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用布氏杆菌试管凝集试验(SAT),对海晏地区的绵羊进行了布氏杆菌血清抗体的检测,共检397份血清样品,检出阳性血清2份,阳性率为0.50%;其中:成年母羊血清233份,检出阳性1份,阳性率为0.43%;后备母羊血清91份,检出阳性1份血清,阳性率为1.10%;羯羊血清52份,阳性率为0%;种公羊21份,也未检出阳性。  相似文献   

目的了解上海浦东地区犬弓形虫病流行情况。方法对上海浦东地区城市犬血清样本150份、农村犬血清样本85份和养狗场犬血清8份用间接血凝试验进行了弓形体抗体检测。结果城市犬阳性率为5.3%(8/150),农村犬阳性率为5.9%(5/85),养狗场犬未检出阳性。结论农村犬和城市犬均存在HEV感染,农村犬感染比率略高于城市犬。  相似文献   

为调查河北省鹦鹉隐孢子虫的流行情况,本试验对311只原产地在北京和潍坊2个地区的4种鹦鹉采集血液样本,离心取血清,通过酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测隐孢子虫抗体的情况。试验结果显示,鹦鹉的隐孢子虫总阳性率是3.22%。在163份雄性鹦鹉血清样本当中,共检测出6份阳性血清,抗体阳性率为3.68%,而在148份雌性鹦鹉血清样本当中,共检测出4份阳性血清,抗体阳性率为2.70%,两者之间的差异性不显著(P0.05)。在105份小于5月龄鹦鹉血清样本中,检出6份阳性血清,血清抗体阳性率为5.71%;在100只6~12月龄鹦鹉血清样本中,检出4份阳性血清,血清抗体阳性率4.00%;在106只13~18月龄鹦鹉血清样本中,检出0份阳性血清,不同年龄之间的阳性率差异性不明显(P0.05)。本次调查证实鹦鹉可以成为养殖业中隐孢子虫感染的潜在影响因素,对鹦鹉隐孢子虫的预防和控制是必要的。  相似文献   

为了筛查动物医院临床血清样本中的干扰抗体以避免其实验室检测结果呈现假阳性,影响临床诊断,试验采用一种独立于物种的双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法对来自于福建省部分地区动物医院接诊的犬、猫血清样本进行干扰抗体筛选和评估,用鸡IgY替换纯化小鼠IgG进行干扰抗体消除试验,并对干扰抗体阳性率与样本基本特征进行关联性分析。结果表明:在83份犬血清样本中,有19份样本为干扰抗体阳性,阳性率为22.9%;在81份猫血清样本中,有11份样本为干扰抗体阳性,阳性率为13.6%。经干扰抗体消除试验后,所有阳性血清样本中的干扰抗体均得到了有效消除。不同年龄、性别、绝育情况与品种犬之间的干扰抗体阳性率均差异不显著(P>0.05);不同年龄猫之间的干扰抗体阳性率显著差异(P<0.05),不同性别、绝育情况与品种之间的干扰抗体阳性率差异不显著(P>0.05)。说明所检测的犬、猫血清样本中存在干扰抗体,用鸡IgY替换纯化小鼠IgG可对干扰抗体进行有效消除。  相似文献   

应用正向间接血凝试验对东莞市采集的977份犬血清和126份猫血清进行了衣原体抗体检测,检测结果为犬抗体阳性28份,抗体阳性率2.87%;其中散养犬只抗体阳性数24份,抗体阳性率2.96%,三鸟批发市场肉用犬抗体阳性数3份,抗体阳性率3.61%,犬养殖抗体阳性数1份,抗体阳性率1.2%。猫抗体阳性3份,抗体阳性率2.38%。结果表明我市的犬、猫和外地输入东莞市的肉用犬都存在衣原体的感染。  相似文献   

