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根据陕北农牧交错带的生态环境特点以及牧草生长发育过程对水热资源的要求和利用效率,运用迈阿密模型定量估算陕北农牧交错带七县区牧草自然生产力。并与牧草现实生产力进行比较。研究表明:陕北农牧交错带牧草现实生产力仅为自然生产力的30.80%。基本掌握了该区牧草生产力状况和特点,并据此提出了相应的开发战略和实施途径  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区农牧交错带紫花苜蓿优质高产栽培关键技术   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
赵淑芬  陈志远 《华北农学报》2004,19(Z1):131-133
苜蓿是内蒙古自治区农牧交错带重要的牧草之一.近年来,在种植业结构调整和生态治理中得到快速发展,但在生产中缺乏规范的苜蓿种植管理技术,受到一定的影响,所以,根据当地自然条件和生产力水平,制定规范的苜蓿种植管理技术是非常必要的.苜蓿栽培技术模式,是在林西县多年的苜蓿生产实践基础上产生的,该技术模式又在生产实践中不断修改完善后形成此文.技术模式着重介绍了苜蓿品种的选择原则、播种要点、田间管理及收获等技术.  相似文献   

中国牧草育种工作研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在综述中国牧草育种工作进展的同时,分析了牧草育种工作中存在的问题,主要包括育成的牧草品种少,良种推广和覆盖面积较小以及牧草育种理论基础薄弱等,并针对性地提出应从改进牧草育种的方法和途径、培育具有地方特色的独特牧草品种、加强种质资源的保护与利用、加快良种向现实生产力的转化以及通过各部门协作攻关等方面解决这些问题。  相似文献   

关于系统耦合理论的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
系统耦合理论是近年来研究的热点问题。以农牧交错带为例,针对在生态经济系统目前该理论的定量化方面研究不足的事实,提出用能值方法考虑农牧交错带系统耦合的机制,并指出农牧交错带系统耦合机制应建立在土地利用方式、子系统间能值转化过程和生态系统的能值储备上;同时影响系统耦合机制的主要因素有初级生产力的大小、畜牧业的内部结构和畜牧业的发展规模以及生态系统服务价值的大小。还探讨性地提出系统耦合度的概念化公式,期望能更好地应用并发展这一理论。  相似文献   

内蒙古农牧交错带在地区国民经济和生态系统中占有重要的地位。在农牧交错带发展饲用作物,能够建立以种植业为基础的生态系统,既能综合发展农业生产和拯救生态资源的恶化,又能通过养殖业加工增值,实现农牧结合良性循环,并提高农牧交错带人民生活水平,加快农村经济的发展。实现农牧交错带人与自然的协调发展、共存永昌。  相似文献   

陕北农牧交错带农牧业并存,在粮食安全上存在问题。在分析该区植物性产品和动物性产品产量以及粮食总供给量的同时,研究了粮食需求量。在揭示该区粮食供需矛盾的基础上,分析了粮食安全问题的起因,提出了解决粮食安全问题的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,我县草地不断沙化、石漠化,降低了草地的生产力,影响了牧民的收入,提高牧草种植技术已成为急需解决的难题。笔者现结合工作实践,就怎样提高牧草种植技术提一些粗浅建议,仅供参考。  相似文献   

生物多样性对牧草生产力、营养成分和氮循环的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探索喀斯特地区人工牧草生物多样性对牧草生产力、营养成分和氮循环的影响,并通过多样性效应(选择效应和生态位互补效应)揭示其内在机制。试验选择常见的6种牧草品种,采用随机牧草品种组合和区组试验设计,构建了不同多样性梯度的试验群落。测定指标包括:牧草生产力、营养价值、土壤氮和多样性效应。结果表明:牧草生物多样性提高了牧草生产力,对营养价值也有显著影响。生物多样性增强了土壤-植被氮循环,体现为牧草蛋白质产量、土壤总氮和有效氮增多。选择效应和生态位互补效应共同作用于多样性-生态系统功能关系,而选择效应是主体。选择效应有利于某些高产牧草如宽叶雀稗生长,对牧草生产力、营养价值及氮循环有较大影响。  相似文献   

宁夏农牧交错带农牧业发展刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁夏自古以来就处于我国的农牧过渡带,而中部干旱带又是宁夏的农牧交错带。当前,农业和经济进入了新的发展时期,加快农牧交错带生态、经济和社会发展在宁夏乃至全国都有重要的战略意义。宁夏农牧交错带农牧业发展要坚持生态优先、畜牧业为主的保护、建设和利用的战略方针,根据宁夏实际情况,合理规划、分区治理,加强生态建设,种草养畜,大力发展特色产业和旱作节水农业,以实现生态、经济和社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

