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国家湿地公园是自然保护体系重要部分,研究国家湿地公园植物多样性及植物群落可以为湿地公园的建设和管理和生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文通过样方调查法,研究了杜公湖国家湿地公园的植物多样性及主要植物群落,主要结果如下:(1)武汉杜公湖国家湿地公园内的维管束植物有64科146属177种;(2)湿地公园植被可划分为2个植被型组,5个植被型和19个植物群系;(3)湿地公园内共分布有10个主要植物群落,分别为芦苇群落、穗状狐尾藻群落、慈竹群落、莲群落、加杨群落、决明群落、侧柏群落、池杉群落、鸡爪槭群落和构树群落。外来入侵种为凤眼蓝和喜旱莲子草。该研究成果可为武汉杜公湖国家湿地公园的保护与管理提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

指出了研究国家湿地公园的植物物种多样性及群落特征可以为湿地公园的建设提供一定的理论依据。通过路线调查与标准样地调查法,对白莲河国家湿地公园的植物多样性及主要植物群落进行了调查。结果表明:白莲河国家湿地公园范围植物多样性较高,区域内共有维管束植物121科343属494种(变种),其中蕨类植物有10科12属19种;裸子植物4科7属9种,被子植物107科324属475种。湿地公园范围内分布的主要植物群系有9种分别为樟树群系、马尾松群系、杉木群系、白茅群系、狭叶香蒲-喜旱莲子草群系、凤眼莲群系、茶菱+黄花狸藻群系、莲群系和微齿眼子菜+黑藻群系。分析表明,白莲河国家湿地公园内物种较丰富,但植物群落类型较少,且有外来入侵植物群落存在,因此需要对植物演替进行适度人工干预,来增加区域生物多样性和维持区域生态系统健康。  相似文献   

为掌握石羊河国家湿地公园内植物本底资源状况,更好地保护区内湿地资源,促进湿地公园健康发展,采取野外调查和室内查阅相关文献鉴定的方法对石羊河国家湿地公园内植物资源进行了调查分析。结果为:(1)调查区内有植物197种,隶属38科123属,其中有国家稀珍濒危植物3种,特有属种1种。双子叶植物是该区内植物群系的主要建群种,分别占总科属种数的68.42%、73.98%、75.13%,丰富度高。(2)区系分析表明,该区系有10个分布类型,其中北温带分布,世界分布,地中海区、西亚至中亚分布,旧世界温带分布,泛热带分布等5个分布区类型所含属数均≥10属,温带分布型占总属数的67.8%,表明该区系植物是典型温带性质。(3)该湿地公园内植被可分为4个植被型组、7个植被型、26个主要群系,为典型的河岸地带湿地植被,具有明显的地带性特征,水分梯度影响明显。  相似文献   

通过调查,长兴县3处重要湿地中共分布有害植物4种,按起源分外来种3种,土著种1种;按危害程度分严重危害种3种,中度危害种1种;按分布分,湖泊湿地4种,水库湿地1种.列出了有害植物的现状;分析了有害植物特点,认为喜旱莲子草、水盾草、黄花水龙3种种群数量大,各自形成单优群落,已对湿地植物多样性等造成危害;凤眼莲虽然仅星散分...  相似文献   

国家湿地公园是中国保护地体系重要组成部分,研究其生物多样性及分布对于湿地公园管理和合理利用具有重要意义。本研究通过植物群落调查方法,研究了湖北英山张家咀国家湿地公园的植物多样性和主要群落类型。结果表明,在英山张家咀国家湿地公园范围内,共调查到维管植物138科409属656种,其中蕨类植物16科20属25种;裸子植物3科7属9种;被子植物119科379属622种。湿地公园内共分布主要植物群落有14个,分别为马尾松群落、枫香群落、短柄枹栎群落、乌桕群落、牡荆群落、毛竹群落、五节芒群落、白花泡桐群落、加杨群落、枫杨群落、水烛群落、杠板归群落、双穗雀稗群落、莲群落,该研究结果可为湖北英山张家咀湿地公园的保护与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

