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王兴金 《野生动物》2012,33(1):48-50
野生动物的移地保护和保护教育是现代动物园的主要功能,兽医在保障野生动物健康方面承担着重要的使命。动物园兽医在本质上是医学的一个特殊分枝,由于野生动物及其疾病种类的复杂性和个人精力、能力的局限性,动物园兽医的职业化和专业化是提高野生动物健康保障能力的根本出路;应激因素对圈养动物的健康造成很大的威胁,而适度驯化则可以最大限度地减少应激的发生;在国内建立区域动物园兽医服务网络、建立兽医行业内部信息交流平台是提高动物园兽医行业整体水平的基本思路:正确的疾病诊断和规范的处方,以及全面关注动物的基本需求、积极主动的疾病防疫等在兽医日常工作中占有同等重要的地位。由于兽医掌握了动物发病和死亡的第一手资料,动物园应当为兽医参与动物管理提供条件。  相似文献   

正动物疾病防治是畜牧养殖的重要工作之一,兽医则是全面负责动物疾病防治工作的专业人员。因此兽医必须准确的了解和掌握动物疾病预防和治疗的方法,才能从根本上降低动物疾病发生的几率。1兽医诊治动物疾病的误区1.1对动物盲目用药经过深入的调查研究发现,很多兽医都  相似文献   

近年来,动物源性传染病在全球范围内发病呈上升趋势,给公共卫生安全带来巨大冲击。我国畜禽和宠物养殖数量大、增长快,野生动物资源丰富,在防控动物源性传染病方面面临巨大挑战。通过阐述动物在重症急性呼吸综合征、中东呼吸综合征、新型冠状病毒肺炎、鼠疫、狂犬病及布鲁菌病等新发及再发人类疫病发生和传播过程中所起的作用,从病原、畜禽及宠物养殖和生物防护等角度分析了动物源性传染病多发的原因,并针对引起动物源性传染病多发的客观情况,提出加强兽医公共卫生法律法规建设及宣传、野生动物保护、畜禽养殖防护、基层防控能力建设及动物疫病研究等措施,从而强化兽医公共卫生在防控动物源性传染病的重要作用,为我国动物源性传染病的监测和防控,加快新型兽医公共卫生体系构建提供一些有用信息和参考。  相似文献   

正经典名著、兽医圣经,中文版重出江湖从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。  相似文献   

正经典名著、兽医圣经,中文版重出江湖从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。  相似文献   

正经典名著、兽医圣经,中文版重出江湖从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。  相似文献   

正经典名著、兽医圣经,中文版重出江湖从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。在主译国家首席兽医师张仲秋研究员和天津市畜牧兽医研究所丁伯良研究  相似文献   

正从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。  相似文献   

正从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。  相似文献   

正从动物的器官到系统到全身性疾病,从畜禽、宠物到野生动物,从动物急救、疫苗接种到人兽共患病……,为满足中国兽医、养殖产业相关人员、宠物主人等获取动物健康知识的需求,依靠科学保障动物更健康,全新的第10版《默沙东/默克兽医手册》中文版已经由中国农业出版社出版发行了。此书适合整个畜牧业的养殖、疫病、市场等相关人员。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the number of zoonotic disease outbreaks associated with animal exhibits and identify published recommendations for preventing zoonotic disease transmission from animals to people in exhibit settings. DESIGN: Literature review and survey of state public health veterinarians and state epidemiologists. PROCEDURE: MEDLINE and agriculture databases were searched from 1966 through 2000. Retrieved references and additional resources provided by the authors were reviewed. A survey was sent to state public health veterinarians and state epidemiologists to determine whether their states had written recommendations or guidelines for controlling zoonotic diseases in animal exhibition venues, whether their states maintained a listing of animal exhibitors in the state, and whether they had any information on recent outbreaks involving animals in exhibitions. RESULTS: 11 published outbreaks were identified. These outbreaks occurred in a variety of settings including petting zoos, farms, and a zoological park. An additional episode involving exposure to a potentially rabid bear required extensive public health resources. A survey of state public health veterinarians identified 16 additional unpublished outbreaks or incidents. Most states did not have written recommendations or guidelines for controlling zoonotic diseases or any means to disseminate educational materials to animal exhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: Recent outbreaks of zoonotic diseases associated with contact with animals in exhibition venues highlight concerns for disease transmission to public visitors. Only a handful of states have written guidelines for preventing zoonotic disease transmission in animal exhibition venues, and published recommendations currently available focus on preventing enteric diseases and largely do not address other zoonotic diseases or prevention of bite wounds.  相似文献   

The role of the veterinarian at auction sales begins long before the consignment is assembled. A number of veterinarians are called upon by sales companies to evaluate the candidates before acceptance into the consignment. At sales time, the number of veterinarians involved grows to large numbers as the prospective buyers employ them to evaluate the animals to suit their individual needs. Professional ethics must be considered at all times when evaluating animals before auction. The findings must be kept confidential. The consignor allows veterinarians to examine his or her animals with the understanding that the opinions are kept in confidence with the individual employing the veterinarian. Frequently, more than one buyer will request radiographs of an animal that the veterinarian has previously examined for another buyer. This is best resolved by sharing the fee and the information found in the examination. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent a client from revealing information to another buyer, and the consignor often blames the veterinarian for disclosing findings. It is obvious that the veterinarian's' ethics are on trial at auction sales, and a veterinarian must guard his or her confidential opinion at all times.  相似文献   

