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以泰顺县本地猪种雅阳猪的头胎断乳母猪为试材,活体切取正常乳头和瞎乳头的乳房和乳头,经组织学预处理后进行解剖组织学观察。结果是:瞎乳头内没有输乳管,来自乳房的导管到乳头基部就中断,在输乳管的位置由一条皮肤表皮延伸进来的管状结构所取代。其乳房内,乳腺的腺小叶萎缩细小、稀疏分布、周围的结缔组织和脂肪组织较多,小叶内和小叶间的导管很少,没有泌乳的组织学基础。证明瞎乳头乃是一个无效的泌乳系统。此观察结果为形  相似文献   

伴随着乳品业的迅速发展、奶牛饲养头数的猛增,奶牛乳头管狭窄及闭锁也常有发生。以往奶牛患本病榨乳时,用乳导管放乳,既麻烦又容易造成乳头感染,引起乳腺炎,造成该乳叶报废。有的技术人员应用乳头管刮刀旋转刮掉乳头孔中增生的结缔组织小结,但也使乳头管周围的健康组织破坏严重,愈后不太理想。近年来,试用液氮冷冻治疗奶牛乳头管狭窄及闭锁8例,获得满意效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

羊乳房炎主要是指乳腺、乳池和乳头的局部炎症。其临床特征是乳房发热、红肿、疼痛,产奶量降低。多见于泌乳期的羊。本病是由病原微生物引起的,其中主要是葡萄球菌、链球菌、沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌以及某些病毒、真菌、霉形体等均可致病。链球菌在患羊群乳房的皮肤上随时能找到,它还能附着在乳房以外的器物上,可以通过挤奶人的手和器物造成传染。葡萄球菌更是到处存在,在正常情况下,可以在乳房的皮肤上、健康羊的乳头管和乳池中找到。乳房的葡萄球菌感染多是从乳头管顺着泌乳管道上行发生的。大肠杆菌在自然界分布很广,又经常存在于羊的肠道内,在正常情况下不引起发病,当饲养管理不良,气候条件突变或其他疾病等协同作用.才引起发病。  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1乳房炎的感染过程 乳腺发炎称为乳房炎。它是一种复杂的疾病,最常见的原因是由于病原细菌通过奶牛乳头管侵入乳房造成的。乳腺由四个独立腺体组成,彼此之间仅通过血管相连。细菌通过奶牛的乳头管进入乳房,乳头管由角蛋白所保护着。不幸的是,原奶为大量细菌的生长提供了优越环境。细菌一进入奶牛乳房就会大量繁殖,生成毒素与酶,刺激脆弱的乳房组织,使奶牛的乳腺发炎。为了抵抗入侵的病菌,奶牛免疫系统产生的体细胞(白细胞)向乳腺聚集。乳房炎的严重程度主要取决于造成感染的病菌类型.以及奶牛本曙对病菌的抵抗能力。  相似文献   

乳房位于胸前部,在胸大肌肉和胸筋膜的表面,第2—6肋高度,成年女子成半球形,中央有乳头.乳头周围色素沉着区称乳晕。乳房由皮肤、乳腺和脂肪组织构成,乳腺被脂肪组织分隔成15—20个乳腺叶,每个乳腺叶都有一条排出乳汁的输乳管,输乳管呈放射状排列,开口于乳头。  相似文献   

1细菌侵入乳头乳头是乳房防止细菌入侵的第1道防线。正常情况下,不挤奶时,乳头括约肌会紧紧关闭着乳头管。细菌的入侵最常发生在挤奶期间。当有多余的空气进入挤奶器时,在奶中或乳头末端的细菌会被吸入乳头管和乳腺池中。正常的乳头管只有在挤奶1~2小时内处于扩张状态,但是损伤乳头的乳头管长期处于部分开放状态。环境中的微生物或存在于乳头末端损伤皮肤内的微生物很容易侵入开放或半开  相似文献   

