérienne. Les 2 avoines et l'orge ‘Egmont’ ont une plus grande capacité de compétition que les 2 blés et l'orge ‘Goldmaker’. II n'est pas ressorti que les différences dans la compétitivé aérienne soient liées à des différences de hauleur de plantes. Konkurrenz im Wurzel- und im Sproßbereich zwischen Sommergetreide und Avena fatua L. Je 2 Sorten von Sommerweizen, Sommergerste und Hafer wuchsen mit Avena fatua in einem Topfversuch, wo durch Trennwände die Wirkung der Wurzel- und der Sproßkonkurrenz unterschieden werden konnte. Messungen der Nährstoffaufnahme und der relativen Stärke der Konkurrenz zeigten, daß die Konkurrenz um Nährstoffe im Boden, besonders Stickstoff, heftiger war als die Konkurrenz im Sproßbereich, z. B. um Licht. Lag sowohl Wurzel- wie Sproßkonkurrenz vor, waren Hafer und Gerste allgemein konkurrenzstärker als Weizen, aber es gab bei allen 3 Getreidearten signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Sorten. Obwohl die Konkurrenz zwischen den Getreiden und A. fatua vor allem im Wurzelbereich lag, unterschieden sich die verschiedenen Sorten da in ihrer Konkurrenzkraft nur wenig, was auch durch Stickstoffdüngung nicht signifikant geändert werden konnte. Trotz der geringeren Bedeutung der Konkurrenz im Sproßbereich unterschieden sich die Getreidearten hier in ihrer Konkurrenzkraft deutlich: Die beiden Hafersorten und die Gerstensorte ‘Egmont’übertrafen hierin die beiden Weizensorten oder die Gerstensorte ‘Goldmaker’. Es gab keine Hinweise darauf, daß die Unterschiede der Konkurrenzkraft im Sproßbereich auf die Halmlänge zurückzuführen sei.  相似文献   

The feasibility of achieving selective wild oat (Avena fatua L.) control in a stand of the Australian oat (Avena sativa L.) cv. Savena I was examined. Diclofop-methyl was applied at rates of 0·4–0·7 kg a.i. ha?1 at the three- and five-leaf stages of A. fatua (84–132 culms m2). Although all rates of diclofop-methyl caused initial chlorosis and necrosis to the crop, the subsequent control of A. fatua permitted increased crop tillering. Avena fatua control and crop yield response were maximized when diclofop-methyl was applied at the three-leaf stage. Crop grain yield was increased by as much as 32% and 22% during 1984 and 1985, respectively. In the absence of A. fatua competition, crop shoot dry weight at ear emergence was reduced only where diclofop-methyl was applied at 0·6 or 0·7 kg ha?1. However, final grain yield was not reduced by any treatment. Only 11 of 240 cultivars or lines tolerated diclofop-methyl, and none reached the level attained by Savena I and a closely related Australian line [(Irwin × (West × New Zealand Cape/42)) × West]/24. The nature of the inheritance of diclofop-methyl tolerance was examined (1983–1985) by crossing and backcrossing (BC) Savena I with four diclofop-methyl susceptible, but agronomically superior, lines. Inheritance of diclofop-methyl tolerance appeared to be controlled by two genes, with susceptibility being dominant to tolerance in F3, BCIF2 and BCIF3 lines.  相似文献   

J. IQBAL  D. WRIGHT 《Weed Research》1997,37(6):391-400
Three pot experiments have investigated the effects of nitrogen (N) supply on interspecific competition between three weed species ( Phalaris minor Retz., Chenopodium album L, and Sinapis arvensis L.) and spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cv, Alexandria. The treatments tested included monocultures of each species and a mix-ture containing them in equal proportions that were combined factorially with two levels of N supply (20, 120 kg N ha-1). Low N supply decreased net photosynthetic rate (Pn), leaf N percentage, plant dry weight and N uptake of both wheat and weed species and gram dry weight of wheat. The effects of low N on Pn and dry weight of weeds were greater than the effects on wheat. In most cases the decrease in Pn at low N was due to non-stomatal factors. The relative competitive abilities of wheat and weeds were influenced by N supply. At high N, S.arvensis was more competitive than wheat, whereas P. minor was less competitive than wheat. C. album was more competitive than wheat at both N levels. The rank order of competitive ability of the weed species was C. album > P. minor > S. arvensis . The effects of interspecific competition on Pn were smaller than the effects of N supply and were not associated with corresponding effects on leaf N percentage and plant dry weight of both wheat and weed species and grain dry weight of wheat.  相似文献   