为了解江苏省徐州市母猪弓形虫感染及流行状况,2017年5—6月,采集徐州市5个未免疫弓形虫疫苗猪场的321份母猪血清进行弓形虫IgG抗体检测,同时比较有无猫接触史,有无灭鼠和药物预防措施的母猪弓形虫感染率。结果显示:5个猪场均存在弓形虫血清IgG阳性抗体,共检出阳性血清189份,样品阳性率为58.9%(189/321);多胎次母猪的抗体阳性率普遍较高;做过灭鼠或磺胺类药物预防的母猪抗体阳性率明显低于未做过的(P0.05)。本次抗体检测结果表明,徐州市这5个规模猪场的母猪中普遍存在弓形虫隐性感染,需要采取灭鼠、定期药物预防等措施,严格控制弓形虫感染,尤其是胎次较多的母猪。  相似文献   

为了解云南边境地区近年来阿卡斑病毒(Akabanne disease virus,AKAV)流行情况,2017—2018年连续2年在云南省与缅甸、老挝、越南接壤的12个边境县采集牛血清,应用cE LISA方法进行AKAV抗体检测。结果显示:2017—2018年共检测牛血清样品1 860份,检出阳性样品108份,阳性率为5.8%,显示这些地区存在一定的AKAV感染;各县AKAV抗体阳性率在0~24.4%之间,差异较大,其中抗体阳性率最高的为富宁县,2017年和2018年的阳性率分别为24.4%和20.0%,而瑞丽连续2年未检出抗体阳性;黄牛AKAV抗体阳性率(6.6%)高于水牛(4.7%),差异显著(P<0.05);入境牛抗体阳性率(6.5%)高于境内牛(3.0%),差异显著(P<0.05);养殖场(9.0%)、交易市场(8.4%)、屠宰场(7.6%)的牛AKAV抗体阳性率高于村寨散养户(2.5%),差异极显著(P<0.01)。结果表明,AKAV在云南边境地区存在一定的流行,其流行趋势受入境动物影响。结果提示,应继续加强云南省边境地区AKAV等虫媒病毒病的监控,及早发现和控制该病流行。  相似文献   

研究旨在建立实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction,qPCR)检测猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(Feline herpesvirus type Ⅰ,FHV-1)的方法,用于检测临床上猫的上呼吸道传染病样本。据Gen Bank已发表的猫疱疹病毒的gE基因序列的保守区域设计并合成一对特异性引物及探针,建立FHV-1的实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,对此方法进行特异性、灵敏度及重复性的验证,并对广东佛山某流浪猫基地猫疱疹病毒的流行情况进行调查,即对该基地的94份临床样品进行检测。结果表明:研究成功建立了FHV-1实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应检测方法,此方法特异性强,与大多流行的犬猫病毒均未出现交叉反应;敏感性高,最低检出限为10 copies·μL-1;重复性好,批内变异系数为0.29%~0.71%,批间变异系数为0.88%~1.38%。应用此方法在94份临床样品中检出28份FHV-1核酸阳性样品。综上所述,研究建立的FHV-1荧光定量聚合酶链式反应方法具有较好的特异性、敏感性和重复性,为临床上FHV-1...  相似文献   

为了解云南省边境地区牛蓝舌病病毒(bluetongue virus,BTV)与阿卡斑病毒(Akabane virus,AKAV)的流行与分布现状,2022年在云南省9个边境县(市)采集1 820份牛血清样本,应用c ELISA方法进行BTV与AKAV抗体检测,并对检测结果利用IBM SPSS Statistics 22、Excel 2007等软件进行区间、群间和时间的分类统计分析。结果显示:共检出BTV阳性样品1 207份,样品阳性率为66.32%(1 207/1 820);检出AKAV阳性样品350份,样品阳性率为32.17%(350/1 088)。各县(市、区)的BTV样品阳性率为43.50%~93.00%,AKAV为12.90%~50.00%,不同地区间的差异有统计学意义(P <0.01);黄牛和西门塔尔牛的BTV和AKAV抗体样品阳性率均高于水牛,入境牛BTV抗体阳性率显著高于本土牛,两组数据差异均有统计学意义(P <0.01);规模养殖场的BTV和AKAV抗体阳性率和散养户差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05);7—8月的BTV和AKAV抗体阳性率显著高于5—6...  相似文献   

