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运用SWOT方法对重庆缙云山发展山地养生旅游进行了系统分析。分析表明,缙云山发展山地养生旅游的优势主要包括:交通便捷、生态环境好、温度和海拔高度适合养生、负氧离子含量高、温泉品质一流、道教养生文化浓厚、疗养院所集中、所在地人均寿命高;劣势主要包括:养生旅游设施缺乏、知名度不高、专业养生旅游人才缺乏;机会主要包括:休闲经济时代的来临、当地政府高度重视、山地养生旅游发展势头良好、老年人出游需求旺盛;威胁主要包括:同类产品竞争激烈、李一给缙云山造成的负面影响。因此,缙云山发展山地养生旅游的优势多于劣势,机遇大于威胁,适宜采取开拓型战略。最后,文章从养生旅游设施配置、专业养生旅游人才培养、养生旅游产品开发、养生旅游品牌打造等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

房柱  房冰 《中国蜂业》2010,61(4):49-52
本文从中华养生蜂疗保健发展的角度,阐述了国内外利用蜜蜂及其产品供养生保健、防治疾病的研究成果和应用概况.介绍了中华养生学的发展史和取得的成就,蜂养生在中华养生学中的地位以及古人应用蜂养生的方法和成就.在现代,结合经络学说和针灸医术,由蜜蜂直接螫刺法,发展到取下蜂螫刺器官用不同刺激手法,循经络皮部或穴位针刺,以进行养生蜂疗保健的方法得到普遍推行,成为独具东方特色的蜂针法.本文阐述了人养蜂、蜂养生的基本概念和特点.在回顾和肯定了自20世纪50年代以来,我国在养生蜂疗保健领域所取得的成就的同时,分析了当今蜂养生的巨大潜力和发展方向,对从事和开发蜂养生事业具有指导意义,对推动蜂业发展具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

<正>养生无定法,我们每个人要学会自我判断,找到适合自己的养生方法。养生其实很简单,调节好心态,快乐地生活,找到一个适合自己的养生方式,顺其自然,身体自然就会朝着平和健康的方向发展。归结起来,养生要做到"三通",即血脉通、肠胃通、心气通。  相似文献   

在广泛文献检索的基础上,对水晶制品的种类、养生保健价值、使用注意事项等进行了概述,以期为全民养生保健提供科学资料。  相似文献   

<正>什么是养生?怎样养生?基于这些问题,下面我们将逐一解释。所谓养生,顾名思义,就是保养生命;维持生计又或摄养身心使长寿。在现代社会,由于网络、电视、报刊等媒介不时有关于养生方面的信息播出,于是相当一部分人总认为自己是懂养生的,而且很自负。实际上,他们也只是一知半懂,甚至有些概念混淆,需要好好学习并加以理解!本文笔者从教学及生活实际中的相关现象总结,希望对大家有所帮助。先看看有关养生的误区及我在现实生活中所见的几个案例。误  相似文献   

前年我学习感悟"人生",去年学习感悟"养生"。我现在承认自己不只是"人生盲",还是"养生盲"——对健康养生知之甚少。我写此短文,就是希望企业界朋友们重视健康养生,而且还要用行动去改变生活方式,实现健康愉快人生。  相似文献   

杨沛霆 《猪业科学》2011,28(2):118-118
前年我学习感悟"人生",去年学习感悟"养生"。我现在承认自己不只是"人生盲",还是"养生盲"——对健康养生知之甚少。我写此短文,就是希望企业界朋友们重视健康养生,而且还要用行动去改变生活方式,实现健康愉快人生。  相似文献   

传统养生体育课程在高校的开设具有重要的价值,能满足大学生多样化选课需求,丰富体育课程内容;能增强大学生终身锻炼的技能和意识;促进传统养生体育学的现代发展和传承;更有利于提高大学生传统文化素养,弘扬民族体育养生文化。通过普通高校传统养生体育课程存在的问题的分析,提出了体育教育主管部门要全面正确地把握传统养生体育观,对传统养生体育内容体系的现代化改造,对传统养生体育课程体系进行建构的开发及优化对策。  相似文献   

房柱 《蜜蜂杂志》2014,(2):41-42
<正>1956年笔者开始从事蜂疗养生事业,经初步试验并收集了海内外相关资料,得知蜜蜂一身都是宝,利用蜂产品养生前景广阔。在新中国百废待兴之际,曾撰写《蜜蜂——健康之友》发表于《人民日报》1958年2月14日第八版,文中倡导蜂花粉养生。花粉是资源丰富、养生范围广阔的一类蜂产品,年年花开花落,可供蜂群采集的花粉不断随时光流失。本文仅介绍应用蜂花粉养生延年的几个实例,不谈实验研究和理论问题,希望养蜂人在推荐蜂蜜、王浆营养补益功效的同时,也重视开发利用蜂花粉养生延年。1中医药学家、营养学家推崇蜂花粉  相似文献   