Methyl 2-[4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenoxy]propanoate (dichlofop-methyl) is a selective herbicide for wild oat (Avena fatua L.) control in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Dichlofop-methyl inhibited IAA-stimulated elongation of oat and wheat coleoptile segments by 51 and 13%, respectively, at 10 μM concentrations. Dichlofop-methyl alone had no auxin activity at concentrations of 0.1, 1.0, and 10 μM. The inhibitory effect of dichlofop-methyl was overcome partially by increasing the IAA concentration or by application of 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid (dicamba), a herbicide with weak auxin activity. The de-esterified free acid metabolite, 2-[4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)phenoxy]-propionic acid (dichlofop), at 10 μM inhibited auxin-stimulated oat coleoptile elongation by 23%, but it did not affect wheat coleoptile elongation at the same concentration. Both dichlofop-methyl and dichlofop inhibited root growth in excised shoots and seedlings of wild oat but had no effect on wheat. Dichlofop was a more effective inhibitor of root growth than dichlofop-methyl. The results suggest that dichlofop-methyl functions as a strong auxin antagonist, while the metabolite, dichlofop, inhibits root growth and development by another mechanism. The herbicidal effect of dichlofop-methyl may be the net effect of two biologically active forms of the compound each with a different mode of action acting at different sites within a susceptible plant.  相似文献   

Modelling crop:weed interactions in wheat with ALMANAC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ALMANAC is a dynamic model for plant growth, water balance and soil nitrogen dynamics that can simulate on a daily basis two or more competing species. The simulation of competition for light is based on Beer's law, allowing a different extinction coefficient ( k ) for each species. Light is partitioned between species based on k -values, leaf area index and plant heights. Total hiomass is simulated with radiation use efficiency and grain yield with a harvest index approach, sensitive to water stress. The model simulates competition for water and nutrients based on each species current rooting zone and demand by each species. The effect of crop management on the competition issue can he simulated. The model was evaluated in Dijon (France) using 4 years of experimental data on wheat:oat mixtures, differing in oat ( Avena sativa L.) densities, the period of oat emergence, the date of weed suppression by herbicides and the wheat ( Triticun aestivum L.) genotype. Additional data on oilseed rape ( Brassica nupus L.) and vetch ( Vilcia sauiva L.) competition in spring wheat were also used. The wheat grain yield was reasonably simulated with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.10-0.35 t ha-1. Corresponding values for oats were 0.10-0.55 t ha-1. The competitiveness of oats, oilseed rape and vetch was correctly simulated. The model appears as a reasonable tool for estimating damage thresholds in integrated weed control programmes.  相似文献   

The effects of acid extracts of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and carrot ( Daucus carota L.) juice wastes from the food industry on the growth of five species of crops and four weeds were examined. The acid extract of the tomato juice waste promoted the shoot and root growth of tomato, Chinese cabbage, corn, and radish, but not the growth of oat seedlings. The extract did not promote the shoot growth of weeds tested, and it inhibited the root growth of the weeds that included barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa oryzicola Ohwi), southern crabgrass ( Digitaria ciliaris Koel.) and Japanese barnyard millet ( Echinochloa utilis Ohwi). The carrot juice waste was also examined as another waste from the food industry. The effect of the acid extract of carrot juice waste showed significant promoting effects on the root growth of Chinese cabbage; however, the effects on other plants were lower than that of tomato juice waste. It also did not inhibit the growth of weeds. These results suggested that the acid extract from tomato juice waste is useful as plant-growth substances because they have a promoting effect on the shoot and root growth of crops, and an inhibitory effect on the root growth of some weeds.  相似文献   

Growth indices describing the nature of the competitive relationship between Silene vulgaris and alfalfa during crop establishment were determined from experiments conducted outdoors in southem Manitoba in 1986 and 1987. The results of the experiments indicated that alfalfa dry matter yields were influenced more by intra- than interspecific competition. In comparison S. vulgaris was affected more by interspecific competition. Replacement diagrams and aggressivity indices both demonstrated that alfalfa and S. vulgaris were the aggressor and sub-ordinate species, respectively. Relative replacement rates for alfalfa versus S. vulgaris were significantly greater than unity, indicating that alfalfa exerted a greater replacement pressure on S. vulgaris than did S. vulgaris on alfalfa. Over time alfalfa could be expected to replace S. vulgaris as the dominant species within a population. Barley was more competitive than alfalfa with S. vulgaris. Not only was S. vulgaris shoot dry weight reduced more by barley than by alfalfa during the establishment year, but fewer S. vulgaris seedlings emerged the following year in plots that had been seeded to barley than in those that had been seeded to alfalfa.  相似文献   

An expérimental procedure was designed to provide a simple model for types of analyses necessary to determine weed density thresholds for advantageous use of crop plants engineered for herbicide resistance. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., cv. Tower) biotypes resistant (RES) and susceptible (SUS) to atrazine were used as model crop plants, and wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was used as the model weed. Along a wild oat density gradient equivalent to 0–128 plants m?2, RES plants consistently experienced biomass and yield reductions of approximately 10–20% compared to SUS plants. When atrazine was applied at 1.5 kg ha?1 to control wild oats competing with RES plants, RES biomasses and yields were stabilized at the same level as that where 25–30 wild oats m?2 reduce yields of SUS plants. This implies that with wild oat densities of 25–30 plants m?2, it becomes agronomically advantageous to crop with RES plants plus atrazine rather than to crop with higher-yielding SUS plants.  相似文献   

