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<正> 水貂皮是出口换汇的大宗商品.要获取一张优质貂皮,除了抓良种培育和科学的饲养管理外,认真搞好剥皮加工也是很关键的.在全国水貂集中统一配货中,经常发现因剥皮加工不当而人为降低毛皮质量的现象,外商要求索赔也时有发生.为了最大限度地减少人为伤残,提高貂皮加工质量,在剥皮加工过程中,应注意以下几个方面.  相似文献   

水貂皮的初加工技术:包括刮油、修剪、洗皮、上楦、干燥等步骤.  相似文献   

为了保证动物原料皮的质量 ,增加集体和个人的经济收入 ,必须严格掌握动物生鲜皮 (也称血皮 )的初加工方法及其防腐措施 ,否则 ,皮张质量和效益将大为下降。下面从动物的宰剥、原料皮的晾晒、原料皮的盐防腐、原料皮的折迭四方面逐一进行介绍。一、动物的宰剥1、宰杀 :要求临宰动物成年、健康、清洁、皮毛无泥粪。宰时进刀迅速 ,刀眼应在咽喉中线。宰杀后要立即倒挂 ,流尽血液 ,以利皮板漂色。2、剥皮(1)软剥皮和充气剥皮 :软剥皮 ;动物宰杀后 ,乘尸体还未凉之际 ,不充气 ,迅速取皮 ,此法剥皮速度快 ,质量好 ,应提倡。充气剥皮 :将宰后的动…  相似文献   

貂是珍贵的毛皮动物。貂皮属大毛细皮,坚韧耐磨,保温性能好,是我国传统的出口商品。近几年来,我国养貂业迅速发展。剥制优质貂皮已显得更加重要,剥制的过程中应把握好以下几个环节:1杀貂杀貂的方法有多种,但致死快又不污染毛被的简便易行方法有:一是心脏注入空气法。用10~20毫升容量的玻璃注射器装7号针头,将针头插入貂的心脏,注入空气10~20毫升,可使其迅速死亡。二是水淹法。将貂的头部按入水中,使其窒息死亡。三是药杀法。对貂注射司可林或溴氯仿等药物,使其致死。2剥皮在处死貂后应尽快剥皮,尸体不能长时间放…  相似文献   

通过对 10 0只金州黑色标准水貂的体重、生皮重、干皮重、体长、生皮长、干皮长等 6项性状数据的测试 ,得出了水貂皮初加工过程出现的毛皮减重、伸展等多项指标 ,初步探讨了各项测试值之间的相关规律 ,并初次建立了体重、体长与干皮长的线性回归方程 ,为估测和比较皮张尺码 ,评估生产水平提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

为了发展水貂生产,提高貂皮质量,适应国际市场的需要,中国土产畜产进出口总公司于1979年4月18日至21日,在北京召开了修改水貂皮规格会议。参加会议的有辽宁、山东、河北、北京、天津、上海、黑龙江、江苏等省(市)分公司的验质、饲养管理和毛皮技术人员共35人。会议首先由中国土产畜产进出口总公司报告了1977年以来对修改水貂皮收购、出口规格的酝酿准备情况和这次修改的原则,介绍了国际市场水貂皮分级标准以及屠宰前活体毛绒成熟度鉴定方法和水貂皮加工  相似文献   

1.貂皮销售平稳,价格上涨。目前市场上貂皮生皮销售平稳,熟皮销售畅快,价格较春节前上涨幅度较大,主要由于哥本哈根拍卖会上黑貂皮价格上涨23%,再加上春节前貂皮服装畅销,从而带动了国产貂皮价格的上涨。,当前山东公貂皮89cm,价格在290元左右,母皮价格在120元左右。预计貂皮的价格近期会保持平稳态势。  相似文献   

近几年,水貂皮价格一直比较平稳,且有逐年上涨的趋势。从去年底新皮上市到今年3月下旬,水貂皮上涨幅度较大,由热销到抢购,引起了经营部门的高度关注。现将水貂皮热销的原因及未来市场走势做一概括论述,供参考。 (一)貂皮市场在平稳中突显升温 从2000年始,我国的貂皮市场虽然有些波动,但基本趋于平稳。近期貂皮市场突然升温的原因有以下几方面: 一是由于国际经济形势好转,带动了市场消费。去年底在北京举行的裘皮博览会、河北肃宁县尚村镇皮毛产品交易会,貂皮和獭兔皮服装成了热销产品,貂皮服装成交数量多,订单增加,因此引起了国内貂皮…  相似文献   

