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罗氏沼虾养殖场自1994年建场以来,已投资150余万元,进行养殖孵化配套建设,其中建温室亲虾越冬池16个1100m~2,温室孵化池54个350m~2,锅炉房一座及电力机井等设备。养殖面积三年迈了三大步。1994年养殖沼虾15亩,产虾1500.5公斤,亩产100公斤,总  相似文献   

利用比重1.006左右的半咸水进行罗氏沼虾幼苗(仔虾)长途运输10-12小时,4次共运输虾苗420万尾,成活403万尾,运输成活率为96.0%。运输效果良好。  相似文献   

在生产实践中虾苗用塑料袋充氧运输,即常规的鱼苗运输法;虾种用活水车或活水船运输。尤其是虾种的运输,受运输工具的限制,运输数量和成活率往往不尽人意。为此,我们根据青虾的生活习性,在 1999~ 2000年间,对其进行了不同方法的运输试验,现将试验情况报告如下。 1材料与方法 1.1虾苗和虾种均来自吴县市东山镇朱茂村养殖户朱顺法,虾苗规格为体长 1.5~ 2.2cm,三批共计 1000万尾;虾种规格为体长 3.0~ 4.5cm,四批共计 1060kg。 1.2装苗工具与方法:塑料袋充氧运输法采用常规的鱼苗运输用的双层塑料袋,容积为 40~ 45L(30cm× 25…  相似文献   

山东省掖县防潮堤管理局在1982年的对虾人工育苗中,进行了4次亲虾充氧远运试验。从荣成县(350公里)和海阳县(350公里)运输亲虾916尾,运输成活率达96.7%。取得了对虾亲虾充氧远运的成功。亲虾运回后,产卵率为65.5%,共培育出虾苗4,030万尾,并且育苗结束时问此1981年提前28天。  相似文献   

柴河水库渔业现状,发展与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柴河水库是一座以防洪,工农业生产及生活供水为主,兼养鱼,发电,综合利用的大型山谷水库,养鱼水面1667万kg,捕鱼290.7万kg,总产值740余万元,获利税近200万元。针对水库的水体资源还没有得到充分利用的现状,对今后水库渔业的发展与利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我市对虾养殖是从1979年开始的,但一直发展缓慢,到1986年只有虾塘7286亩。1986-1988年,在各级领导的重视下,共投入资金近3千万元,其中:合浦县2千多万元,北海大冠沙虾场500多万元。共建成虾塘1万亩。使养虾面积达到近2万亩。另外,  相似文献   

红螯螯虾生产性育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年育出全长2cm以上虾苗百余万尾,每只抱卵虾每次能出苗100-300尾。介绍了红螯螯虾的亲虾培育、抱卵虾孵幼培育及幼体培育技术等。  相似文献   

武海峰 《内陆水产》2008,33(2):32-32
大量的商品虾,采用活体运输是比较困难的,因为,南美白对虾体小壳薄、不耐低溶氧,运输中虾易死亡并恶化水质,影响其他活虾的存活。但随着水产品流通市场的不断发展,市场价格决定了上市商品虾必须保持鲜活,广大养虾户和销售户面临着如何进行批量活虾运输的难题。山东高青渔场近年来摸索出一种运输方法,可供参考:  相似文献   

养虾百余亩纯利四十万位于杭州市下沙经济技术开发区的余杭市特种水产实验场,1994年在148苗池塘开展罗氏沼虾养殖,从5月10日放养到10月20日起捕完毕,共产商品虾15096公斤,总产值94.8万元,获纯利(扣除包括工资在内的所有成本)40.2万元;...  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾的亲虾选择和运输,是育苗生产中的重要环节,笔者多次参加罗氏沼虾亲虾选择和运输工作,将几点体会总结如下。  相似文献   

