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对广东省连平县在生态公益林建设中常用的乡土树种生长情况进行了调查,并对带内人工造林树种和带间天然留存树种的造林效果进行了综合分析。结果显示:在人工铲带保留带间天然阔叶树种的造林方式下,带内人工造林的4种常用的乡土树种生长对比,酸枣生长最快,红锥次之,再次为火力楠,荷木生长较慢。此外,林分中存有大量天然起源的山鸟柏、樟树、米锥、枫香等树种,其中山乌桕、樟树和米锥的数量较多,且生长表现较好。总体造林效果良好,形成了以乡土树种为主的乔木层达到了郁闷状态,林内生物多样性保护完好,灌木层生长稳定,初步形成了较稳定的复层结构。  相似文献   

在贡嘎山地区折多山的4个海拔(3 300m、3 450m、3 600m和3 750m)公路路域,开展3种乔木树种、7种灌木树种和4种草本植物的野外栽植试验,以筛选适宜该区域路域的植被景观生态恢复物种,并开展其恢复初期苗木养护技术研究。结果表明,海拔是影响乔木和灌木苗木成活率和保存率的主要因素,各苗木的保存率和成活率均随着海拔的降低而升高。乔木树种中云杉在4个海拔处的适应性最强,其成活率和保存率最高;随着海拔的降低,光核桃的适应性明显增强,在海拔较低处,乔木层中可以考虑加入光核桃。灌木树种中紫叶小檗和铺地柏在各海拔处均能很好地适应;随海拔降低,变叶海棠、山杏和金露梅的适应性明显提高。燕麦、小花碱茅、老芒麦和披碱草4种草本植物在各海拔的适应性均较高,草本层恢复可以考虑这4个物种。植被恢复初期,乔木和灌木树种采用"保水剂+客土栽植+插枝庇荫+地膜覆盖"养护技术可以显著提高苗木成活率。  相似文献   

采用植物平均生长指数、频度分析法和聚类分析法,对浙江省桐乡市主要平原绿化树种的应用状况进行分析,并对其进行适应性评价。结果表明:桐乡市绿化乔木和灌木树种分别有41种和25种,使用频度最高的乔木树种是樟(Cinnamomum camphora)和女贞(Ligustrum lucidum),使用频度最高的灌木树种是夹竹桃(Nerium oleander)和红叶石楠(Photinia×fraseri);平均生长指数大于80的乔木和灌木树种分别有31种和22种;使用频率较高、生长较好的乔木树种为樟、水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)、杜英(Elaeocarpus decipiens)等20种;使用频率较高且生长较好的灌木树种为夹竹桃、红叶石楠、金边黄杨和海桐;女贞、雪松、龙柏、杜鹃、金叶女贞等树种使用频率较高但生长较差,建议适当减少这些树种的使用比例,增加使用生长好的适生适地树种。  相似文献   

对徐州、宿迁和连云港3市近年来造林绿化工程中常绿树种应用情况进行的调查分析结果表明,常绿树种应用频度在94.1%,其中乔木树种的应用频度达88.5%,一般常绿乔木的应用数量已占全部乔木数量的1/3至2/3。3市造林中使用的常绿树种有35种,其中乔木树种只有14种,灌木21种,乔木树种中女贞应用频度最高(75%),其次为雪松、香樟和广玉兰;灌木树种应用频度最高的为红叶石楠,其次为大叶黄杨和海桐;香樟在苏北地区冻害严重,生长势很差。  相似文献   

<正> 紫穗槐是一种多年生豆科落叶灌木。由于它具有生长快,繁殖力强,适应性广,耐盐碱水湿等特性,在滨海及低洼盐碱地区,广泛用绿肥和盐碱地土壤改良树种。紫穗槐在盐碱地造林中的应用,就是研究紫穗槐既能促进乔木生长,又能提早得到经济效益的造林技术。1974年以来,进行了紫穗槐促进榆树等乔木生长的造林定位试验,取得了较好的效果。现将研究结果介绍于后。  相似文献   

以河北蔚县的废弃小煤矿为背景,根据研究区的气候特点和土壤性质,初选出4种灌木、8种乔木,采用人为干预和自然选择相结合的方式进行适应性试验。结果表明:4种灌木、8种乔木均能适应试验区域的生长环境,灌木中荆条和紫穗槐的生长势显著强于酸枣和沙地柏,乔木中臭椿、刺槐、火炬树、栾树的生长势显著强于黄栌、五角枫、侧柏、栓皮栎。并提出了研究区的植物群落恢复的模式。  相似文献   

