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Lack of systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of conservation practices has hindered advances in scientific management of biodiversity. Development of an evidence-based framework of the kind used in the health services has been advocated as an approach to address this problem. Here we report on and evaluate the first two ecological systematic reviews undertaken using this framework. The subjects were the effectiveness of burning as a conservation intervention for UK sub-montane, dry dwarf shrub heaths (heath review) and blanket bog (bog review). Systematic search yielded 13 data sets from seven ‘heath’ articles and 11 data sets from eight ‘bog’ articles. Data from the heath review were of sufficient quality to enable meta-analysis whereas data from the bog review was synthesised by “vote counting”. Meta-analysis of the heath data indicates that floristic diversity is variable, particularly in early post-fire successional sequences, but older stands experienced significantly greater loss of diversity than younger stands. The bog review indicates that there are no consistent changes in floristic composition in response to burning. The evidence-base for upland management by burning is insufficient to generate robust management recommendations highlighting the necessity for further work. Feedback from the dissemination of the reviews provided valuable lessons for future reviews in terms of stakeholder involvement in question formulation and the balance between a reductionist and holistic approach. Systematic reviews are appropriate tools for conservation management and formalise the information available based on the weight of evidence. Evidence will commonly be lacking in many areas of conservation biology and the evidence-based framework effectively exposes this situation in a way that can determine requirements for needs-led research.  相似文献   

Conservation involves making decisions on appropriate action from a wide range of options. For conservation to be effective, decision-makers need to know what actions do and do not work. Ideally, decisions should be based on effectiveness as demonstrated by scientific experiment or systematic review of evidence. Can decision-makers get this kind of information? We undertook a formal assessment of the extent to which scientific evidence is being used in conservation practice by conducting a survey of management plans and their compilers from major conservation organizations within the UK. Data collected suggest that the majority of conservation actions remain experience-based and rely heavily on traditional land management practices because, many management interventions remain unevaluated and, although some evidence exists, much is not readily accessible in a suitable form. We argue that nature conservation along with other fields of applied ecology, should exploit the concept of evidence-based practice developed and used in medicine and public health that aims to provide the best available evidence to the decision-maker(s) on the likely outcomes of alternative actions. Through critical evaluation, we present the challenges and benefits of adopting evidence based practice from the decision-makers point of view and identify the process to be followed to make it work.  相似文献   

As China becomes increasingly influential in international affairs, it is important to understand the unique characteristics of Chinese environmental values and policy processes. This is especially true given the rate and scale of China’s environmental impacts on natural ecosystems from local to international levels. Currently, however, Chinese conservation values, policies and practices are not well-integrated. We identify four systemic barriers to conservation in China that contribute to this poor integration: weak rule of law; unclear land tenure; top down government authority; and disconnects between scientific research and management implementation. To advance China toward an environmentally secure future, we suggest that combining traditional Chinese environmental values with contemporary science and international conservation practices will help to create a ‘Conservation with Chinese Characteristics’. We do not believe that traditional values should replace modern science and management. Rather, we suggest that, given the cultural and political conditions in China today, using traditional values to frame contemporary environmental science and ecosystem-based management may create stronger societal support for conservation implementation.  相似文献   

Review articles are important sources of information and often the only source of evidence used by decision makers in conservation and environmental management to assess effectiveness and impact of interventions and other actions. Recent developments in the field of medicine and public health have established ‘systematic review’ guidelines to minimise bias and explicitly document methodology, allowing replication and updating in light of further advances. The aim of this article was to assess the methodological and reporting rigour of reviews from the disciplines of conservation, ecology and environmental management (referred to as “ecological reviews”). This was achieved by comparing them to medical systematic reviews, using 27 detailed criteria well established in medicine. When compared with medical systematic reviews, ecological reviews were more likely to be prone to bias, lacking details in the methods used to search for studies, and were less likely to assess the relevance of studies, quality of the original experiments and to quantitatively synthesise the evidence. Overall, ecological reviews show lower quality and greater variation in reporting style and review methods. To address this, reviewers could use a systematic review approach and journals could provide more explicit guidelines for the preparation and production of review articles.  相似文献   

