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半湿润易旱区农业节水技术研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
根据1991~1993年在河南“商丘节水农业持续发展实验区”的田间试验观测结果,研究分析了抗旱作物品种、农田秸秆覆盖和化学调控等农业节水技术与水分利用效率间的关系及其在节水农业中的作用。结果表明,选用抗旱作物品种,在相同栽培条件下,作物水分利用效率提高0.54~0.56kg/mm;实施农田秸秆覆盖,1m土体内较对照多储水169.5m,节省灌溉用水2100mm/hm土壤储水有效利用率提高26.9%;应用抑蒸保墒化学药剂,麦田耕层土壤含水量增高4.7%,叶片含水率增加4.9%,农田水分利用效率提高14.4%~25.5%。充分显示,实施工程措施与生物措施相结合的农业节水技术,合理、有效地利用有限的环境水资源和最大限度地提高作物本身用水效率,发展节水农业,是我国半湿润易旱区农业可持续发展的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

行走式节水种植技术应用效果的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
该文针对山西春旱缺水造成缺苗断垄,严重制约农业稳产高产的状况,将行走式节水播种和苗期灌溉等机械化技术引入田间试验。从1997年到1998年在山西原平市和襄汾县布点,进行了大面积的试验示范作业,按照统一的试验项目和方法,进行了大量的数据测定,对不适合当地条件的机具性能进行了改革和完善,对试验结果进行了对比分析,以及经济和社会效益分析。分析结果表明,节水播种和苗期灌溉的试验田比不施水的对照田平均增产11%~64%;投入产出比为1.47∶1;比人畜供水点播效率提高10~15倍;比管道节水灌溉平均每公顷节水900m,对严重缺水干旱地区具有重要意义。  相似文献   

黄淮豫东平原冬小麦节水高产水肥耦合数学模型研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
在人工控制试验条件下,采用二次通用旋转组合设计,对影响冬小麦产量的N、P和水三因素的综合效应进行了研究。结果表明,水肥配合存在阈值反应,这个阈值是:N90~240kg/hm,P556.25~221.25kg/hm,灌溉定额1500~3750m3/hm。低于阈值下限水平,N、P无明显增产效应,水分利用效率(WUE,water use eficiency)低;高于阈值上限,水肥互作效应呈减小趋势;在阈值范围内,水肥互作增产效应显著。增加N、P投入和适宜限量供水是提高水份利用效率的重要途径。通过对所建数学模型的计算机模拟,提出了不同决策目标和水文年型的水肥优化方案。  相似文献   

针对阻碍农田水利用效率的关键因素及提高水利用效率的途径,采取把间歇灌灌溉技术、覆盖秸秆技术、化控、密植等农水措施溶于一体,取得了显著的节水增产效益和具有较强的可操作性。小麦、夏玉米产量分别为5250kg/hm2和8250kg/hm2,水分利用效率达1.61kg/m3和2.42kg/m3,平均为2.01kg/m3的较高水平。并对其节水高产机理作了探讨。  相似文献   

太行山前平原冬小麦综合节水技术效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在河北省鹿泉市南铜冶村试区实施了工程、农艺等综合节水技术,冬小麦全生育期浇2次水,使小麦产量达7500kg/hm2,水分利用效率达18kg/hm2.mm。若种植节水品种、实施秸秆覆盖节水措施,冬小麦水分利用效率可达24.3kg/hm2·mm,为太行山前平原实施节水农业提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

3年稻鱼鸭种养共生模式效益的研究表明,稻鱼鸭种养共生模式水稻增产lO%以上,增收鲜鱼1036.5kg/hm2,成鸭238.9~489.3kg/hm2;水稻土壤全N、P、K和有机质含量分别增加27.9%、44.3%,6.5%和28.2%,提高了土壤肥力;水稻植株虫口量最少。稻鱼鸭种养共生模式提高了稻田产量和效益,其生态环境质量指教为0.8155,属良性循环的高教复合生态农业模式。  相似文献   

1989~1992年在山西省10个县市对旱地玉米和小麦可持续增产技术进行试验研究,建立了旱地玉 米免耕整秸秆覆盖技术、旱地小麦少耕覆盖技术等4种技术体系。试验结果表明,旱地玉米免耕整秸秆覆盖技术比常规耕作玉米增产32.0%,产量增加750~1500kg/hm2,约降低生产成本600元/hm2,增加纯收入1500元/hm2,产投比翻番;水分利用效率(WUE)提高1.95~7.5kg/hm2·mm,3年0~20cm土层有机质提高0.13%,地面径流减少60%,土壤侵蚀量减少50%,土壤动物、微生物量大大增加。  相似文献   