公皮价格(元/张)母皮价格(元/张)规格(厘米)生皮熟皮规格(厘米)生皮熟皮品种金州黑貂皮金州黑貂皮金州黑貂皮金州黑貂皮金州黑貂皮金州黑貂皮白貂皮白貂皮白貂皮铁灰貂皮铁灰貂皮铁灰貂皮宝石蓝貂皮宝石蓝貂皮宝石蓝貂皮80~8377~8074~7771~7468~7165~6883~8977~8371~7783~8977~8371~7783~8977~8371~77320~330300~310280~290240~260220~230190~200335~355265~315255~275325~345285~305245~265320~340275~295245~265350~360330~340310~320270~280240~250220~230365~385325~345285~305355~375315~335…  相似文献   

中国水貂养殖业与先进国家的差距   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从水貂种群、水貂生产水平和饲养管理水平、水貂饲料加工及饲料营养配制、水貂饲养机械化水平、技术人才培训、水貂的卫生防疫和福利待遇以及水貂养殖行业的管理以及水貂皮产品的出口贸易、国内贸易、走私贸易等方面入手,分析了中国水貂养殖业以及水貂皮产品贸易的现状,并指出了中国水貂养殖业与貂皮产品同北欧、北美水貂养殖大国和强国之间的差距,在对比中找出了中国水貂养殖业与水貂皮产品贸易中存在的亟待解决的问题和影响中国水貂养殖业与水貂皮产品未来健康可持续发展的原因。最后提出了实现中国水貂养殖业和水貂皮产品贸易可持续发展的切实可行的有参考价值的对策。  相似文献   

貂出血性肺炎的实验室诊断   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从病死貂的肝、心血中分离到一株革兰氏阴性杆菌,生化试验鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌。动物试验证明,该菌具有致病性。采用试管液体二倍稀释法测定了14种药物对该菌的药敏试验,从中筛选出有效药物,为临床防治该病提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the specific anatomical features of the neurocranium of the skull of the dog, cat, badger, marten and otter. Twenty-five animals (five from each species) were used without sexual distinction. The neurocranium consists of os occipitale, os sphenoidale, os pterygoideum, os ethmoidale, vomer, os temporale, os parietale and os frontale. The processus paracondylaris is projected ventrally in the cat, dog, marten and badger, and caudally in the otter. Two foramina were found laterally on each side of the protuberantia occipitalis externa in the otter, and one foramen was found near the protuberantia occipitalis externa in the badger. Foramen was not seen in other species. Paired ossa parietalia joined each other at the midline, forming the sutura sagittalis in the badger, dog, otter and cat while it was separated by the linea temporalis in the marten. The os frontale was small in otters, narrow and long in martens, and quite wide in cats and dogs. The bulla tympanica was rounded in the marten, dog, cat and badger, dorsoventral compressed in otter, and it was very large in all species examined. These observations represented interspecies differences in the neurocranium of marten, otter, badger, cat and dog.  相似文献   

European bat lyssavirus type 1 (EBLV-1, genotype 5) is known to endemically circulate in insectivorous bat populations in Germany. In August 2001, a rabies suspect stone marten (Martes foina) was found in the city of Burg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) and was sent to the regional veterinary laboratory for routine rabies diagnosis. Whereas brain samples repeatedly tested negative in the fluorescent antibody test for classical rabies virus (genotype 1), the mouse inoculation test and the rabies tissue culture inoculation test yielded positive results. Rabies viral RNA was also detected in the stone marten brain sample both by nested and heminested RT-PCR specific for the nucleoprotein gene and for the nucleoprotein phosphoprotein junction of rabies virus. The amplification products were sequenced to genotype the isolate. Sequence data obtained from the first-round RT-PCR products were analysed and the suspect stone marten isolate was confirmed as a rabies related virus (EBLV-1a). Phylogenetic comparison with sequences from recent genotype five isolates from Germany and Denmark showed that it was closely related to a previous isolate of EBLV-1 from a serotine bat in Saxony-Anhalt obtained in the same year in an area adjacent to the place where the EBLV-1 infected stone marten was found. Both EBLV-1 isolates share a 99.5% identity. This is the first report of an EBLV-1a spill-over from an insectivorous bat into wildlife in Europe.  相似文献   

European bat lyssavirus type 1 (EBLV‐1, genotype 5) is known to endemically circulate in insectivorous bat populations in Germany. In August 2001, a rabies suspect stone marten (Martes foina) was found in the city of Burg (Saxony‐Anhalt, Germany) and was sent to the regional veterinary laboratory for routine rabies diagnosis. Whereas brain samples repeatedly tested negative in the fluorescent antibody test for classical rabies virus (genotype 1), the mouse inoculation test and the rabies tissue culture inoculation test yielded positive results. Rabies viral RNA was also detected in the stone marten brain sample both by nested and heminested RT‐PCR specific for the nucleoprotein gene and for the nucleoprotein phosphoprotein junction of rabies virus. The amplification products were sequenced to genotype the isolate. Sequence data obtained from the first‐round RT‐PCR products were analysed and the suspect stone marten isolate was confirmed as a rabies related virus (EBLV‐1a). Phylogenetic comparison with sequences from recent genotype five isolates from Germany and Denmark showed that it was closely related to a previous isolate of EBLV‐1 from a serotine bat in Saxony‐Anhalt obtained in the same year in an area adjacent to the place where the EBLV‐1 infected stone marten was found. Both EBLV‐1 isolates share a 99.5% identity. This is the first report of an EBLV‐1a spill‐over from an insectivorous bat into wildlife in Europe.  相似文献   

