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领导者的素质直接影响领导效能 ,领导班子的整体素质则直接左右领导班子的整体效能和领导者个人素质的发挥。研究领导者的个人素质和领导班子的整体素质 ,对组建工作班子非常重要。《新领导力全书》给我们提供了一个全新的视角来重新审视领导的素质问题。没有好的个人素质就当不好领导领导的素质构成有很多说法 ,有的很抽象 ,有的又过于琐碎。《新领导力全书》认为 ,领导的素质其实就是领导的天赋和后天努力实践形成的 ,并在领导活动中经常发挥作用的一种本质要素。成功的管理者要有企业家的特征和才智、人事关系、心理成熟的个性特征和知识…  相似文献   

领导者的素质直接影响领导效能 ,领导班子的整体素质则直接左右领导班子的整体效能和领导者个人素质的发挥。研究领导者的个人素质和领导班子的整体素质 ,对组建工作班子非常重要。《新领导力全书》给我们提供了一个全新的视角来重新审视领导的素质问题。没有好的个人素质就当不好领导领导的素质构成有很多说法 ,有的很抽象 ,有的又过于琐碎。《新领导力全书》认为 ,领导的素质其实就是领导的天赋和后天努力实践形成的 ,并在领导活动中经常发挥作用的一种本质要素。成功的管理者要有企业家的特征和才智、人事关系、心理成熟的个性特征和知识…  相似文献   

领导魅力是领导者在领导活动中表现出来的品格、才能、学识、情感等对被领导群体所产生的一种非权力影响力。而领导干部脱稿讲话水平的高低,在一定程度上成为人们评定其领导魅力和领导素质的重要方面。本文援引大量实例,从"独善其身、厚积薄发","不落窠臼、开拓创新","情系百姓、与民共舞","丰富语言、独具特色"四个维度深入剖析,致力于通过增强领导干部脱稿讲话的能力进而提升领导魅力。  相似文献   

朱秀华 《北方牧业》2003,(20):29-29
<正> 真实的领导才能是一种稀有商品,而稀有商品在市场上总是要求最高价。管理者的报酬是根据他们手下人工作得如何来确定的。他们的绩效是向他们报告的人工作的结果。那确切地讲,什么样的领导者才是一个好的领导者?为什么人们愿意听从一个人而对另一个人则很勉强?是下面一些素质把领导者们区分开的:1.引起他人信任的能力领导者最主要的特性在于引起高级管理层和部门内员工两方面信任的能力。2.激励他人的能力领导者要激励他人尽力做好工作,向更远大的目标努力,不断地完善自己。3.教导他人的能力伟大的领导者同时也是伟大的导师,他们教育所领导的人。为他们工作的过程也是学习的过程。4.沟通和推销思想的能力任何一个企业从其核心来讲,都是以"思想"为基础的企业。好的领导者会为思想而兴奋,并且令其他人也为之兴奋。5.倾听的能力好的领导者渴望知道别人知道的东西,做到这一点的最好办法就是倾听。  相似文献   

我国地方政府负有职业教育发展的重大责任,地方政府对职业教育领导主要受经济、社会、文化及教育本身的影响,通过对这些因素进行分析,提出注重对领导者的专业选拔、提高领导者业绩考核的科学性、强化第三方机构的作用和加强对领导者的继续教育这四点对策以提升地方政府职业教育领导力。  相似文献   

山区开发的关键在于发展生产力。影响生产力水平提高的因素较多,其中领导者缺乏领导山区生产的领导艺术是主要原因之一。本文根据领导者、被领导者和环境条件三者在山区的现状,提出相应的措施:财政支持,多方理解,普及领导科学知识和踏实工作。  相似文献   

黄达 《江西饲料》2014,(6):35-37
阐述了会计工作在民营企业工作中的重要性;指出了一些民企领导者对会计工作不够重视,会计机构不健全,会计人员整体素质偏低,会计核算不规范,账目混乱等问题;提出了提高民企单位领导会计方面素质,建立民企会计人员考核与培训制度,规范民企的会计工作等建议措施。  相似文献   