红树林植物群落是红树林湿地生态系统的重要组分。红树林是广西北海滨海国家湿地公园内典型的湿地植被。为全面掌握广西北海滨海国家湿地公园内红树林植物群落类型与特征,根据遥感影像及无人机拍摄影像获取公园内红树林分布岸线及分布面积数据,并结合现场调查,判断红树林中不同植物群落类型的边界;布设6条调查断面,设置样方进行红树林植物群落调查,分析红树林植物群落分布与特征。结果表明,广西北海滨海国家湿地公园内共有19种红树植物,包括5个群系15种群丛类型;白骨壤(Avicennia marina)群系分布面积最大,具有原生性、典型性和代表性;公园兼具河口型和开阔海岸型环境,形成了相对独特的红树林群落和演替结构。该研究结果可为红树林湿地资源保护及合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对藏龙岛国家湿地公园的调查得知:共有维管束植物350种,隶属于105科271属,其中木本植物115种,草本植物235种,草本植物占优势;人工引种栽培植物87种,野生植物263种,以野生植物占优势;在科的组成上,以单属科和小型科为主,物种数最多的科为禾本科,有30属35种;属的分布以中、小型属分布为优势,是构成本地区植物多样性的重要组成类群,也是组成湿地植被的主要类群;湿地植被可划分为4个植被型组,7个植被型,32个群系。  相似文献   

采用样方法与样线法对湖南临澧道水河国家湿地公园的植物资源概况进行调查。结果显示:湖南临澧道水河国家湿地公园共记录湿地维管束植物81科、202属、293种,其物种多样性非常丰富,并分布有许多像萍蓬草、微齿眼子菜等资源较稀少的种类。这些湿地植物组成的群落可划分为4个植被型组,9个植被型,56个群系,均为典型的湿地植被类型。根据资源现状,分析了资源丰富性的成因,提出了湿地植物资源及水质的保护措施和建议,旨在为湿地公园今后的管护与科研工作提供参考价值。  相似文献   

黄陂草湖湿地自然保护区湿地植物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查得知:黄陂草湖湿地自然保护区有湿地维管植物38种,分属22科,37属;莲、绵毛酸模叶蓼、空心莲子草、稗、水烛等为主要湿地植物种类。湿地植被可划分为2个湿地植被型组,3个湿地植被型,5个群系。影响湿地物种缺失的主要因素为过度养殖。  相似文献   

国家湿地公园是国家保护体系的重要组成部分,研究其植物多样性及群落特征对国家湿地公园的生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文通过路线调查与标准样地调查相结合的方法,对洈水国家湿地公园的野生植物资源进行了实地调查,研究该区域植物区系特点、主要植物群落类型和群落多样性数量特征。结果表明,洈水国家湿地公园范围内现有维管束植物472种,隶属117科328属。样方调查显示,湿地公园范围内共分布有13个主要植物群落类型,主要群落物种多样性指数变化范围为:丰富度变化范围在5~31,Shannon-Weiner指数变化范围为0.45~0.97,物种均匀度变化范围在0.28~1.40,该研究结果可为洈水国家湿地公园的管理提供一定的基础。  相似文献   

国外对杨树湿心材的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
祖勃荪 《林业科学》2000,36(5):85-91
杨树是我国主要速生造林树种之一。杨树的利用对我国林业和林产工业的发展有重要影响。湿心材是树木生长中的一种反常现象,在杨树中表现甚为突出,是杨树加工利用中的一大难题。国外对湿心材的研究于上世纪初即已开始,已取得许多研究成果。本文扼要介绍国外研究的进展和一些重要观点,涉及湿心材的形成,湿心材中的细菌、气体和水分,湿心材的酸度、材色、力学强度、渗透性和湿心材对干燥、人造板生产和刨削等工艺过程的影响。  相似文献   

采用湿法消解-原子荧光法对雷竹笋中微量硒进行测定。方法灵敏度高,准确度好。找到测定笋中硒总量的仪器最佳条件,两次测得的加标回收率分别为99.12%和81.25%。湿法消解是目前较常用的生物样品消解方法,结合高压消化和微波消解在竹笋样品消解中的缺陷,经长期试验找出测定像竹笋一样有机质含量较高的样品消解测硒的方法步骤,结果满意。  相似文献   