我站近几年来对奶牛乳池、乳头管狭窄及乳头闭锁先后采用了乳头刀手术法,液氮冷冻法,高锰酸钾腐蚀法等都有一定的疗效,但反复率高。为了寻求新方法,我们应用了硫酸铜粉与手术治疗6头牛11个乳头,取得了较好的效果。1材料与方法1.1器材和药品乳头手术器械一套;直径3~4mm软塑料管,其长度因病例需求而定;固定用胶布、12~18号缝合线;通乳针一根;局部麻醉药适量;硫酸铜粉适量。1.2向乳池内注入麻醉剂行粘膜麻醉或在乳头基部进行浸润麻醉。对乳头乳池或乳腺乳池和乳头乳池交界处是轮状增厚部,先用剑状刀后用勺刀清创;对乳头乳池壁上患有小疙瘩病…  相似文献   

<正>羊乳腺炎通常由病菌侵入所引起,引起乳腺炎的病菌包括细菌、霉行体等20余种。90%的乳腺炎是由革兰氏阳性菌中的金黄色葡萄球菌和链球菌感染所致,其中以溶血性金黄色葡萄球菌,无乳链球菌危害最严重。这些病菌可单独感染,也可混合感染,病原微生物一般是通过乳头管或乳房的损失口侵入乳腺内,有时也可以经血管或淋巴管而感染。1主要症状1.1隐性型病羊不呈现临床症状,但乳中病菌及白细胞数较正常乳多,化学特征性也有改变。此类乳腺炎不  相似文献   

奶牛乳头管增生在临床中常见,其症状不能挤出鲜奶,手感有增生组织,病初用乳导针可导出正常鲜奶,临床中一般采用抗菌素和激素治疗均无效。病程较长者,组织增生,乳导针不能插入乳头管,不能正常产乳,奶牛失去应有的经济价值,给养牛业造成了一定的经济损失,笔者在临床实践中采用如下的治疗方法,全部治愈。具体的方法是:首先配制10%硫酸铜500毫升,用竹筷修成两个形状如乳导针小竹棒(且长度以通过增生部位为宜)泡在10%硫酸铜溶液中24小时以上,后端系一根细绳。每次挤奶完毕,把泡好的小竹棒放入有病的乳管内,并固定于…  相似文献   

木子 《饲料研究》2003,(2):43-43
日本千叶县的畜牧科研人员采用“乳头保护浸渍液”预防奶牛乳房炎 ,取得了很好的效果。该浸渍液是一种由乳酸、辛酸、癸酸等活性剂组成的浓缩液体 ,使用时盛于杯中 ,用 3倍的水稀释 ,每天挤奶后 ,浸渍奶牛的每个乳头。通过对放牧饲养的 84头泌乳奶牛连续 2个月的试验观察 ,被试奶牛没有出现乳头发红、肿胀、热感和疼痛等症状。一般使用该保护液 2周后 ,奶牛乳头皮肤柔软而湿润 ,皮肤角质完整 ,对乳腺没有任何影响 ,奶样正常。这种液体的主要作用是对奶牛乳头皮肤和乳头口进行消毒杀菌及柔化保湿 ,从而达到预防乳房炎的目的预防奶牛乳房炎的…  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a surgical procedure for the preparation of an epithelium-free mammary fat pad (cleared mammary fat pad; CFP) in ewes. At 7 to 10 d of age, ewe lambs (n = 43, mean BW 9.2 +/- .2 kg at 14 d) were sedated and one mammary gland was locally anesthetized. An incision circumscribing the base of the teat was made and blunt dissection was performed through the extraneous mammary fat pad tissue to enable the parenchyma and teat to be wholly removed. Failure to completely remove the epithelium enabled it to regenerate and grow into the mammary fat pad. Mean diameter of the parenchymal rudiment at 7 to 10 d of age was 8.9 +/- .5 mm (range of 5 to 16 mm). The excision site was closed with wound clips and recovered lambs returned to their dams. The contralateral mammary gland remained intact, allowing it to undergo normal development. Live weight gain was unaffected by this procedure. Ewes were subsequently slaughtered in groups at various stages of prepuberty, puberty, gestation, and lactation. Of 39 operated glands recovered, only one demonstrated epithelial outgrowth within the CFP. Parenchyma within the contralateral, intact gland underwent phases of rapid growth in prepuberty, puberty, and late gestation and was capable of milk synthesis after steroid induction or parturition. Change in weight of the CFP paralleled that of the intact mammary gland to 100 d of pregnancy. Sham CFP surgery was performed on four additional ewes wherein the parenchyma was completely excised and immediately replaced. Sham-operated epithelium populated the mammary fat pad and synthesized milk that could be expressed from the teat. A CFP in sheep will be a useful model for future investigations into the local growth regulatory mechanisms associated with ruminant mammogenesis.  相似文献   

