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本试验对某蛋鸡场疑似患非典型新城疫的鸡进行了病理学、血清学及病原学综合诊断。诊断结果表明:鸡群表现有呼吸道症状、消化道症状及产蛋性能下降的非典型新城疫的基本症状;剖检病变胃肠道及呼吸道出血性卡他性炎症,卵泡充血、出血,输卵管萎缩等均符合新城疫的病变特征;病毒性脑炎、淋巴组织坏死是具有证病意义的新城疫组织病变;结合发病前后HI抗体检测结果及新城疫的病毒分离鉴定,综合判定该鸡群所患疾病为非典型新城疫。  相似文献   

通过对两个疑似患非典型新城疫的817肉鸡种鸡群进行了病理学、血清学及病原学综合检测。检测结果表明:两发病鸡群的均表现有呼吸道症状、消化道症状及产蛋性能下降等非典型新城疫的基本症状;重症病鸡的胃肠道及呼吸道黏膜出血性卡他性炎症,卵泡充血、出血,输卵管萎缩等剖检病变均符合新城疫的特征性剖检病变;镜检均见病毒性脑炎、淋巴组织坏死等证病意义的新城疫组织病变;发病后HI抗体显著升高,分离到新城疫病毒及免疫组织学检测新城疫阳性,综合诊断两患病鸡群为非典型新城疫。  相似文献   

鹅源新城疫病毒感染鸡的临诊症状及病理变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用鹅源新城疫病毒BY株人工感染25日龄雏鸡,同时用鸡新城疫病毒标准强毒F48E8株作为攻毒对照,观察2株病毒感染鸡的临诊症状、病理变化,并加以比较。结果,2株病毒都可致试验鸡100%发病和死亡。BY组鸡于感染后51h出现症状,发病后48h全部死亡,主要大体病变为喉头严重出血、腺胃乳头或腺胃与肌胃交界处轻微出血、肠道黏膜局灶性出血坏死,病理组织学变化主要为消化器官和免疫器官内的细胞显著变性、坏死及出血等;F48E8组鸡于感染后72h出现症状,发病后36h感染鸡全部死亡,所表现的病理变化与BY组鸡相似,但腺胃和肠道的出血病变比BY组鸡显著。  相似文献   

为了进一步研究非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus, ASFV)对猪胃肠道造成的损伤,试验选用体重为20 kg左右的长白猪18头,随机分为试验组(13头)和空白对照组(5头),试验组肌肉注射ASFV毒株Pig/HLJ/18,5 mL/头(病毒含量为1×102 HAD50/mL),空白对照组注射等剂量的生理盐水。对试验期间死亡的猪全部进行病理学解剖和组织学观察,采集胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、肠系膜淋巴结等器官/组织,进行固定、包埋、制作石蜡切片、H.E.染色,对病变器官/组织进行病理学观察和组织学分析,按照各器官/组织的病变程度进行评分,建立病变评分标准。结果表明:ASFV对胃肠道造成的损伤主要以黏膜充血、水肿,以及黏膜下层大量浆细胞、淋巴细胞浸润和坏死为主,肠系膜淋巴结呈多灶性出血性坏死性淋巴结炎;按照各器官/组织病变程度总分值排序,从高到低依次为回肠>空肠>胃>十二指肠>肠系膜淋巴结,回肠病变最严重,肠系膜淋巴结病变相对较轻。说明ASFV感染后,猪胃肠道出现的病理损伤主要表现为浆膜的出血与...  相似文献   

雏鹅实验性副粘病毒病的临诊症状及病理变化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用鹅副粘病毒BY株人工感染5日龄雏鹅,观察试验鹅的临诊症状和病理学变化。试验鹅最早于2d出现症状,3d开始死亡,死亡高峰期在3-5d,7d后停止死亡,总计试验鹅发病率为89.19%,死亡率为64.86%。主要临诊症状为精神不振,食欲降低或废绝,拉稀,流泪,流鼻液。主要大体病变为消化道粘膜的水肿、出血、坏死以及胰腺、脾脏组织的严重坏死。主要组织学变化为腺胃、肠道粘膜上皮细胞和胰腺腺泡上皮细胞严重变性、坏死、胸腺、脾脏、法氏囊等器官内淋巴细胞坏死、崩解,数量显著减少。  相似文献   

