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韩国山林组合发展及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在林权制度改革后,我国林业小规模经营与市场间的矛盾渐渐显现出来,林业专业合作社可以解决小生产与大市场连接的交易费用和风险成本高的问题。在设立以来的50多年间,韩国山林组合对韩国林业发展起到重要作用。文中介绍了韩国森林资源、木材供需情况、森林公益价值等林业基本概况以及山林组合的发展历程,分析了山林组合在韩国林业发展过程中的作用。韩国与我国互为邻国,韩国山林组合的发展对我国发展林业专业合作社具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

通过对浙江省非公有制林业发展的现状分析,指出了制约其发展的非公有制林业物权权利人的权利未得到有效保障、经营过于分散、山林权属纠纷多发、林业税费负担沉重和筹集资金困难等主要问题,并提出了加快浙江省非公有制林业发展的对策:①深化改革,健全物权制度;②推行股份合作制,实行规模经营;③稳定山权、林权,切实加强山林权属争议调处工作;④实施新型林业投资制度;⑤切实减轻林业税费负担.  相似文献   

信丰县山林权属纠纷的成因和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以信丰县在林改中遇到的山林权属问题为例,分析江西省山林权属纠纷的主要成因,提出调处山林纠纷应遵循的原则和解决山林纠纷问题的几点对策,旨在为巩固林改成果、减少林业生产内耗、促进林业经济发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

对广东省九连山林场森林资源状况、森林经营系统和环境进行详细分析,指出林场应建设以提供生态服务为主的现代林业,并对森林的经营提出了相关的对策与建议.  相似文献   

根据2004年7月韩国山林厅(KFS)发表的“韩国的森林、林业与自然环境保护““调查报告显示,2003年韩国的森林面积为640万hm^2,占国土面积的65%。人均森林面积0.2hm^2,仅为世界平均的1/5。  相似文献   

韩国山林厅于2005年2月15日发表了“关于扩充森林领域碳吸收源基本计划(2005-2017年)”,并将根据该计划实施以森林经营为主的各种措施。  相似文献   

"以事实为根据,以法律为准绳",作为林业主管部门代表政府调处山林权属纠纷时,考虑的重点偏向事实根据方面。而司法机关只是对行政裁决的合法性进行审查。大多学者从权属纠纷山林的现状、特点、成因、调处方法等方面研究权属纠纷山林的确权,而对于权属纠纷山林确权的适用法律的研究不够深入。本文作者从适用山林权属纠纷确权的法律方面进行探讨,谈谈如何通过山林权属纠纷的确权来保障争议双方的合法权益。  相似文献   

韩国山林厅最新出版的《韩国的山林和林业图说》详细介绍了韩国森林、林业、林产业,涉及到山林资源、山林效益、山林保全和保护、木材供求及价格、木材贸易、木材流通和木材工业、林业生产活动、林业经营、山林合作社、研究与普及、林业发展战略、国有林经营和管理等12方面内容。现调整成十个问题,概略述之。  相似文献   

在新民主主义革命时期,毛泽东对造林问题开展了积极的探索,深入研究这段历史对于全面认识毛泽东林业思想、指导实践具有重要意义。文中梳理了新民主主义革命时期毛泽东撰写的调查报告、起草的法律法规,及苏区政府和陕甘宁边区政府出台的政策文件等史料,对新民主主义革命时期毛泽东的林业思想与实践进行总结归纳。研究发现:在五四运动与国民革命时期,毛泽东计划研究造林问题,认识到农民缺少山林田地是严重的社会问题;在土地革命战争时期,毛泽东认识到没有树木易造成水旱灾,森林的培养也是农业的重要部分,在苏区革命根据地领导农民制定土地法,分山林,发起植树运动,开展山林保护;在抗日战争和解放战争时期,毛泽东在陕北领导建立林业机构,制定种树计划,开展林业科研和调查,促进了陕甘宁边区林业的发展。毛泽东早期林业思想和实践为中华人民共和国林业发展奠定了基础,而且与1949年后毛泽东林业思想作为一个整体,对其后中国共产党领导的林业事业和生态文明建设产生了重要而深远的影响。  相似文献   

山林纠纷调解处理对林业可持续发展,建设生态文明和绿色和谐社会意义重大。通过对山林纠纷发生的特点、产生原因、当前调解处理存在问题进行分析,提出抓好山林纠纷调解处理工作的对策与措施。  相似文献   