Lowland heathland habitats are recognized to be of high conservation value throughout north-west Europe. Current management approaches focus on arresting natural succession to woodland, and include the use of vegetation cutting, burning and grazing by livestock. However, the introduction of grazing has proved controversial, highlighting the need for evidence regarding its effectiveness. A systematic review of the scientific literature was therefore performed, which identified 13 studies with appropriate comparators (such as untreated controls). Meta-analysis of these data indicated that grazing can result in an increase in the ratio of grassland to ericoid shrub cover, but insufficient experimental evidence was available to assess the effectiveness of any other intervention, indicating a lack of replicated studies with controls. Two forms of expert knowledge were also compiled, based on information in the scientific literature excluded from the meta-analysis, and questionnaire responses of heathland managers. While these two evidence sources were generally in close correspondence, beliefs of heathland managers contradicted the scientific literature with respect to the impact of grazing on the ratio of grassland to ericoid shrubs. Incorporating a range of evidence sources in systematic reviews can therefore provide insights into contradictions in the evidence base. While a large majority of practitioners (94%) believe that grazing is an effective management option for lowland heath, evidence for a number of negative impacts on habitat attributes was recorded, highlighting the need for improved monitoring and experimental analysis of the effectiveness of management interventions.  相似文献   

Public attitudes towards biodiversity issues and the value judgments underlying biodiversity management and conservation are still poorly understood. This has raised serious concerns regarding the effective use of public participation in biodiversity policy making. We conducted quantitative face-to-face interviews with members of the general public in southeast Scotland to assess attitudes towards biodiversity management and examine attitude formation. For this, we applied social psychological attitude-behaviour theories to a case study investigating biodiversity management options for an island ecosystem in which the abundance of a charismatic seabird, the Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) is compromised by the expansion of a tall invasive plant, tree mallow (Lavatera arborea). We found that attitudes as expressed by members of the public are informed by both value- and knowledge-based elements. Our research provides clear support for the notion that, in a conservation context, value-based principles matter to the public. Out of a set of seven conservation-related values, ‘balance’ and ‘naturalness’ were important factors that related strongly to the respondents’ attitudes. These relationships were even stronger for individuals emotionally involved with the topic. Other value-based principles such as uniqueness, autochthony and endangeredness of the species involved appeared to be of lesser relevance. The findings provide evidence that attitudes can be considered as distinct constructs that offer valuable and meaningful information to biodiversity policymakers and managers, and allow empirical insights into the way value judgments influence biodiversity management and conservation.  相似文献   

Many existing parks are currently experiencing difficulties in achieving their conservation aims, yet they remain an important option for maintaining and enhancing the conservation of biological diversity and ecosystem processes. Critics have claimed that many national parks cannot continue to protect the biological resources within their borders, and the sustainability of these areas over the long-term is in question. Ways need to be found to strengthen those that are failing, and to understand and replicate those that are succeeding. This paper presents the empirical results from a systematic evaluation of how effectively six case study national parks and national park reserves in Canada and South Africa have been protecting ecological integrity. Several parks were effective at addressing the priorities for which they had monitoring data, however the effectiveness rating of each park decreased when all indicators, including those identified as priorities but lacking monitoring data, were analysed. This indicates that the parks had generally identified more priority indicators than they were actually able to address (for many reasons, including lack of budget or trained staff, managerial challenges). Overall, a systematic approach to evaluating ecological integrity in national parks is recommended as the managers of protected areas cannot be expected to conserve the biological diversity and ecosystem processes within their borders if they are unaware of the ecological status of the park’s biodiversity. The paper concludes with several practical recommendations for monitoring ecological integrity in national parks.  相似文献   

