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加强水产养殖业防灾减灾能力,提高水产品苗种质量,保障渔业生产的可持续发展和水产品质量的安全水平,5月8日,2019年广东省首场水产养殖防灾减灾科技下乡活动在湛江国联水产南三基地如期举行,省农业农村厅副厅长高庆营出席活动并讲话活动由广东省动物疫病预防控制中心、广东省渔业技术推广总站主办,湛江市水生动物防疫检疫站、湛江市水产技术推广总站承办。  相似文献   

水产养殖业是我国渔业的重要组成部分.近年来,福建省水产养殖业连年遭受自然灾害影响,基础设施受到严重破坏,不仅造成巨大的经济损失,而且直接影响了渔业经济的可持续发展.本文根据福建省的地理与气候特点,针对福建省台风、洪涝、寒潮、赤潮和疫病等主要水产养殖自然灾害,提出了自然灾害的防范措施和灾后恢复水产养殖生产技术要点,为水产养殖从业人员提供参考,以期对防范水产养殖自然灾害、减少经济损失有所裨益.  相似文献   

<正>入冬以来天气持续寒冷,对水产养殖业构成了严重危害。水科院珠江水产研究所主动配合当地政府渔业管理部门,提早部署,积极做好防灾减灾工  相似文献   

首先介绍了水产养殖政策性互助保险的必要性和可行性;然后提出控制福建省水产养殖业风险最好的措施是完善政策性互助保险;通过分析水产养殖政策性互助保险发展滞后的原因及介绍当前福建省开展水产养殖政策性互助保险的试点情况,提出推进福建省水产养殖政策性互助保险发展的措施与建议.  相似文献   

<正>进入7月份以来,河北省多地普降中到大雨或暴雨,为切实做好水产养殖生产防灾减灾工作,河北省水产局及时下发紧急通知,就水产养殖防灾工作进行提早部署。一是要求各级渔业主管部门切实加大水产养殖灾害防范工作的组织领导,认真落实气象灾害防范责任制,特别要密切关注本次强降雨过程,及时掌握天气预报预警信息,随时关注当地天气变化,尽早做好防灾准备;二是要认真落实强降雨防灾工作,及  相似文献   

近年来,福建省水产养殖发展迅速,特别鳗鱼和对虾养殖业遍布全省各地,内陆地区也掀起了养鳗热。随之兴起渔用饲料工业、饲料厂如雨后春笋迅速发展,为水产养殖提供了充足的饲料。  相似文献   

福建省是渔业大省,更是水产养殖大省,随着沿岸围海造地、港口开发、临海工业发展以及生活污水倾海日趋突出,近岸滩涂和港湾内的污染不断加剧,水产养殖业面临严重挑战,水产健康养殖面临严峻考验.开发近海开放型海域发展水产健康养殖是海水养殖业可持续发展的必由之路.因此,研究和解决近海开放型海域养殖生产中的设施和管理安全问题具有重要的现实意义.应用HDPE浮筏式消波堤,为近海开放型海域养殖区开创适宜养殖环境发展健康养殖,是理想的选择.  相似文献   

2009年冬季,北方的大部分地区,由于受到寒冬的影响,水产养殖业受到沉重的打击,许多生产场家损失严重,甚至达到颗粒无收的地步。此次冻害的发生影响面之广,是历史罕见的,涵盖了海水养殖和淡水养殖等所有行业。不仅对生产场家造成极大损伤,而且也影响到财政的税收收入。笔者全程参加了冬季防冻减灾工作,通过此次工作的开展,积累了一定的冬季防冻减灾工作经验。现介绍给大家,供从事水产养殖的同行们参考,以便在今后的水产养殖工作中最大限度地减少损失。  相似文献   

编制泉州市浅海滩涂水产养殖规划之浅见   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
泉州市浅海滩涂水产养殖规划项目,已于2006年3月份由福建省海洋与渔业局组织的有关专家的评审,结论:规划原则既体现资源的合理开发利用又注重环境生态系统的保护,具有科学性、前瞻性和可操作性,符合泉州市海洋功能区划及可持续发展要求.该规划对规范泉州市的水产养殖业,优化养殖结构,提高养殖产量和质量,促进泉州市水产养殖业的健康、持续发展具有指导性作用.编制好养殖规划必须做到:搜集大量有关资料、数据;以养殖容量为基础;服从海洋功能区划;注意上下衔接,相互协调.  相似文献   