为诊断玉溪市峨山县某竹鼠养殖场竹鼠2013年6月所发疫病,试验对发病竹鼠进行了临床观察、病理剖检、病原分离鉴定、组织病理学观察等。临床观察表明,竹鼠感染后表现为精神沉郁、腹泻(肛门被粪便严重污染)、后肢瘫痪等。剖检可见胸腔、腹腔有大量淡黄色积液;胃黏膜溃疡、糜烂,内容物呈黑色;十二指肠肠管呈红褐色、肠系膜胶冻样,盲肠鼓气;肝脏有针尖大小的出血点;下颔淋巴结、肺门淋巴结肿胀,肺脏有大量出血点;尾根两侧皮下出血等。组织病理学观察可见心肌明显出血;肝细胞变性、坏死,淋巴细胞浸润,门管区化脓、出血和瘀血;脾脏广泛瘀血;肺脏瘀血,肺泡管内有炎性渗出物,肺泡壁增厚;肾出血和瘀血,肾小球肿大,管腔内充满大量积液;结肠固有层轻度出血和水肿,杯状细胞增多,呈卡他性肠炎等。表明,玉溪市峨山县某竹鼠养殖场竹鼠2013年6月所发疫病为大肠杆菌感染。  相似文献   

为了对扬州某养殖户送检病鸡进行确诊,应用疾病调查、病理剖检、肉眼病变观察对送检病鸡进行了临床诊断,并通过组织病理学切片的制作对组织器官进行了病理学分析。结果表明:病鸡食欲减退、消瘦、贫血、羽毛松乱、排黏性带泡沫的白色稀粪,并混有绦虫节片;剖检病鸡可观察到肝脏和脾脏肿大,小肠内有大量虫体存在,肠黏膜严重出血;显微镜下可见肝脏发生脂肪变性,并有大量嗜酸性粒细胞存在;部分肠绒毛层坏死脱落、固有层被淋巴细胞浸润。说明该鸡群感染了绦虫,并且绦虫对鸡的肝脏、肠等器官组织具有严重的损伤作用。  相似文献   

用兔出血症病毒西藏株人工感染3月龄左右家兔,分别于接种后8,16和20-26h扑杀,对心,肝,脾,肺、贤,脑肠,胸腺,圆小囊,骨髓等作肉眼及组织病理学观察。结果,感染后8h,肝,肾,心实质细胞表现一定程度的病理损伤,其他器官均表现不同程度的充血,瘀血等变化;感染后16h,各器官的呈现不同程度的坏死,出血及透明血栓形成等病变;濒死期全身器官均受到严重损害,微血管内形成大量透明血栓以及出血,水肿,炎性  相似文献   

<正>近几年来真正新城疫病例并不多见,大量流行的是非典型新城疫。非典型新城疫的特点,一是发生于新城疫免疫接种过的鸡群,二是症状和病变不典型。所以有些人员存有错误观念,由于感染鸡群很少有死亡和见不到腺胃乳头出血的病变,往往  相似文献   

鸡新城疫是由副粘病毒引起的一种家禽传染病,近几年来典型的新城疫病例已很少见,大量流行的是非典型新城疫。非典型新城疫的特点一是发生于新城疫免疫接种过的鸡群,二是症状和病变不典型。有些专业技术人员受传统观念的影响,由于感染鸡群很少死亡和见不到腺胃乳头出血...  相似文献   