2002年1月至6月对孟加拉涝原地区两个不同的宗教部落(印度教和穆斯林教)的传统家园森林进行了探索性研究,包括印度教和穆斯林教社团对树种(乔木和灌木)的偏爱度、类似性、造林材料及来源、植树地点和间距。研究发现Mangifera indica作为乔木树种,Ocimum sanctum作为灌木树种为印度教社团最喜爱的树种;Artocarpus heterophyllus和Lawsonia inermis分别为穆斯林社团最喜爱乔木树种和灌木树种。两中不同宗教社团选择乔木数种的相同性为86.57%,灌木树种为78.48%。两个宗教部落使用种子和苗木作为造林材料最多。乔木树种的造林材料主要来自家园(39%)灌木树种主要来自自然界(40%)。表3参27。  相似文献   

红栲,壳斗科栲属,别名丝栗栲。分布区域广,生长快,用途广,适应性强。常绿乔木,是很好的绿化兼生态树种,可对其进行遗传改良,使之成为用材和城市绿化的优良树种。因此,开展该树种的良种选育研究工作,在丰富造林树种、调整林产品结构、  相似文献   

造林树种生态适应性评价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了树种选择和立地类型研究这两个造林的必备条件,综述了单一树种、同类树种、多类树种在不同立地条件下的生态适应性评价方法。旨在通过对不同立地条件下树木生长表现出的差异性进行生态适应性评价,确定不同立地类型适宜的造林树种,为选择造林树种提供依据。  相似文献   

粤东岩质海岸困难立地造林树种选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用大头茶(Gordonia axillaris)、大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)、台湾相思(A. confusa)、 小叶榕(Ficus concinna)和杨梅(Myrica rubra)等5 个树种,在粤东4 个区县的岩质海岸困难立地进行 造林试验。结果表明:种植后4 年,各树种平均保存率排序为:大头茶(90.1%)> 大叶相思(85.5%)> 台湾相思(84.5%)> 杨梅(76.7%)= 小叶榕(76.7%)。大叶相思生长最快,平均树高为1.84 m,平均地 径为4.03 cm,平均冠幅为1.35 m;大头茶、杨梅和台湾相思生长较快。这4 个树种是适宜粤东岩质海岸 困难立地造林的优良树种。小叶榕保存率低、生长慢、长势差,不适合作为粤东岩质海岸困难立地造林 的优选树种。  相似文献   

The extensive area of degraded tropical land and the calls to conserve forest biodiversity and sequester carbon to offset climate change demonstrate the need to restore forest in the tropics. Deforested land is sometimes replanted with fast-growing trees; however, the consequences of intensive replanting on biomass accumulation or plant and animal diversity are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine how intensive replanting affected tropical forest regeneration and biomass accumulation over ten years. We studied reforested sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda, that were degraded in the 1970s and replanted with five native tree species in 1995. We identified and measured the size of planted versus naturally regenerating trees, and felled and weighed matched trees outside the park to calculate region-specific allometric equations for above-ground tree biomass. The role of shrubs and grasses in facilitating or hindering the establishment of trees was evaluated by correlating observed estimates of percent cover to tree biomass. We found 39 tree species naturally regenerating in the restored area in addition to the five originally planted species. Biomass was much higher for planted (15,675 kg/ha) than naturally regenerated trees (4560 kg/ha), but naturally regenerating tree regrowth was an important element of the landscape. The establishment of tree seedlings initially appeared to be facilitated by shrubs, primarily Acanthus pubescens and the invasive Lantana camara; however, both are expected to hinder tree recruitment in the long-term. Large and small-seeded tree species were found in the replanted area, indicating that bird and mammal dispersers contributed to natural forest restoration. These results demonstrate that intensive replanting can accelerate the natural accumulation of biomass and biodiversity and facilitate the restoration of tropical forest communities. However, the long-term financial costs and ecological benefits of planting and maintaining reforested areas need to be weighed against other potential restoration strategies.  相似文献   

