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为掌握四川省家畜包虫病的流行情况,为全省包虫病综合防控工程提供基础数据.采用问卷、实地走访、座谈等方式进行基线调查;通过眼观、触摸、刀切囊肿的方法检查定点屠宰场牛、羊的肝肺包虫病感染情况,采用细粒棘球绦虫犬粪抗原抗体夹心ELISA检查犬感染情况.结果显示甘孜州牛、羊包虫病感染率分别为12.21%、11.30%,犬感染细粒棘球绦虫感染率为23.63%;阿坝州牛、羊包虫病感染率分别为4.80%、2.20%,犬感染细粒棘球绦虫感染率为20.00%.结果表明,包虫病在我省流行仍然广泛且严重,需要继续加强包虫病的防控工作.  相似文献   

为了掌握青海省湟中县家畜包虫病的感染情况,笔者于2011年9月26日至2011年10月25日对该县6个乡镇的牛、羊、猪包虫病感染情况进行了调查,共检查羊477只,感染率为6.7%;检查牛222头,感染率为3.2%;检查猪148头,感染率为3.3%。调查结果显示,包虫病在湟中县的家畜中存在流行,其感染率不高,但也应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

为掌握新疆裕民县家畜包虫病的流行病学情况,2014~2015年对裕民县进行了牛、羊、犬包虫感染情况调查。在定点屠宰场检查牛、羊包虫病感染情况;采集犬粪便采用酶联免疫吸附试验检查细粒棘球绦虫感染状况。结果表明:2014~2015年包虫病感染率分别为42.4%(143/337)、25.5%(145/568),平均感染率31.8%(288/905);2014~2015年犬粒棘球绦虫阳性率分8.3%(15/180)、6.1%(11/180),平均感染率6.9%(26/360),结果表明裕民县家畜包虫病感染率呈下降趋势,犬的细粒棘球绦虫感染率维持低水平。  相似文献   

2000年4~10月在海西州德令哈地区进行了家畜棘球蚴病感染情况调查,共检查羊1176只,阳性769只,感染率65.39%;共检牛115头,阳性64只,感染率55.65%;犬细粒棘球绦虫感染调查犬59条,阳性14条,感染率23.7%;对人包虫感染情况进行了回顾性调查。调查表明,德令哈地区属棘球蚴病高发流行区。  相似文献   

了解当前四川省家畜包虫病流行状况,为国家防治包虫病行动计划和省包虫病综合防控工程规划的启动和实施提供基础数据。通过眼观、触摸、刀切囊肿的方法检查定点屠宰场牛、羊的肝、肺包虫病感染情况,采用细粒棘球绦虫犬粪抗原抗体夹心ELISA检查犬感染情况,采用问卷、实地走访、座谈等方式进行基线调查。若尔盖、理塘和色达3个县的牛包虫病平均感染率、羊包虫病平均感染率、犬感染细粒棘球绦虫平均感染率分别为21.27%(67/315)、29.52%(62/210)、14.57%(44/302);随机调查12个村,464个人中有12人曾患包虫病(2.59%)。"包虫病传播途径、动物能否传播给人、家犬如何驱虫、病畜内脏如何处理"4项包虫病常识的单项认知率分别为33.33%、44.17%、34.17%、38.33%。包虫病在我省部分疫区流行广泛,危害严重,犬细粒棘球绦虫的感染率和牛、羊的包虫病感染率之间存在一定的相关性。通过采取加大财政专项投入,加强传染源的控制,加强家畜防治和屠宰监督管理,加大宣传教育力度等综合防控措施才能有效地防控包虫病。  相似文献   

为了掌握库车县家畜包虫病感染情况,2015年牛、羊、犬包虫病感染情况调查.在屠宰场直接检查牛羊肝脏和肺脏的棘球蚴,进行计数、登记.犬采用槟榔碱下泻法采样后,实验室利用抗原抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附实验方法和粪便检查法检测细粒棘球绦虫带虫率.经过调查库车县的包虫病平均感染率为绵羊12%,牛4.3%,犬38%.  相似文献   