During an epornitic of velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (VVND) in southern California, free-flying wild birds, captive and free-ranging semidomestic birds, and exotic birds were collected from the quarantine area to determine their role in the epizootiology of the disease. The VVND virus was isolated from 0.04% of 9,446 free-flying wild birds, 0.76% of 4,367 semidomestic birds, and 1.01% of 3,780 exotic birds examined. Three house sparrows and 1 crow directly associated with infected poultry flocks were the only free-flying wild birds from which VVND virus was isolated. Among semidomestic species, ducks, quail, chukars, pheasants, peafowl, pigeons, and doves were found to be infected. Psttacines, pittas, and toucans accounted for 92% of the VVND virus isolations from exotic birds. In addition, domestic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was isolated from 0.29% of the free-flying wild birds, from 1.65% of the semidomestic birds, and from 0.19% of the exotic birds collected. Hemagglutination-inhibition against domestic NDV was demonstrated in 0.24% of 3,796 wild bird serums, 8.28% of 2,004 semidomestic bird serums, and 3.90% of 231 exotic bird serums tested. Although few free-flying wild birds were infected with VVND virus in this epornitic, the isolation of domestic NDV strains from free-flying wild ducks and mourning doves suggests the potential for transportation of NDV over long distances by migratory birds.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Twelve isolations of Newcastle disease virus were made from 77 clinical samples from chickens with conjunctivitis, respiratory disease, proventriculitis and bursal atrophy. Nine of the Isolations were made from chickens with conjunctivitis. The viruses were identified as Newcastle disease virus by inhibition of their haemagglutinins with specific antiserum to Newcastle disease virus. The viruses failed to kill chicken embryos after inoculation into the allantoic cavity and they were judged to be lentogenic strains. There was no evidence that the Newcastle disease viruses were responsible for any of the clinical conditions from which they were isolated. The presence of other agents in 10 of the samples was indicated by reduced production of haemagglutinin in allantoic fluids of infected embryos, by deaths of infected embryos, by the production of cytopathic changes in avian cell cultures and by electron microscopy. Three isolations of infectious bronchitis virus, 2 of avian adenovirus and one of avian reovirus were made. Other samples were suspected of containing infectious bronchitis virus and mycoplasmas, but these were not isolated. The Newcastle disease viruses failed to produce plaques in chicken embryo fibroblast cell cultures and they were separated from the contaminating agents by haemagglutination and elution followed by passage at terminal dilution in chick embryos. No Newcastle disease virus was isolated from 60 caecal tonsils and 60 lung samples from 9-week-old broiler chickens. Eight lung samples yielded mycoplasmas that caused haemadsorption in chicken cell cultures. The mycoplasmas were probably Mycoplasma gallisepticum.  相似文献   

Epizootiology of Newcastle disease in waterfowl.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Antibodies to Newcastle disease virus (NDV) as measured by hemagglutination-inhibition and virus-neutralization tests were detected in 40/236 Canada geese captured while in their southward migration or in their wintering grounds. Antibodies were also found in 37/267 wild ducks and in 20/31 domestic geese. Adult geese were readily infected by several routes. Inapparent disease usually resulted, and only 1/13 cases were fatal. Goose embryos responded differently to inoculation with selected NDV strains than did chicken embryos of comparative developmental stages. Some goslings that hatched from inoculated embryos died and were found to have virus, whereas others survived and developed active antibodies. Four strains of virus isolated from migratory ducks of the Pacific flyway were characterized. All 4 strains were lentogenic but differed from lentogenic strains prevalent in chickens by being thermostable. It is proposed that wild waterfowl neither receive their ND infection from domestic poultry nor pass their disease to poultry. The virus reservoir probably exists in nature.  相似文献   

Exotic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolated from chickens during the 2002-2003 California outbreak (CA exotic Newcastle disease [END] virus) was inoculated into 4-week-old specific-pathogen-free (SPF) White Leghorn chickens, 3-week-old SPF Beltsville White turkeys, 6-week-old commercial Broad Breasted White turkeys, and 10- to 20-week-old racing pigeons, and the clinicopathologic features of disease were compared. Birds were monitored clinically and euthanized sequentially with collection of tissues. Tissues were examined by histopathology, by immunohistochemistry to detect viral nucleoprotein, and by in situ hybridization to detect viral mRNA. Clinically, infected chickens and SPF turkeys showed severe depression, and all died or were euthanized because of severe clinical signs by day 5 postinoculation. In these birds, histologic lesions were widespread and virus was detected in multiple organs. All infected commercial turkeys showed mild depression, and incoordination was observed in some birds. Histologic lesions were mild, and viral distribution was limited. In pigeons, only 1 bird showed overt clinical disease, and histologic lesions and viral distribution were present in limited organs. Consequently, susceptibility to highly virulent NDV was shown to vary among chickens, SPF turkeys, commercial turkeys, and pigeons. Additionally, we have evidence of CA END virus subclinical infections that suggest pigeons could be subclinical carriers of other virulent NDV.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of six Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates recovered from chickens (Ckn-LBM and Ckn-Australia) and wild (Anhinga) and exotic (YN parrot, pheasant, and dove) birds was examined after the isolates had been passaged four times in domestic chickens. Groups of 10 4-wk-old specific-pathogen-free white leghorn chickens were inoculated intraconjunctivally with each one of the isolates. The infected birds were observed for clinical disease and were euthanatized and sampled at selected times from 12 hr to 14 days postinoculation or at death. Tissues were examined by histopathology, by immunohistochemistry (IHC) to detect viral nucleoprotein (IHC/NP), and by in situ hybridization to detect viral mRNA and were double labeled for apoptosis (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling ([TUNEL] or IHC/caspase-3) and viral nucleoprorein (IHC/NP). Birds infected with the three low virulence viruses (Ckn-LBM, YN parrot, and Ckn-Australia) did not develop clinical disease. Microscopic lesions were observed only at the inoculation site and in organs of the respiratory system. The detection of viral nucleoprotein (N) was restricted to the inoculation site. The pheasant and dove isolates were highly virulent for chickens with marked tropism for lymphoid tissues, confirmed by the presence of large numbers of cells positive for viral N protein and viral mRNA. Viral N protein was detected early in the cytoplasm of cells in the center of the splenic ellipsoids. The apoptosis assays (TUNEL and IHC/caspase-3) showed increased apoptosis in the splenic ellipsoids as well. Apparently, apoptosis is an important mechanism in lymphoid depletion during NDV infection.  相似文献   