<正>中医传统养生文化有着数千年的历史,在形成和发展中融合了自然科学、社会科学的内容,在中医药理论指导下,结合长期的临床实践,逐步形成了较为完整独特的养生理论和传统的养生方法。蜂疗养生法是中华自然养生疗法中的一枝奇葩,是利用蜜蜂及药食两用的蜂产品,供人体医疗、保健、康复的专业学科,配合其他中草药或食品,通过互补叠加、激活等生理生化作  相似文献   

在陕西省饲料企业和水产养殖场随机抽取19种鲤草鱼饲料样品,对其物理性状和营养成分进行检测,并依据水产饲料行业标准进行分析和评价。检测结果发现:(1)饲料物理性状均符合行业标准;(2)水分检测值均符合标签值和标准值,但偏低;(3)蛋白检测值与标签值的符合率为78.9%,与标准值的符合率为94.7%;(4)粗脂肪检测值均符合标签值,与标准值的符合率为73.7%;(5)粗纤维检测值与标签值的符合率为94.7%,与标准值的符合率73.7%;(6)粗灰分检测值与标签值的符合率为94.7%,与标准值的符合率为94.7%。说明陕西地区水产饲料质量情况基本良好,但仍存在重视蛋白水平、忽视水分和脂肪水平等问题,建议陕西省水产饲料企业重视养分均衡供应,进一步提高饲料质量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To establish reference mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) values of the equine thoracic limb and to assess the use of MNT values to detect pain associated with induced osteoarthritis in the middle carpal joint. ANIMALS: 24 adult horses. PROCEDURES: MNT values were evoked by a pressure algometer at 17 sites within each thoracic limb during 2 baseline sessions conducted an average of 5 days apart. Effects of age, sex, weight, and wither height on MNT values were assessed separately for each site. Tolerance of horses to the procedure was graded subjectively and correlated with MNT values. Synovitis and osteoarthritis were induced arthroscopically in the middle carpal joint of 1 randomly selected thoracic limb. The opposite limb served as a sham-operated control limb. Mechanical nociceptive threshold values were recorded weekly and correlated with clinical, radiographic, and necropsy scores measured over 10 weeks. Lower MNT values corresponded with increased pain, whereas higher MNT values indicated reduced pain. RESULTS: A gradual increase in MNT values was detected from proximal-to-distal sites of the thoracic limbs. High MNT values were recorded for geldings and tall horses. In general, tolerance to procedure scores was positively correlated with overall pooled MNT values within each thoracic limb. From 2 to 6 weeks after surgery, the osteoarthritic limb had significantly reduced MNT values within the carpal region. The osteoarthritic limb also had significant changes in clinical examination, radiographic, and necropsy scores, which were poorly correlated with MNT values. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pressure algometry provided objective assessment of nociception of the thoracic limb; however, MNT values were poorly correlated with clinical variables used to assess osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Single‐step models including dominance can be an enormous computational task and can even be prohibitive for practical application. In this study, we try to answer the question whether a reduced single‐step model is able to estimate breeding values of bulls and breeding values, dominance deviations and total genetic values of cows with acceptable quality. Genetic values and phenotypes were simulated (500 repetitions) for a small Fleckvieh pedigree consisting of 371 bulls (180 thereof genotyped) and 553 cows (40 thereof genotyped). This pedigree was virtually extended for 2,407 non‐genotyped daughters. Genetic values were estimated with the single‐step model and with different reduced single‐step models. Including more relatives of genotyped cows in the reduced single‐step model resulted in a better agreement of results with the single‐step model. Accuracies of genetic values were largest with single‐step and smallest with reduced single‐step when only the cows genotyped were modelled. The results indicate that a reduced single‐step model is suitable to estimate breeding values of bulls and breeding values, dominance deviations and total genetic values of cows with acceptable quality.  相似文献   

壳聚糖脱乙酰度的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用氢溴酸盐法测定壳聚糖的脱乙酰度,并与酸碱滴定法测定的结果进行比较。结果显示,壳聚糖商品脱乙酰度的检测值低于其标注值;氢溴酸盐法较酸碱滴定法测得的脱乙酰度值稳定。这表明,氢溴酸盐法与酸碱滴定法均可用于壳聚糖脱乙酰度的监控。  相似文献   

Haematological and biochemical reference values were established from 45 clinically healthy koalas. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences for sex and season of sampling. Immature koalas had significantly higher alkaline phosphatase and inorganic phosphate values, and significantly lower total protein concentrations due to low globulins values. Enzyme reference values tended to be wide and could limit their usefulness in detecting disease. In the reference values for leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes, the inclusion of low values which were not actually seen may interfere with the detection of reduced levels due to disease.  相似文献   