根据兵团绿洲农业的特点及畜牧业发展需要和国内草产品市场需求 ,分析了兵团大力发展牧草种植的优势和前景 ,提出了牧草发展中应注意解决的问题。  相似文献   

甘肃省草地资源退化原因及草地生态系统恢复途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出甘肃省草地资源退化状况,分析得出人为破坏、草地超负荷利用、草地鼠虫害频繁发生、草地群落物种数减少、草地生态系统生产力下降、不合理的开矿、草地保护、管理意识不强等因素导致了甘肃省草地资源的日益退化。最后指出要恢复草地生态系统,必须从以下七个途径入手,既①强化宣传教育,依法管护草地资源;②科学规划,分类指导;③规模种植,加快人工草地建设;④加强围栏封育;⑤大力实施草地改良;⑥依靠科技进步,保护和建设草地资源;⑦从空中要水。这将对甘肃省乃至西北地区草地生态系统的恢复与重建提供一定的参考  相似文献   

为增强对草原火灾风险评估和应急管理能力,利用“智能网格”精细化气象要素预报数据、DGI指数、NDSI指数、DEM数据和社会经济数据,依据自然灾害风险理论,构建枯黄期草原火灾精细化风险预测模型。使用ANUSPLIN插值软件把所有因子插值为相同空间尺度数据,GIS栅格计算未来草原火灾风险预报,结果分为高风险、次高风险、中风险、次低风险、低风险区域,并统计出面积及人口等信息,开发出具有业务应用能力的草原火灾风险预测产品。随着气象行业供给侧改革深入开展,精细化气象服务水平不断提高,专业气象应用多样化发展,本研究为新型火险预测产品开发思路提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

为了研究青海省东部农业区粮食生产潜力及主要限制性气候因子,笔者利用1987—2017年4—9月青海省东部农业区13个气象台站的逐日气象要素和粮食作物实际产量资料,采用逐步订正模型,分析了粮食作物的生产潜力、实际产量及产量差的时空变化特征。结果表明:1987—2017年光合生产潜力呈下降趋势,而光温生产潜力、气候生产潜力以及粮食作物实际产量均呈增加趋势变化;光温生产潜力实现了光合生产潜力的37%,气候生产潜力实现了光温生产潜力的53%,说明产量潜力仍有较大的提升空间,气温和降水是提高生产潜力的限制因素;气候生产潜力与实际产量的产量差平均每10年下降178.6 kg/hm2,除贵德、循化、同仁产量进一步提升难度较大外,其余大部地区可以通过优化灌溉、合理利用热量资源等途径缩小产量差距。  相似文献   

草地生态系统硫循环研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
草地生态系统硫循环是维系陆地生态系统物质循环的基本机制之一,草地生态系统硫循环机制的研究对系统分析草地植被在全球气候变化中的贡献和生态价值,以及全球硫收支平衡具有重要意义.与其他基本要素相比,草地生态系统硫循环的研究还有很多空白.主要针对草地生态系统大气硫库、植物硫库、土壤硫库的研究动态及我国硫循环的研究进展进行了概述.旨在了解草地生态系统硫循环的特征及规律,探究硫在各个贮存库之间及其内部定量迁移和转化机制,并就亟需解决的问题进行了分析,提出了该领域今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Precision agriculture (PA) is an innovative, integrated and internationally standardized approach aiming to increase the efficiency of resource use and to reduce the uncertainty of decisions required to control variation on farms. Worldwide, investments in research and technology on PA have considerably increased during the past decades. Advances in agricultural research, combined with application of PA on grasslands, could provide major economic and environmental benefits. However, most of the available technology is currently being applied on arable land but not on grassland although the latter contributes substantially to agricultural land use as well as to capital and income. The authors hypothesise that heterogeneity of grassland among and within fields is a major constraint to PA application and that understanding such heterogeneity would enable to implement PA where competitive and cost efficient.In this paper, current developments and future perspectives of digital image processing, remote sensing, yield measurement, and site-specific management on grassland are discussed. At fine scales, on-board sensors can provide information on sward properties that application techniques could respond to. At larger scales, remotely sensed information can provide digital maps of type and status of vegetation that allow a precise management, although the mix of spatial coverage and spatial resolution is not yet ideal. The site-specific management on arable land, however, has not yet proven its applicability in different environments. On grassland, some of these technologies are either already implemented as prototypes into research projects or under development with a short-term perspective to be introduced into practice.Grassland scientists can significantly contribute to the current development and, in return, benefit from latest sensor technology and so enable rapid data acquisition and improvement of experimentation and knowledge. Also existing computer simulation models can contribute to make PA on grassland a success. Animal husbandry is strongly linked to grassland utilization and can also benefit from present PA technology through animal production and health control and animal guidance with appropriate electronic stimuli. Considerable interdisciplinary research is required to link existing knowledge on PA technology with grassland science and with animal science. This could mainly be accomplished by the interpretation of signal–object interaction that is needed to set up suitable configurations on grassland.  相似文献   