The model of ‘ecological forestry’ has evolved as a part of the development of the concept of ecosystem management. ‘Ecological forestry’ emphasises that manipulation of a forest ecosystem should consider, and as far as practicable work within the limits of, natural disturbance patterns prior to extensive human alteration of the landscape. This paper evaluates the extent to which forest management practices in jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) forests of south-western Australia align with this view of the characteristics and appropriate silviculture of ‘ecological forestry’. Characteristics and appropriate silviculture of ‘ecological forestry’ are evaluated in relation to (i) the stand level decisions of stand structure and harvest timing and (ii) the landscape level decisions of harvest levels and age structures, and spatial patterns of harvest. Forest management in south-western Australia is found to align with appropriate silviculture under this model of ‘ecological forestry’. Additionally, the landscape triad of areas managed to ‘ecological forestry’ principles, conservation reserves and areas managed to production forestry is in place in the south-western forests of Australia. Strengths and weaknesses in the model of ‘ecological forestry’ and the ability to interpret consistency of practices in the forests of south-western Australia with the characteristics of ‘ecological forestry’ are identified.  相似文献   

Whether land management planning provides for sufficient habitat to sustain viable populations of indigenous wildlife is one of the greatest challenges confronting resource managers. Analyses of the effects of land management on natural resources often rely on qualitative assessments that focus on single species to reflect the risk of wildlife extinction across a planning area. We propose a conceptual framework for sustainable management of wildlife habitat that explicitly acknowledges the greater risk of an extinction event when considering the viability of multiple species, e.g., an indigenous vertebrate fauna. This concept is based on the principle that the likelihood of at least one event (i.e., species extinction) is the joint probability of the extinction probabilities of individual species, assuming independence among species’ responses to disturbance. We present an ecological rationale to support the view that, at a spatial scale of 104-106 ha (i.e., planning area) and a temporal scale of 102 years (i.e., planning horizon), wildlife species operating at varying ecological scales respond relatively independently to disturbances typically associated with land management. We use a hypothetical scenario of a wildlife viability assessment and Monte Carlo simulation to demonstrate that the probability of ‘any extinction’ is consistently higher than the probability of the ‘single most likely’ extinction, and that the difference between these values increases as more disturbance-sensitive species (i.e., species at risk) are analyzed. We conclude that risk assessments that rely upon the most sensitive single species may substantially underestimate the risk of wildlife extinction across a planning area. Furthermore, the selection of a planning alternative based on relative threat of local extinction of wildlife populations can vary depending on which paradigm is used to estimate risk to viability across the planning area.  相似文献   

The quality of environmental decisions should be gauged according to managers’ objectives. Management objectives generally seek to maximize quantifiable measures of system benefit, for instance population growth rate. Reaching these goals often requires a certain degree of learning about the system. Learning can occur by using management action in combination with a monitoring system. Furthermore, actions can be chosen strategically to obtain specific kinds of information. Formal decision making tools can choose actions to favor such learning in two ways: implicitly via the optimization algorithm that is used when there is a management objective (for instance, when using adaptive management), or explicitly by quantifying knowledge and using it as the fundamental project objective, an approach new to conservation.This paper outlines three conservation project objectives – a pure management objective, a pure learning objective, and an objective that is a weighted mixture of these two. We use eight optimization algorithms to choose actions that meet project objectives and illustrate them in a simulated conservation project. The algorithms provide a taxonomy of decision making tools in conservation management when there is uncertainty surrounding competing models of system function. The algorithms build upon each other such that their differences are highlighted and practitioners may see where their decision making tools can be improved.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened in the world. In light of the threats to freshwater biodiversity, it is essential to map the distribution and status of species to ascertain their threat status for prioritizing conservation action. However, while there is agreement that the conservation of freshwater ecosystems depends on whole-catchment management, there are still a wide variety of large-scale mapping methods in use, the advantages and disadvantages of which have not been fully explored. This study shows that area estimation based on minimum convex polygons should not be encouraged for aquatic species. The IUCN definition of area of occupancy (AOO) is a useful term, albeit highly scale-dependent, for assessment of the total approximate area over which a species occurs. However, for aquatic fauna, and perhaps many other organisms, assessment of occurrence should be based on the more accurate point-locality presences only. The IUCN extent of occurrence (EOO), for freshwater catchment species, should be redefined as ‘the sum of the smallest hydrological units identified, of presently known, inferred or projected occurrences of a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy, that are used to estimate the threat to a taxon’. A single hydrological unit is also the conservation or management unit. Here we suggest that this unit is the quaternary catchment. This new mapping approach is more appropriate and practical for use in both management planning and conservation action. We suggest that conservation managers and decision makers facilitate co-operation in freshwater mapping efforts by working at the same spatial scale, i.e. the same hydrological unit.  相似文献   

