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Rapid economic growth of the Khasia people has resulted from a most successful betel leaf farming system practiced within the fringe of reserved forests, where government policies have facilitated effective use of the local people as a labour force for production, protection and conservation of biodiversity of the surrounding forests. Khasia tribes have traditionally grown betel leaf plants on naturally occurring trees. Deforestation is a serious problem in Bangladesh, whereas the Khasia people living within forests are protecting trees for their livelihood, including selling betel leaf, collecting fuelwood and consuming and selling fruits from support trees. It is a profitable yet sustainable forest production system, maintaining soil fertility, stable production and optimal family size, and has created employment opportunities for the people living within and outside the forests. It has enhanced the supply of socially required betel leaf to the local markets, contributed to price stability, and generated some export revenue. However, the revenue of growers has been reduced by plant diseases and the capture of resource rent by middlemen. Economic benefits could be further increased through government initiatives to improve management and the marketing system. This paper is based on a presentation at the International Conference on Economics of Sustainable Forest Management, University of Toronto, Canada, May 20–22, 2004.  相似文献   

Sustainable forest management planning includes accounting for revenues and costs that accrue throughout time. While debate continues as to the how to account for these cash flows, the most used techniques are net present value, benefit cost ratios, and internal rate of return (irr). Managing forests sustainably depends critically on interpreting the results and management implications of these techniques accurately. It is appealing to equate the irr with a market-derived rate of return given its definition. Unfortunately, its mathematical derivation does not support this interpretation and past use of irr often illustrates this confusion and misinterpretation. The irr only reflects the amount and timing of the net cash flows for a given venture and does not include any social, economic, or other external factors found in market-derived discount rates. Therefore, the irr does not reflect an appropriate rate of return or opportunity cost of capital for sustainable forest management. My purpose is to provide a theoretical argument that can be used to help correct this misinterpretation and stimulate discussions on the economics of sustainable forest management.  相似文献   

The relative importance of land costs, site quality, and forest location are major concerns in forestry investments, but little research has been done to assess the impacts of these or other factors on financial returns. In response to this issue, the effects of land prices, wood transportation costs, site productivity, and discount rates on timber investment returns for pine plantations in the Andean Region in Colombia were estimated. For all the scenarios analyzed, the internal rate of return varied between 6.4 and 15.6%. High site quality with high growth rates were profitable in all scenarios at real discount rates ranging from 8 to 12%, but low site qualities seldom had positive net present values. Less expensive land and locations close to mills had better rates of return. More distant locations, poor quality sites, or areas with high land costs generally did not meet the discount hurdle rates. Site quality, which is the factor most easily manipulated by intensive forest management and improved technology, was substantially more important than land prices and transportation differences in determining timber investment returns.  相似文献   

德国森林经营历史经验的借鉴   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作者介绍了德国森林经营理论的阶段性特征,包括:德国人工造林思想的形成和“森林永续利用理论”的诞生、膨胀的工业化对木材的需求和“土地纯收益理论”的诞生、对森林生态系统的认识和“接近自然的林业理论”的诞生、国家对林业的扶持和“林业政策效益理论”的诞生.我国林业正由粗放经营向集约经营转变.借鉴德国森林经营的经验,对于我国的林业改革和选择适合我国特点的森林经营模式,具有宝贵的参考价值.  相似文献   

Timber investment returns were estimated for the principal exotic and selected native species in the Southern Cone of Latin America and in the Southern United States. Exotic eucalyptus plantations in South America were most profitable, with internal rates of returns (IRRs) ranging from 13% to 23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine, with IRRs from 9% to 17%. Average loblolly pine plantation returns in the US South were less profitable, with an IRR of about 9.5%, and natural forest management in the South had IRRs of 4% to 8%. Subtropical native species plantations of the best araucaria and nothofagus species had reasonable financial returns, with IRRs ranging from 5% to 13%. Subtropical or tropical native forests had fewer commercial timber species, and had much lower growth rates and returns. Their IRRs were less than 4%, or even negative for unmanaged stands. State subsidy payments for forest plantations or for timber stand improvements increased IRRs somewhat and reserving areas for environmental protection reduced their IRRs slightly. Including land costs in the cash flows decreased these internal rates of return substantially. Natural stand returns in Latin America were much less than those of plantations, but management of those stands offered better rates of return than only holding the land.  相似文献   