水肥耦合条件下作物产量、水分利用和根系吸氮的试验研究   总被引:37,自引:6,他引:37  
根据1998~2000年两年在北京市水科所永乐店节水灌溉中心开展的冬小麦、夏玉米水肥耦合的田间试验成果的分析研究表明,氮肥效益的发挥与农田水分状况密切相关,低供水水平时(本研究中为冬小麦仅灌拔节水的节水灌溉处理),肥料的增产效益十分显著,但氮肥贡献率随施肥量的增加而呈递减的趋势。不同的分析方法都表明,在永乐店节水灌溉中心,冬小麦施尿素400 kg/hm2和200 kg/hm2两个施肥水平的试验处理所获得的水(肥)分生产率最高(在不同农田供水状况下),由于两者的水分生产率差异不大,为提高施肥效率,建议在生产上考虑选择200 kg/hm2的施肥方案较合理。  相似文献   

不同灌溉处理下冬小麦水平衡与灌溉增产效率研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
水资源是华北平原冬小麦、夏玉米种植区最重要的生产制约因素, 农业水资源高效利用具有重大的社会需要。通过设置冬小麦不同灌溉处理, 分析了各处理的水分平衡、产量和灌溉增产效率。结果显示: 1)不同灌溉处理具有不同的水分平衡过程, 雨养农田、充分灌溉处理、返青水胁迫处理、拔节抽穗水胁迫处理和灌浆水胁迫处理的蒸散量分别为251±58 mm、482±48 mm、352±44 mm、388±22 mm 和324±53 mm; 2)灌溉量对于小麦产量的增加具有明显的正效应, 拔节-抽穗水胁迫对作物产量有较大影响, 灌浆水胁迫和返青水胁迫均没有对小麦产量造成明显影响; 雨养农业的经济产量为2 950±635 kg·hm-2, 充分灌溉下的经济产量约为5 994±994 kg·hm-2; 冬小麦返青期、拔节抽穗期、灌浆期施加适度的水分胁迫, 产量分别为5 163±885kg·hm-2、5 047±1 180 kg·hm-2、5 249±975 kg·hm-2, 与充分灌溉相比, 没有明显的产量下降; 3)小麦的灌溉增产效率存在明显的年际差异, 在丰水年或特丰水年, 灌溉增产效率为1.9 kg·m-3, 在枯水年为0.4 kg·m-3, 平水年为1.6 kg·m-3。  相似文献   

山东省禹城市冬小麦夏玉米高产灌溉制度及其管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根据中国科学院禹城综合试验站蒸渗仪所测的作物耗水量资料,简要分析了山东省禹城市冬小麦、夏玉米的耗水量及其耗水过程。该市冬小麦平均耗水量为482.2mm,水分利用率为11.01kg/(hm·mm);夏玉米平均耗水量为398.9mm,水分利用率为19.79kg/(hm·mm)。文中还研究了公顷单产为6000kg的冬小麦、公顷单产为9000kg的夏玉米的高产灌溉制度及其管理。该市冬小麦高产灌溉定额为360mm,应灌播前或越冬水,返青或起身水、拔节水、抽穗水和灌浆水;夏玉米高产灌溉定额为150mm,应灌苗期水、开花水和灌浆水。  相似文献   


The Kujawy and Pomorze Province with 127 rural and municipal-and-rural communes in 19 districts is a typical agricultural region, with the highest plant farming intensity in Poland. The diversity and dominance of crop plantations in the agroecosystems in communes were calculated based on percentage share of 21 kinds of crops in the cropland structure. The algorithms applied in ecological research of biodiversity were used: the Shannon–Weaver diversity index (H’) and Simpson's dominance index (λ). The diversity (H’) of crops in arable land in the Kujawy and Pomorze Province ranges from 1.68 to 2.54. The diversity of crop plantations in the region was bigger in the communes in which there are: better soil, a higher share of arable land in the agricultural acreage and cropland in the arable land as well as with a higher share of barley, corn for grain and sugar beet in the cropland structure. The highest dominance index (λ) for crops in the whole province is 0.291. The index of dominance of agricultural crops in this region increases with an increase in the share of: woodland in the total area, meadows and pasture in the agricultural acreage and rye in the cropland structure.  相似文献   