Ecophysiological balance among four available prominent grassland communities (dominated with 1. Heteropogon contortus, 2. Eremopogon foveolatus , 3. Sporobolus diander , 4. Themeda quadrivalvis besides the prominency of Desmostachya bipinnata in all the communities) were studied by analysing their biomass structure, production and rate of litter decomposition of component taxa. These communities have different pattern of management and utilization aspect. Jhansi is geographically situated at 78°35' E long, and 25°27' N lat. about 275 MSL; and its climate is of tropical monsoonic. The soil at all the sites were sandy and sand percentage ranges between 59–80%. The thorough analysis reveal that in tropical monsoonic climatic situation the biomass production reached at potential level in wet situation (July-September with moderate temperature 32°C) which gradually drops and thus reached poor biomass production under cold dry situation during February. The rhythmic situation for the presence of potential aboveground production m−2 was recorded in the month of April in site IV and May in site I. Apparently poor aboveground production in the month of January in site II and December in site III was due to dormant situation of the species during this period. Similar observations recorded with litter availability. It is significant to narrate that litter decomposition rate reached from 82–99% indicating its pattern of utilization as an automatic system of green manuring.  相似文献   

李莉  李峰 《中国农学通报》2017,33(17):87-91
草地退化是当今世界面临的一个极为严峻的生态问题。植被覆盖度作为草地退化监测的重要指标之一,在草地退化、荒漠化治理等方面起着重要的作用。利用2000—2010年MODIS的MODl3Q1数据产品,根据草地退化的研究需要,把草地植被覆盖度作为遥感监测指标,对四川省阿坝、甘孜、凉州地区10多年来草地退化的情况进行分析。结果表明:以2001年草地植被覆盖度的滑动平均值做"基准",得出2002—2010年阿坝、凉州、甘孜三州草地共退化约698718.75 hm2。且近十年来草地整体退化面积呈上升趋势,草地退化情况日趋严重。  相似文献   

To study the application of self-pressure sprinkler irrigation technology to vegetation restoration of grassland in alpine arid areas,three treatments including fenced grassland(FG),fencedirrigated grassland(FA),and free grazing grassland(CK) were compared in respect of primary productivity.The results showed that the community coverage of FA was only 35.96% higher than that of FG and 152.69% higher than that of CK;the plant height of FA was only 76.71% higher than that of FG and 155.77% higher than that of CK;the productivity of the community in FA was only 24.10% higher than that of FG and 110.00% higher than that of CK.It indicates that the self-pressure sprinkler irrigation technology has certain demonstration and promotion potential in vegetation restoration of grassland in alpine regions and can provide a new way for the sustainable development of grassland animal husbandry in Tibet.  相似文献   

Analysis of Competitive Interactions in Grassland Stands by a Population Dynamical Model
The potential yield of permanent grassland is highly influenced by dynamical interactions within its plant species. The possibility to recognize and to quantify these interactions opens a wide field of applications in grassland management. A mathematical simulation model was chosen to meet this aim. The base of the model is a simple population dynamic arrangement. The competition between the species or species groups is described by a linear function. A long time trial is used as a data base. The productivity and the floristic changes in this trial were recorded for 12 years. By reason of the limited data base the species were aggregated into 5 groups consisting of species with similar behaviour. The model proofed to be useful, to simulate the important interactions between the species groups and to quantify their significance with regard to the dynamic development of the grassland. Because of the small data set used in the sample, the model is limited in its validity. The model can be improved by incorporation of a larger data base.  相似文献   

[Objective] Analyze the influence of climate change on cotton potential productivity in Shihezi region by using decision support system for agrotechnology transfer (DSSAT) model, so as to provide thoughts for sustainable development of cotton planting management. [Method] Based on the field test data in Shihezi area, this study verified the applicability of DSSAT V4.7 model, simulated cotton light and temperature potential productivity and climate production potential, and analyzed the impact of climate change on potential productivity on cotton. [Results] After the adjustment of variety parameters, the simulated value of the model is in good agreement with the experimental measured value, so the model can be used in the study of cotton in Shihezi. In the past 51 years, the average temperature and total solar radiation in the growth period of cotton in Shihezi have shown a very significant trend of increasing, while the rainfall change is not significant and the trend of climate change is partly various in different growth stages of cotton. The actual yield and light and temperature potential productivity of cotton have shown a very significant improving trend; the average value of production potential was 3.6 times than the actual yield, and due to the lack of precipitation in this area, the simulation results of climate production potential are not good. Cotton light and temperature potential productivity has a strong correlation with the meteorological factors in the growth period, and has a very significant positive correlation with the monthly average minimum temperature and the monthly total solar radiation. But the potential productivity has no significant correlation with most monthly rainfall and some monthly average maximum temperature. Therefore, the increasing of temperature and total solar radiation are conducive to the production of cotton. [Conclusion] Climate change has a positive effect on cotton yield and production potential in Shihezi.  相似文献   

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