The sal forest is the only plainland forest in Bangladesh, and is of national economic and environmental importance. High population and ever increasing poverty has stimulated exploitation of the forest alarmingly and brought it near extinction. In facing this situation, the Bangladesh Forest Department implemented a participatory management approach, involving the householders living in and around the forests, for forest maintenance and protection. This study examines the effectiveness of practicing participatory forestry on the settlers’ livelihood in the encorached area of the sal forest. The settlers were given degraded and encroached forest land through the program. Two major social forestry models — namely agroforestry and woodlots — are included in the study. Participation in the resettlement increased household income, employment opportunities and financial and non-land assets. It was found that the participatory management regime could attain the sustainability of the forest and accelerate the standard of settlers’ livelihood, hence the program is an efficient management option towards sustainability of the forest resources. These findings suggest that there is a role for extending the approach to rehabilitate other degraded and encroached forest lands in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

A mail survey was conducted to gain understanding of the agroforestry practices of non-industrial private forest landowners (NIPF) in Washington State, located in the north-western USA. Although NIPF owners control 1.5 million hectares of the state's commercial forestland base, their diversity of forestland uses, land management practices and objectives as land managers are not well understood. Past NIPF surveys and anecdotal information suggest agroforestry is a major use of NIPF lands. We defined agroforestry as a potentially sustainable land use practice combining the deliberate growing of woody perennials with agricultural crops and/or animals. Objectives of this study were to:
  1. determine the extent that agroforestry is used by Washington's NIPF owners,
  2. develop insight into NIPF owners' motivations for practicing agroforestry,
  3. describe the agroforestry practices within three distinct physiographic and agroecological zones in Washington, and
  4. determine the agroforestry information needs of NIPF owners.
The target population consisted of NIPF owners in 4 counties within each of the three regions. Response to the August 1990 mail survey was 63.5%, yielding 296 useable questionnaires. Fifty-seven percent of all respondents practice agroforestry. Forestland grazing is the most common agroforestry practice (39% of all respondents), followed by windbreaks (34%), harvest of special forest products (12%), livestock enrichment plantings for forage or shelter (7%), orchard grazing (5%), orchard intercropping (2%), and Christmas tree grazing (0.34%). The most frequent motives for owning land were passing land on to children (80%), keeping it natural and income from timber (both 72%). Respondents saw aesthetics (77%), increasing land unit income (74%), and water conservation (70%) as possible advantages of practicing agroforestry. High establishment costs (66%) and livestock damage to trees or crops (64%) were the most frequently selected potential disadvantages to practicing agroforestry. Lack of technical and educational support (67%) and lack of access to livestock/livestock facilities (58%) were disincentives to practicing agroforestry. Landowners are interested in learning more about agroforestry and how agroforestry techniques might be incorporated in their land management tool kit. A significant number of non-industrial private forest land owners in Washington believe that management of forestland, balancing conservation and production goals, can be furthered by suitable agroforestry practices.  相似文献   

通过对芬兰林业政府管理机构、民间管理机构和林业管理理念的分析,总结了芬兰林业管理在满足林主需求、建立林主组织和科研服务生产方面的经验做法,提出了我国在集体林区加强森林资源管理的3点建议:1)强化森林管理和科技服务部门之间的密切合作;2)鼓励民间建立林农合作组织;3)加强林业实用性技术研究和成果推广。  相似文献   

Lithuania has been undergoing a transition from one political culture (based on a centrally planned economy and a one-party system) to a radically different political culture (market economy and a democratic political system). After the declaration of independence in Lithuania, some new phenomena emerged in forestry: the privatisation of forest industry, the formation of a free timber market; increasing timber export levels; and new modes of ownership (private forests) and enterprise (private business logging companies). Private forest owners control approximately 680,000 ha of forest, 33% of the total forest area, projected to increase to 40–45% in the future. Small-scale private forestry is developing in Lithuania but there is a lack of information about the objectives and problems of private forest owners. This paper presents the main results of a survey carried out in 2004 by the Lithuanian Forest Research Institute. The most important forest ownership objectives are firewood production for home consumption, income generation from wood and non-wood product sales, and protection of nature and biodiversity. The main problems for private forest owners are that the forest properties are too small to achieve efficiency, owners lack money for silviculture activities and there is a heavy bureaucratic system for forest-related activity documentation. A cluster analysis of respondents’ ratings of importance for various forest management objectives reveals four groups of private forest owners. These groups are named according to their dominant management objective, as multi-objective owners, businessmen, consumers and ecologists.  相似文献   