主流影像文本与正面价值如同一对孪生姐妹,似乎彼此融为一体,不可分割,为此往往形成一种错觉,强调主流影像文本就必须把正面价值放于中心地位,以正面价值的表述作为衡量主流影像文本的重要尺度和砝码。但是,影像文本对价值观念的表述却依照自己的文本逻辑进行,并没有把正价值当成唯一的“标的”。把负价值植入叙事活动,通过叙事缝合,形成故事价值的“负向正”的转换,却是大多数中国主流影像文本所采用的仪式化立意与表达策略。  相似文献   

The aim of the work was to collect, evaluate, summarize and compare heat resistance data reported for Campylobacter, Enterococcus, Escherichia, Listeria, Salmonella and Yersinia spp. The work was limited to resistance in liquids with pH values 6-8. Results obtained under similar experimental conditions were sought. Thermal destruction lines for the various bacterial groups studied were constructed using log10 D values and treatment temperatures. There was a good linear relationship between log10 D and temperature with Escherichia coli, listerias and salmonellas. For campylobacters, enterococci and yersinias the relationships were weaker but, nevertheless, present. Using the slopes of the lines and their 95% confidence limits, z values and their 95% confidence limits were calculated. z values were compared with z values obtained from reports. The equations for the lines were also used for calculation of predicted means of D values at various treatment temperatures. 95% confidence limits on predicted means of D values and on predicted individual D values were also calculated. Lines and values are shown in figures and tables. Differences in heat resistance noted between and within the bacterial groups studied are discussed.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven clinically healthy mature coypus were studied for some biochemical values in blood, 25 coypus were examined for the distribution of serum proteins and 20 ones for haematological values. Blood was sampled when the animals were killed and was examined by current laboratory methods. In comparison with the other animals, coypus had higher values of phosphorus and magnesium, and lower values of total protein and gamma globulins. The activity of enzymes (AST, ALT, GMT, ALP) was at the same level as in the other animals. Lower values of haemoglobin were found in coypus; the remaining haematological values are close to those in the other animals.  相似文献   

The effect of the doses of 750, 1000, and 1500 I. U. PMSG (Antex Leo) on changes in the trypsin-inhibition activities (TIA) of the blood plasma and cervical mucus of ewes was found to vary: a) in the times (from PMSG administration) of recording the minimum values of total TIA (72, 48, 24 hours); b) in the values of the average total TIA on individual days of the trial (40.3-141.4% of the control values); c) in the fractions of low-molecular TIA after administration of 750 and 1500 I. U. PMSG, the fractions exhibited minimum values after 24 hours, and of 1000 I. U. after 72 hours (53.0 and 60.4, and 69.7% of the control values, respectively); d) in the highest values of the fractions of low-molecular TIA recorded after 96 hours (96.1-183.7% of the control values); e) in the average values for 96 hours of the trial, which ranged from 64.1% (1500 I. U.) to 77.1% (750 I. U.) for total TIA and from 89.6% (750 and 1000 I. U.) to 122.8% (1500 I. U.) for low-molecular TIA; f) in the ratio of atretic and non-atretic (A/N) tertiary follicles, which grew with increasing PMSG doses; this was indirectly correlated with the average values for total TIA; g) in the weights of uteri and ovaria which increased from 176.8 to 322.3% of the control values after the stimulation; h) in the epithelium thickness of cervix and cervical glands increasing from 118% to 316% of the control values; i) in the average TIA values of cervical mucus ranging from 53.3 to 125% of the control values.  相似文献   

The effects of single i.v. and p.o. doses (5 mg/kg) of fenbendazole, were evaluated on thyroxine, tri-iodothyronine, corticosterone, hematology, clinical chemistries, and serum proteins in 10 white Pekin ducks. Fenbendazole was administered i.v. (n = 5) as a 3% dimethyl sulfoxide solution and p.o. (n = 5) as a 10% commercial suspension. Serum enzyme concentrations, total protein and protein fractions, glucose, cholesterol, uric acid, sodium, and potassium were unchanged from baseline values. Serum triglycerides decreased consistently in the i.v.-treated group but remained unchanged in the p.o.-treated group. Serum chloride was consistently elevated above baseline values for both i.v.- and p.o.-treated ducks, while inorganic phosphate was consistently decreased only in the i.v.-treated group. Hemoglobin and hematocrit values generally were below baseline values. Leukocyte values varied considerably and were not significantly different from baseline values. Serum thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine values in both the i.v.- and p.o.-treated groups were not changed significantly from baseline values. Serum corticosterone values were not changed in the i.v.-treated groups but they were decreased at various times in the p.o.-treated group. Although there were some sporadic significant changes in the parameters measured versus baseline values all values remained within the physiologic limits for ducks. The safety of fenbendazole has been previously demonstrated for several species.  相似文献   

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