Eamus D  Hutley LB  O'Grady AP 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):977-988
Daily and seasonal fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapor above a north Australian savanna were recorded over a complete dry season-wet season annual cycle using the eddy covariance technique. Wet season rates of photosynthesis and transpiration were larger than those measured in the dry season and were dominated by the presence of the grassy understory. As the dry season progressed and the grass understory died, ecosystem rates of assimilation and water vapor flux declined substantially. By the end of the dry season, canopy assimilation and evapotranspiration rates were 20-25% of wet season values. Assimilation was light saturated in the dry season but not in the wet season. Stomatal control of transpiration increased between the wet and dry season. This was revealed by the decline in the slope of E with increasing leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (D) between wet and dry seasons, and also by the significant decrease in the ratio of boundary to canopy conductance observed between the wet and dry seasons. A simple pan-tropical modeling of leaf area index or wet season canopy CO2 flux was undertaken. It was shown that with readily available data for foliar N content and the ratio of rainfall to potential evaporation, leaf index and wet season canopy CO2 flux can be successfully estimated for a number of tropical ecosystems, including north Australian savannas.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood was impregnated with aqueous solutions of phenol formaldehyde and methylated melamine formaldehyde resins and subsequently cured in an oven. One set of specimens was cured in plastic bags to avoid drying (wet curing) while another set of samples was heated and water was allowed to freely evaporate (dry curing). Macroscopic resin distribution was investigated using X-ray densitometry and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR). During dry curing, the resins migrated to the wood surface resulting in a gradient. Wet curing resulted in even distribution of the resins because it was immobilized due to condensation and precipitation in the wood. Neither densitometry nor FTIR-ATR was found to be generally applicable for investigating resin distribution in modified wood. Wet curing resulted in low cell wall bulking as compared to dry curing, probably because resin precipitated before drying. Storing impregnated wood prior to curing under non-drying conditions (“diffusion phase”) also reduced cell wall penetration and bulking.  相似文献   

河南宝天曼植物群落数量分类与排序   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
应用二元指示种分析(TWINSPAN)和无偏对应分析(DCA)对河南宝天曼植物群落进行了研究。结果表明:TWINSPAN将植物群落分成了岩栎林、千金榆林、铁木刺楸林、栓皮栎化香林、栓皮栎林、栓皮栎茅栗林、茅栗林、锐龄槲栎化香林、短柄Fu锐龄槲栎林、山杨白桦林、锐齿栎林、化香漆树青榨槭林、青冈栎林、杜鹃林、杈叶槭水曲柳林、山茱萸林、栾树林、河楸枫杨林、飞蛾槭林、青檀林、黄荆灌丛、金钱槭银鹊树林和领春  相似文献   

The status quo in forestry practice is to leave standard width buffers around water bodies in order to prevent the excess transport of sediments and nutrients from terrestrial to aquatic systems. This practice does not seem to be effective in the sub-humid boreal forest where climatic and physiographic variability produces complex hydrologic pathways not well protected by standard width buffers. We developed a remote sensing technique that forms a hydrologic basis for buffer strip design. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery was used to map, both inundated and saturated areas (herein called wet areas) amenable for surface transport of nutrients and sediments on a low relief landscape in northern Alberta, Canada. Wet areas coverage of the Moose Lake drainage basin showed a semi-logarithmic relationship with daily discharge (r2 = 0.72, p < 0.001, n = 18). This relationship was used to define a flow–duration curve for wet areas that could be used as an aspatial assessment of what proportion of a drainage basin should be protected. A probability map of wet areas formation was calculated from the database of 18 images. We demonstrated how the probability map may be used to design adaptive buffer strips for the mitigation of increased nutrient loading to boreal lakes following timber harvesting.  相似文献   