Collaborative Forest Management (CFM) of local forest users and governments promoted to achieve sustainable forest Social-Ecological Systems (SESs) by consolidating strengths of these actors. Although much of the writings on CFM acknowledge its potential to deliver sustainable SESs, knowledge about what specific role of government can strengthen local forest management and utilization is still poor at best. This study aims to fill the gap by analyzing meta-data from International Forestry Resources and Institutions (IFRI) database for 77 SESs (IFRI sites) in seven countries. We used Ordinal logistic regression to model association between government's Forester Department involvement in important forest management activities and sustainability of forest SES. Our result shows that Forester Department involvement in planting, forest maintenance activities and forest benefit sharing among forest users are associated with sustainable SESs while their involvement in monitoring, sanctioning and transfer of local people harvest right are associated with unsustainable SESs. Our finding has important implications for the ongoing local to global level discourse on how to structure appropriate government interventions to achieve positive social and environmental outcomes from local forest management. However, we suggest precaution not to overstretch the implication of our findings as a panacea for CFM.  相似文献   

以全国森林可持续经营实验示范工作总结为切入点,提出了我国现阶段森林可持续经营管理的体系框架和实现途径:即建设好一个平台,协调好两个关系,做好三项工作,用好四个机制。"建设好一个平台"就是建设森林资源管理信息系统,为森林经营规划和管理提供依据;"协调好两个关系"就是既要协调好商品林经营与生态管理的关系,又要协调好公益林保护与经营的关系,实现森林总体效益的最大化;"做好三项工作"就是编制好县级森林可持续经营规划,编制好森林经营方案,开发好多种森林经营模式,构建森林可持续经营技术体系;"用好四个机制"就是用好市场机制、政府调控机制、森林生态系统内部机制和森林产权机制,不断优化森林可持续经营政策。同时,针对现实情况,提出了当前全国森林经营管理,特别是森林可持续经营实验示范工作中必须解决的几个关键问题。  相似文献   

国有林场森林资源可持续经营趋势研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据森林可持续经营理论,在系统剖析广西国有林场的森林资源经营模式、森林资源结构及其变化趋势、影响可持续发展因素的基础上,按照分类经营、分级管理的原则,提出了国有林场森林资源可持续经营模式:公益型国有林场应实行"多种经营",纳入各级公共财政预算,按公益事业单位进行管理,森林资源结构应以异龄混交结构为主;商品型林场应大力发展林产工业,实行"林板结合"永续利用经营模式,进行股份制改造或承包经营或拍卖,按商品生产企业进行管理,进行林种、树种和年龄结构调整,森林结构可以同龄纯林为主。  相似文献   

The profitability of forestry in Germany decreased during recent decades because of more or less constant prices for forest products, increasing input prices and limited success in rationalisation. However, the volume of growing stock increased significantly during this period since forest enterprises have chosen longer rotation periods. This is especially true for state owned and community owned forests but also at least partly for private forests. It is normally not an alternative for the owners of forest enterprises in Germany to sell the forests completely, but on a first glance increasing investments in standing timber during a time of decreasing profitability of forestry seems to be inconsistent with economic theory. On the one hand this observation could be explained as the result of non-timber values. However, this paper is focused on another approach, which is an expanded Faustmann model in line with soil rent theory and focused on timber production. Profitable rotations in the future have the effect of shortening the optimal rotation period because an investment in standing timber causes opportunity costs by delaying the establishment of the next generation of the forest. Unprofitable future rotations have the opposite effect, if the landowner is forced to reforest. In case investments in reforestations are not profitable decision-makers have good reasons not to cut the mature stands, in spite of the fact that the internal rates of return of investments in standing timber are low in comparison with investments on the financial market. Empirical data for the period 1954–1998 mostly from guidelines for forest valuation are used together with inflation corrected interest rates to show that optimal rotation length increased over time. Nevertheless we have to recognise that the observed rotation periods are distinctly longer than the calculated optimal rotation lengths. Other factors which may also explain the investments in forestry are discussed later.  相似文献   