为了解临床中猫疱疹病毒1型(FHV-1)疫苗的免疫效果和流浪猫的FHV-1感染状况,利用临床分离株建立了FHV-1中和抗体检测方法,并对20份宠物门诊FHV-1免疫猫血清和10份未免疫的动物园流浪猫血清进行中和抗体检测。结果显示,免疫宠物猫和未免疫流浪猫的抗体阳性率均为60%。结果表明,上海市FHV-1疫苗免疫效果不佳,未免疫流浪猫FHV-1感染较严重。结果提示,需加强猫科动物的FHV-1免疫抗体监测,及时补免,同时加强流浪猫的管理、收容、免疫和监测。本研究为防控猫科动物FHV-1感染提供了参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether uveitis in cats was associated with intraocular production of feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1)-specific antibodies or with detection of FHV-1 DNA in aqueous humor (AH). ANIMALS: 44 cats with idiopathic uveitis, 29 cats with uveitis attributed to Toxoplasma gondii infection, 13 FHV-1 seropositive cats without uveitis, and 9 FHV-1 seronegative cats without uveitis. PROCEDURE: ELISA were used to detect FHV-1-specific antibodies and total IgG antibodies in serum and AH, and the Goldmann-Witmer coefficient (C-value) for intraocular antibody production was calculated. A polymerase chain reaction assay was used to detect FHV-1 DNA in AH. RESULTS: FHV-1 seroprevalence among cats with uveitis was not significantly different from seroprevalence among cats without uveitis. Intraocular FHV-1 antibodies were never detected in cats without uveitis. Significantly more cats with idiopathic uveitis (22/44) or with toxoplasmic uveitis (11/29) had evidence of intraocular antibody production (C-value > 1) than did cats without uveitis. Only cats with idiopathic uveitis had FHV-1 C-values > 8. Among cats with evidence of intraocular antibody production, cats with idiopathic uveitis had a significantly higher median FHV-1 C-value (9.61) than did cats with toxoplasmic uveitis (2.56). Overall, FHV-1 DNA was detected in AH from 12 cats, 11 of which had uveitis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that FHV-1 can infect intraocular tissues of cats and that intraocular FHV-1 infection may be associated with uveal inflammation in some cats.  相似文献   

A serosurvey of feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1), feline calicivirus (FCV), and feline parvovirus (FPV) in cats from Ho Chi Minh City area in southern Vietnam was conducted in December 1998, and we compared the results with our previous results in northern Vietnam (Hanoi area). The positive rate of FHV and FCV in domestic cats were 44% and 74%, respectively. They were rather higher than those in Hanoi area, while the seropositivity of FPV (44%) was similar to that in Hanoi area. In leopard cats, the positive rate of FPV was high (3/4) and it indicated that FPV was prevailing in leopard cats in Vietnam.  相似文献   

为了解上海市猫上呼吸道疾病病例中猫杯状病毒(FCV)、猫疱疹病毒1型(FHV-1)和猫流感病毒(FIV)的感染比例及其遗传变化特点,对上海市冬季53份表现上呼吸道症状宠物猫的眼结膜、口咽和鼻黏膜拭子,进行FCV、FHV-1和FIV分离与鉴定,并对分离的病毒进行遗传进化分析.结果显示:53份样品中,FCV分离率为58.4...  相似文献   

Objective To investigate how different sampling techniques affect detection of DNA from feline herpes virus Type 1 (FHV-1), Chlamydophila felis and Mycoplasma felis and to study the correlation between positive test results and clinical signs in cats. Animals Fifty-one cats; 24 with ocular signs and 27 healthy control cats. Procedures Samples were collected from all cats using cotton swabs, conjunctival and corneal biopsies, and corneal scrapings. Samples were analyzed for presence of FHV-1, C. felis, M. felis, and feline DNA, defined by 28S rDNA, by using real-time PCR. Results In affected cats, FHV-1 was detected in only one cat; C. felis and M. felis were not detected in any affected cats. None of the three organisms was detected in any control cats. Feline DNA was demonstrated in all conjunctival samples, in 82% of corneal swabs, 92% of corneal scrapings, and 100% of keratectomy samples. Conclusions Because of the generally low detection rate for FHV-1, C. felis, and M. felis DNA in this study, differences regarding sampling technique could not be determined and correlation between positive test results and degree of clinical signs could not be made. Detection of feline DNA in most samples irrespective of sampling technique, suggests a low prevalence of FHV-1, C. felis and M. felis in this population of cats.  相似文献   

