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利用品种混合控制小麦病害之研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
作物多样性在病害防治上的应用包括多系混合、品种混合和物种混合,其中品种混合策略备受重视。对于小麦,品种混合与它的组分净种时的表现相比至少有两方面的优势,即增加籽粒产量的稳定性和减少病害的危害.特别是对减轻锈病和白粉病的危害更为明显。但是,由于病害防治而获得的产量收益比较小.一般平均只有4%-5%。对于小种专化的病原物,小麦混合群体中复杂小种(能侵染两个或两个以上混合组分)的相对频率高于简单小种的情况并不少见,因此有必要实行小组分数目品种混合系统的多样化、增加组分之间的抗性差异或增加混合组分数目。影响品种混合防病效应的因素是今后需要大力研究的问题。  相似文献   

1986~1995年,使用9个条锈菌生理小种,叶锈菌4个生理小种群和河北省小麦白粉病菌混合菌系,共鉴定小麦品种资源材料4978份。筛选出抗条锈病材料733份,其中免疫材料181份;抗白粉病材料575份,其中免疫至高抗材料229份;抗叶锈病材料577份,其中免疫至高抗材料365份。有些兼抗两种或三种病害  相似文献   

研究品种混种对控制小麦白粉病的效果以及对产量及蛋白质含量的影响,可为利用品种多样性持续控制白粉病提供理论依据及技术支持。2011—2012和2012—2013年度选用抗病性不同、遗传背景有较大差异的8个小麦生产品种,按每个组合3~8个品种进行田间混种,人工接种白粉菌混合菌株,比较品种混种对小麦白粉病的病害流行曲线下面积以及小麦产量、粗蛋白含量和千粒重的影响。结果表明,混种组分品种的数量对防效有影响,其中以4个品种混种的防病效果最好,但当品种数达到7个及以上时,混种也显示出较好的控病效果。2011—2012年度混种组合中有防效的占42.4%,相对防效为1.2%~26.8%,约50%的混种组合表现增产,增产幅度为0.2%~14.6%;2012—2013年度有防治效果的组合占75.0%,相对防效1.8%~45.4%,约71%的混种组合表现增产,增产范围为0.9%~16.6%。供试品种中周麦18总体表现最好,并且与其他品种混种后对控制小麦白粉病、增加产量和粗蛋白含量均有正向效应。不同混种组分品种间存在互作,其互作对病害控制及产量均有影响。  相似文献   

<正>小麦病虫害种类较多,对小麦产量构成重大影响的主要种传、土传病害有小麦全蚀病、小麦黑穗病、小麦纹枯病、小麦根腐病等等,这些病害的传播途径主要是通过小麦种子或土壤进行传播。虫害主要有蛴螬、蝼蛄、金针虫等,为防治这些病虫害,在小麦播种期间要因地制宜采取综合措施,控制其危害,为下年丰收打下基础。采用农业措施防治病害。在常年种植小麦地区,一些病害如小麦梭条花叶  相似文献   

优良多抗性小麦抗病种质简介高胜国(河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所,河北保定071000)锈病、白粉病是小麦的两大主要病害,种植抗病品种是防治该两类病害最经济有效的措施,而抗病品种的抗性常随品种种植时间的推移、种植面积的扩大、新致病力小种迅速产生而丧失...  相似文献   

小麦播期病虫害化学防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秋播期是防治小麦多种病虫害的关键时期,主要防治对象有蛴螬、蝼蛄、金针虫等地下害虫和小麦吸浆虫;其次是种传或土传的小麦病害,如小麦散黑穗病、小麦腥黑穗病、小麦秆黑粉病、小麦纹枯病等;第三是小麦苗期蚜虫、红蜘蛛、锈病和白粉病.抓好秋播期防治对于控制小麦多种病虫危害可以起到事半功倍的作用.安阳县地处河南北部.根据我县常年病虫发生的实际情况,在采取农业防治的基础上,还因地制宜地采取相应的化学防治措施.  相似文献   

小麦慢叶锈品种具有侵染率低、潜伏期长、孢子堆小、产孢量少、严重度低、病害进展曲线下面积小和病害虽流行但产量损失不显著等特点.潜伏期和扬花期平均病害严重度与产量损失的关系最密切,因此测定某一小麦品种的潜伏期(x_1)和平均病害严重度(x_2)(田间感病对照品种发病达50%或95%时),可以作为衡量该品种慢(快)叶锈性的两个指标和选种的依据.用y=94.67-3.10x_1+0.51x_2估测由叶锈造成的小区产量损失(y)有一定可靠性(R=0.96).用聚类分析法把供试品种分为慢锈、中慢、中快和快锈品种类型.苗期和成株期慢叶锈性有一定的吻合性.  相似文献   

