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腹泻、便秘、便血、掉毛、脱皮、瘙痒、咳嗽、打喷嚏、咬尾巴、双后肢失去知觉、流口水、蹭屁股、瘸腿、多饮多尿、无尿、不吃不喝、喘、腹胀、消瘦和肥胖等是犬常见的临床异常病症,作为犬的主人,应当了解这方面的知识,出现异常情况时及时治疗。  相似文献   

1 泔水的来源与成分 泔水是指饭店、餐厅、学校、单位食堂等处废弃的淘米水、米汤、面汤、剩饭、剩菜、鱼肉残渣以及厨房的各种下脚料.泔水中含有大量的废油脂,有些泔水常参杂有杂质和异物,如牙签、贝壳、骨头、鱼刺、砂砾、塑料制品以及钢刷残渣等,所含成分十分复杂.  相似文献   

对国内饲料工业中广泛使用的肉骨粉原料营养成分进行比较研究,为肉骨粉原料的合理使用提供依据。在调查国内主要肉骨粉产品的原料来源和加工工艺的基础上,采集10个有代表性的肉骨粉样品,对其营养成分进行测定。结果表明:干物质、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分、钙、磷、总能和代谢能的平均值依次是91.94%、50.88%、9.05%、28.69%、8.33%、3.85%、15.98MJ/kg和11.04MJ/kg,其中粗脂肪、粗灰分、钙和磷是主要变异指标。肉骨粉赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸、缬氨酸、亮氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、精氨酸、甘氨酸、脯氨酸、组氨酸、总必需氨基酸、天门冬氨酸、丝氨酸、谷氨酸、丙氨酸、胱氨酸、酪氨酸、总氨基酸的含量依次是1.46%、0.49%、1.54%、2.18%、3.09%、1.4%、1.79%、3.12%、5.33%、4.04%、1.08%、25.53%、2.53%、2.38%、3.94%、3.06%、1.07%、1.26%和39.78%。其中变异程度最大的是丝氨酸,变异最小的是谷氨酸。  相似文献   

(一)蟾蜍的药用价值 蟾蜍的耳后腺、皮肤腺分泌的白色浆液的干燥品叫蟾酥,是珍贵的中药材,内含多种生物成分,有解毒、消肿、止痛、强心利尿、抗癌、麻醉、抗辐射等功效,可治疗心力衰竭、口腔炎、咽喉炎、咽喉肿痛、皮肤癌等.  相似文献   

经过一年多的努力,农业部编制完成并于日前印发了规划期为2008~2015年的水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、马铃薯、棉花、油菜、甘蔗、苹果、柑橘、天然橡胶、肉牛、肉羊、奶牛、生猪和出口水产品等16个分品种的优势区域布局规  相似文献   

主食及豆类的选择:大米、小米、玉米、荞麦、大麦、小麦、糯米、糙米、高粱、豆腐、豆浆、扁豆等。肉蛋奶的选择:羊肉、牛肉、鸭肉、鱼类、猪腰子、猪肺、鳖肉、乌骨鸡、鲍鱼、鳝鱼、蛋类、奶类等。蔬菜的选择:豆芽、菜花、菠菜、胡萝卜、茄子、莲藕、甘薯、马铃薯、山药、芋艿、芹菜、小白菜、莴笋、洋白菜、南瓜、菱角、百合、香菇等。  相似文献   

畜产品安全管理工作是涉及兽药、饲料等养殖业产品的生产、经营、使用,动物饲养管理,动物疾病的防治,动物疫病的预防、控制、扑灭和动物的屠宰、加工、包装、贮藏、运输和销售等多个环节的综合性工作.  相似文献   

目前,已确认有45种矿物质元素与动物体组成.矿物质在猪体内的含量约为2%~3%,是构成骨和牙齿的主要成分,在软组织和体液中如肌肉、皮肤、血液、消化液、激素和乳汁中,也都含有一定量的矿物质元素,参与体内各种代谢活动.猪必需的矿物质元素至少有13种,包括钙、磷、钠、氯、铜、铁、钴、锌、碘、锰、镁、硫、钾等.  相似文献   

<正>"随着近年来免疫抑制病的增加,免疫增强剂受到了前所未有的关注!"一、增强免疫的中药1按照中药种类(1)补益类中药:补益类中药大多能够提高机体的免疫功能。常用的有党参、当归、黄芪、大枣、阿胶、首乌、白术、天冬、麦冬、鳖甲、龟板、枸杞、山萸肉、五加皮、鸡  相似文献   

口蹄疫是由口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV)引起的一种急性、热性、高度接触传染性和可快速远距离传播的动物疫病。俗称“口疮”、“蹄癀”。主要感染30多种偶蹄动物。自然感染最易感的动物有黄牛、水牛、奶牛、牦牛、犏牛、山羊、绵羊、骆驼、鹿及各种猪等;自然感染的野生动物有:野水牛、野牦牛、大额牛、野猪、野鹿、长颈鹿、野骆驼、黄羊、岩羊、驼羊、獐、黑斑羚羊、捻角羚羊、大角斑羚、大象、貘、犰狳、灰色大熊、刺猬、海狸鼠、大鼠、灰松鼠、黄鼬、褐家鼠、野灰兔等;  相似文献   