树木引种驯化的生态限制条件探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在昆明树木园的树木引种驯化工作中 ,探讨了引种树木的生存、生长、发育受引种地常年性和偶发性生态条件影响的程度以及引种树种对新环境条件的适应能力。一定的生态环境 ,对一些树种是适生条件 ,对另一些树种则是生存、生长发育的限制条件。这决定于树木的遗传变异性。由于各树种的遗传变异性不同 ,因而在受引种地生态条件影响的程度上存在种间差异 ,相同树种个体间也存在一定的遗传差异 ,种内在受引种地生态条件影响的程度上也存在着个体差异。引种树木对引种地的新环境的适应能力可分为相似生态适应能力、潜在适应能力和可塑性适应能力。这种适应能力也存在种间和种内个体差异 ;适应能力的大小是该引种树木在新环境中能否存活以致正常生长发育的关键。研究引种地常年性和偶发性生态条件对引种树木的影响和引种树木的适应能力 ,可以开扩树木引种驯化视野 ,使树木的引种驯化工作取得显著成效  相似文献   

在海岛风景旅游区三门县蛇蟠岛开展防护林营建及林带结构模式的研究,结果表明:(1)邓恩桉和木麻黄对海岛气候和立地条件具有良好的适应性,木麻黄抗风力大于邓恩桉;(2)林棉间作既能降低土壤盐分又能增加经济效益;(3)采用常绿树种与落叶树种,乔木与灌木结合的带状林带结构模式,不仅具有明显的防护功能,而且还有良好生态绿化效果。利用本技术构建的防护林防风效果显著,经济效益明显,对于改善沿海地区生态环境,促进海岛风景区旅游业发展具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

介绍行道树的生态作用及其选择的基本原则,阐述树木的抗寒性和抗污染性及其防寒与提高抗污性措施。分别抗寒性、抗HCI、HF、H2S、CL2、NH3、O3、SO2能力和抗粉尘能力列举了适宜北方生长的抗性行道树种,并提出了引种一些国外优良树种,增加树种多样性;重视生态因素的综合与互补意义,选择生态幅广的树种等行道树种选择上的一些建议。  相似文献   

This study was done using the non brown fractal model to quantify and compare the variations in the species richness of trees, shrubs, herbs and all plants along an altitudinal gradient and to characterize the dominating ecological processes that determine the variations. Two transects were sampled far away from any anthropogenic disturbances along the shady slopes of the Dongling mountains in Beijing, China. Both transects were continuous and 2 m wide, and every individual tree and shrub was recorded in each of them. Discrete quadrats of 1 m × 1 m were located along the transects A and B for estimation of the herb species richness along the altitudinal gradients. The level interval between the quadrats was 10 m and 25 m respectively. In this study, transects A and B were combined into one transect AB, and 40 m was selected as the optimal quadrat length along the altitudinal gradients for measuring the plant species richness patterns. Species richness in each quadrat was calculated using a program written in Matlab 6.0. Direct gradient analysis was used to describe the overall trends in the species richness of trees, shrubs, herbs and other plants with change in altitude, while the non-brown fractal model was used to detect more accurately their variations at various scales along the gradient. The model assumed that each class of ecological processes affecting the distribution of a variable could be represented by an independent spatial random function. Generally, ecological phenomena are determined not by a single ecological process but by multiple ones. These processes act on ecological patterns within their own spatial scales. In the non-brown fractal model, the spatial random functions are nested within a larger range of spatial scales. The relative contribution of the spatial random functions to the spatial variation of a variable is indicated by a weighting parameter that has to be greater than or equal to zero. In this paper, we reached the following results and conclusions. Firstly, the direct gradient method describes the general trends of trees, shrubs, herbs and all plants along the altitudinal gradient but is unable to provide further details on the altitudinal variations in the species richness. The non-brown fractal model brought out the altitudinal variations in the species richness of trees, shrubs and herbs at various scales and related them to the ecological processes. The sharp changes in the double-log variograms suggest that the non-brown fractal model is suitable for characterizing the altitudinal patterns in the species richness of trees, shrubs and herbs at various scales but is not appropriate for explaining the variations in the plant species richness, since no significant changes were found in the double-log variograms in this case. Secondly, for the trees, the double-log variogram was divided into two scale ranges (0–245 m and 245–570 m), with a fractal dimension of 1.83 and 1.10, respectively, implying that changes in the tree species richness were random at small scales (0–245 m) and almost linear at large scales (245–570 m) along the altitudinal gradients. This suggests that altitudinal variations in the tree species richness are dominated by short-range processes at small scales and by long-range processes at large scales. Thirdly, for shrubs and herbs, the double-log variograms exhibited three ranges (0–101 m, 125–298 m and 325–570 m), and the fractal dimensions were 1.78 and 1.97, 1.56 and 1.43, and 1.08 and 1.25, respectively. The results indicate that, as in the case of trees, species richness of shrubs and herbs are distributed randomly at small scales and change in a linear manner at large scales although variations in the herb species richness is less heterogeneous than shrub species richness at large scales. These results also indicate that species richness of shrubs and herbs change approximately like brown movement at middle scales. The results also suggest that altitudinal variations in the specie richness of shrubs and herbs are dominated by three ecological processes, short-range ecological processes at small scales, long-range ecological processes at large scales, and brown fractal processes at middle scales. Interestingly, comparisons of the variations in the species richness of shrubs and herbs reveal that shrubs and herbs present the same scale range in spatial variation in species richness but display different trends in species richness along the altitudinal gradient, i.e. the shrub species richness decreased with increasing elevation whereas the herb species richness peaked at the mid-high elevation. These patterns suggest that although the scales at which the main processes affect patterns in species richness are the same, the processes are completely different, or the processes are similar but the responses of the shrubs and herbs to the ecological processes are different. Finally, the plant species richness did not show any obvious pattern along the altitude gradient and maintained a constant fractal dimension across all scales, this is perhaps because the processes defining the patterns of plant species richness had similar weights and acted over closely related scales. __________ Translated from Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2005, 29(6): 901–909 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