为了解甘肃省家畜包虫病流行情况和防控现状,2016—2020年对甘肃省56个家畜包虫病流行区域进行牛、羊包虫病感染情况调查。结果显示:甘肃省20个牧区、半牧区流行县(区)家畜包虫病平均感染率为7.78%,36个农区流行县(区)家畜包虫病平均感染率为3.26%。对比发现,农区流行县(区)家畜包虫病感染率、流调结果显著低于牧区、半牧区。应采取“驱虫+免疫”双源头控制措施进行综合防控,同时定期监测犬粪抗原和羊血清抗体来评价综合防控效果。  相似文献   

为掌握甘肃省临夏州家畜棘球蚴病(包虫病)感染情况,于2018年对康乐县、临夏市、广河县、和政县、积石山县、永靖县、临夏县7个县(市)的羊进行了棘球蚴病感染调查。结果显示:在观察的4349份羊内脏中,有214份感染了包虫病,感染率4.92%;通过血清学检查,在1260份羊血清样品中,阳性样品22份,阳性率1.75%。说明棘球蚴病在临夏州家畜中流行较广,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

通过对祁连县7个乡镇牛羊棘球蚴病、人间包虫病、牧犬存栏等情况调查,初步了解了本病流行的基本情况,共检查牛300头,检出棘球蚴感染牛17头,感染率5.67%,范围1~5个;共检查羊358只,检出感染羊63只,感染率17.59%,范围3~78个。  相似文献   

在对犬、牛、羊进行养殖情况调查的基础上,我们采用随机抽样的方法,对我区犬棘球绦虫、牛羊棘球蚴感染情况进行剖检检查。结果显示:我区犬、牛、羊养殖数量分别为1.29万条、1.48万头、10.34万只;共剖检6条犬,细粒棘球绦虫感染率为66.7%,棘球绦虫数量在2000~15000条之间,没有发现其他绦虫感染;共剖检150只羊,棘球蚴感染率51.1%,平均感染强度为2.07;剖检牛100只,感染率为58%,平均感染强度为1.3。综上所述,我区包虫病在畜间感染较为严重,应深入加强防控工作。  相似文献   

弓形虫几乎可以感染所有的温血动物,是一种十分重要的人兽共患原虫病病原。牛羊弓形虫感染不仅影响其自身的发育和繁殖,对畜牧业发展造成一定的经济损失,更重要的是感染弓形虫的牛羊肉和奶可成为人类健康和生命安全的潜在威胁。牛羊弓形虫感染受多种因素(年龄、品种、养殖场管理及犬、猫和鼠的存在等)的影响,不同地区牛羊弓形虫感染的风险因素不尽相同。基于此,论文对弓形虫感染的检测方法、我国不同地区牛羊弓形虫的感染情况及影响弓形虫感染的因素进行综述,旨在为相应地区牛和羊的饲养管理及保障其奶和肉产品的安全供给提供参考。  相似文献   

2008-2010年,在内蒙古自治区选择了6个边境旗(县),借助细粒棘球绦虫粪抗原抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验,调查了家(牧)犬棘球绦虫感染率;经屠宰场调查,检查了羊、牛棘球蚴感染水平;通过走访当地疾病防控中心,了解人感染包虫痛的基本情况.连续3年的调查结果显示,犬粪便抗原平均阳性率为13.16%,感染严重地区的犬粪便抗原阳性率最高为16.15%,以牧区的阳性率为最高,且越靠近边境地区感染越严重;羊、牛棘球蚴感染率平均为13.66%,感染严重地区的感染率最高为17.90%,平均感染强度达到了1.36个.调查表明,内蒙古边境地区棘球蚴病依然存在,且严重威胁着人类和家畜的健康,应引起重视.  相似文献   