基层干部是处理突发事件的一线工作者,是自然灾害应对中的领导者和决策者。本文总结了在自然灾害发生过程中基层干部应急能力的现状,并进行了原因分析,最后提出了转变基层干部应急观念、强化基层领导考核机制、建立和完善培训机制等措施,以提高基层干部应急领导能力。  相似文献   

“多学习、多思考、多实践”,胡锦涛总书记曾经教导新闻工作者这样做。而作为畜牧工作者和领导者,需要更多地深入基层,为广大养殖户支招,为新农村建设献计献策,就更要做到这一点。坚持学习,终生学习,把学习当作一种习惯,达到学以致用,从而促进工作,促进自身素质的提高。  相似文献   

一旦开始理解了Deming博士关于管理的理论后,就会发现很难在他的各点理论之间划一条明确的界限。这次要讲的是关于“领导”。如果没有领导,其他各点都是无法实施的。“领导”是各个管理环节中关键的一环。关于“领导”,已写了大量文章,但其中大部分是关于领导者个人品质的,而非关于领导方法的。我们知道,当一个领导者就必须有勇气;我们知道,领导人应是非常有感召力的,并且应是极为人所信服的;我们还知道,领导人应富有远见。所有这些都是领导者所应具有的重要品质。  相似文献   

The extreme 5' end, the entire leader sequence of the Arvac vaccine strain, and 10 equine arteritis virus (EAV) isolates, including the ATCC Bucyrus reference strain and 5 Canadian field isolates, were determined and compared at the primary nucleotide and secondary structure levels. The leader sequence of eight EAV isolates, including the Bucyrus reference strain, and the leader sequence of the Arvac vaccine strain was determined to be 206 nt in length (not including the putative 5' cap structure-associated nucleotide) whereas those of the 86AB-A1 and 86NY-A1 isolates were found to be 205 and 207 nt in length, respectively. The sequence identity of the leader sequences, between the different isolates and the Bucyrus reference strain, ranged from 94.2 to 98.5%. Phylogenetic analysis and estimation of genetic distances, based on the leader nucleic acid sequences, showed that all EAV isolates/strains are likely to represent a large phylogenetically-related group. An AUG start codon found at position 14 in all EAV isolates/strains could initiate an open reading frame (ORF) that could produce a polypeptide of 37 amino acids, except for the 86NY-A1 isolate where the intraleader polypeptide would contain 54 amino acids. Computer-predicted RNA secondary structures were identified in the 11 EAV leader regions analyzed. All EAV isolates/strains showed 3 conserved stem-loops (designated A, B and C). An additional conserved stem-loop (D) was observed in 7 EAV isolates, including the Bucyrus reference strain. The leader region distal to stem-loop D did not contain conserved sequences or stem-loop structures common to the EAV isolates/strains.  相似文献   

Objective The mechanical properties of three materials (No. 2 polypropylene, No. 5 polybutilate-coated multifilament polyester and 18, 27 and 36 kg test monofilament nylon leader material) commonly used for extra-capsular stabilisation of the stifle in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency were determined. The ability of No. 5 polybutilate-coated multifilament polyester and 36 kg test monofilament nylon leader material, when placed as extra-capsular sutures, to mitigate cranial drawer was evaluated in hindlimbs of cadavers. Design An in vitro mechanical study. Animals Seven pairs of hindlimbs harvested from adult greyhound dogs recently euthanased for other reasons. Procedure Samples of each material, including samples of 27 kg test leader material that had been sterilised by one of three methods (ethylene oxide, one or five cycles in an autoclave), were loaded to determine tensile and stress relaxation properties. The effect of cyclic loading on a No. 5 polybutilate-coated multifilament polyester and 36 kg test leader material was also determined. Using the harvested hindlimbs, cranial drawer was measured before and after transection of the cranial cruciate ligament and on the first and twelfth cycle following extra-capsular stabilisation with either No. 5 polybu-tilate-coated multifilament suture or 36 kg test leader material. Results Leader material was found to have the most suitable mechanical characteristics for use as extracapsular stabilisation of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle. Of the sterilisation methods, ethylene oxide was found to have the least detrimental effects on the handling and material characteristics of the leader material. Stifles stabilised with 36 kg test leader material had significantly less drawer than those stabilised with No. 5 polybutilate-coated multifilament polyester suture. Clinical implications Monofilament nylon leader material would appear to have suitable mechanical properties for extra-capsular stabilisation of the cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifle. If possible the material should be sterilised using ethylene oxide.  相似文献   