Over the past decades, Central America has suffered some of the highest deforestation rates worldwide. Vast tracts of forest have been converted to agriculture and pasture, encouraged by ill-designed government policies and perverse incentives. Recently, however, progress has been made toward more sustainable use of forest resources by adjusting forest policies, decentralizing forest administration, and providing conducive incentives through environmental service payments and forest certification. Valuable forest management experiences have been gained by indigenous and peasant communities. Community forestry in Central America is being increasingly recognized by national governments. Examples include the community concessions in Peten, Guatemala, and community-based forest operations in Honduras and Nicaragua. Stakeholder networks have been established that strengthen horizontal and vertical alliances among wood producers and manufacturers and that help promote both community development and forest conservation. However, illegal logging, poor law enforcement, and lack of economic viability of forest management involving nontraditional species still provide barriers to the sustainable management of tropical broadleaved forests in the region. Future challenges include improved governance through decentralized forest administration, private sector involvement, and third-party certification. To improve traceability and value adding, development of integrated supply chains of forest and wood products is recommended.  相似文献   

生态良好与森林生态税   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近10年来,随着对林业与环境关系认识的日趋深入,我国政府对生态良好给予了很大的关注和资金投入,在森林生态建设方面实现了森林资源面积与蓄积的双增长。但森林生态环境建设与保护的投入和建设所需资金的差距仍然较大,并已成为我国森林生态环境发展的根本性制约因素。为此,文中通过生态良好对生态税制建设要求的分析,对森林生态税制进行了设计,并具体探讨了森林生态税对生态良好的作用,最后还对森林生态税与国内外现行诸种主要生态经济政策的利弊进行了比较。以期通过税收手段,有效地将资金返流于生态环境建设,变生态建设的经济外在性为生态建设单位内在的经济推动力,从而奠定生态良好的经济可持续的坚实基础。  相似文献   

分类经营:新西兰林业的实践与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新西兰70年一贯制的多效林业经营模式, 在创造了人工林奇迹的同时亦带来了林业持续发展的政策危机和效益危机。新西兰林业分类经营近10年的实践初步成功, 是建立在人工林集约经营和政府扶持基础上的, 是以新西兰林产工业的市场培育和出口导向为动力的。比较借鉴:建议从集约经营工业人工林入手, 为我国林业的分类经营奠定坚实的基础;建议从提高林产工业产业素质入手, 为分类经营的实现培育市场。  相似文献   

国外发展私有林主协会的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文中介绍了国外私有林主协会的发展状况和职能, 认为私有林主协会的产生和发展具有一定的主客观条件, 具有充分的法律依据, 协会内部管理科学, 林主协会与政府是合作关系, 协会具有降低林主生产成本、增加林主收益、提高林主生活质量、促进森林可持续经营、增加就业等作用。建议, 在我国政府不宜主导建立林主协会, 应该尊重林农意愿, 从法律和政策上规范林主协会; 对于现有的林业社会化服务组织和经济合作组织, 应该规范管理。  相似文献   

森林采伐限额制度是国家依据合理经营和永续利用原则,规定林木采伐限额的一种最基本的管理制度,对实现森林资源永续增长具有重要意义。文中梳理了森林采伐限额制度的背景及发展历程,归纳了森林采伐限额制度的制度效果、存在问题和完善建议,指出现有研究在贯彻落实"放管服"改革、降低制度性交易成本、探索采伐权交易方面存在不足。未来森林采伐限额制度的优化研究可从政府主导与市场调节角度开展,具体可从以下4个方面改进:1)贯彻分类经营,落实商品林处置权;2)科学编制采伐限额,合理分配采伐指标;3)深入推进"放管服"改革,合理放权调整;4)落实三权分置,探索采伐权交易。  相似文献   

This paper includes a review of international sustainable forestry development followed by an analysis of forest policies in Bangladesh. There have been four different government forest policies in Bangladesh since 1894. The first two forest policies (1894 and 1955) were exploitative in nature. Most of the regulatory documents were developed during the first two policy periods. The third forest policy instituted in 1979 by the sovereign Bangladesh government had contradictory elements and mutually inconsistent policy statements. It addressed for the first time forestry extension through mass motivation campaign. Current forest policy formulated in 1994 has been considered to be the most elaborate policy in the history of the country. Under this policy, participatory social forestry has been institutionalized in Bangladesh. The analysis shows that, although it is possible to attain the stated policy targets, progress is slow and is blocked on several fronts. A number of identified technical, managerial and logistical problems are hindering policy and program implementation. In addition, corruption contributes to the observed problems. The real strength of Bangladesh forestry is locally based, participatory forestry, co-management of protected areas and highly motivated people who increasingly recognize the need for a healthy forest ecosystem that will provide future economic stability. Because it is the rich homestead forests of Bangladesh that generate the majority of commercial forestry products, it is important that education continues at the grass-roots level. In addition, educated forestry and environment professionals have been identified as the future driving forces towards better, and sustainable, forest management. Results of this study make it clear that Bangladesh and other developing countries are not presently in a position to accept and adopt internationally derived forest policies due to inadequate institutional support, political instability and poor governance. Therefore, along with development of criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management and forest certification, international policy scientists must consider institutional development, professional skill development, identification and adoption of indigenous technology and long-term financial support in developing countries. Without these, all international processes, policies and directives will be of little value and produce few substantive results.  相似文献   