为了解海晏县沼泽草场放牧牛羊及同盘吸虫感染等情况而进行了本调查,结果为:沼泽草场放牧户占到全县总放牧户数的9.27%,放牧牛羊分别占到全县牛羊总数的10.93%和12.65%。77.78%的沼泽草场放牧户牛羊感染同盘吸虫,而牛群和羊群同盘吸虫感染率分别达到了59.26%和48.15%;牛羊群体混合感染率40.74%;牛羊个体同盘吸虫感染率分别为14.83%和17.04%。结果还表明专业技术人员等对同盘吸虫病了解不足,区域间感染率差别较大,牛羊感染率有上升的趋势,证明现在使用的驱除药物对同盘吸虫虫卵阳性率降低很不理想,今后对本病的预防知识普及宣传及技术培训、驱除药物研制和筛选、湿地椎实螺的防治十分迫切。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in populations of dogs from dairy farms, sheep/beef farms and urban areas in the central part of New Zealand. It was postulated seroprevalence would be higher for farm dogs than urban dogs if the life-cycle of this parasite involves transmission between dogs and cattle. METHODS: Serum samples were obtained from dogs that lived on dairy farms (n=161), sheep/beef farms (n=154) and in urban situations (n=150). The relative risk of detecting antibodies to N. caninum using an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was compared between farm and urban dogs. RESULTS: The relative risk of having a titre of > or = 1:200 to N. caninum was 2.43 (95% CI=1.88-3.14) for dairy-farm dogs and 3.16 (95% CI=2.48-4.02) for sheep/beef-farm dogs, compared with urban dogs. At this titre, which is currently used in New Zealand to indicate seropositivity, seroprevalence of N. caninum infection was 30.7% in urban dogs, 74.5% in dairy-farm dogs and 96.8% in sheep/beef-farm dogs. CONCLUSION: This observation is consistent with a cycling of this disease between cattle and dogs on farms in New Zealand and with higher exposure of dogs to N. caninum on farms than occurs in urban environments. The prevalence of antibodies in all three groups of dogs tested in this study (dairy-farm dogs, sheep/beef-farm dogs and urban dogs) is higher than has generally been reported elsewhere. New Zealand farm dogs have a higher serological prevalence of N. caninum infection than urban dogs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Management and disease control practices that break the life-cycle of transmission between cattle and dogs should assist in controlling cattle abortion due to N. caninum.  相似文献   

A study on the prevalence of hydatidosis in cattle, goats and sheep was carried out in Ngorongoro district of Arusha region, Tanzania. A 4-years data records from four slaughter slabs were retrieved and analysed. In addition, meat inspection was done in the same slaughter slabs for nine months and 64 households were interviewed to assess the community awareness on hydatidosis. Results showed the overall prevalence of hydatidosis to be 47.9%. Species prevalence of 48.7%, 34.7% and 63.8% in cattle, goats and sheep respectively was recorded. Of 174 cysts examined in cattle, 37 (21.3%) were fertile, 126 (72.4%) were sterile and 11 (6.3%) were calcified. Out of 215 goats and 67 sheep cysts examined, 52 (24.7%) and 26 (38.8%) were fertile, 138 (64.2%) and 38 (56.7%) were sterile, 24 (11.2%) and 3 (4.5%) were calcified respectively. The higher percentage of fertile hydatid cysts in sheep and goats coupled with the practice of backyard slaughter of sheep and goats suggests that, these animals could be important intermediate hosts for the maintenance of the domestic life cycle of E. granulosus in the locality. Questionnaire survey revealed that 17.2% of the respondents were aware of hydatidosis but non of them were knowledgeable on its transmission. Up to 84.4% of the respondents had domestic ruminants and donkeys, while 89.1% had dogs. Of the households with dogs, only 19.3% had their dogs dewormed at least once in life time. Most of the households (87.7%) had their dogs managed freely and 77.2% of the respondents reported school children to be the closest friends of dogs in the family. The prevalence of E. granulosus infection in wildlife and the possible relationship of the domestic cycle to the sylvatic cycle operating in the same area are unknown and need to be studied.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in populations of dogs from dairy farms, sheep/beef farms and urban areas in the central part of New Zealand. It was postulated seroprevalence would be higher for farm dogs than urban dogs if the life-cycle of this parasite involves transmission between dogs and cattle.

METHODS: Serum samples were obtained from dogs that lived on dairy farms (n=161), sheep/beef farms (n=154) and in urban situations (n=150). The relative risk of detecting antibodies to N. caninum using an immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was compared between farm and urban dogs.