Fleas were collected from 61 wild carnivores belonging to 13 species in various nature reserves and on farms, two feral domestic cats in a nature reserve and a domestic dog in the city of Johannesburg. Eleven flea species, including two subspecies of one of these, belonging to six genera were recovered. Amongst these only Ctenocephalides felis felis and Ctenocephalides felis strongylus are considered specific parasites of carnivores. The remaining ten species normally infest the prey animals of the various carnivores.  相似文献   

养殖场是动物源性食品安全监管的源头,而养殖场兽医工作至关重要,只有依法保护养殖场兽医合法权益,提高兽医社会地位,确保兽医相对独立开展工作,明确养殖场兽医的动物性食品安全保护职责,才能真正使养殖环节动物源性食品安全落到实处。本文就养殖场兽医监管过程中存在的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

吴其锐 《野生动物》2011,32(5):285-288
无论在国内还是国外,动物园或野生动物养殖场在生产过程中,动物伤人等事故都时有发生。相比较而言,野生动物饲养展出业是一种面临着较大危险源的职业。本文通过对国内外动物园或野生动物养殖场发生的一些动物伤人事故案例进行分析研究后,发现在许多事故中,人往往既是事故的受害者,同时又是事故的肇事者,无论是因为设施的缺陷,还是因为动物处于危险状态,还是因为人的疏忽,都是由于人的不安全行为激发了事故隐患,导致了事故的发生。本文认为,提高人的安全行为能力,是野生动物饲养与展出安全管理的重要工作。人的安全行为能力,包括对事故发生的预见性行为能力,对安全生产的掌控性行为能力和对危机的应对性行为能力。  相似文献   

Ixodid ticks were collected from 104 wild carnivores belonging to 23 species in various nature reserves and on several farms in all nine provinces of South Africa. Seven feral cats in a nature reserve were also examined. Twenty-four tick species belonging to seven genera were recovered and identified. Amongst these ticks we consider the adults of Haemaphysalis leachi, Haemaphysalis spinulosa, Haemaphysalis zumpti, Ixodes rubicundus, Rhipicentor nuttalli, Rhipicephalus simus and Rhipicephalus turanicus to be true parasites of wild carnivores. Although numerous adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Rhipicephalus zambeziensis were collected from some lions these were either sick or old animals. The immature stages of seven species regularly utilized wild carnivores as hosts on an opportunistic basis.  相似文献   

The painless killing of animals in order to avoid considerable suffering has a legal basis and is sufficiently accepted by the society. The situation is, however, different when the matter concerns zoological gardens having on some occasions to put down apparently healthy animals. Since the natural populations of many species have almost been extinguished in the wild or are already eradicated, zoos play a prominent role in the ex-situ survival-breeding of many wild animals. This means that zoos often have self-supporting populations of species rather than only single individuals, as was frequently the case in the past. Such breeding also brings with it the possibility that animals will survive without the option of transferring them to other acceptable locations. In the wild, natural environmental factors prevent excessive population growth, whereas in zoos and in other protective reservations, such regulatory mechanisms are simply not existent. Such regulation can, however, often be achieved by animal transfers and other stock regulating measures. If these measures are not available the option of putting the animals down must be considered. Preventing suffering is of course the priority, as is demanded by zoos together with recognised animal protection organisations. This is compliant with German law and takes place for obvious and sensible reasons. The scientific zoological gardens organised in the German Zoo Directors Council discussed the problem of killing animals at the 1999 conference at Rostock and drafted a paper presenting its position on the subject. The paper argues that even under optimal husbandry conditions, while alternative options of breeding, planning and stabilisation of stock must be considered, the humane killing of animals will sometimes be unavoidable.  相似文献   

The Dutch law and other regulations provide that only registered veterinarians can treat animals. Moreover, by law only registered individuals may use the title veterinarian or dentist. The veterinary professional should be open to advice, help, and technical assistance from other professionals working with human or animals patients. The dental treatment of animal patients must not be carried out in a dental surgery or hospital used by human patients.  相似文献   

A web-based survey was presented to 158 Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)-accredited zoos and 31 AZA-accredited aquariums or marine-life parks in the United States and Canada via e-mail. The survey included questions about veterinary employment and salaries. Representatives from 124 zoos and 15 aquariums responded. Zoos and aquariums with higher operating budgets were more likely to employ full-time veterinarians. The number and percentage of zoos employing full-time zoo veterinarians have increased since the previous job survey that took place in 1988, with 59.6% of all responding zoos employing at least one full-time veterinarian. During the same time span, the proportion of male to female zoo veterinarians has shifted from a predominantly male group to an almost equal ratio. Salaries for full-time zoo and aquarium veterinarians ranged from $20,800 to $150,000.  相似文献   

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