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城市广场作为市民生活中不可或缺的一个部分,具有重要的社会和文化意义,然而很多中国现代城市广场的设计存在误区,丧失了广场作为城市公共空间本身的人性化内涵。文章对现代城市广场的人性化内涵进行思考,为现代城市广场人性化设计提供建议。  相似文献   

城市广场作为城市空间环境的“调节器”,是城市空间环境的有机组成部分,好的城市广场往往是城市的标志。但在城市公共空间体系中,城市广场有功能、性质、规模、区位等区别,每一个广场只有正确地认识自己的区位和性质,恰如其分地表达和实现其功能,才能共同形成城市广场空间的有机整体。  相似文献   

刘金萍  杨涛 《中国园艺文摘》2011,27(12):102-103
城市纪念性广场绿地丰富市民的社会文化生活,改善城市环境,带来多种效益,成为城市精神文明的窗口。文章主要阐述纪念性广场绿地的作用、设计原则以及注意事项,以期为纪念性广场绿地的设计和建设提供参考。  相似文献   

从交往空间的营造方面分析城市市民广场的地位、作用及我国城市市民广场在其设计中存在的若干问题,指出公共活动空间、儿童活动空间、游览休息空间、运动休闲空间是市民广场交往空间的主要类型,并提出市民广场交往空间的营建原则。  相似文献   

城市广场作为城市绿地系统的一部分发挥着重要的生态作用。通过对长春市南湖广场的实地调查得出结论:园林植物折算为森林的面积为1.51hm^2;乔木的总叶面积为160442.8m^2,花灌木的总叶面积为15069.21m^2,草坪的面积为10000m^2。长春市南湖广场园林植物生态效益为:南湖广场园林植物每年可放出氧气72.43t,吸收CO2 99.59t,吸滞灰尘54.54t,吸收SO2 0.36t。运用环境效益评价法估算出南湖广场园林植物年吸收CO2经济效益值为12万元,年释放O2经济效益值为2.89万元,总经济价值达14.89万元。  相似文献   

韩志敏 《中国园艺文摘》2013,(12):125-126,218
简介什么是广场,以及大庆东湖居住区广场设计方案的设计理念和具体的设计细节还有设计图纸,其中包括总平面图、竖向设计图、种植设计图、功能分区图。  相似文献   

李强 《现代园艺》2023,(2):73-75
我国全面推进八纵八横高速铁路网建设背景下,预期到2030年将实现省会全面贯通、地市快速通达、县域基本覆盖[1],其中中小城市铁路站点是枢纽站点建设的重要组成部分。以中小城市铁路枢纽站前广场为研究对象,梳理广场与枢纽片区、周边城市空间的关系,基于复合设计理论,从功能复合设计、空间复合设计、要素复合设计3个方面,分析探讨站前广场景观的复合设计方法。  相似文献   

在对哈尔滨市区内3个广场的空间认知进行调查研究的基础上,分析了广场满意度的评价情况.调查发现,参与者总体上对各广场呈中等偏好程度的满意.回归分析揭示,让人们满意的广场环境特征包括:广场铺装的舒适度、广场座椅、广场树木、广场空间层次性、广场拥挤度和活动干扰度、广场环境小品.  相似文献   

顾玉龙 《花木盆景》2004,(10):36-36
常驻比利时首都5年,布鲁塞尔给我印象最深的大概就是市中心的大广场了,而大广场上用80万朵秋海棠铺成的鲜花地毯总令我流连。  相似文献   

城市广场是人们休闲娱乐的重要场所,是一个城市具有开放性、标志性和文化性的重要景观之一,是城市的形象和象征。广场园林是城市广场重要的组成部分,是实现广场功能化、景观生态化的重要功能区。广场园林设计是整个广场设计的重点,应该提高对广场园林设计的重视,在加强技术应用的基础上提升广场园林设计的质量。本文结合作者所参与的南宁民族园林景观设计谈谈对广场园林景观设计思考。  相似文献   

经济适用房是我国现行住房保障体系的重要组成部分,伴随着我国城市化进程的加快发展,在解决城镇居民日益增长的居住需求与房价相对过高这个矛盾中发挥着重要作用。以杭州临安市农业局经济适用房居住区景观设计为例,讨论小型经济适用房居住区的外部景观空间特点、设计原则以及具体的设计方法。  相似文献   

纪念性景观是景观设计的重要类型,是社会历史文化传承的重要形式之一,以人物为纪念对象的纪念性景观,更加注重人物精神传承和生平事迹的展示。本文以李元龙纪念林景观设计为例,对人物类纪念性景观设计表达方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

城市道路绿地是城市道路的组成部分,是环境绿化的重要组成成分,其景观反映了一个城市政治、经济、文化发展水平和城市形象的核心,同时也体现了城市总体园林面貌和独特个性。景观小品作为道路绿地景观的重要组成元素之一,在景观表达与功能满足等方面起到了重要作用。本文以哈尔滨主要道路绿地小品景观应用为例,在景观小品类型与实际应用方面进行研究与分析,提出其使用特点和存在问题及相关解决对策。  相似文献   