RESULTS: The relative risk of having a titre of ≥1:200 to N. caninum was 2.43 (95% CI=1.88-3.14) for dairy-farm dogs and 3.16 (95% CI=2.48–4.02) for sheep/beef-farm dogs, compared with urban dogs. At this titre, which is currently used in New Zealand to indicate seropositivity, seroprevalence of N. caninum infection was 30.7% in urban dogs, 74.5% in dairy-farm dogs and 96.8% in sheep/beef-farm dogs.

CONCLUSION: This observation is consistent with a cycling of this disease between cattle and dogs on farms in New Zealand and with higher exposure of dogs to N. caninum on farms than occurs in urban environments. The prevalence of antibodies in all three groups of dogs tested in this study (dairy-farm dogs, sheep/beef-farm dogs and urban dogs) is higher than has generally been reported elsewhere. New Zealand farm dogs have a higher serological prevalence of N. caninum infection than urban dogs.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Management and disease control practices that break the life-cycle of transmission between cattle and dogs should assist in controlling cattle abortion due to N. caninum.  相似文献   



Akabane disease characterized mainly by fetal damage is a ruminant disease caused by insect-transmitted Akabane virus infection.


We investigated Akabane disease using serum neutralization tests in 446 blood samples collected from 187 cattle and 259 sheep of Xinjiang province, northwest China.


(1) The overall prevalence rate of neutralizing antibody was 19.06?% (85/446), (2) the prevalence rates of Akabane disease in cattle and sheep were 20.32?% (38/187) and 18.15?% (47/259), respectively, (3) the disease prevalence rates were not significantly different between cattle and sheep, but significantly different among samples collected from different sampling months, (4) the disease was most prevalent in July when mosquitoes and culicoides were most active, and (5) the disease prevalence rates were significantly different between individuals with abortion experience and without abortion experience (P?<?0.05), suggesting that Akabane virus infection may significantly increase abortion risk in cattle and sheep.


To our knowledge, this is the first report confirming that Akabane virus infection is common in cattle and sheep of Xinjiang province, northwest China and providing useful epidemiological information for cattle and sheep abortion prevention and control.  相似文献   

石头沟地区放牧的牛羊每年一到秋末或冬季便出现消瘦、贫血、浮肿、被毛脆弱,容易脱落。为此笔者进行调查,走访14户农户,采集了58头牛羊粪便。结果表明,牛羊的胃肠线虫种类很多,往往混合感染,对牛羊危害极大。结果检查出牛羊的线虫感染率为39.01%。  相似文献   

Serum samples collected from 1,197 goats, 586 sheep, 254, cattle, 55 dogs and 44 horses were examined for antibodies to adenovirus by the agar-gel precipitation test. Results show that 17.7% of the goats, 18.4% of the sheep, 4.3% of the cattle, and 4.5% of the horses had precipitating antibodies. None of the dog sera examined was positive. The results seem to indicate a moderate level of previous exposure to adenovirus infection especially among goats and sheep in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine farms with a prevalence of greater than 20% of hydatidosis in cattle were visited in south eastern Queensland between August and December 1982. All farms carried beef cattle but none sheep. Twenty-four had dingoes and wallabies but only 8 had feral pigs. On 17 farms either macropods were killed for dog food or dogs were suspected of hunting macropods or scavenging their carcases. Purge samples were collected from 45 dogs from 23 of the 29 farms visited. The Australian sylvatic strain of Echinococcus granulosus was found in low numbers in purged intestinal content from one dog from each of 2 farms. Also, 50 intestinal tracts from dingoes from southern Queensland were examined between October 1981 and November 1983. The sylvatic strain of E. granulosus was found in 36 dingoes, the Australian mainland domestic strain in 4, and a further 5 dingoes were infected but the strain was not identified. This work indicates that domestic dogs are probably not important definitive hosts for E. granulosus in south eastern Queensland but could be an occasional source of infection for man. Dingoes are the major definitive host and worm numbers can be very high. Small foci of the domestic strain of E. granulosus may be maintained in a cycle involving dingoes, macropods and possibly feral pigs in cattle raising areas of coastal Queensland.  相似文献   

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