柳树岛生态恢复工程,是围绕自然形态的环境复原展开的。生态恢复采用乔、灌、草相结合的方式,多层次的植物有利于更快的恢复被破坏的区域,改善局部的小气候条件,更有利于植被的自我恢复。在植被选择上以岛上的现有植被为优先,乔木选择上以旱柳、糖槭为植物群落的上层架构,作为改造后裸露地面的主要覆盖物;下层以山丁子做为主要的群落;地表层以萌发性较强的蔓生性草坪为基础。  相似文献   

黄金宝树是我国20世纪90年代末从澳洲等地引进的优良彩叶芳香树种。为给黄金宝树的进一步推广应用提供科学依据,将黄金宝树与4种福州市常见行道树种的生态效益进行了比较研究。结果表明:各树种的降温增湿能力排序为黄金宝树白兰花香樟杧果小叶榕,树下空气负离子平均浓度排序为黄金宝树小叶榕杧果香樟白兰花,叶片滞尘能力则表现为小叶榕杧果黄金宝树香樟白兰花。在园林或城乡绿化应用中,黄金宝树能显著增加空气负离子浓度,可与小叶榕、杧果等树种搭配,进行形式多样的景观配置,实现景观效益和生态效益的双赢。  相似文献   

保定市城市行道树树种综合评价分级选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对城市行道树树种生态适应性及生态功能性相结合的综合评价,是城市道路绿化合理应用选择树种的科学依据。通过查阅大量相关文献,专家咨询,从生态适应能力、绿化生态效益、美化效果、抗病虫害性、抗污染性、经济效益等方面全面系统地建立了保定市行道树生态功能与生态适应性评价应用的综合指标体系,并对保定市39种行道树树种进行了综合评判与分级。  相似文献   

盐城滨海湿地是江苏省重要的滩涂湿地,在珍稀动植物保护中发挥着重要的作用.由于滩涂湿地的过度开发利用,盐城滨海湿地正面临严重的破坏,生态功能逐渐退化.湿地植被恢复是退化湿地生态修复最重要的措施之一.该文基于盐城滨海湿地的退化现状和退化原因,提出了盐城滨海湿地植被恢复需遵循的生态学原则,包括:生态系统完整性、自然演替、优先...  相似文献   

为了研究城市公园绿化的质量和水平,以青岛滨海为调查对象,对其各公园的植物群落特征和空间量化情况进行评价研究。结果表明,青岛滨海地区各城市公园中植物群落主要由乔木和灌木等小规格植物组成,空间量化分布较单一;大部分植物的胸径小于35 cm,植物胸径与冠幅和树高之间基本成正相关关系,不同植物群落冠层结构的空隙度和叶面积指数均存在一定差异性;植物群落配置可分为单排、双排及多排3种模式,不同模式下的植物生长存在差异性。  相似文献   

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