海南中部山区什运乡小斑块分布次生林的数量分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用DCA排序和TWINSPAN分类方法,将海南中部山区什运乡区域内分布的小斑块次生林划分为7个群落类型:毛叶青冈+香合欢+毛柿群系(Form.Cyclobalanopsis kerrii+Albiza odoratissima+Diospyros strigosa)、枫香+岭南山竹子+黄椿木姜群系(Form.Liquidambar formosana+Garcinia oblongifolia+Litsea variabilis)、黄牛木+九节+青梅群系(Form.Cratoxylumcochinchinense+Psychotria rubra+Vatica mangachapoi)、鸭脚木+木荷+短穗探柯群系(Form.Schefflera octophylla+Schimasaperba+Lithocarpus fenestratus)、长圆叶新木姜+南岛青冈群系(Form.Neolitsea oblongifolia+Cyclobalanopsis insularis)、黧蒴栲单优群系(Form.Castanopsis fissa)、黄叶树+皂帽花+美叶菜豆树群系(Form.Xanthophyllum hainanense+Dasymaschalontrichophorum+Radermachera frondosa)。DCA排序第1轴反映了群系自南向北的空间分布情况和温度变化梯度,第2轴上呈现的环境意义不明显。  相似文献   

Common and widespread plant species can change in abundance as a result of timber harvesting practices, with potentially broad effects on an ecosystem. Yet few studies have quantified such changes and their effects and as a result, subsequent management can be poorly defined. Tree-ferns are among a number of vegetative resprouters that have been shown to decline in abundance after clearfelling in Victorian Wet Forest. This study quantifies the initial survival of two common species of tree fern, Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis, on six Wet Forest coupes in the Victorian Central Highlands, south-eastern Australia. Sixteen percent of the 2391 tree-ferns monitored remained alive 1 year after clearfelling and seedbed preparation, with only 5% remaining in an upright position. Mortality was still increasing up to 6 years after clearfell harvesting, particularly for C. australis. Sixty-seven percent of D. antarctica surviving to 1 year post-harvest were still alive after 4 or 6 years, whereas only 35% of C. australis survived this period. Low tree-fern survival is likely to result in declines in the abundance of other species that rely directly on tree-ferns for habitat. The altered forest structure resulting from reduced tree-fern numbers will affect local microclimates and forest processes. As tree-fern recruitment is low and growth rates are slow, these changes are likely to be long term. Survival of individuals through harvesting operations is crucial to the maintenance of the role of tree-ferns as a keystone species in Wet Forests and simple modifications to current practices could increase the survival of tree-ferns in clearfelled areas.  相似文献   

Containerized red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) seedlings were grown over a 16-week rotation at different irrigation treatments to assess moisture stress on plant growth and nutrition, and to evaluate container capacity as a guide for irrigation. Wet, moist and dry moisture regimes were induced by watering trees to the container capacity weight of the growing medium after declining to respective 92, 73 and 57% of this reference weight. The seedlings received the same amount of fertilizer over the growth period. Maximum shoot and root growth was attained under the wet moisture regime, but biomass was reduced 21 and 43% for the moist and dry regimes. Plant nutrient concentrations were not significantly affected by watering treatment, and vector diagnosis of dry matter production and element composition indicated that macronutrients were non-limiting. Seedling nutrient uptake however, was significantly diminished by moisture stress which was attributed to decreased root growth and lower mass flow and diffusion of nutrients when moisture availability was reduced in the peat rooting media. Container capacity was found to be a sensitive reference for judging the watering requirements of greenhouse-grown containerized seedlings. The method can be relatively easily applied on an operational basis.  相似文献   

无量山国家级自然保护区植被保护价值评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对无量山国家级自然保护区的植被类型作群系级划分,进而从稀有性、特有性、生态重要性、脆弱性、易受干扰性、珍稀物种多度、物种多样性7个方面对保护区植被类型进行保护价值数量化评价,并对主要群系的保护价值作综合评价,位于保护价值前列的植物群落分别是:元江栲林,木果石栎林,壶斗石栎林,云南铁杉林和杜鹃、乌饭、八角矮林.  相似文献   

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