近年来,小麦叶锈病发生有加重趋势,培育抗病品种是减轻小麦叶锈病危害的环保有效途径。用12个小麦品种及35个含已知抗叶锈病基因的载体品系在苗期接种19个不同毒性的叶锈菌生理小种,通过基因推导和系谱分析发掘待测品种中的抗叶锈病基因,并通过分子标记检测进一步验证;在田间接种强毒性混合生理小种,进行成株期病情严重度与普遍率调查,筛选慢锈性品种。结果表明,在石新828、百农3217、济南2号、泰山1号、石特14、晋麦2148、烟农15、小偃6号、温麦6号共9个品种中检测到Lr1Lr26Lr34Lr37Lr46共5个抗叶锈病基因,其中部分品种中发现多个抗性基因。成株期筛选出百农3217、平阳27、济南2号、泰山1号、石特14、晋麦2148、碧蚂4号、烟农15、小偃6号、温麦6号共10个慢叶锈性品种,其中碧蚂4号和小偃6号等品种是我国小麦育种的骨干亲本,探究这些品种中的抗病基因对培育小麦抗叶锈病品种具有重要意义。  相似文献   

冬小麦亲本的抗病性筛选和遗传评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着小麦产量水平的提高和肥水条件的改善,白粉病日趋严重;此外,因条锈病抗源单一和新的生理小种不断出现,致使品种抗条锈性也日渐有所下降。两种病害的发生、蔓延对小麦高产、稳产构成严重威胁。为此,评价、筛选兼抗白粉病和条锈病的亲本,开发利用新的抗病基因已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

为有效地控制小麦叶锈病流行,贯彻预防为主的方针,1975—1987年对河北省小麦叶锈菌生理小种动态进行了研究,为河北省选育和利用抗叶锈品种提出了科学依据.一、河北省小麦叶锈菌生理小种类型和年份变化:自1975—1987年共鉴定来自全省麦区317个品种上的693个叶锈菌标样,共鉴定出41个生理小种和一个对河北省小麦重要亲本洛夫林10号能致病的洛10小种群.常见频率在4%以上的优势小种有60(叶38)、160(叶9)、  相似文献   

麦类作物不同品种混合群体的生产性能评述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
同种作物不同品种混作由于表现出比单作在产量及其稳定性、抗病性、品质等方面的优势而受到广泛关注,在国内外已做了大量研究,其中尤以对麦类作物研究较多。回顾了麦类作物不同品种混作的研究成果,评述了麦类作物不同品种混合群体的生产性能,并对产生各种效应的机理进行了总结,最后对麦类作物混作的应用和需要进一步研究的问题提出了建议  相似文献   

为了筛选出对烟粉虱和烟蚜防治具有共同增效作用的桶混药剂组合,采用浸叶法测定鱼藤酮分别与噻虫胺、噻虫啉和噻虫嗪桶混后对烟粉虱和烟蚜的联合毒力,通过共毒系数筛选出效果较好的桶混组合,然后进行烟粉虱和烟蚜的田间药效试验。结果显示,12组桶混组合对烟粉虱有增效作用和6组桶混组合对烟蚜有增效作用,其中5组桶混组合对烟粉虱和烟蚜具有共同增效作用。当鱼藤酮与噻虫胺按有效成分3:20、14:25和13:25,与噻虫嗪按有效成分63:10和133:1配比时,对烟粉虱和烟蚜同时具有增效作用。田间药效试验结果显示,6%鱼藤酮微乳剂与20%噻虫胺悬浮剂桶混,药后1、3、7、10天对烟粉虱和烟蚜的防治效果分别在70%、90%、92%、88%以上;6%鱼藤酮微乳剂与25%噻虫嗪水分散粒剂桶混,药后1、3、7、10天对烟粉虱和烟蚜的防治效果分别达到74%、86%、91%、90%以上,其速效性优于6%鱼藤酮微乳剂的防治效果,持效性优于化学杀虫剂的防治效果。鱼藤酮与3种新烟碱类杀虫剂桶混增效作用显著,为烟粉虱和烟蚜的田间农药减量化防控提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Asphalt mixtures with high shear strength have great capability to resist perpetual deformation under high temperatures. We used a single penetration test to analyze the material design indexes for high performance asphalt mixtures. The test results show that the performance of the asphalt binder and the performance of the coarse aggregate, especially the fine aggregate, greatly affect the shear strength of asphalt mixtures. We also suggest that the coarse aggregate with a high aggregate particle index, fine aggregate with high angularity, and asphalt with high viscosity can increase sharply the shear strength of an asphalt mixture. Furthermore, the degree of compaction of an asphalt mixture should be controlled to guarantee excellent long term performance of asphalt pavement.  相似文献   