为探索新型对虾生态养殖模式,于池塘中构建围网开展了凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)-鲻(Mugil cephalus)混养试验。鲻密度依次为0尾(M0,对照组)、250尾(M250)、500尾(M500)和800尾(M800)。结果显示,鲻放养组的饵料系数均比对照组低,但组间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。M250组对虾产值(30.30×10^4元·hm-2)及总产值(31.02×10^4元·hm^-2)为各组最高,M800组对虾产值(20.96×10^4元·hm^-2)及总产值(23.30×10^4元·hm^-2)最低。试验结束后,放养较多鲻的处理组(M500和M800)的总有机碳(TOC)有约20 mg·L^-1幅度的下降,而M0和M250则变动极小,但组间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。养殖末期鲻放养组的亚硝态氮(NO2-N)质量浓度均高于对照组M0,且M250组NO2-N及氨氮(NH4-N)质量分数居于各组最高(P〉0.05)。试验表明,在池塘围网混养少量鲻(M250)时对虾产量最高,而混养较多鲻(M500和M800)时饲料成本较为节约且水质指标较好。采取养殖前期多放鱼,后期适当分鱼以降低密度的措施,可能更有利于虾塘经济与生态效益的提高。  相似文献   

高位池地膜鱼虾混养试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年3月27日—8月7日在海南省文昌市龙楼耶湾对虾养殖场采用高位池铺地膜进行南美白对虾和鲻鱼混养试验。试验结果:南美白对虾平均单产934kg/667m^2,鲻鱼平均单产40kg/667m^2,平均利润1.68元/667m^2;该养殖模式对改善池塘生态环境、减少病害发生和增产增收起着积极的作用。  相似文献   

口虾蛄人工育苗生产技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王波  张锡烈 《齐鲁渔业》1998,15(6):14-16
根据自己对口虾蛄复苗成功经验,结合国内外学者的研究成果,。综述了口虾蛄的交尾,产卵,孵化等繁殖生物学特性,报道了亲虾蛄的选择发育时序,特征和培育技术。  相似文献   

Water quality and plankton densities were monitored in shrimp ponds at 12 mixed shrimp‐mangrove forestry farms in Ca Mau province, southern Vietnam, to detail basic water chemistry and assess whether conditions are suitable for shrimp culture. In general, water quality was not optimal for shrimp culture. In particular, ponds were shallow (mean ± 1SE, 50.5 ± 2.8 cm), acidic (pH < 6.5), had high suspended solids (0.3 ± 0.03 g l?1), low chlorophyll a/phytoplankton concentrations (0.2 ± 0.05 µg l?1 and 8600 ± 800 cells l?1 respectively) and low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (3.7 ± 0.15 mg l?1). Eight out of the 12 farms sampled had potentially acid sulphate soils (pH < 4.2). Salinity, DO and pH were highly variable over short time‐periods (hours); DO in particular was reduced to potentially lethal levels (1–2 mg l?1). Seasonal variations in water chemistry and plankton communities (i.e. salinity, DO, phosphate, temperature, phytoplankton and zooplankton densities) appear to be driven by differences in rainfall patterns. The presence or absence of mangroves on internal pond levees (‘mixed’ versus ‘separate’ farms) and the source of pond water (rivers versus canals) were of lesser importance in determining water quality patterns and plankton biomass. Zooplankton and macrobenthos densities were sufficient to support the current (low) stocking densities of shrimp. However, natural food sources are not adequate to support increases in production by stocking hatchery reared post larvae. Increasing productivity by fertilization and/or supplemental feeding has the potential for adverse water quality and would require improvements to water management practices. Some practical strategies for improving water quality and plankton densities are outlined.  相似文献   

Both MI and MII triploids were successfully produced by heat shock in Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The inducing conditions for MI and MII triploids were optimized. The highest inducing rate obtained for MI triploids reached more than 90%, and that for MII triploids reached nearly 100% at the nauplius stage as evaluated using flow cytometry. Comparisons of survival rates at larval stages between triploids and diploids or diploids experiencing treatment and diploids without treatment were performed. At larval stage from nauplii to postlarvae, heat shocks lowered survival at larval stages even if the ploidy was not changed. Ploidy did not affect shrimp larvae survival, and no significant difference was found in the survival of shrimp larvae between MI and MII triploids. Highly significant differences were observed in the morphology of triploids and diploids, and no apparent difference was found in the morphology of MI and MII triploids at the grow‐out stages. Discriminating formulae for triploid and diploid shrimp at grow‐out stage were developed and could be used to distinguish triploids from diploids based on morphological parameters. MI and MII triploids of shrimp have the potential to be used in aquaculture.  相似文献   

