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为研究黑龙江省野生山刺玫生长、形质和粒重的种源差异和地理变异模式,从食饮和观赏角度筛选优良种源,以2014年移植造林营建的野生山刺玫试验林为研究对象,采用方差分析、聚类分析、主成分分析等方法,对生长、形质和粒重的种源差异和地理变异模式进行分析。结果表明:黑龙江省野生山刺玫种源的变异系数为9.25%~16.74%,生长、形质及粒重均存在显著的种源效应(P<0.05);平均表型分化系数为81.71%,种源间方差分量占比56.23%,种源间的变异是野生山刺玫表型性状的主要来源;果长、果宽、花风干重与温度相关因子呈显著正相关性(P<0.05),与湿度相关因子显著负相关(P<0.05),花风干重与果长、果宽呈显著正相关(P<0.05);Q型聚类分析表明种源区划分基本依据地理经度进行聚类,以欧氏距离10为阈值时,可将20个种源划分为3大类;主成分分析表明果宽、果长、花风干重和果实鲜重的变异对种群变异起主要贡献作用。黑龙江省野生山刺玫生长、形质在不同种源间存在丰富变异,产地温湿度气候因子对果实大小、花产量影响显著,根据食饮和观赏性,从主成分F值角度筛选出4个优良种源,依次是双...  相似文献   

黑果枸杞是一种抗旱、抗寒、抗盐碱、防风固沙的多年生灌木,也是一种常用的藏药植物,主要分布于我国西北部荒漠地区。由于受气候变化和人类活动的影响,野生种质资源受到破坏,目前人工选育的栽培品种极少。本试验以内蒙古、青海、甘肃、新疆等地5个不同种源黑果枸杞种子为供试对象,通过对其种子形态、大小、重量和萌发特性的研究,旨在为其应用开发和有效保护提供理论依据。结果表明:本试验所收集的不同种源黑果枸杞种子长、宽分别在1.5~2.2 mm和1.2~1.6 mm之间;不同种源黑果枸杞种子差异显著(P0.05),种子百粒重大小为:青海磴口额济纳新疆甘肃,在25℃培养条件下不同种源黑果枸杞种子萌发进程整体趋势一致,但萌发速率大小顺序为:青海、新疆甘肃、额济纳磴口;种子发芽率和发芽势大小顺序均为:新疆青海磴口额济纳甘肃。整体而言,青海种源黑果枸杞种子各方面指标表现最优。  相似文献   

通过对引入吉林省西部6个沙冬青种源进行种子发芽试验及生长观测,结果表明:各种源发芽率均保持较高水平。当年生苗在吉林省西部生长表现良好,甘肃景泰地区种源地上部分生长表现较好,内蒙古乌海种源根系综合生长发育情况最佳。  相似文献   

刺玫果,是森林资源之一。变资源优势为商品优势,特提出建设刺玫果经济林基地,同时概述了刺玫果的经营技术问题。  相似文献   

通过对4个种源黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum)种子大小、质量及含水量的测定,对发芽率、发芽势、萌发启动速度、发芽指数等萌发特性的研究结果表明:(1)4个种源黑果枸杞种子存在一定的差异,大小依次为青海>新疆>民勤>额济纳旗,质量和含水量依次为青海>民勤>新疆>额济纳旗;(2)4个种源黑果枸杞种子的发芽起始温度为15℃,恒温下的最适发芽温度为25℃,变温下的最适发芽温度为20℃/30℃,各种源种子在变温条件下均高于恒温条件下的各项发芽指标,即20℃/30℃为黑果枸杞的最佳发芽温度,其发芽势最高为额济纳旗75.8%;发芽率最高为民勤89.0%,且前三者发芽率没有明显差异;(3)额济纳旗种源黑果枸杞种子在发芽起始至最适温度之间的发芽能力均优于其它3个种源。除20℃/30℃的发芽率之外,4个种源种子的发芽势、萌发启动速度和发芽指数的顺序为额济纳旗>民勤>青海>新疆。  相似文献   