In Norway, as in many other European countries, income from forestry has become marginal to owners’ household economies and most employment of forest-owner households is now undertaken off the property. Also, many forest owners have focused increasingly on other revenue-earning activities on their properties, such as providing recreational services. It is a challenge in all kinds of production to find the optimal way of converting inputs into outputs, i.e., to be technically efficient. Extent of financial dependency on income from forestry differs between part-time and full-time forest owners. Since the two groups have different livelihood strategies, it is plausible that full-time forest owners have more professional forest management practices. Data for a cross-section of 3,249 active (i.e., harvesting) forest owners were extracted from the 2004 Sample Survey of Agriculture and Forestry representing the year 2003. A stochastic production frontier analysis was applied to evaluate forest management efficiency impacts of important factors including property and owner characteristics, outfield-related and agricultural activities, off-property income and geographical location in central or remote areas. It was found that many forest owners are technically inefficient, and there exist opportunities for improved performance. Off-property income was found to have an estimated negative impact on technical efficiency, the inefficiency arising (weakly) with increasing share of household incomes from outfield activities, and properties in urban centred areas are less efficient than those in remote areas. One policy implication of the study is that a potentially substantial efficiency increase might be achieved from allowing small inefficient woodlots to merge into larger units of forestry production. Also, providing support for forest management plans may improve efficiency.  相似文献   

Within agroforestry research relatively little attention has been given to water management practices. In order to illustrate the relevance of this management practice, an analysis is made of the integrated management of buffalo ponds and forest gardens in the Badulla district, Sri Lanka. The cultivation of multi-storeyed agroforests around small water reservoirs allows the combined management of vegetation and water resources. The ponds are primarily used for storing water, regulating streamflow, catching sediments and wallowing of water buffaloes. The inclusion of the ponds increases the multifunctional nature of the forest gardens, especially in relation to water, erosion and sedimentation management and animal husbandry, and thus optimizes the complementary nature of forest gardens in the total farming system.  相似文献   

我国森林分类经营存在问题与改革方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论和实践两方面探讨了我国森林分类经营面临的问题,认为应该重视森林经营而非分类,从森林经营实践中探索森林经营模式,改革公益林和商品林管理体制,完善森林分类经营所需的市场和补偿机制等条件。  相似文献   

Populations of most developed countries have been ageing, and the populations of Japanese mountain villages are estimated to have reached into a super-ageing society. In particular, because forestry is unprofitable and due to the economic recession in Japan, many small-scale forest owners face the problems of ageing. For policy-makers, it is important to assess the socioeconomic impacts of forest owners’ ageing in order to ensure the sustainable management of forests. A survey was conducted of forest owners in Yamaguchi Prefecture, which is famous for overall depopulation and ageing of the rural population. It was found that 83% of 687 plantation forest owners who responded in the survey were 60 years or older and 76% did not have forestry income over the past three years, but 81% had kept up ownership of their forest as the traditional family property. In terms of forest management intentions, the respondents were found to consist of four types, namely ‘family management’, ‘commissioned management’, ‘de-accession’ and ‘possession without proper management’. Differences in evaluations of hypothetical policies were found among the four types.  相似文献   

Empirical information regarding the role of homestead forests in household economy is essential in understanding the importance of these resources. Identification of the factors that affect homestead forest production and understanding forest owners' attitudes toward key forest management issues have great significance in making appropriate policy responses to manage these resources on a sustainable basis. In Bangladesh, homestead forests are claimed to play an important economic role in rural livelihoods, but no reliable quantitative information exists. This study was undertaken to investigate the role of homestead forests in the household economy, examine if forest production and income vary across landholding size classes, to explore the relationships of homestead forest production with species richness, education level, and household size, and to assess the attitude of homestead forest owners toward key forest management issues. Results show that homestead forests contribute 15.9% of the household income and generate 51.4 man-days of employment per household per year. Production of homestead forests significantly varies across landholding size classes. It was observed that forest production depends significantly on species richness of homestead forests and the education level of forest owners. However, no such relationship was found between forest production and household size. The study revealed that farming families depend more on forest income than nonfarming families. Attitudes of forest owners toward key forest management issues differ significantly across landholding size classes. For example, although the majority of the forest owners prefer fruit species to timber species, the percentage of respondents decreased as the landholding size class increased, while the opposite trend was observed for timber species. The findings of this study suggest that diversification of forests and extension of education amongst forest owners would improve forest production. Furthermore, forest policy should address the concerns of the forest owners in different landholding classes and focus on their specific requirements to enhance sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

This work examines the contribution that an ethnographic methodology can make to gender-sensitive agroforestry research. Using a Gambian case study, diverse subsistence, commercial and socio-cultural roles of forest products are investigated and the gender-based similarities and differences in their uses are highlighted. An ethnographic approach is combined with political economy perspectives to illustrate how the significance of such products, particularly for women, has markedly increased during the past two decades, especially for commercial purposes, in response to changing environmental, economic and social circumstances. Environmental management practices are used by rural individuals to regulate forest resources. Although there is potential for formal management policy to build upon these indigenous practices, a detailed understanding of local human-environmental relationships is essential for any planning mechanism to succeed. Thus an enthnographic approach can make a positive contribution towards gender-sensitive agroforestry research and practice.  相似文献   

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