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杨普  刘政权 《中国茶叶》2005,27(1):18-19
商业广告是一种宣传方式,它通过一定的媒介,把有关商品、服务的知识或情报有计划地传递给人们,其目的是促进销售,扩大市场影响。广告是科学,也是艺术,它产生于商品交换,伴随着商品经济发展而发展。当今广告已成为沟通信息、刺激需求、促进销售、激励企业之间竞争、沟通商情、活跃经济、美化社会生活、塑造新型生活方式的有效手段。  相似文献   

本文从调查福建省农科院稻麦所科技人员对科技资料的需求情况,概述了农业科技资料对农业科学研究及管理过程中的作用。第一,调查该所科技人员二年间,到资料室借阅科技文献的册数及到现刊资料室阅览次数的情况。第二,以《福建农业科技》等三种该所科技人员主要发表论文的刊物为载体,对全所科技人员三年间,发表的论文数与引文量,进行系统地统计、分析。提出了加强全所科研人员对图书情报重要性的认识,强调了知识更新的必要性以及加强图书情报资料室自身的建设工作。  相似文献   

本文从当前农业科研所图书情报室存在的文献购置经费紧缺、人心浮动及人才结构不合理三个问题,探讨了相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,我国在茶叶贸易中的经济犯罪案例日益增多,公安机关也在加强对于此类问题的关注度以及打击力度,力求实现和谐社会的目标。公安机关对于情报的分析工作是我国公安情报工作中的重点,目前我国公安机关的情报收集模式相对完善,对收集到的情报进行分析的过程中,运用了科学的侦查方法,研判方式结构流程也相对完善。鉴于此,能够对茶叶贸易经济犯罪过程中的相关情报进行详细分析,有利于打击茶叶贸易经济的违法活动。  相似文献   

加强行业管理 促进茶叶出口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对中国“入世”后,国家进一步放宽了外贸经营权,拥有茶叶出口权的企业数量增多,竞争也更加激烈,而出口配套管理机制却相对滞后,茶叶行业的无序竞争及存在的问题导致茶叶出口额的下降,提出了加强行业管理的必要性和迫切性,并探讨了主要对策。  相似文献   

我国的茶文化发展历史悠久,而且已形成了规范的制度,对我国很多行业的发展建设都产生了极为深远的影响。茶文化作为中华民族优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,将其应用于高校图书情报档案一体化建设工作中,对提高我国高校图书馆建设的完善性,能够起到极为重要的促进作用。除此之外,通过应用茶文化理论进行高校图书情报档案一体化建设,还能够有效推动我国高校图书情报档案管理工作地开展进程,建设现代化的高校图书馆,这对我国高校的整体发展建设具有非常重要的现实意义。本文对茶文化理论在高校图书情报档案一体化建设中的实践情况进行深入分析研究,并结合实际情况,提出科学合理的建议。  相似文献   

蒋同 《中国茶叶》2009,31(8):16-19
现代管理学之父彼得·德鲁克说过:“当今企业之间的竞争,不是产品之间的竞争,而是商业模式之间的竞争。”21世纪企业竞争的最高境界,不再是产品的竞争、人才的竞争、营销的竞争、服务的竞争……其最高境界是一种商业模式(即赢利模式)的竞争。  相似文献   

1982年12月21日至25日在杭州召开了第二次全国茶叶科技情报会议,会议由中国农科院茶叶研究所主持。出席这次会议的有全国各产茶省、地茶叶研究所(试验站、场)和大专院校茶叶专业的代表共49人。浙江省科委副主任、全国情报学会常务理事、省情报学会理事长苏荣庭同志和中国农科院情报研究所周世昆处长等应邀参加了会议。会议由中国农科院  相似文献   

由于产量与竞争力之间呈负相关,因此植株被分成了两个极端类型,即理想的高产-弱竞争型(Yc)和不受迎的低产-强竞争型(yC).在负竞争占主导地位的密植条件下,yC型超过了Yc型,而在无竞争条件下情况正好相反.因此,要获得Yc型品种,必须在无竞争条件下进行选择.无竞争也是直接和同时选择生产力、品质和稳产性的理想条件.若能保证X和s的无偏估计,那么综合指标CC=X(X-s/s)则是联合选择生产力和稳产性的最有效标准。  相似文献   

科技查新业务在保证科研项目的立项、科研成果鉴定、评奖、新产品认定、专利申请、技术咨询(技术引进。科技转让、新产品开发等)等工作的新颖性、科学性、公正性和正确性等方面发挥了重要作用。科技查新与信息咨询服务可为农业在科技发展中获取科研情报,缩短创新过程,实现跨越式发展,提供决策依据,降低创新风险,防治低水平重复,避免不必要的损失。  相似文献   

Two experiments were set up in a semi-controlled glasshouse environment to determine the nature of the competitive stress, and the characters associated with competitive ability, during the seedling growth of some grass species. Over a period from sowing until the attainment of a relatively stable tiller population root competition was almost entirely responsible for the suppression of Festuca arundinacea in association with H1 ryegrass at two densities. In contrast, root and shoot competition were of equal importance in bringing about the suppression of Phalaris coerulescens in association with H1 ryegrass, an effect which only occurred at the high density.
Differences in the patterns of root growth of the species and populations are discussed in relation to differences in their competitive abilities.
It is suggested that the rate and extent of nodal root production are closely associated with seedling competitive ability.  相似文献   