The levels and distributions of petroleum hydrocarbons incoastal waters and sediments of the United Arab Emirates (U. A. E.) along theArabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman were investigated. Oil concentrations in the waters ofthe U. A. E. were below the 15 μg L-1 and ranged from 1.6 to 13 μg L-1.Petroleum hydrocarbons showed different pattern of distribution in the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman withmore or less similar values. Horizontal distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons atthe Arabian Gulf showed significant differences between most sites. At the Gulf ofOman, similar oil concentrations were measured at different sites. Meanwhile,vertical distributions of petroleum hydrocarbons indicated higher concentrations atsurface layers of the Arabian Gulf compared to bottom layers. Whereas, more or less similarconcentrations were measured at the Gulf of Oman. The concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in marinesediments varied from 2.5 to 8.2 μg g-1 (dry sediment weight), with higher concentrations at theArabian Gulf compared to the Gulf of Oman. The pattern of distribution for petroleumhydrocarbons in marine sediments resembled to some extent the distribution of organiccarbon in marine sediments. The study revealed that the concentrations ofpetroleum hydrocarbons in waters and sediments of the investigated area are not highcompared to other areas of the world.  相似文献   

研究干旱半干旱地区多沙河流的水沙特性及趋势,对流域内水沙调控、水沙预测具有重要意义。基于宏观(微观)的角度来详细研究干旱半干旱地区多沙河流的水沙特性及趋势,以期为流域内水沙调控、水沙预测提供理论帮助。应用累积距平法、ITA法和ITA-CB法计算克孜尔水库入库流量、入库输沙率,并分别从年内、年际、年代际3个尺度系统地分析流量、输沙率的变化特征与趋势。结果表明:(1)年内水沙分布特征高度相似,二者的最高值均分布在7月,其最低值分别分布在3月和1月,年际尺度上波动性强且差异明显;(2)年度入库流量呈现上升趋势且有增加倾向,夏季表现为上升趋势且存在减弱倾向,其中高值区升高趋势减弱,需要注意干旱的极端气候;(3)年度输沙率呈上升趋势,季度尺度下的趋势特征均表现为下降趋势,其中夏秋两季下降趋势有减弱倾向,冬季出现增强倾向。与传统分析方法相比,ITA与ITA-CB方法能够有效识别出序列内部间存在的微观趋势,有助于详细分析区域水沙的变化特征。  相似文献   

The number, biomass, length of fungal mycelium, and species diversity of microscopic fungi have been studied in soils of the tundra and taiga zones in the northern part of the Kola Peninsula: Al-Fe-humus podzols (Albic Podzols), podburs (Entic Podzols), dry peaty soils (Folic Histosols), low-moor peat soils (Sapric Histosols), and soils of frost bare spots (Cryosols). The number of cultivated microscopic fungi in tundra soils varied from 8 to 328 thousand CFU/g, their biomass averaged 1.81 ± 0.19 mg/g, and the length of fungal mycelium averaged 245 ± 25 m/g. The number of micromycetes in taiga soils varied from 80 to 350 thousand CFU/g, the number of fungal propagules in some years reached 600 thousand CFU/g; the fungal biomass varied from 0.23 to 6.2 mg/g, and the length of fungal mycelium varied from 32 to 3900 m/g. Overall, 36 species of fungi belonging to 16 genera, 13 families, and 8 orders were isolated from tundra soils. The species diversity of microscopic fungi in taiga soils was significantly higher: 87 species belonging to 31 genera, 21 families, and 11 orders. Fungi from the Penicillium genus predominated in both natural zones and constituted 38–50% of the total number of isolated species. The soils of tundra and taiga zones were characterized by their own complexes of micromycetes; the similarity of their species composition was about 40%. In soils of the tundra zone, Mortierella longicollis, Penicillium melinii, P. raistrickii, and P. simplicissimum predominated; dominant fungal species in soils of the taiga zone were represented by M. longicollis, P. decumbens, P. implicatum, and Umbelopsis isabellina.  相似文献   