Summary Nine hybrid wheats and their six parental lines were grown in a field trial at two seed densities. The ADP:0 ratios for mitochondria extracted from the six parental lines and for the appropriate 1:1 mixtures of mitochondria from these parental lines were measured. The percentage additional mitochondrial efficiency of the mixtures over their more efficient parental line was found to be significantly correlated with the percentage yield heterosis of fully restored relatively disease-free hybrids grown at the lower seed density. These results indicate that measurements of mitochondrial complementation may have some value as a first screening of potential parental lines and may thus facilitate the rational choice of suitable material for producing hybrid wheat.  相似文献   

The optimal water content added into the iron ore mixtures is of vital importance for improving granulation. A novel conception about moisture capacity of the iron ore, which means the maximum water content holding in the iron ore particles of unit mass, is proposed to develop a simple and accurate method. The related equipment and measuring procedure are also given. Five mixtures are selected for moisture capacity measuring, and the granulation experiments with the laboratory scale equipment are also carried out for the five mixtures with various water levels, and the permeability of the granules are also measured to get the optimal water content for each mixture. Comparing the optimal water content with the moisture capacity finds that the two parameters have a good positive relation, meaning that more water is necessary for the mixture with high moisture capacity to get a good permeability index. The relationship between the permeability index and particle size distribution is also discussed. It is found that the size of the granules increases with the increase of water content and the permeability of the burden first increases and then decreases with the increase of water content.  相似文献   

The potential of pastures sown with species mixtures of tropical legume species compared with single species was investigated in subhumid west Africa, over a period of three grazing seasons. Through compensation and complementation of the individual legume species, the mixtures were seasonally and temporally (seasonal refers to different seasons in a year, temporal to different years) more stable than the single species stands. Crude protein contents of individual legumes in the mixtures were higher than of the same species grown in single stands, indicating possible synergistic effects in the mixtures. The ability of legume mixtures to withstand environmental and management variations and, thus, their subsequent potential for on-farm utilization under farmers' conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

The performance of three spring faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) cultivars Stella, Danas, and Minden in monocultures were compared with mixtures of Stella + Minden, and Danas + Minden sown as within row mixtures, alternate row mixtures, and as composites.
Mixtures of both cultivar combinations, whether mechanical or composites, had net increases in seed yield per plot ranging from 10.5 % to 20 % above the means of the component cultivars grown in monoculture. Cultivars grown in mixtures in alternate rows had slightly greater seed yield than when they were grown alternately within rows. A further yield enhancement was obtained from growing composites.
Data for total plant dry weight were similar to those for seed yield. The number of podded nodes per plant was the major yield component responsible for the increased yields of the component cultivars in mixtures. The ecological aspects of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Varietal seed mixtures tend to increase and stabilize crop yields, yet their application is sparse. Large-scale cultivation of variety mixtures may require a better understanding of how inter-varietal interactions and their interaction with the environment may influence the grain yield of variety mixtures relative to their component varieties. For this purpose, six variety mixtures of spring barley and 14 component varieties were grown in each of 17 trial environments. A total of 28 observed and a priori plant characteristics, including grain yield, disease severity and weed competitiveness, were derived for each component variety in each trial. The relationship between inter-varietal diversity of each characteristic and the mixing effect on grain yield was analysed. Additionally, various types of yield stability were estimated and compared among mixtures and component varieties. One mixture out-yielded all of its component varieties in almost half of the trial environments. Inter-varietal diversity in grain yield potential correlated significantly with mixing effect, as did straw length diversity when weighted with weed pressure. The grain yields of most mixtures were more stable across environments than their component varieties when accounting also for the general response to environmental productivity. Hence, most mixtures adapted slightly better to environmental productivity and were less sensitive to environmental stress than their component varieties. We conclude that the efficacy of variety mixtures may be enhanced by mixing relatively high-yielding varieties differing in responsiveness to environmental productivity.  相似文献   

利用3个耐盐小麦品种和4个普通丰产品种,按不完全双列混配法等量混配成12个二系混合种,在花碱地上研究了小麦二系混舍种的混合优势及其7个成员品种的生态组合力。结果表明,小麦二系混合种的混合优势普遍存在,且组合间的混合优势差异显著,平均优势幅度为—4.5%~20%,超亲优势为—12.3%~16.8%;生态组合力分析表明,成员品种间生态组合力差异显著,同一成员品种在不同的环境中生态组合力表现亦有差异。因此,在混配小麦二系混合种时,应选择生态组合力好的成员品种进行混配,这样会选出混合优势强的高产二系混合种。  相似文献   

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