Mammary gland quarters of 139 lactating dairy cows from small-scale dairy herds were examined visually and by palpation for teat lesions and by California mastitis test (CMT) and bacterial culture for subclinical mastitis. Teat lesions were observed in 97 teats. These included teat chaps (39.2%), teat papillomas (23.7%), teat erosions (22.7%), teat fistulae (5.1%), inverted teats (5.1%) and blocked teats (4.2%). According to the CMT, the prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 33.4% in all the mammary gland quarters, 71.0% in quarters with teat lesions and 24.5% in quarters without teat lesions. There was a significant (P < 0.01) association between teat lesions and the prevalence of subclinical mastitis. The mammary gland quarters with teat lesions were 7.2 times more likely to have a positive CMT (P < 0.01) and 5.6 times more likely to have bacterial organisms (P < 0.01) isolated from them than those without any teat lesions. The bacterial organisms most frequently isolated from the CMT-positive milk samples from both the mammary gland quarters with teat lesions and those without teat lesions were Staphylococcus aureus (50.0%), Streptococcus spp. (34.8%) and Arcanobacterium pyogenes (6.2%).  相似文献   

Logistic regression was used to investigate the effects of host characteristics, milk production and 23 veterinary diagnoses on the odds of contracting acute and chronic mastitis, and teat injury among 41 989 multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows that calved during 1983.

Cows which had higher previous-lactation milk yields were at increased risk of acute and chronic mastitis, and teat injury. All of the mammary gland disorders were directly interrelated. Abomasal disorder, indoor hypomagnesemia, prolapsed uterus and vagina, and abortion were not risk factors for any of the three mammary gland disorders; however, retained placenta, udder edema, ketosis, non-parturient paresis, rumen acidosis, traumatic reticuloperitonitis, silent heat, ovarian cyst and other types of infertility were all direct risk factors for at least two mammary gland disorders.  相似文献   

试验旨在探究副乳头(SNT)对奶牛产奶性能的影响及乳腺发育相关基因LGR5与副乳头发生的关系。收集325头有副乳头奶牛及同年出生的737头无副乳头奶牛的产奶性能数据,比较有、无副乳头奶牛间的产奶性能差异;利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测有、无副乳头奶牛LGR5基因的表达差异,通过直接测序法测定有、无副乳头奶牛的LGR5基因序列,寻找该基因上的遗传突变。结果表明,无副乳头奶牛的日产奶量、高峰奶量及泌乳持续力等产奶性能均优于有副乳头奶牛,但未达到统计学显著水平;LGR5基因在有副乳头奶牛中的表达量显著高于无副乳头奶牛(P<0.05);在LGR5基因第1内含子中检测到3个SNPs:rs42849472、rs42849471和rs42849470,有副乳头奶牛中3个SNPs的AA基因型频率均极显著高于无副乳头奶牛(P<0.01)。结果提示,LGR5基因可能与奶牛副乳头发生有关,可作为有效的候选基因。  相似文献   

A knowledge of the microbiological status of milk and of the different structures in the mammary glands has great importance in elucidating the pathogenesis of mammary gland infections. The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological status of various structures in the mammary glands from naturally infected dairy cows following slaughter. A total of 94 samples of milk, 184 samples of mammary parenchyma, 168 samples of gland cisterns, and 168 samples of teat cisterns were collected for microbiological examination. Microorganisms were detected in 59.9% of all samples, 67.0% of the milk samples, 70.1% of the mammary parenchymas, 55.9% of the gland cisterns and 48.8% of the teat cistern samples. When all samples were considered, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus were the most prevalent (35.7%) followed by coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (12.2%), Corynebacterium bovis (2.4%), Prototheca sp. (1.9%), and Streptococcus dysgalactiae (1.5%). There was a significantly higher occurrence of microorganisms in the milk and mammary parenchyma compared to the gland cisterns and teat cisterns. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A prospective study was performed to identify the nature and management of teat abnormalities in cows presented to a referral teaching hospital during a three year period. All cattle (n = 60) admitted to the Ontario Veterinary College for teat problems were evaluated by physical examination; in 53 teats, contrast radiography or xeroradiography were obtained. Surgery was performed on 52 teats from 51 cows and a prosthesis was implanted in 27 teats. Short term (under two weeks) complications included intraoperative bleeding (n = 6), milk leakage through the incision (n = 4), and failure to milk by machine in 26 cases. Histopathological diagnosis of sections taken from obstructive lesions included fibrous tissue (n = 8), normal mammary tissue (n = 3), fibropapilloma, mammary polyps, and inflamed mucosa (one each). The lesion could be classified into five types: 1) focal teat cistern obstruction, 2) diffuse teat cistern obstruction, 3) membranous obstruction, 4) diffuse teat and gland cistern obstruction, or 5) leakage of milk through an abnormal route (i.e. teat fistula, webbed teat, or lacerations).  相似文献   