广东林业生态建设与社会经济可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章针对当前我省林业生态建设的实际需要,根据社区对林业的不同需求,从林业可持续经营的原则出发,探索了旨在提高生态和经济效益的林业经营方法和可持续发展经营模式。  相似文献   

国有林区可持续发展管理体制的调整和重构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王永清 《林业科学》2003,39(4):118-126
管理体制是国有林区可持续发展能力建设的保障。在非持续发展模式下建立的管理体制不能适应可持续发展的需要,因此需要对原有体制进行调整改革或重构。本文首先对经营管理组织体系构建进行了研究,提出林业行业管理部门职能调整;国有林区政企分开,社会职能从企业中剥离出来;建立产业分离的经营模式,组建专业公司和经营单位。其次对营林—森工经营管理体制构建进行了研究,提出营林—森工分立型和结合型两种经营管理体制的基本模式,并对商品林业营林—森工经营管理体制模式进行讨论。再次对3类林业的营林经营管理体制进行了分别研究和设计。最后对森林资源监督管理体制构建进行了研究,根据各级林业主管部门职能的不同,对森林资源监督管理体制设计为两种方案,一是“垂直分立型”,一是“垂直结合型”;阐述了森林资源资产监督管理机构的特征及新旧体制的不同点。  相似文献   

姚顺波 《林业科学》2005,41(6):85-88
证伪了森林生态效益补偿研究的2个理论假设:具有正外部性的经济活动需获得补偿,森林生态效益(使用价值)即森林生态价值。说明森林生态效益补偿研究尚缺乏必要的理论支撑。林业补助是政府为鼓励营林生产而对营林活动进行补助的制度设计,其理论基础是利益导向学,即生产要素向投资回报率高的行业流动。林木补偿是政府为了生态安全限制林木所有权行使对林木所有者造成经济损失的一种弥补措施,其理论依据是法理上的既得权说、特别牺牲说及公平负担说。构建林业补助与林木补偿制度替代现行的森林生态效益补偿制度是适应林业生产发展的制度改革。  相似文献   

广西国有林场可持续经营研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广西国有林场经营现状的研究,认为影响国有林场可持续经营的主要因素为:产权关系不清、税负重、生态林补偿难于落实、林业科技转化率低等。要实现广西国有林场的可持续经营,必须以实施分类为重点,建立比较完备的生态体系和比较发达的产业体系,建立与市场经济相适应的经营管理机制,进行税费改革,加大林业建设的科技含量,寻找新的经济增长点,政府的政策扶持,法律支撑,以及社会各界人士的积极参与。  相似文献   

The patterns of forest resource use in South Korea have been overviewed along with the forest resource availability to the forest users and in relation to the socio-economic conditions of local people. In South Korea, forest income arises more from non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and forest ecosystems services than from timber. The relationship between availability of forest resources and income of residents in mountainous villages was addressed with statistical analysis of results of household surveys conducted in Gangwon-do Province. The result indicates that the mere existence of forest resources and related cultural heritages is not enough for local communities to obtain income from forest land. Proper arrangements for local communities in accessing the forest resources and knowledge of making use of the resources is required to make the relationship constructive for people's livelihood. Joint management agreement between forest communities and the forest owner serves both parties for sustainable forest management in Korea as seen in the case of maple sap collection within Seoul National University Forests. The traditional knowledge held by local residents is of value for income generation for forest dependent communities and is considered as an integral part of sustainable forest management as seen in the case of native honey bee keeping near protected forest areas managed by the national forest authority. However, traditional cultural values may be positive or negative for ecologically sound forest management as seen in the pest management policy of the Korean government formulated based on cultural value rather than considerations of ecosystem health.  相似文献   

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