2007年水产健康养殖推进行动暨水产养殖业专项执法行动总结会议2007年12月27日在广州举行。会议贯彻中央农村工作会议和全国农业工作会议精神,总结了2007年水产健康养殖推进行动和水产养殖业专项执法行动的经验,分析了我国水产养殖业当前形势和存在的问题,对推进水产健康养殖和水产养殖执法工作提出了要求。  相似文献   

白遗胜 《水产学报》1996,20(4):319-324
将我国传统养鱼与现代技术相结合,创造了传统式,集约化和半集约化三种养殖方式共存,融合,变通和转换的格局。应用微机进行动态分析计算,812.6公顷河滩池塘,平均每公顷鱼产量提高到10035kg和20085元经济效益,分别比原来增加105.5%和70.2%,总体效益十分显著。此外,还探讨了高产的理论问题。  相似文献   

Abstract –  River–floodplain systems present intense temporal variations in physical, chemical and biological factors. These variations are closely related to alterations in water levels, which have been attributed to the flood pulse. As several species are strictly related to the flood pulse to fulfil their life cycle, the pulse may be seen as a dispersal mechanism of species onto a floodplain. In this study, we determine how dam construction influenced the persistence of Prochilodus lineatus population, a large migratory fish species from the upper Paraná River floodplain. Data used were collected in two distinct periods, from April 1992 to March 1993 and from January 1999 to December 2001. Fish were collected using seining nets in six (monthly in the first period) and seven (quarterly in the second period) isolated lagoons. The fraction of occupied lagoons was high in the first period (higher than 0.65), when flood was intense. However, in the second period, when the flood pulse did not happen or was short, the fraction of occupied lagoons sharply decreased over time (from 0.85 to 0.22). For the first period, no model fitted to data, but for the second period, a negative linear model (named drought-dependent model) presented good fit ( r 2 = 0.97). Therefore, it is possible to infer that long and intense flood pulses are important to maintain the persistence of P. lineatus populations in the floodplain. The artificial control of water levels prompted by dams disrupts this dynamic, reducing persistence to critical levels.  相似文献   

水产养殖对环境的影响及其防治对策分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了水产养殖的类型,水产养殖所形成的废物输出,水产养殖对环境造成的影响,以及防治水产养殖污染的途径。通过综述分析,对水产养殖与环境之间的关系有较为深入的了解,有利于相关部门制定相应的政策,开展相应的研究等工作。  相似文献   

Abstract –  The middle Brazos River, located in east-central Texas, is a meandering lowland river with many oxbow lakes on its flood plain. Flood dynamics of the Brazos River are aseasonal, and faunal exchange during lateral connections of the main river channel and oxbows is pulse-like and occurs only during floods that may be months or years apart. Patterns of resource use among sympatric gar species ( Lepisosteus oculatus , Lepisosteus osseus and Atractosteus spatula ) associated with river–flood plain connectivity were studied for a period of 2 years (May 2003 to May 2005). The first year was relatively dry yielding few lateral connections, whereas the second year was relatively wet resulting in more frequent lateral connections. This study focused on habitat and diet partitioning among the three gar species in oxbow habitats with different connection frequencies and an active river channel site. Overall, 684 gars were collected with experimental gillnets: 19 A. spatula (alligator gar), 374 L. oculatus (spotted gar) and 291 L. osseus (longnose gar). There was strong partitioning of habitat between spotted and longnose gars, in which 98% of spotted gars were captured in oxbow habitats and 84% of longnose gars were captured in the river channel. Hydrology did not appear to affect habitat partitioning, although longnose gar abundance significantly increased in oxbows during the wet year. Diet overlap was high between spotted and longnose gars. Temporal variation in diet was significantly influenced by flood pulses that connected oxbows with the river channel, and which allowed predators and their prey to move between habitats.  相似文献   