王屋水库于1994年移植大银鱼,1996年产大银鱼10.5t。为保持大银鱼高产和水库综合养鱼的高产高效,在调查摸清水库鱼类资源和饵料生物基础的前提下,采取控制大银鱼种群的合理密度,调整鱼类的种群结构,适度进行网箱养鱼和人工施肥等措施,使大银鱼和鲤科鱼类均取得增产。1997-1998年2年产大银鱼61t,鲤科鱼类350t,收入296万元,每公顷水面年均产鱼465kg,收入3360元。  相似文献   

在水库进行了网箱养殖团头鲂试验,采取网箱配套养殖鱼种和成鱼,自己设计饵料配方、合理投喂和防治鱼措施,15只网箱总面积375m^2,共产商品鱼23505kg,平无尾重451g,盈利6.635万元,折合亩净产35616kg,亩盈利11.8万元。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A model experiment in which water was circulated between shrimp aquaculture ponds (Ponds 1, 2, and 5), and mangrove enclosures (Ponds 3 and 4), was carried out at the Samut Songkhram Coastal Aquatic Research Station, Thailand, from March through July 2003. Five ponds with a size of 40 m × 20 m and 1.5 m deep were used for this experiment. Ten thousand shrimp larvae Penaeus monodon at the PL-15 stage were stocked in Ponds 1 and 5, and 20 000 larvae were stocked in Pond 2. Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata (476 trees) had been planted in each of Ponds 3 and 4 in July 2002. Approximately 30% of the water in Ponds 2 and 5 was moved to the mangrove enclosures by siphon (Ponds 3 and 4, respectively) every Thursday, and the same amount was returned to the shrimp ponds by pump every Monday over the 136-day experiment. Shrimp incorporated 30.3, 25.6, and 33.7% of the input nitrogen as feed in Ponds 1, 2, and 5. Since 2.02 kg N in Pond 2 and 0.76 kg N in Pond 5 was transported to the mangrove ecosystem, and 4.26 kg N in Pond 2 and 3.98 kg N in Pond 5 was retained in water and mud, it was estimated that between 2.1 and 5.2 unit areas of mangroves is required to remove the nitrogen remaining in the aquaculture pond.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a commercial microbial product was tested in commercial tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), ponds for one culture period in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. Four ponds with replicates for treatment and control were used. The pond bottom was dried but the organic sludge was not removed as normally practised in pond preparation. The ponds were stocked with 15 post‐larvae at the rate of 31.m?2. Physical, chemical and biological parameters of the pond were analysed every 2 weeks during the culture period. Water quality parameters remained within the optimum range for shrimp culture except for ammonia‐nitrogen being significantly higher in control ponds and silica in treated ponds. Benthic organisms were not found in any of the ponds. The average counts of different bacteria were not significantly higher in treated ponds than control. Because of poor health, the shrimp were harvested earlier (72 days) than the usual 120 days. An average of 875.60 ± 67.00 kg shrimp ha?1 was obtained in treated ponds with a feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.57 ± 0.10 and survival rate of 42.35 ± 5.37% compared with 719.50 ± 130.94 kg shrimp ha?1, 2.99 ± 0.70 and 21.25 ± 3.26%, respectively, in control ponds. Neither the microbial product nor the frequent water exchange was effective in overcoming the problems caused by the poor pond bottom.  相似文献   

中国内陆盐湖卤虫资源开发利用的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国内陆盐湖卤虫资源分布地区约有43处,其中重点产区有内蒙古的额吉淖尔、黄旗海;青海的尕海、小柴旦湖;新疆的艾比湖、巴里坤湖;山西的解池等7处。卤虫资源量为25000~30000t/a;卤虫卵500~700t/a;可开发量:鲜卤虫1500t/a,原料卤虫卵200~300t/a。研究了主要盐湖卤虫生物学特性和投喂对虾幼体的饵料效果以及卤虫的孵化特性和加工工艺。并对我国内陆盐湖卤虫资源进行了评估,提出了繁殖保护和开发利用的意见。  相似文献   

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