In this pilot study, 12 adult, gang-housed cats that were known to be previously exposed (n=12) to feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) and/or vaccinated against (n=2) feline calicivirus (FCV) and FHV-1 were randomly assigned to one of two groups of six cats each. Nasal and pharyngeal samples were collected from each cat on days -7, -3, and 0 prior to vaccination and on days 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, and 28 after vaccination with an FHV-1, FCV, and panleukopenia (FVRCP) vaccine developed for intranasal (six cats) or parenteral (six cats) use. FHV-1 DNA was amplified from 1/12 cats (1/69 samples; 1.4%) prior to vaccination and 2/12 cats after vaccination (2/154 samples; 1.3%). FCV RNA was amplified from 2/12 cats (2/69 samples; 2.9%) prior to vaccination and 7/12 cats (12/154 samples; 7.8%) after vaccination. Positive molecular diagnostic assay results for FHV-1 and FCV were uncommon prior to or after vaccination in these cats.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of virus isolation (VI), immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) assay, serum neutralization (SN), and ELISA for the diagnosis of clinical feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) infection in cats. ANIMALS: 46 clinically normal cats, 17 cats with signs of acute respiratory tract disease, and 38 cats with signs of chronic ocular disease. PROCEDURE: Conjunctival swabs for VI, conjunctival scrapings for IFA testing, and venous blood samples for SN or ELISA testing were obtained from all cats. RESULTS: FHV-1 was detected in 10.9 and 28.3% of clinically normal cats and in 18.2 and 33.3% of cats with FHV-1-associated disease by VI and the IFA assay, respectively. There were no significant differences in the viral detection rate between cats with acute respiratory tract disease and cats with chronic ocular disease or between diseased cats and clinically normal cats; however, FHV-1 was never detected by both methods in clinically normal cats. Overall FHV-1 seroprevalence was 97% when tested by ELISA and 66% when tested by SN. Seroprevalence did not vary significantly among the 3 groups for either serologic test. Magnitude of SN and ELISA titers varied greatly but independently of presence or absence of clinical signs of FHV-1-associated disease. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were assessed for VI and the IFA assay--jointly and individually--and for each SN and ELISA titer magnitude. Values never all exceeded 50%. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Because FHV-1 can be detected commonly in clinically normal cats by the IFA assay or VI, neither test appears to aid in the clinical diagnosis of FHV-1 infection. Seroprevalence does not appear to vary between affected and clinically normal cats. SN, ELISA, VI, and the IFA assay appear to be of limited value in the diagnosis of FHV-1-associated disease in cats. Concurrent assessment of the IFA assay and VI results may permit exclusion of FHV-1 as an etiologic agent if results of both tests are negative.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Chlamydophila felis and feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) infection in cats with conjunctivitis in northern Italy was investigated by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. In cats with conjunctivitis, C felis and FHV-1 were detected in 14 of 70 (20%) and in 23 of 70 (33%) animals, respectively. None of the 35 control cats were positive for C felis, whereas 7 (20%) of these cats were positive for FHV-1. Mixed infections were present in 5 of 70 cats (7%). Cats positive for C felis were significantly younger than control animals (P = .02), whereas no significant age differences were observed between FHV-1-positive cats and control cats (P = .41) or between FHV-1-positive animals and C felis-positive animals (P = .16). Cats sampled during acute-phase conjunctivitis were also investigated for the presence of C felis by conjunctival scrapings. In this acute phase, substantial agreement was found when comparing the results of the 2 methods (K = .80). The association between PCR results and conjunctivitis was evaluated for the 2 pathogens. The presence of C felis was significantly associated with conjunctivitis (P = .004), whereas the detection of FHV-1 did not significantly correlate with the clinical sign (P = .25), suggesting that, by itself. PCR is not suitable for the diagnosis of FHV-1-related conjunctivitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether oral administration of L-lysine to cats would lessen the severity of conjunctivitis caused by feline herpesvirus (FHV-1). ANIMALS: 8 healthy young adult cats. PROCEDURE: Cats received oral