几种用于光学显微镜观测的桑叶表皮整体制片方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了简便而快速制作适用于光学显微镜观测的桑叶表皮标本,采用不同方法分别对桑叶表皮进行整体制片后于光学显微镜下观察其形态特征,比较制片效果。结果表明:用直接剥离法、煮沸剥离法和离析法制作的桑叶表皮标本在光学显微镜下均呈现出清晰结构,桑叶表皮气孔器开张的纵径和横径基本一致,其中离析法制作标本的桑叶表皮的气孔呈阔椭圆形,气孔器面积显著大于直接剥离法和煮沸剥离法制作标本的检测数据,最接近桑树成熟叶片气孔器充分开张时的面积值。因此认为,离析法最适用于桑叶表皮整体制片,该方法定位性能强,操作简便且效率高。  相似文献   

The stone marten (Martes foina) is a carnivorous mammal that often consumes fleshy fruits, thus potentially promoting seed dispersion. The present study was developed in Bussaco National Forest, central Portugal, and aimed to assess the potential role of the stone marten in dispersing native and exotic plants in different forest landscape types. Seeds from stone marten scats and fleshy fruits were collected monthly and were thereafter identified and sowed in a nursery, following a randomized experimental setup. Plant emergence was monitored fortnightly. Generalized linear models were used to test for differences in time and success of emergence between seeds from scats and fruits of 3 native species (Rubus ulmifolius, Arbutus unedo and Celtis australis) and 1 exotic plant species with invasive behavior (Prunus laurocerasus). Fruit consumption by the stone martens significantly increased and accelerated the germination of the native R. ulmifolius but had no effect on the other 2 native species or on the invasive species. This suggested that stone martens contribute to gene flow and forest regeneration by dispersing native plant seeds. However, although the germination was not enhanced in the invasive species, the preference of stone martens for these fruits may potentially contribute to the proliferation of P. laurocerasus. Our study represents a contribution to better understanding the fauna and flora interactions, enabling for a more conscious and effective decision‐making in forest management.  相似文献   

In 1982-1983, 144 muscle samples from 11 different species of wild carnivores from southwestern Quebec, Canada, were examined for the presence of Trichinella spiralis larvae, using direct microscopic examination and the peptic digestion method. Two red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) (out of 29) and one pine marten (Martes americana) (out of 56) were found positive, giving a 2.1% prevalence for the whole sample.  相似文献   

Stone martens (Martes foina) are particularly exposed to secondary poisoning by feeding on anti-coagulant-loaded rats and mice in premises. This study indicates that the risk can be considered relatively small as up to 31 bromadiolone-loaded mice were consumed during four days by a single stone marten without symptoms of poisoning.  相似文献   

Genetic marker data are likely to be obtained from a relatively small proportion of the individuals in many livestock populations. Information from genetic markers can be extrapolated to related individuals without marker data by computing genotype probabilities using an algorithm referred to as peeling. However, genetic markers may have many alleles and the number of computations in traditional peeling algorithms is proportional to the number of alleles raised to the sixth or eighth power, depending on pedigree structure. An alternative algorithm for computing genotype probabilities of marker loci with many alleles in large, nonlooped pedigrees with incomplete marker data is presented. The algorithm is based on recursive computations depending on alleles instead of genotypes, as in traditional peeling algorithms. The number of computations in the allelic peeling algorithm presented here is proportional to the square of the number of alleles, which makes this algorithm more computationally efficient than traditional peeling for loci with many alleles. Memory requirements are roughly proportional to the number of individuals in the pedigree and the number of alleles. The recursive allelic peeling algorithm cannot be applied to pedigrees that include full sibs or loops. However, it is a preliminary step toward a more complex and encompassing iterative approach to be described in a companion paper.  相似文献   

本试验采取有代表性的饲料原料,分别采用干灰化法、湿消化法和酸溶解法3种不同的处理方法处理饲料样本测定微量元素铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)含量。试验以精确度、准确度、所需时间、操作的难易程度等为指标综合比较不同处理方法对饲料分析的实际意义。实验表明:国标干灰化法需专门设备,灰化时间较长;湿法消化法和酸溶解法可以达到国标法的精确度和准确度,在进行植物性饲料微量元素Cu、Fe的测定时,可以用湿消化法和盐酸溶解法代替国标法。  相似文献   

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