To study the growth and morphology of feline mammary epithelial cells in vitro, normal feline mammary tissues as well as cells collected from feline milk were cultured and examined using phase-contrast microscopy and immunohistochemistry. The method employed was a modification of Hiratsuka et al., and was found to be useful for the culture of dissociated feline mammary tissue. Small polygonal cells and large spindle-shaped cells that were positively stained with anti-keratin and anti-actin antibodies formed colonies with a pavement-like structure in culture of mid-pregnant mammary gland. Cultures of involuting mammary gland were composed mainly of small spindle-shaped cells, which were negative for keratin immunostaining and thought to be fibroblasts. Myofibroblasts, which participate in feline mammary carcinogenesis, and show keratin negative, actin positive, were not encountered in the present culture system of normal mammary gland. The cells from milk formed small colonies, but did not grow to reach confluent monolayer.  相似文献   

探讨经乳头管灌注脂多糖(LPS)对兔血清酶活性的影响及乳腺病理组织学变化.12只泌乳兔(产后第7天)经乳头管灌注LPS(150 μg/kg体重)建立急性临床型乳房炎模型,在灌注前2 h,灌注后6、12、24、48、72 h以及5 d和7 d分别测定血清中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、髓过氧化物酶(MPO)、过氧化物酶(LP)及...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluation of use of a supernumerary teat as a pedicle graft to repair experimental teat tip damage in cattle. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental study. ANIMALS: Mature, non-gravid hybrid cows with > or =1 supernumerary teat. METHODS: The main teat and adjacent supernumerary teat were examined for patency by ultrasound with a 8 MHz linear array transducer. The tip of the main teat was resected at the junction of cistern and canal. The supernumerary teat was partially resected semi-circumferentially at the cranial aspect of the base to maintain vascular supply and transplanted by end-to-end anastomosis. The pedicle of the supernumerary teat graft was amputated in stages starting at 14 days, again at 16 days and separated at 18 days. Reconstructed teat patency was evaluated at intervals by ultrasonography and confirmed at 50 days by histopathology. Repeated measures ANOVA was used to compare the measurements of luminal diameter between days; significance was set at P<.05. RESULTS: All reconstructed teats were patent. Decreased luminal diameters were detected at 25, 32, 39, and 46 days by ultrasonography. On histopathology, granulation and epithelial (mucosal) proliferation contributed to luminal reduction. CONCLUSIONS: In this experimental model of an acute damage to a teat tip, supernumerary teat grafting was successfully used to restore teat anatomy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Supernumerary teat pedicle grafting may be considered as a salvage technique for reconstruction of a damaged bovine teat in cows that have an adjacent patent supernumerary teat. Function of the reconstructed teat in a lactating cow remains unknown.  相似文献   

Mammary gland lesions characterized primarily as mammary teat atresia were observed in a Limousin beef cattle herd in eastern Texas. Atresia of multiple teats per mammary gland was reported in first-calf heifers at the time of calving. Pathogens were not identified in eight mammary glands collected at slaughter. Histology of affected glands demonstrated superficial and deep perivascular inflammation and fibrosing dermatitis of teat and mammary gland skin that resulted in formation of the atretic lesions of glandular tissue. Institution of a horn fly (Haematobia irritans irritans (L.)) control program using insecticide-impregnated ear tags was associated with elimination of the problem from the herd.  相似文献   

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