口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-mouth disease virus ,FMDV)编码的前导蛋白,不仅是一个重要的蛋白酶,而且对于病毒来说是一个重要的毒力因子,其能够作用于宿主细胞的特异性蛋白,抵抗宿主细胞所产生的抗病毒效应。本文章简述了口蹄疫病毒前导蛋白酶的基本特性,例如前导蛋白的基因结构与病毒复制的关系,前导蛋白酶活性的具体特点,以及前导蛋白影响病毒毒力的分子机制。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of knotting method on the mechanical properties of large diameter nonabsorbable monofilament suture materials. STUDY DESIGN: In vitro mechanical evaluation. METHODS: A conventional square knot was compared with the surgeon's knot, sliding half-hitch, and clamped square knot. Knotted suture loops were created in a uniform manner and acutely tensioned to failure (20 mm/min loading rate; n = 20 per knot type for each material). Stiffness, yield, and failure characteristics of USP #2 nylon, #2 polybutester, #2 polypropylene, 27 kg test monofilament nylon fishing line, and 27 kg nylon leader material were evaluated. RESULTS: Compared with a conventional square knot, a surgeon's knot decreased stiffness for #2 polypropylene, 27 kg fishing line, and 27 kg leader (P < .05). A sliding half-hitch weakened all materials except 27 kg leader (P < .05). Clamping the first throw of a square knot increased the stiffness of 27 kg leader loops (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Based on clinically relevant parameters (stiffness and yield), knotting method had no effect on #2 nylon and #2 polybutester. The surgeon's knot is not recommended for #2 polypropylene and 27 kg fishing line and leader material. A sliding half-hitch decreased the yield of leader material. Clamping the first throw of a square knot had no adverse effects on acute properties of tested materials; it increased the stiffness for leader material. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Knotting method does influence the structural properties of suture materials and should be considered when tying knots under tension.  相似文献   

G. K. Sicard  DVM    K. Hayashi  DVM  PhD    P. A. Manley  DVM  MSc 《Veterinary surgery : VS》2002,31(1):78-84
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the mechanical properties of 5 types of fishing material, 2 sterilization methods, and a commercially designed crimp-clamp system for the extra-articular repair of the canine stifle joint. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Animals were not used in this study. METHODS: Two brands of monofilament nylon fishing line and 3 brands of monofilament nylon leader line were used to determine the effect of steam and ethylene oxide sterilization on strength and elongation of the material. A strand of 36-kg test monofilament nylon fishing material was wrapped around 2 rods or knotted to form a loop around 2 rods on a materials-testing machine. Ten trials of each brand of unsterilized, steam-sterilized, and ethylene oxide-sterilized fishing material were tested. A strand of each material was elongated to failure at a constant displacement of 1,000 mm/min to determine strength. A strand of each material was cycled 10 times to a load of 50 N to determine percent elongation. The brand of fishing material with the greatest strength and least elongation was crimped to form a loop around 2 rods on a materials-testing machine and tested as described above. ANOVA was used to determine the effect of sterilization method, brand of material, knot, wrap, and crimp on strength and elongation of the material, and a post-hoc t test was used when significant differences were found. A Student t test was used to compare fixation techniques (wrap, knot, and crimp). RESULTS: Sterilization by steam or ethylene oxide had no significant effect on the strength of the nylon fishing material. Steam sterilization resulted in significant increases (2- to 4-fold) in elongation of most nylon fishing material when compared with unsterilized material. Ethylene oxide sterilization had minimal effect on elongation of the fishing material. Mason leader line showed no significant change in strength or elongation regardless of sterilization method. Significantly less strength and significantly less elongation were demonstrated in Mason leader line that was crimped as compared with Mason leader line that was knotted. CONCLUSION: Ethlylene oxide was the preferred method of sterilization to preserve strength and minimize elongation of the fishing material. Of the materials tested, Mason leader line had the least elongation and the greatest preservation of strength when ethylene oxide was used as the sterilization method. Mason leader line and Sufix fishing line were comparable choices when steam was used as the sterilization method. Significantly less elongation was demonstrated in crimped Mason leader line as compared with knotted Mason leader line. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Of the materials tested, Mason leader line and Sufix fishing line had the best mechanical properties for extracapsular stabilization of the canine stifle joint. Crimping is an attractive alternative to knotting and results in a reduction in elongation of the nylon fishing material.  相似文献   