玉米栽培理论及智能决策系统的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
概述了自上个世纪50年代以来,玉米栽培理论技术研究进展以及玉米模拟模型系统、玉米管理专家系统和玉米生产管理决策支持系统等智能系统在国内外农业生产管理中的应用概况,指出了现有智能系统的优缺点,同时结合当今社会发展和科技进步的趋势,指出了未来玉米栽培管理智能决策系统的发展方向———绿色栽培和标准化栽培。  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to study the feasibility of removing nitrates from water by means of anion exchange. In the purposed work an attempt was made to utilize strong basic anion resin to remove nitrate in the presence of competitive anion. Amberjet Cl- 4200 ion exchange resin was used in a batch scale. The fixation rate of nitrate without the presences of any competitive anion was almost constant (94.60-96.43) when the nitrate concentrations are in the range of 100-150 mg L(-1). The fixation rate of nitrate in the presences of two competitive anions (sulphate and chloride) was reduced to 82% when the concentration of nitrate was 100 mg L(-1).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of iron deficiency on intelligence of 11-17 years students. This study conducted on the 540 students (11-17 years) that educated at guidance and high school of Boroujerd city. Laboratory investigations were included serum iron, TIBC (total iron binding capacity) and ferretin. Riven matrix was used in order to determine intelligence quotient. Data were analyzed using SPSS 13 and chi2 and t-tests. Results showed that 78 (14.4%) students had iron deficiency and 14 (25.9%) had iron deficiency anemia. There was no significant difference between different sexes for iron deficiency distribution (p > 0.05), while iron deficiency anemia was significantly higher in girls as compared with boys (p > 0.05). Mean quotient was 115 +/- 12.1 in iron deficiency students, while it was 113.7 +/- 13.9 in patients without iron deficiency. There was also no significant difference between normal and iron deficient students for intelligence quotient (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

农业是海南省的传统产业和优势产业,海南农业如何凭借海南建设国际旅游岛的契机取得更为长足的发展是当前海南农业发展研究的一个热点。文章以传统经济增长理论为依据,分析海南省农业投资现状及其存在的问题,并从投资的视角探讨促进海南农业增长的对策和建议。  相似文献   

试用“SWOT”法探讨我国茶叶国际市场竞争力及其对策   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
茶叶出口在我国茶叶经济中起龙头带动作用,茶叶无论在国内还是在国际市场都有着长远发展的产业价值。本课题在运用经济比较学原理同时,采用西方流行的分析模式 — — “SWOT”法,分析评价在 WTO条件下我国茶叶出口的优势、薄弱点、面临的机遇和威胁,明确我国茶叶在国际市场竞争中的地位和实力、提出我国宜发展具有竞争优势的绿茶及特种茶、实施绿色营销、内外销茶标准并轨且与国际标准接轨、统一出口茶叶标识。  相似文献   

The nature of competition between perennial ryegrass and white clover   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Perennial ryegrass and white clover were grown in boxes with either no competition, root competition only, shoot competition only, or both root and shoot competition between them, Boxes received either no nitrogen or 200 kg N ha−1 as a split application. The experiment was harvested at 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks after sowing. Perennial ryegrass was more competitive than white clover throughout the experiment and its overall competitive ability increased with Lime. The effects of root competition were greater than those of shoot competition at the first harvest, with both forms of competition having similar affects at the second harvest, while at the third and final harvests shoot competition had greater effects than root competition. At the later harvests N application increased the overall competitive ability of perennial ryegrass, relative to white clover, mainly owing to the increase in its shoot competitive ability.  相似文献   

大豆产业是指从事大豆生产、加工、贸易、研发及其相关服务活动的部门和行业。当今,我国大豆产业在国际竞争中正处于关系进退兴衰的十字路口,必须寻求正确的途径和对策。本文在介绍我国大豆产业国际竞争现状的基础上,分析了影响我国大豆产业国际竞争力的诸因素,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

内蒙古地区马铃薯种植业发展现状及前景   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
近几年,随着我国经济的发展,中央和地方政府扶持力度不断加大,内蒙古地区马铃薯种植业和相关产业迅猛发展起来,面积逐年增加,产量稳步提高,种植品种多元化,基地种植规模化、集约化、专业化,相关产业品牌优势化、国际化,正逐步把马铃薯种植业和加工业打造成内蒙古地区的特色产业和优势产业。马铃薯种植业和相关产业前景看好,但其在发展过程中还有许多问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

Two pot experiments were carried out in a semi-controlled environment to examine the response of individual plants to competitive stress in simple systems incorporating varying cutting frequencies and soil–nitrogen levels. A third experiment was set up outdoors to examine the effect of competition on individuals in an association, on the association as a whole, and to extend the controlled environment studies to a more complex model involving micro-plots.
Phalaris coerulescens , although its seedlings possessed a high competitive ability, showed a dramatic decline in competitive ability in later stages of the association, this decline being associated with extensive floral development. In micro–plots the effect of competition was so severe as to prevent the expression of seasonal growth characteristics by P. coerulescens .
Considerable inter-specific differences existed in the response to competition of leaf-area production per tiller during periods of regrowth.
Whilst P. coerulescens remained highly productive and maintained a dense tiller population in monocultures, its tiller regeneration following flowering was severely suppressed in competition with vegetative plants of HI ryegrass or Festuca arundinacea .
The number of heads produced per plant, head length and time of head emergence were all affected by competitive stress, the former response being a reflection of the relative competitive abilities at the time of floral initiation. The response of the latter two characters reflected the decline in competitive ability which occurred during later stages of the growth and development of P. coerulescens .  相似文献   

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