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法治社会建设进程的推进,使得技术侦察手段所应用的范围越来越大。我国也根据当前的案件侦查现状,在新《刑事诉讼法》中对技术侦查措施进行了明确规定,也详细阐述了技术侦查手段的法律地位。本文在先后论述了技术侦查手段的适用范围与特点后,又分别从两个方面就有效的技术侦查手段对于茶叶商标侵权案的重要价值进行了阐析,并最后结合有效的技术侦察手段的相关概念对茶叶商标侵权案的侦破途径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

公安情报分析作为一种侦查手段,通过科学性的侦查机制,分析出事物运行过程中存在的违法行为,然后制定举措对事物运营模式进行约束与管控。基于此,文章以公安情报分析、茶叶贸易经济犯罪的意义为切入点,阐述我国茶叶贸易经济犯罪中的特征,并对公安情报分析在我国茶叶贸易经济犯罪中的侦查应用进行研究。  相似文献   

茶叶起源于我国,并在几千年的历史文化传承中,逐渐向全世界扩散。而随着茶文化的崛起,饮茶之风也在全球盛行开来。茶叶发展呈现出欣欣向荣的局面,但是茶叶犯罪活动却也越发猖狂。如何有效地打击茶叶活动犯罪,是茶叶发展所面临的最大问题。本文结合侦查手段的相关内容,对茶叶活动犯罪的整治进行了论述。在阐释了侦查手段的特征、种类与适用原则后,又对其在打击茶业活动犯罪中的应用现状进行了具体解析,并最后就如何利用侦查手段打击茶叶犯罪活动进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

在我国茶叶营销竞争不断繁荣的背景下,茶叶营销竞争更加激烈,在利益的驱使下,竞争犯罪案件不断增加。为了进一步控制这种情况,公安部门必须要加大侦查力度,借助情报分析的优势,提高侦查的效率,促进茶叶营销竞争犯罪案件的侦破,规范茶叶销售市场的秩序,促进茶叶营销竞争的稳定、健康发展。本文就以公安情报分析为例,对其在茶叶营销竞争犯罪案例侦查中的应用进行几方面分析。  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,我国在茶叶贸易中的经济犯罪案例日益增多,公安机关也在加强对于此类问题的关注度以及打击力度,力求实现和谐社会的目标。公安机关对于情报的分析工作是我国公安情报工作中的重点,目前我国公安机关的情报收集模式相对完善,对收集到的情报进行分析的过程中,运用了科学的侦查方法,研判方式结构流程也相对完善。鉴于此,能够对茶叶贸易经济犯罪过程中的相关情报进行详细分析,有利于打击茶叶贸易经济的违法活动。  相似文献   

本文对当前茶产品呈现出的总体情况进行了简单的分析,并对茶产品买卖中涉及到的违法案件的根源进行了相关的剖析,然后基于侦查技术对其构建了相对完整的茶产品打假体系。这一体系的制定在一定程度上使茶产品的打假工作进行得更具有科学性、系统性、规范性,最终促进茶产品市场经济的快速稳定发展。  相似文献   

药用新辅料在中药制剂中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋明武  李敏 《人参研究》2007,19(3):17-18
药用新辅料包括各种赋形剂与附加剂,是药物制剂的重要组成部分。随着医药工业的不断发展和医疗水平的不断提高,药用新辅料在中药剂型的质量改进及创新工作中,将具有无限广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

茶籽貯藏,是新茶园建设过程中的一个环节。在大面积开辟新茶园的过程中,更不能忽视这项工作。因为茶籽在当年采收后,本可立即秋播。在小面积开辟新茶园时,进行秋播虽没有多大的困难。但是,播种面积很大,要在当年秋季做好土地整理进行茶籽播种,在劳动力方面是有困难的。为了利  相似文献   

根瘤菌血清型区分和鉴定及其大田接种侵染率的测定,是豆科作物共生固氮应用研究的一项重要实验工作。某些血清学技术如试管凝集技术,荧光抗体技术等作为开展这项工作的实验手段,已被国内外研究者们采用。然而,前者在实验上相对比较粗放,难于对较小的根瘤样品进行检测,后者虽能在细胞水平上进行抗原侦查,但是其实验观察结果往往难于避免主观上的估价性,同时操作亦较麻烦,且需复杂的显微设备,因而也难以在一般实验室普及应用。七十年代初发展起来的一种新的酶联免疫吸附技术(Enzgme Linked  相似文献   

正在制糖工业中,蒸发罐结垢是对生产影响较为突出的问题,蒸发罐加热管的清洗长期以来一直是依靠人工操作来完成,非常耗时费力、耗水耗电,由于工作环境恶劣,罐内闷热,工人在里面工作不能太久就必须出来换人,加之工作非常繁重、人工操作近千公斤压力的高压水枪又危险,所以操作工很难招,新工人做没多久就不想做了,加上新工人由于不熟练又容易出安全事故。而且目前的人工费越来越高,所以制糖企业要控制及降低生产成本、要  相似文献   