保障国家粮食安全,践行大食物观具有极端重要的意义。淡水养殖业对于优化中国居民膳食结构,提高人类营养健康水平具有不可替代的作用。为厘清淡水养殖业发展中的问题,探寻中国淡水养殖业高质量发展的对策,本文对2013—2022年《中国渔业统计年鉴》中淡水养殖业的养殖方式和养殖种类进行了梳理统计,并对以池塘养殖、大水面生态养殖、稻渔综合种养、设施渔业及盐碱水体养殖共5类主要养殖模式为代表的中国淡水养殖业发展趋势进行了分析,归纳出中国淡水养殖业高质量发展面临的挑战。在此基础上,从淡水养殖空间拓展、设施现代化、种源自给、病害防控、产品加工转化5个方面,探索性地提出中国淡水养殖业高质量发展的着力方向,并进一步从国家政策、科技进步、人才队伍、技术推广和财政资金5个维度提出中国淡水养殖业高质量发展的保障措施。以期为中国淡水养殖业转变方式结构,实现绿色健康高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

为提高深水网箱养殖过程监控的准确性与实时性,设计了一种深水网箱养殖远程无线视频监控系统。该系统利用3G无线网络技术实现深水网箱养殖网络化的本地或远程的实时视频监控,采用3G+VSaaS模式,通过网络摄像头采集深水网箱现场数据,通过无线网络传输、发布和共享,并同时实现执行机构的反馈控制。文章介绍了工作原理与系统总体构架,阐述了系统硬件部分的选取设计原则,并分析了系统工作的关键技术。构建起深水网箱全方位远程监控体系,可实现深水网箱养殖信息化管理,提高养殖生产效率及风险防范能力。  相似文献   

网箱养殖箱体内外的水质变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从网箱养殖过程中向水体输入废物的角度,对影响箱体内外水质变化的因子进行分析。探讨了网箱养殖箱体内外的水质变化及其影响,并为网箱养殖业的健康可持续发展提出一些对策。  相似文献   

药物防治的临床药理学与水产药物学问题   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
阐述了影响水产养殖中药物防治效果的临床药理学的几个重要参数和水产药物学在药物制剂、给药方案、治疗药物的检测和治疗效果等方面存在的问题,及其给水产养殖动物造成的不良后果。并提出了正确用药的原则和方法。  相似文献   

近年,沿海各地区水产养殖业发展迅速。由于内湾海区海水循环交换能力较弱,黑臭底泥的长期堆积,导致养殖水体水质和底质进一步恶化,然而这种问题普遍存在于封闭式或半封闭式水域环境中。对此,氢氧化镁作为水质、底质改良剂被应用于水环境的治理。本文概述了氢氧化镁的作用机理,包括氢氧化镁与悬浮颗粒物的静电、对氮磷的降解及对硫化氢的降解等作用;同时介绍了氢氧化镁在海水养殖场、淡水湖泊和水库、水华防控、赤潮防控及废水处理中的研究与应用;展望了氢氧化镁和纳米级氢氧化镁在水体环境领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

Abstract  Floodplain borrow pits created during dike construction for flood protection along regulated lowland rivers are suggested as convenient surrogate habitats for fish communities where natural floodplain features have been lost. Fish community structure and reproduction success in three borrow pits located in the channelised floodplain of the River Dyje, Czech Republic were studied over 3 years. Short-term floods supported the spawning of phytophilic and phyto-lithophilic species; batch spawners capitalised on late summer flood conditions. The highest species richness of 0+ juvenile fishes occurred at sites with extended periods of flooding, at least for 2 months. Flooded vegetation was inhabited mainly by juvenile cyprinids, while 0+ percids were distributed evenly along the littoral zone. Shoreline remained bare even during higher water levels before complete inundation because of the steep banks, and therefore fish were not able to benefit from higher water levels. Borrow pits appear to function as a substitute habitat for fish and their reproduction, but only if they are properly constructed with shallow areas providing appropriate nursing conditions for 0+ fish growth and survival.  相似文献   

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