administration of lysine monohydrochloride (500 mg, q 12 h) or placebo (lactose) beginning 6 hours prior to inoculation of virus. The left conjunctival sac received a 50-microl suspension of FHV-1 grown in cell culture (1.8 X 10(8) tissue culture infective dose50) on day 1. Cats were evaluated and scores given for clinical signs each day for 21 days. Samples for virus isolation were collected from the eye and throat every third day. Plasma lysine and arginine concentrations were measured prior to the study and on days 3, 14, and 22. RESULTS: Cats that received lysine had less severe conjunctivitis than cats that received placebo. Virus isolation results did not differ between the groups. Plasma lysine concentration was significantly higher in cats that received lysine, compared with control cats, whereas plasma arginine concentrations did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Oral administration of 500 mg of lysine to cats was well tolerated and resulted in less severe manifestations of conjunctivitis caused by FHV-1, compared with cats that received placebo. Oral administration of lysine may be helpful in early treatment for FHV-1 infection by lessening the severity of disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine detection rates for feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1), Mycoplasma spp, fungi, and bacteria in flush samples and biopsy specimens from the nasal cavities of cats with and without chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 10 CRS-affected cats and 7 cats without signs of respiratory tract disease. PROCEDURES: Nasal flush samples and biopsy specimens were collected from all cats for bacterial (aerobic and anaerobic), fungal, and mycoplasmal cultures; additional biopsy specimens were collected for virus isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay (to detect FHV-1 DNA). RESULTS: Aerobic bacteria were detected in flush samples from 5 of 7 control cats; culture of flush samples from CRS-affected cats yielded aerobic bacteria (9/10 cats), anaerobic bacteria (3/10), and Mycoplasma spp (2/10). No fungal organisms were isolated from any cat. Potential pathogens were isolated significantly more often from CRS-affected cats than from control cats. Bacterial culture of biopsy specimens yielded aerobic bacteria (2/7 control cats and 4/10 CRS-affected cats) and anaerobic bacteria (2/10 CRS-affected cats). Although FHV-1 was not detected in nasal biopsy specimens from control or CRS-affected cats, FHV-1 DNA was detected via PCR assay in specimens from 4 of 7 control cats and 3 of 10 CRS-affected cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Compared with findings in control cats, anaerobic bacteria, Mycoplasma spp, and a variety of potentially pathogenic organisms were detected more commonly in samples from cats with CRS. In both groups, FHV-1 was detected via PCR assay as a nonviable organism or in noncultivable amounts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To use PCR assays to determine the prevalence of feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1), Chlamydophila felis, and Mycoplasma spp DNA in conjunctival cells collected from cats with and without conjunctivitis; to compare results of conventional and real-time fluorogenic PCR assays for amplification of FHV-1 DNA; and to determine whether copy numbers of FHV-1 DNA are correlated with conjunctivitis. ANIMALS: 55 cats with active conjunctivitis, 39 healthy cats that never had conjunctivitis, and 32 cats with a history of conjunctivitis that had been resolved for at least 3 months. PROCEDURES: Samples were obtained by rolling cotton-tipped applicators on the ventral conjunctiva of awake cats treated topically with proparacaine. The DNA was extracted from the swab specimens and assessed in PCR assays to detect DNA of FHV-1 (fluorogenic PCR assay and conventional PCR assay), Mycoplasma spp (conventional PCR assay), and C felis (conventional PCR assay). RESULTS: Overall prevalence rates of FHV-1, C felis, and Mycoplasma spp as assessed by the conventional PCR assays were 6.7%, 3.2%, and 9.6%, respectively. Percentage concordance between conventional PCR and fluorogenic PCR assays for FHV-1 was 92.5%. There were no significant differences among the 3 groups of cats for the mean copy number of FHV-1 divided by the copy number of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Mycoplasma spp were the most prevalent organism detected and was associated with conjunctivitis. This study could not confirm that there are increased copy numbers of FHV-1 DNA in cats with conjunctivitis, compared with the copy numbers for cats without conjunctivitis.  相似文献   

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