班克松地理种源试验初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本项研究在北美引种了24个种源的班克松种子,二年苗期试验结果;班克松不同种源在苗期生长、抗性、针叶、种子千粒重等性状表现出极明显的遗传分化;揭示出生长性状随纬度、经度而递减的渐变模式;初步选择出14#、16#、11#为吉林省中、东部造林最佳种源,其高生长量分别超出吉林省大面积推广造林的09#(美国密执安州)种源的14.7%、13.7%、10.6%;通过多性状的PCA分析,将班克松原产地(北美)划分出4个种源区,其中1号种源区为吉林省引种最佳种源区。  相似文献   

[目的]研究刺玫果醇提物对降糖酶的抑制作用及其在不同加工条件下的稳定效果,筛选出最优级分,为刺玫果开发应用提供合理的参考.[方法]以刺玫果为试材,分别用体积分数为30%、50%、70%、90%的乙醇提取刺玫果活性成分,比色法测定黄酮、多酚、多糖含量.分析刺玫果醇提物对α-葡萄糖苷酶、α-淀粉酶的抑制作用,通过IC50筛...  相似文献   

引进10个国家的不同辣木种源在西双版纳地区进行引种观测,对其生长、坐果、种子产量及种子脂肪酸含量作观测对比。结果表明:古巴、印度的种源在地径、株高、冠幅等方面长势较好,肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、苏丹3个国家的种源果荚表现良好,适合当地气候栽培。  相似文献   

为了选育食用、油用及药用价值较高的白木通品种,对8个不同地理种源白木通的果实经济性状、果肉营养成分、藤条药用成分、种子含油率及脂肪酸组成相关指标进行了方差分析和多重比较。结果表明:(1)种源间的果实性状中各指标均存在显著性差异。安徽省宁国县军天湖乡天湖街道种源的可食率较高,超过30%,单果质量和果肉质量均最大,分别为276.64 g和84.82 g,显著高于其它7个地理种源,具有较高的食用价值。(2)种源间种子含油率及脂肪酸组成除不饱和脂肪酸外均存在显著性差异。安徽省宁国县军天湖乡天湖街道种源的含油率最高,为47.09%,不饱和脂肪酸的含量也较高,为72.61%,具有较高的油用价值。(3)种源间果肉营养成分性状存在显著性差异。江西省九江市东林寺东林村种源的总糖和还原糖含量最高,分别为32.35%和16.31%,显著高于其它7个地理种源,总酸及维生素C含量中等,果肉营养价值较高。(4)种源间藤条药用成分存在显著性差异。重庆市武隆县仙女乡白果村种源的齐墩果酸B含量最高,达到0.6%,显著高于其它7个地理种源,且其藤条的总药用成分含量最高,具有较高的药用价值。  相似文献   

刺玫蔷薇(RosadaricaPall.)别名:山刺玫、刺玫果、野玫瑰。属蔷薇科落叶灌木,高1.5~2m,多分枝,枝上有弯勾刺。奇数羽状复叶,互生,小叶7~9枚。花粉红色;果球形或卵圆形,熟时红色,内有毛,“种子”多粒,花期6~7月,果熟期8~9月。生活环境:生于河岸坡地,田野,灌木丛中,林缘或阔叶疏林内。分布:大、小兴安岭、完达山、张广才岭、老爷岭山区;吉林、辽宁、内蒙、华北各省;朝鲜北部、蒙古。前苏联东西伯利亚及远东地区有分布。1刺玫蔷薇的生理化性质1.1花含有皂甙和香豆素,味甘,微苦。1.2果实含各种维生素,尤其是维生素C…  相似文献   

唐艳  金光泽等 《林业研究》2002,13(2):123-126
1997年调查了长白山地区(Rhodiola sachalinensis)种子散布,发现高山红景天种子散布方向是不均匀的,以东部和西部最多。发芽试验的种子采自吉林省长白山和黑龙江省大海林迁地保护基地。种子采集后立刻用2%KNO3处理10小时、0.02%GA3处理5小时,结果显示迁地保护基地的高山红景天种子萌发率(85.33%)明显高于长白山(72.66%)。在0~5℃下贮存10个月之后,经上述不同浓度的激素处理,再测定发芽率。结果表明其发芽率为与刚采收时的发芽率(72.66%)差别不大,说明低温处理可明显延长种子寿命,同时发现,种子发芽率在一定程度上随激素浓度的增加而提高。图参9。  相似文献   

黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina Lindl.)是北方广大地区的优良绿化树种之一。其种子的繁殖关键在于种子处理,种子不经处理,播种后发芽不整齐,给后期田间工作带来不便。本试验采用浓硫酸处理黄刺玫种子,获得了催芽处理时间短、种子发芽率高、幼苗出土快、苗木质量好、单位面积产量高、成本低等优点,为黄刺玫种子育苗提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

以柳河五道沟林木种子园2014年采集的日本落叶松自由授粉种子为材料,对不同方法处理的种子发芽性状进行测定与评价,结果表明:种子发芽率、发芽势、平均发芽时间、发芽指数分别为65%、19%、7.1 d和10.8。种子发芽率分别高出国家标准和吉林省地方标准20个和15个百分点,种子活力实际使用价值分别提高了44%和30%,发芽性状遗传品质显著高于一般商品种子。  相似文献   

Assessing the characteristics of seed supply will be vital to better understand the dynamics of forest regeneration. In this study, we surveyed the aboveground vegetation, the seed rain, the seed bank, and natural seedling emergence in four typical 24-year-old plantations (eucalyptus, mixed-native, mixed-legume, and mixed-conifer) and a naturally successioned shrubland in southern China. The dominant species in the understory were similar among the five plant communities. The seed rain and the seed bank were dominated by shrubs and herbs but indigenous tree species were rare. Species that were common to all five-plant communities represented a great proportion of the seeds in the seed rain and seed bank. The seed rain consisted mostly of seeds derived from the local plant community. Seed abundance was greater in the seed bank than in the seed rain, and species richness was greater in the seed bank and in the corresponding plant community than in the seed rain. Species composition similarity between the seed rain, the seed bank, and the aboveground vegetation was low, because the seed rain contained much fewer species, and the seed bank and aboveground vegetation contained many different species, respectively. These findings indicate that both the seed rain and the seed bank play important roles in providing seeds for plant recruitment in the understory, but the seed bank contributes more than the current seed rain to the diversity of recruited plants. The current plant community has little impact on the qualitative composition of the seed rain and seed bank. Based on these data, it appears that succession to the desired zonal, mature forest community is unlikely to result from seeds in the seed rain or seed bank. Lack of seed availability of desired zonal mature forest species is the main bottleneck currently limiting succession in the plantations. Reintroduction of late-successional species could facilitate the desired succession.  相似文献   

为了确定不同浸种处理对柳叶沙棘种子萌发变异性影响,印度西部五个种源(Hanurnan Chatti,Helang,Lata,Rambara和Janggal Chatti)的成熟的柳叶沙棘种子分别浸在不同浓度的赤霉素(GA3,50、100、200mM)和硫代尿素(50、100、200mM))溶液中,进行冷层积(4℃)处理15,30和60天。结果表明:被预处理的种子萌发率比对照的提高24.66%~35.34%。经硫代尿素(100mM)和冷层积(4℃)处理30天的预处理后,种子萌发率最高,分别为63%~71%和76%~83%。赤霉素(GA3)可以明显缩短种子萌发率时间。鉴于考虑到实际操作和费用问题,经硫代尿素(100mM)和冷层积处理(4℃)是最好的组合处理之一,可促进柳叶沙棘种子繁殖,并可应用于印度西部的喜马拉雅地区的林木育种。  相似文献   

吉林长白山国家级自然保护区鸟类新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丑鸭、斑脸海番鸭和蛇雕在吉林长白山保护区未有分布记录。2011年5月28日、5月31日,在漫江黑河水库上游见到1只丑鸭雄性个体;2010年10月15日,在吉林省安图县二道白河镇发现1只斑脸海番鸭雄性个体;2005年9月23日和2011年6月8日,分别在长白山自然保护区大羊岔头道白河岸老龙头山和头道白河上空见到1只蛇雕,填补了长白山保护区鸟类分布的空白。  相似文献   