街景改造是当前城市快速发展中有机更新的重要方式,设计思路对其有效实施有着重要作用。文章结合规划实践,以重庆市江北区华新分流道为例,研究街景改造的设计思路及应用。  相似文献   

对西安市区典型的几个居住区绿地植物种类及其种植形式进行了调查和分析.结果表明:所调查西安住宅区植物种植设计特色不鲜明,从种植设计特色及植物空间营造2个方面给予了讨论,同时结合一些较好的植物配置模式,提出住区植物配置的一些方法与思路,结合实景植物配置图片,以期对其它住区环境植物种植设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for assessing the safety of tree branches subject to unorthodox climbing approaches and possible falls. The method entails finite element modeling of the tree branch, experimentally or analytically determining loads associated with an ascending or falling climber, and computing stresses and safety factor along the length of the branch using dynamic structural analysis. A case study example is presented for an Ulmus americana L. branch on the campus of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. This tree and branch were climbed using an unorthodox and controversial method during a competition in 2014. Case study models demonstrate that during an ascent, a climber’s skill has a significant effect on branch stresses, and during a simulated fall, the climber’s mass and fall distance are the key determinants of branch stresses. For loads induced during an ascent, safety factors for branches ranged between 3 and 4; for loads induced during a fall, safety factors were as low as 1.2. These values are dangerously low given the uncertainty of branch material properties. Climbers should be extremely cautious when attempting unorthodox climbing techniques.  相似文献   

This article deals with the process of change from industrial land to recreational area on a 60 ha piece of land 12 km southeast of Malmö, southern Sweden, called Lake Arrie. The area is an abandoned gravel quarry in the midst of an agricultural landscape. We present a short background and the current situation in Arrie, setting out to capture the tendencies of the contemporary construction of nature for outdoor recreation. We then move on to discuss the salutogenic aspects of outdoor recreation, and how these can be traced in the actual landscape at Arrie. Furthermore, we open the discussion on diversity as a cherished post-modern ideal both in nature and culture. Different interests and ideologies may cause conflicts in the planning process. To capture the multitude of voices emanating among stakeholders, the process to extract local opinions through participatory processes is presented. The social and political categorisation of an area reflects the needs of a changing society. In the early industrial era, the area was an enclave of industrial ground in a completely rural setting. In the post-industrial era, it turned into a ‘wasteland’, open for nature to recolonise. This type of landscape is difficult to categorise, being an ‘inbetween-land’, neither nature nor culture, perceived as ephemeral and inferior. At the same time, the city sprawled closer, with the semi-urban populations’ need for outdoor recreation. In future, the former industrial ground will be perceived as an enclave of nature in an urban setting. When the former products of the area responded to the industrial need for gravel and limestone, the contemporary ‘products’ respond to emotional needs.  相似文献   

香蕉对甘露糖和木糖的敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以香蕉低代试管苗茎段薄层切片和香蕉吸芽薄层切片为外植体,分别设计了13个梯度,研究了香蕉在芽的再生和愈伤组织的诱导阶段对正筛选剂D-甘露糖和D-木糖的敏感性,为建立香蕉正筛选系统的遗传转化体系奠定基础。结果表明,(1)香蕉对D-木糖敏感,在D-木糖与蔗糖比例达到10∶20时,10 d开始显示出毒性,在D-木糖与蔗糖比例达到16∶14时能显著抑制香蕉芽的再生和愈伤组织的生长,当比例达到25∶5时完全抑制香蕉组织的生长,香蕉组织彻底死亡。因此,D-木糖能作为有效筛选剂对香蕉进行目的基因遗传转化;(2)香蕉对D-甘露糖不敏感,不适用于以D-甘露糖为筛选剂的遗传转化。  相似文献   

针对西安市草本花卉的种类、花色、花期及应用等方面,对西安市的公园、景点、城市主干道等地方进行了实地调查,整理出西安市常用草本花卉名录.在了解草本花卉的应用形式、应用现状及存在问题的基础上,对西安市园林应用中常用草本花卉的种类组成、使用频度、花色搭配及丰富度等进行分析,并对西安市草本花卉的选择及应用提出建议.  相似文献   

Many Canadian cities are faced with the challenge of contaminated lands that remain vacant due to high remediation costs. Redevelopment of these lots to greenspace enhances the character of cities and improves human and environmental health. Interim design strategies, while phytoremediation – the process of treating contaminated soil and water with plants – is taking place, were explored to improve the amenity value of contaminated vacant lands. Based on an integrative literature review synthesis and a phytoremediation example, design guidelines were formulated and then applied to three Canadian municipal sites. An expert panel, including phytoremediation specialists and municipal staff involved with open space planning and development, provided an evaluation of the guidelines. The comments received through the evaluation demonstrated that the design guidelines are an appropriate foundation for the application of phytoremediation as an interim strategy for transforming contaminated lands into usable green space within Canadian municipalities.  相似文献   

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