Problems and correlates of success in the conservation of Africa’s rain forests were evaluated for 16 protected areas in 11 countries, representing approximately half of all protected areas in this biome. Data were obtained from questionnaires, published and unpublished accounts, and direct observations. Despite numerous problems, all protected areas conserved indigenous rain forest biodiversity more effectively than did alternative land uses. More than half the protected areas suffered extensive ecological isolation. Effective management of protected areas was seriously compromised by inadequate funding and government support. Dense human populations, often resulting from immigration, constituted major threats to protected areas. Perceived conservation success was greatest for large protected areas surrounded by similar habitat with strong public support, effective law enforcement, low human population densities, and substantial support from international donors. Contrary to expectations, protected area success was not directly correlated with employment benefits for the neighboring community, conservation education, conservation clubs, or with the presence and extent of integrated conservation and development programs. Studies are needed to better understand what shapes positive pubic attitude towards protected areas because none of the conventional public outreach programs were correlated with public attitude. We also identify apparent deficiencies in foreign assistance to these protected areas. The single most important short-term strategy was considered to be the improvement of law enforcement effectiveness through greater technical and financial support. Nine medium-term strategies are identified, including provision of adequate and secure long-term funding, establishing research and monitoring programs, and developing more appropriate conservation and development programs. Long-term strategies deal with two ultimate causal factors, mainly attitudes and value systems, and stabilizing human populations. Future success of Africa’s protected areas is contingent upon long-term international assistance including contingencies mandating realistic performance standards.  相似文献   

This overview of endemic plants of the Italian Maritime Alps (107 taxa representing 3.44% of the flora) is the completion of an earlier study carried out on the French side of the same alpine sector. Similar ecological preferences and plant life strategies were detected in both countries, with a particular ability on the part of endemics to colonize habitats with low competition and disturbance characteristics. The comparison with other areas of the Mediterranean basin appears to show that: (1) the Maritime Alps as a whole actually constitute a ‘hot spot’ owing to the high total number of vascular plants; (2) the number of endemic plants is quite high, even without considering ’rare’ plants. Although numerous endemics are protected by law and part of the territory and biotopes are nominally under habitat conservation measures, new practical measures should be enforced as quickly as possible. Because of the high ecological specialization and the lack of competitiveness of endemics, in situ conservation appears to be adequate. In-depth, cooperative and joint conservation strategies should be planned and implemented by both Italy and France and particular stress should be placed on achieving broader, more effective results.  相似文献   

Most conservation practitioners rely on experience-based information for management decisions. In South Africa, government policy thus directs managers to base decisions for elephant management on the best available scientific information. The reliance of their management decisions on science, however, is unknown. We interviewed 30 managers from small to large protected areas in South Africa to evaluate whether science underpinned strategic and applied management decisions regarding elephants. We also evaluated their perspectives on limitations to, and opportunities for, greater reliance on science. Twenty-nine managers valued science as a platform for their decisions. However, most managers based decisions on experience-based information. Only 28%, 30% and 8% of managers respectively developed objectives, identified issues and selected management methods on science-based information. Furthermore, only 30% selected a desired number of elephants, and 5% selected a population control method, according to science-based information. The probability of managers basing decisions on science-based information differed with management area size, tenure, planning timeframes and manager experience. However, except for experience, these relationships were weak, and overall an implementation gap between science and elephant management existed. Limitations for science to inform decisions included lack of relevance and application of science findings to respective management areas, and scientists’ attitudes and credibility. Opportunities included more site specific studies, better communication of, and easier access to scientific material. These opportunities could enable scientists to contribute more effectively to elephant management decisions and improve the reliance on science among the wider community of conservation practitioners in Africa.  相似文献   