The competitive abilities of a wide range of genotypes of wheat (Trilicvm aestivum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) against Lolium rigidum Gaud, (annual ryegrass) were examined 1o determine the potential for breeders to select strongly competitive varieties, Considerable potential within the wheat genome to breed varieties with greater competitive ability was demonstrated. In 1993, 250 genotypes from around the world were screened and in 1994 a subset of 45 (mainly Australian) genotypes were further examined. A uniform density of L. rigidum reduced grain yield of wheat by up to about 80% in 1993 and to 50% in 1994, depending on wheat genotype. Reduction in grain yield was correlated with L. rigidum dry matter. Wheats varied in competitive ability with source, and durum wheats were less competitive than T. aestivum. The ‘old’ standard wheat varieties (released between 1880 and 1950) suppressed the weed more than all the current varieties, with the exception of eight F1 hybrids. A doubling of the crop seeding rate of 10 of the genotypes in 1994 reduced the biomass of L. rigidum by an average of 25% compared with the standard seeding rate. Ranking of competitive ability of varieties at high density was consistent at both seeding rates. The strongly competitive genotypes had high early biomass accumulation, large numbers of tillers, and were tall with extensive leaf display. The potential for breeding enhanced competitive ability in wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

When Achillea millefolium L. (yarrow) seedlings were grown in the field in association with a pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop vegetative growth of yarrow was significantly reduced by 6 weeks after emergence. Flowering was totally suppressed while the pure stand of yarrow developed flower clusters at 13 weeks after seedling emergence. Rhizome development occurred at 8 weeks after seedling emergence in the pure stand, but not until 15 weeks when grown with pea. The early suppression of seedling yarrow in a glasshouse experiment was associated with root interference, although by 5 weeks shoot interference by pea plants was important in reducing yarrow growth. The greatest suppression of yarrow occurred when both roots and shoots of the two species were allowed to interfere. Yarrow had low aggressivity against pea when grown in various combinations in a replacement series experiment in the glasshouse.  相似文献   

The interference of allelopathic weeds with crop plants might be mediated by volatile allelochemicals. In this study, the essential oil constituents of two weeds, wild oat (Avena fatua) and crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), were investigated in relation to their effects on the growth and allelochemical production of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Subsequently, by means of gas chromatography and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry, 52 compounds were identified from the crabgrass essential oil, particularly a signaling compound called methyl jasmonate, while 28 constituents were detected in the wild oat essential oil. Both essential oils were rich in terpenoids and inhibited the growth of wheat in air, filter paper and soil media but their inhibition varied with the growth medium and the weed species. In both the air and the filter paper media, there were not significant differences in the dry weight of wheat between the wild oat and the crabgrass essential oils. However, there was a greater reduction in the dry weight of the wheat root and plant with the wild oat essential oil than with the crabgrass essential oil in the soil medium. Furthermore, the production of the allelochemical, 2,4‐dihydroxy‐7‐methoxy‐1,4‐benzoxazin‐3‐one, in wheat was induced by the essential oils. The results suggest that allelopathic interference with wheat by wild oat and crabgrass affects not only the biomass allocation, but also the allelochemical production, of wheat.  相似文献   

The effect of benzoylprop-ethyl on plant weight, root uptake, transport and metabolism of 32P in wild oat and wheat plants was examined 4 h, 1,3 and 9 days after treatment. The fresh weight of wild oat plants was significantly reduced, due to herbicide action only, by day 9 after treatment. By day 3, shoot weight was decreased while root weight was significantly increased by 47%. No significant changes in plant weight were caused by benzoylprop-ethyl in wheat plants. Uptake of 32P by treated wild oat plants decreased by 39% compared with the control, by day 9, after an initial increase; uptake of 32P was not significantly influenced in wheat plants. By day 1 transport of 32P to the shoots was significantly reduced in wild oat plants by 34%, whereas in wheat plants it was significantly increased by 35%. Metabolism of 32P was already hampered in wild oat plants 4 h after treatment. The content of 32P was reduced on the first two sampling dates in both the roots and shoots of treated plants in all fractions except in DNA in the shoots. On day 3, this decrease was apparent especially in organic, lipidic and nucleic acid fractions in the shoots; incorporation of 32P into lipidic and RNA fractions was significantly inhibited on day 9 in both the roots and shoots of treated wild oat plants. Wheat plants responded most strongly to benzyoylprop-ethyl on day 1 after treatment, when 32P incorporation into all fractions except DNA was hampered. Differences between treated and control wheat plants gradually levelled off on days 3 and 9 after treatment.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition between wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Chenopodium album L., was studied in pots using the replacement series design of de Wit. Competitive interference for phosphorus, and to some extent for nitrogen, between the two species was noted. This played a major part in limitation of growth of wheat plants by C. album, whereas wheat exhibited greater non-competitive interference in restricting potassium uptake by the weed. Increasing interference from the weed resulted in significant reductions in wheat grain size and yield.  相似文献   

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