Uma Shankar 《New Forests》2006,31(2):305-320
In species with seeds losing viability shortly after dispersal and exhibiting inherently low germination, quick decisions are required with respect to seeds that should be selected to maximize germination success and vigorous growth of seedlings. In ‘hollong’ (Dipterocarpus macrocarpus Vesque), I address the following questions: (a) are seeds that germinate randomly distributed within a seed population, (b) are subpopulations of viable and non-viable seeds separable, (c) does seed size predict which seeds germinate and (d) does seed size predict time required for germination and seedling vigour? Two estimators of seed size, diameter and weight, demonstrated a significant positive linear relationship endorsing assumption that accumulation of mass increases with increase in diameter of seeds. A threshold for selection of potential seeds for germination could not be derived from diameter measurements since seeds in an entire range of diameter did or did not germinate. All seeds <11 g did not germinate, but this threshold lies at the far lower end of the weight range and allows rejection of only a few seeds and acceptance of many seeds that will not germinate. A risk of potential seeds being rejected or non-viable seeds being picked exists if selection was derived from either diameter or weight. However, viable seeds could be better predicted from a scatter-plot of diameter on x-axis and weight on y-axis. Seeds showed a fan-shaped scatter and those developing the lower blade of the fan did not germinate while those following the handle were successful. Hence, two subpopulations segregated, but with a fuzzy edge. Mean diameter and mean weight of germinated seeds were significantly greater than those of ungerminated seeds. Most ungerminated seeds were those that had relatively smaller weight compared to their diameter. Although some large diameter seeds with small weight did germinate, but failed to develop into seedlings. Germination time and seedling vigour parameters (height, leaf number and collar diameter) were correlated both with diameter and weight. However, weight appears to have mattered more than diameter in germination success and early seedling growth.  相似文献   

珊瑚朴种子生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对珊瑚朴种子生物学特性进行了研究,结果表明:珊瑚朴种子单粒重与种粒纵径、横径的相关性较强,相关系数分别为湖北种源种子0.74、0.56和浙江种源种子0.99、0.72。千粒重测定结果表明,湖北种子千粒重为248.71g,浙江种子千粒重为250.24g。珊瑚朴种皮有一定的透水性,外种皮甲醇浸提液对白菜籽发芽有抑制作用。  相似文献   

紫椴种皮对种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用98%浓硫酸、10%氢氧化钠和70℃水浴分别处理紫椴的种子,再将处理后的种子进行吸胀和发芽试验的结果表明:紫椴种子吸水后,前期体积和质量均呈整体上升趋势,而浸泡6h以后,均出现下降的情况,说明紫椴种皮对种子的吸水过程基本没有阻碍作用;发芽率测定试验中,紫椴种子均未出现萌发现象,说明试验所用的处理方法不能达到促进紫椴种子萌发的目的。  相似文献   

Camellia nitidissima Chi (Theaceae) is a famous ornamental species with golden-yellow flowers. Due to deforestation and destructive collection of seedlings, its natural population size has been reduced greatly in recent decades. To provide basic information for its conservation, we studied the morphological and physiological characteristics of seeds and the environmental factors influencing germination. The seed production of C. nitidissima was of low yield, which caused lack of seed resource. The seeds were big and heavy, so they did not spread far from the mother trees and did not enter soil after falling down. Optimal temperatures for seed germination were 25–30 °C. The fresh-harvested seeds had high moisture content and weak desiccation-tolerance, so they tended to be recalcitrant. Soaking for 24 h in 10–30% PEG solution could significantly reduce the seed germination percentage. The imbibed seeds placed on the soil surface mostly could germinate, but some of them could not develop into seedlings because the embryo roots did not grow into soil. When the seeds were sowed at the depth of 1 cm, the seedling emergence reached over 70%, but then decreased with increased sowing depth, and reached about 50% when at the depth of 5 cm. The seeds sowed in sandy soil had higher emergence than those in clayed soil. It is feasible for seedling nursing to harvest seeds in time, harvesting prematurely or postmaturely may reduce seed quality.  相似文献   

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