Ecosystem processes in African savannas can be better conserved if management is based on a mechanistic understanding of wildlife dynamics in livestock-dominated landscapes. For Laikipia District, a non-protected savanna region in northern Kenya, we used spatially explicit estimates of density to characterize factors influencing the dynamics of large herbivores on three land-use types: commercial ranches that favor wildlife, communal ‘group ranches’ practicing pastoralism, and the remainder (‘transitional’ properties). For 21-year time series of nine wild and two domestic species, linear model selection was used to ascribe between 45% (Grant’s gazelle) and 95% (plains zebra) of observed variation in biomass density to land use, rainfall-dependence, density-dependence, and trends over time.Strongly opposing patterns of variation across the landscape in wildlife and livestock densities affirmed the primacy of land use among factors influencing wildlife abundance in non-protected areas. Rainfall limited densities of only the dominant grazing species throughout the monitoring period (plains zebra and cattle), and of most other species while their densities were high. Regulating effects of density were detected only for the dominant wild grazing and browsing species (zebra and giraffe). All but two wild species (zebra and Grant’s gazelle) declined on at least one land-use type, for reasons that varied among land uses.Where favored, diverse and abundant wild herbivores (mean of 1.7 t km−2 on pro-wildlife ranches) can thrive even when sharing the landscape with a slightly higher biomass density of livestock (mean of 2.7 t km−2). Where not favored, only a few resilient wild species (e.g. gazelles and plains zebra) persist with high densities of livestock (mean of 4.6 t km−2 on transitional ranches). Maintaining higher wild species diversity in the landscape will depend on the creation of a network of unfenced conservation areas in which livestock densities are persistently low or zero, which are sufficiently large to act as ‘sources’ of wild species that are prone to displacement by humans and livestock, and which generate benefits to community members that exceed opportunity costs.  相似文献   

Many areas of heathland in Europe have seen a decline in the area and condition of Calluna vulgaris (heather)-dominated vegetation, with subsequent declines in the associated faunal interest. Grazing, alongside burning, is still the predominant means of managing heathland vegetation, and, therefore, it is by manipulating this management that cost-effective improvements in vegetation condition can be made. This paper investigates the suitability of different grazing treatments for rehabilitating degraded ‘dry heath’. Treatments varied in the intensity (0-1.9 sheep ha−1 year−1) and timing (summer vs. winter) of sheep grazing. These treatments were compared with the behaviour of vegetation outside the fenced area kept under the previous management (open access all year round). As rabbits were common on the site, fences were erected to prevent access to the sheep grazed plots. Vegetation composition remained stable outside the fenced area, whilst all the fenced treatments showed a decrease in heather utilisation and an increase in the relative frequency of heather over the 5 years of the experiment. The increase was in proportion to the reduction in stocking rate, with only slow increases in relative frequency observed in the high grazing treatments (winter and summer). Other species that benefited from reducing grazing included Empetrum nigrum and Vaccinium myrtillus, whilst declines were observed for Agrostis capillaris and total monocotyledonous species. Only small overall differences were observed between the winter low, summer low and no sheep grazing treatments. However, a difference in response was present between the sheep exclosures and the sheep+rabbit exclosures, indicating that rabbits were having a noticeable effect on heather recovery at this site. On this degraded ‘dry heath’ system, imposing a reduction in stocking density improved the condition of the dwarf shrubs present and reduced the grass component of the vegetation. There was little effect of the timing of grazing, such that a reduction in sheep numbers to 0.8/0.9 sheep ha−1 year−1, to give utilisation levels of below 20%, can achieve the desired result of improving vegetation condition whilst still achieving some economic return from grazing. However, the wide range of ‘sustainable’ stocking densities for different heathland systems highlights the need to base effective management on measured utilisation rather than on stock numbers.  相似文献   

Ants are increasingly being recognized as useful tools for land managers to monitor ecosystem conditions. However, despite an abundance of studies on ant responses to both environmental disturbance and land management techniques, an analysis of the practice and value of including ants in monitoring is lacking. Consequently, conservation managers are left with little guidance as to if, when, and how ants can be used to assess conservation activities. Based on our review of approximately 60 published studies, we outline five areas where ants provide valuable information for management-based monitoring: (1) to detect the presence of invasive species, (2) to detect trends among threatened or endangered species, (3) to detect trends among keystone species, (4) to evaluate land management actions, and (5) to assess long-term ecosystem changes. We also discuss practical considerations when designing a monitoring framework for ants, including appropriate methods, taxonomic resolution for sampling, and spatial and temporal scale. We find that when integrated with management goals, monitoring ants can provide information over the short-term on topics such as the status of invasive or keystone species, as well as over longer time frames, for instance the impact of climate change. Overall, we conclude that ants merit monitoring based on their inherent ecological qualities, independent of any “indicator” attributes they might have.  相似文献   