Initial detection of plant pests (includes diseases) is often made by the growers and consultants that work directly with crops; this form of detection is referred to as general surveillance. General surveillance activities have an important role in plant biosecurity for the early detection of pests and for demonstrating area freedom. In the Western Australian grains industry, reports of suspect high priority pests to the state Department of Agriculture and Food is the main form of general surveillance. There is little information on the level of knowledge of high priority pests in the grains industry in Western Australia and the ability of members to detect high priority pests if they were present. This study details a survey of members of the grains industry to determine their knowledge of the signs of high priority grains pests and the likelihood that they would detect a high priority pest if it were present in grain or crops. Knowledge of the signs of the high priority grain diseases, Karnal bunt and Barley stripe rust, were found to be higher than those of the high priority insect pests, Khapra beetle and Russian wheat aphid. A wide range of responses was collected from respondents’ self-rated likelihood of detecting each of these pests and diseases in crop or harvested grain. However, respondents were more confident in their ability to detect the two plant diseases than the two insect pests. The results of this study suggest that further training in recognition of the signs and symptoms of high priority grains pests is required to increase the ability of members of the grains industry to confidently detect and differentiate high priority pests from common pests in the course of routine activities.  相似文献   

现代刑事诉讼制度发展的趋势在充分保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人诉讼权利的同时,也重视加强对被害人诉讼权利的保障。我国现行刑事诉讼法在这两个方面都做了有益的尝试。针对我国法律对被害人诉讼权利保障的缺陷,提出对被害人的起诉权作出完善的规定,确立刑事被害人的上诉权,明确规定刑事被害人的诉讼代理人相应权责,完善被害人陈述意见权,加强对被害人知情权的保障,建立精神损害赔偿制度增设国家补偿制度。  相似文献   

水稻单倍体育种工作的简易化、系列化、规模化问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多年水稻单倍体育种工作的基础上,改进、完善了水稻单倍体育种技术。以节省为原则简化培养方法;以快速为原则建立单倍体育种新体系;以丰富遗传背景为原则,扩大绿苗群体及花粉植株再利用。建立一个水稻单倍体育种新程序,使这一技术在水稻育种工作中得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

在多年水稻单倍体育种工作的基础上,改进、完善了水稻单倍体育种技术。以节省为原则简化培养方法;以快速为原则建立单倍体育种新体系;以丰富遗传背景为原则,扩大绿苗群体及花粉植株再利用。建立一个水稻单倍体育种新程序,使这一技术在水稻育种工作中得到更广泛的应用。  相似文献   

Efforts to assess reductions in the hazard posed by pesticides in arable systems present complex problems to policy makers both nationally and at a European level. Attempts to monitor changes in hazard rely to a large extent on the quality of the surveillance and the indices used to collate multi-faceted data. This study is an update on previous work using the Environmental Impact Quotient (EIQ) to evaluate changes in pesticide hazard following the introduction of the European Directive 91/414/EEC. Findings from the study suggest that pesticide hazard has decreased during the study period 1992–2008 although reduction was not even across all crop types or time periods, with limited change in the past six years. This study is proposed as baseline for further monitoring of the effectiveness of the new European regulations 1107/2009 ‘the placing of plant protection products on the market’ to further reduce the impact of pesticides on non-target organisms.  相似文献   

根据海南省文昌市水稻联合收割机的安全监督管理问题的实际情况,分析了造成水稻联合收割机作业事故的主要原因,提出减少和消除水稻联合收割机安全隐患的措施。  相似文献   

General surveillance activities have an important role in plant biosecurity for the early detection of pests (includes diseases) and for demonstrating area freedom. Currently general surveillance information for the grains industry in Western Australia is mainly collected though reports of suspect high priority pests to the state Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA). Little information is available on the likelihood that members of the grains industry would report a suspect high priority pest, where and who they report pests to, and the factors that influence their decisions to report pests. This study details a survey of members of the grains industry conducted to determine the reporting practices relating to plant pest and diseases in the grains industry. Results of the study indicate that growers preferentially report to agricultural consultants and the local DAFWA staff; whereas agricultural consultants and researchers are more likely to report to the DAFWA head office. Factors that influenced participants’ reporting of suspect high priority pests included the ability to eradicate the pest or disease, free examination of suspect samples and the desire for more information about high priority pests. The ranking of factors varied with the role the individual had in the grains industry.  相似文献   

Field trials with perennial crops give rise to repeated measurements taken on the same plot on several occasions. It is important to account for serial correlation among repeated measurements in such trials. This study illustrates the use of mixed models for this purpose. We consider the analysis of trials conducted at several locations and the combination of trials with different starting years. A key issue in the analysis is the distinction between effects of calendar years, which are associated with external environmental variation, and harvest years, which represent internal yield formation processes of the perennial crop. Two methods of two‐stage analysis are compared with single‐stage analysis. It is shown that results of two‐stage analysis are very similar to those of single‐stage analysis, if serial correlation is properly taken into account. Program code for the MIXED procedure of the SAS system is given in an Appendix S1 for all considered cases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for the detection of the adulteration by hexaploid bread wheat of pasta products described as being manufactured solely from durum wheat. This problem has, in the past, been addressed using a variety of methods based mainly upon the analysis of proteins, the detection of which are problematical owing to the wide range of processing conditions employed throughout the industry. The new method is based upon the use of the polymerase chain reaction, whereby the presence of a previously described DNA sequence amplified in the D-genome of wheat can be detected at low levels. The method described is rapid, inexpensive, and can be readily replicated for accuracy. This new method has been applied to a large number of wheat cultivars from around the world to demonstrate that it has general applicability. It is hoped that this method can be further extended to form the basis of a quantitative assay for the adulteration of durum-wheat products.  相似文献   

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