知识传播是图书馆的重要职能,创新是社会发展的需要。知识创新促进了知识传播,可适应和谐社会的发展。  相似文献   

Specific structural and dynamic parameters of communities from various ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms and algae in the litter of artificial tree stands were studied using the example of the Staro-Berdyansky Forest in the steppe zone of Ukraine. The composition of the communities was shown to vary by seasons and depend on the forest-forming woody species. In spring, in all the litters, the maximal number of actinomycetes and aminotrophs was recorded; in the leaf litter, the number of phosphate-mobilizing organisms was also the largest. In summer, the development of cellulolytic organisms, ammonifiers, and nitrogen-fixers was intensified; in autumn, the number of micromycetes and oligotrophic organisms decreased. The composition of dominants, the species richness of algae and their abundance also varied by seasons. Representatives of the Chlorophyta division predominated. The highest species richness of algae was characteristic of the spring litter samples, and their number, for the spring and autumn ones. The positive correlation was established between the numbers of micromycetes and oligotrophs, micromycetes and algae. The negative correlation was found between the numbers of micromycetes and actinomycetes, cellulose-decompose bacteria and algae in the litters.  相似文献   

近年来,全域土地综合整治与生态修复工程协同并进的发展模式在江浙地区的环境治理实践中取得了显著成效。以衢州市全域土地综合整治实例为基础,阐述了全域土地综合整治实施过程中的水土保持理念,深入剖析了土地整治的生态文明价值,积极探索了推进农村环境高水平保护的新举措,旨在为类似地区提供可复制、可推广的环境治理经验,全面推进水土保持生态文明建设。  相似文献   

随着IT事业的不断发展,运用动画技术制作的多媒体课件已逐渐应用于教学中。计算机辅助教学(CAI)是教育技术的重要组成部分,它的产生和发展对促进教育、教育技术的变革与发展有着巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   

The Tigray Plateau of Ethiopia and Eritrea is vulnerable to environmental change, yet environmental influences on the rise and fall of the civilizations that once existed there are almost unexplored. We sampled sections of gully walls for palaeoenvironmental proxies from two sites: 1) Adi Kolen on the southern outskirts of the Plateau's most developed former empire, the Aksumite, and 2) Adigrat near polities dating to at least ca. 3000 cal yr BP. A multi-proxy approach for examining local variation in palaeoenvironments was evaluated that included stable isotopic and elemental analyses (δ13CSOM, δ15N, %TOC, and %TN) of soil, and charcoal identification. An increase in δ15N values from older soils in Adi Kolen (4400 cal yr BP) and Adigrat (2900 cal yr BP) until 1200 cal yr BP is not explained by changes in δ15N that occur with time in an unchanging environment. It may instead indicate an overall decrease in rainfall from the earlier times until 1200 cal yr BP. In one Adigrat section, the decreases in organic δ13C and increases in C/N molar ratios from older to younger soil could have resulted from changes that occur over time, per se. In the remaining sections, however, δ13CSOM trends more likely reflect changes in the biomass of C4 relative to C3 plants (% C4 biomass). Changes in% C4 biomass may reflect climate and/or land use. Deciphering which may be aided by analyses of the other proxies. Identified charcoal suggests that both sites supported some juniper forest types until very recently but that forests may have been a more important and dynamic component of Adigrat's vegetation history than Adi Kolen's. If environment affected the trajectories of the kingdoms of the Tigray Plateau, these results suggest that the exact nature of the changes in climate differed among kingdoms. The kingdoms prior to 1200 cal yr BP may have been exposed to increasing aridity punctuated with relatively wetter intervals. Thereafter, general changes in climate are not apparent. Land clearing dynamics are likely to have had a more consistent effect on the trajectories of kingdoms than climate changes.  相似文献   

The serious decline of forest trees in Quebec and adjacent areas of the U.S. parallel those observed in Germany. In certain locations, in both cases, K deficiency is now occurring on glacial tills and outwash soils and is associated with a low concentration of exchangeable K+ and a high molar ratio of exchangeable Ca+ ions to K+ ions in the soil. This deficiency results from the so-called Ca-K antagonism in which an increased concentration of Ca2+ ions blocks the entry of a reduced concentration of K. Mg deficiency is occurring on granitic soils and results from a low concentration of exchangeable Mg2+ and a high molar ratio of A13+ ions to Mg2+ ions. The role of the parent rock, weathering reactions and atmospheric inputs are discussed in relation to the changes that have resulted from the cumulative effect of acid deposition. The changes in storage, transfer and losses of cationic nutrients in soil and trees can explain the development of these imbalances, which are still increasing, and are resulting in these forest declines.  相似文献   

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