Ecosystems produce goods and services that are essential for the wellbeing of humans and other organisms. The earth’s expanding human population is altering both pattern and process in ecosystems, and hence is impacting the provision of ecosystem goods and services at a variety of scales. Food production and other ecosystem services, such as the many benefits provided by forests, are not exclusive of one another at a regional scale. Although it is becoming obvious that uncoordinated local management is inadequate to address regional ecosystem changes in the face of regional drivers of change, few regional governments have addressed the need for holistic landscape management of regional ecosystem services. We compare and contrast two regional programs, the agricultural agenda of integrated pest management (IPM) and an as-yet hypothetical, fragmentation-oriented conservation agenda that we term ‘Regional Fragmentation Management’ (RFM). IPM has a strong practical foundation but is weak on theory. RFM has a stronger theoretical base, but is weak on practice and has mainly focused on protected areas. Both programs address only a small subset of the larger question of how to effectively maintain regional production of regional ecosystem services. Some of the successes of IPM practitioners in building institutions and achieving societal acceptance for their program, particularly in relation to regionally coordinated (‘areawide’) pest management, suggest that regional ecosystem management is plausible. IPM offers some ingredients of an institutional role model for a broader, more ambitious program that seeks to manage regional ecosystem services and processes in a sustainable manner. As the looming crisis of global climate change brings a potential window of opportunity for the introduction of novel approaches for managing deforestation, closer synergies between conservation and agriculture at regional scales seem not only possible, but essential.  相似文献   

Spatial prioritisations are increasingly being undertaken to allocate the investment of limited conservation resources. These techniques are highly effective at identifying where important areas for conservation are located, but of limited use for deciding how implementation of conservation action should be undertaken. Conservation planning should be a collaborative social process, and necessitates that spatial prioritisations be complemented with an implementation strategy. We undertook a conservation planning initiative in the Subtropical Thicket biome in South Africa, complementing a spatial prioritisation with an implementation strategy. Believing strongly in the importance of developing a ‘safe-fail’ culture in conservation, we detail our activities and document our successes and failures. We synthesize lessons from our experience of collaboratively developing an implementation strategy with stakeholders, so as to ensure it effectively complements a spatial prioritisation.  相似文献   

Impacts of urbanization on ecological systems are expected to increase during the 21st century, and identifying which species may not survive under urban constraints is of practical importance to conservation biology. I study whether a species’ biogeographic origin might be a useful predictor of vulnerability to urban pressures, and if this depends on the geographic scale of the study. By means of multivariate ordination analyses and computer intensive, Monte Carlo simulation techniques, I study the patterns of zoogeographical affinity (a proxy for biogeographic origin) of passerine birds living in 14 non-urban (NU) and 11 urban (U) sites throughout Mexico, a biodiversity rich and urbanizing country between the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions; at a regional scale, I also study differences between NU and U sites in the state of Puebla, in the ‘Temperate Sierras’ ecoregion. Differences in zoogeographical affinities between NU and U sites were statistically significant, and were mainly caused by changes in the number of neotropical and nearctic species. In terms of the ‘equivalent number of zoogeographical classes’, a useful measure of zoogeographical diversity, bird assemblages in urban settings were less diverse than those simulated by random drawings from the corresponding species pools. In fact, urbanization seems to be provoking the selective removal of neotropical and endemic species from urban assemblages, whereas at the same time retaining more-than-expected nearctic (temperate) species; birds with nearctic affinities could be successful candidates to ‘urban exploiters’ in the study case. At a landscape scale, results suggest that urbanization is creating holes in the geographic range of both neotropical passerines and birds endemic to Mexico, which are selectively removed by the urban filter, and can be identified as those more heavily threatened by urbanization if proactive strategies to conserve biodiversity in urban ecosystems are not implemented. Among other reasons for the observed patterns, the tropical niche conservatism is invoked as an explanation.  相似文献   

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