Strain gauges were successfully bonded in vivo to the cranial, caudal, medial, and lateral aspects of the equine radium and tibia and to the dorsal, palmar, or plantar, medial, the lateral aspects of the metacarpus and metatarsus--all in the mid-diaphyseal region. Various activities were investigated, including walking, trotting or pacing, and standing up from anesthesia. The strain patterns showed that each stride produced a characteristic deformation cycle. The strains were measured and the axial loads were calculated as the horse performed certain activities. The tension band side of each bone was predicted from the results. The tension band sides of the metacarpus and metatarsus were the dorsomedial and dorsolateral aspects; for the radius and tibia, the tension band sides were the cranial and craniolateral aspects, respectively.  相似文献   

我国野生动物所有权立法述评   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
刘宏明 《野生动物》2007,28(4):54-56
野生动物所有权在野生动物保护事业中具有十分重要的地位,为此,我国先后制定了多部与野生动物所有权有关的法律法规,将野生动物所有权纳入法律调整的范围。但是受制定法律法规时各种条件的限制,目前我国野生动物所有权立法存在着一些不尽合理的地方,本文通过对我国野生动物所有权规范性法律文件的梳理,分析了立法方面存在的不足,并提出了立法建议。  相似文献   

Equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV1) and equine herpesvirus 4 (EHV4) are important ubiquitous equine viral pathogens, causing much damage to the horse industry. EHV1 strains are associated with respiratory disease, abortion, and paresis/paralysis, whereas EHV4 strains are predominantly associated with respiratory disease. In the past decades much research effort has been put into improving knowledge about these viruses. In this paper the current state of knowledge of these viruses and the most important aspects of these virus infections, e.g. epidemiology, clinical aspects, pathogenesis and pathology, immunity, diagnosis, preventive management and management in the course of an outbreak and vaccination, is reviewed. Because we performed some research ourselves in the areas of diagnosis, epidemiology and vaccinology these aspects are reviewed in more depth than the other aspects. Still many questions have remained and new questions have risen. Consequently, research priorities should be made in an attempt to answer these questions. Therefore, this review ends with some personal recommendations for important priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Haematogenous septic arthritis, physitis and osteomyelitis (SAPO) is a potentially debilitating or even life-threatening disease entity encountered in foals of all ages between birth and approximately 7 months old. Correct, and complete, diagnosis and successful treatment require collaboration between specialties including medicine, anaesthesia, diagnostic imaging, surgery and rehabilitation services. However, in order to succeed, it is important that all specialties have an overall knowledge of all aspects of the disease complex. Therefore, the aim of this review is to give an overview of aetiology, presenting complaints, clinical findings, diagnostic imaging, treatment, rehabilitation and prognosis. Part one deals with all aspects of aetiology and how to make a diagnosis. Part two deals with all aspects of treatment, rehabilitation and prognosis.  相似文献   

Strain gauge rosettes were bonded to the dorsal, lateral, medial, and plantar aspects of the third metatarsal bone in the hind limbs of 6 ponies. The maximal compressive principal strain was approximately -600 X 10(-6) m/m, and exceeded the amplitudes of the tensile strains at all aspects of the bone. After transformation, the shear strain and the principal strains parallel and perpendicular to the bone were obtained. The first peak in the bending strain was higher in the dorsal and lateral aspects, and the second peak was higher in the medial and plantar aspects. Young modulus of elasticity was determined in a 4-point bending test at the dorsal and plantar sides; it averaged 19.5 GPa in tension and compression. Applying linear bending theory, the eccentricity of an axial force parallel or a bending force perpendicular to the bone were calculated. The position where the total force penetrated the tarsometatarsal joint surface was largely within the joint surface, indicating that the joint is merely loaded in (eccentric) compression.  相似文献   


Training for certain races on given dates means that the coach needs to use the available time to the best advantage, by considering all aspects of the training necessary, evaluating it carefully, and balancing the schedule so that the optimum results are achieved. All physiological, mechanical and psychological aspects need consideration.  相似文献   

本文从自然概况、历史角度、资源状况、发展机遇,科学养牛的园区建设和疫病控制等方面对敦化市秸秆养牛示范县建设的基本做法进行了总结,有四方面的经验值得借鉴,并谈了作者的体会以期对牛业发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

肠道——畜禽热应激研究中被忽视的核心环节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,人们对热应激机理的研究着重于中枢神经系统,许多研究和现象却提示人们,被忽视的肠道极有可能是引起热应激的核心环节。本文综述了热应激机理研究的新进展即热应激导致肠道损伤接着内毒素侵入是引起畜禽一系列热应激症状的最主要原因,这为畜禽的热应激机理研究提供了新的思路,具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

Most disease problems affecting farmed salmonid fish are either caused or exacerbated by bad husbandry and poor environmental conditions. The aspects of water quality and nutrition which are significant in causing husbandry problems are considered. The clinical aspects of these diseases are decribed in terms of the life cycle of salmonids, and methods of prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the first case of alveolar echinococcosis and leukemic malignant T-cell lymphoma in a dog presented to a general practice in the Netherlands. The owner and the dog moved from Switzerland to The Netherlands a few weeks before. The clinical aspects, diagnostics, pathology, therapy and public health aspects of this severe parasitic zoonosis are described.  相似文献   

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