An oligonucleotide complementary to a leader RNA of positive-stranded mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) was tested for the effect on the viral multiplication in mouse DBT cells. A 14-mer antisense oligonucleotide contained a sequence complementary to the conserved pentanucleotide sequence, UCUAA, of the leader RNA. A treatment of MHV-infected cells with the antisense oligonucleotide at concentrations from 5 to 25 microM had an inhibitory effect on the viral multiplication and reduced the synthesis of viral specific mRNA and proteins. No inhibitory effect was observed when the cells were treated with sense oligonucleotide and oligonucleotide which contained unrelated sequences at concentrations from 1 to 10 microM. These results showed that antisense oligonucleotide against the leader RNA reduced the multiplication of positive-stranded RNA virus, MHV.  相似文献   

在领导者从事的工作中,激励和奖赏员工是最重要也是最具挑战性的活动之一。作为成功的领导者,必须意识到对某个人具有激励作用而对其他人可能作用很小甚至根本不起作用的刺激物。因此.领导者必须了解员工如何受到激励以及为什么会被激励,并把握捍激励的平衡点对员工进行激励,以满足员工的需求,使所有的员工都愿意付出最大努力。  相似文献   

Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is a disturbance-dependent, fire-resilient, shade-intolerant, clonal species that is in decline throughout western North America. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of intensity and season of browsing on annual height growth of aspen suckers. The goal was to aid development of livestock grazing strategies to restore stands in decline due to excessive livestock browsing. We implemented 33 combinations of intensity and season of browse on aspen suckers in three aspen stands on Eagle Lake Range District, Lassen National Forest, California, USA, during 2003 and 2004. Greatest growth was on suckers with no terminal leader browse and ≤ 25% of biomass removed from branches. Lowest growth occurred when 90% of terminal leader length and 50% of branch biomass was removed. Growth was most negatively affected by browse on terminal leader. Growth was lowest for suckers browsed midseason only and suckers browsed both early and midseason. Occurrence of conifer in the stand overstory significantly reduced sucker growth. Managers should minimize browse on terminal leaders, midseason browse over consecutive years, and repeated browse during a growing season.  相似文献   

口蹄疫病毒前导蛋白为一种木瓜蛋白半胱氨酸酶,用一个半胱氨酸区作为亲和试剂.由于结构上的特殊性,使其能够进行自身切割,从正合成的多聚蛋白中游离自己,并通过切割宿主蛋白eIF的两种相似因子4GⅠ和4GⅡ减弱宿主细胞转录自身mRNA的能力,尤其使α/β干扰素的翻译受到抑制,从而为病毒的复制及感染创造有利条件.文章从结构特点、功能特性方面对其进行阐述.  相似文献   

寄生虫的反式剪接研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从锥虫可变表面糖蛋白 ( VSG)中发现反式剪接以来 ,已经发现很多低等真核生物体内都存在这种剪接形式。这种广泛存在于低等真核生物中的反式剪接 ,对于生物蛋白多样性、阶段性表达有着重要的生物学意义。反式剪接中的反式剪接引导序列 ( spliced leader,SLRNA)为一段保守序列 ,SL RNA为寄生虫的功能基因的筛选、c DNA文库的构建提供了表达基因标签 ( EST) ,同时反式剪接为转基因治疗提供了有力的手段。反式剪接的发现和广泛研究 ,对于深入了解低等真核生物的核酸分子生物学及其起源、进化、系统发生、寄生虫病的预防研究等都有着重要意义。文章对反式剪接在低等真核生物体中的研究现状、SL RNA基本结构、生物学特点及其在现代分子生物学领域的应用进行了概述  相似文献   

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