A survey for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in wild birds of Costa Rica was conducted by swabbing wild-caught pet birds, backyard chickens, and wild birds captured in Japanese mist nets in tropical rain forests and agricultural areas. Cloacal swabs were collected from 876 birds of approximately 132 species representing 24 taxonomic families. Hemagglutinating agents were isolated from 18.7% of the birds. Paramyxovirus type 2(PMV-2) (Yucaipa-like), unreported in free-flying passerines in the Americas, was recovered from a finch, wren, and chicken, each from a different location. Pathogenicity trials with infected turkey poults and newly hatched chicks did not result in growth impairment or significant clinical signs of disease. Attempts to isolate NDV were negative.  相似文献   

用SPF鸡胚从疑为鸽新城疫的浙江温州某肉鸽场分离到一株毒株。该毒株能凝集鸡红细胞,初代分离毒HA效价高达8 log2;且其凝集作用能被鸡新城疫标准阳性血清抑制;将分离毒回归鸽,复制出与自然病例相似的临床症状和病变,且感染后10d内全部死亡,说明为强毒株。试验结果表明该毒株为鸽新城疫病毒。  相似文献   

通过病理剖检、病理组织学及电镜负染观察等方法对来自山东、河南等地的15只表现典型新城疫症状的发病鸵鸟的死亡原因进行系统研究分析。病理剖检可见发病鸵鸟全身广泛性出血,其中以消化道黏膜出血为主;病理组织学观察可见其病理特征以消化道黏膜出血,细胞变性、坏死、脱落为主,同时伴发心肌纤维和肾小管上皮细胞的颗粒变性,脾脏和肺脏充血、出血以及其头颈部的水肿,淋巴组织的坏死等病理变化。电镜负染观察可见圆形、椭圆形或纺锤形,直径200~500 nm,具有明显纤突的典型副黏病毒粒子。以上试验结果证实鸵鸟的死亡原因为新城疫病毒感染所致。  相似文献   

Clinical material from avian species was examined directly by electron microscopy for the presence of viruses. Mycoplasma-like and coronavirus-like particles were found in chicken feces. These particles did not appear to be associated with disease and were not propagated in the laboratory. Infectious bursal disease virus was readily detected in impression smears of bursas from experimentally infected birds. Poxviruses were demonstrated in smears made from canarypox lesions. Difficulty in distinguishing intact particles of Newcastle disease virus from mycoplasmas and orthomyxoviruses was resolved by treating viral preparations with deoxycholate. After treatment, Newcastle disease virus was lysed, rendering the nucleocapsid visible, whereas influenza virus was mainly unaffected. Viral particles that were recognized only with difficulty by direct elecron microscopic examination were more easily identified using immunoelectron microscopy.  相似文献   

The sightings and migration patterns of 65 bean (Anser fabalis) and 65 white-fronted geese (Anser albifrons) are reported. In the past, these geese were serologically screened for the occurrence of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and other avian viral diseases by Hlinak et al. (3). Of the 130 birds originally tagged and serologically screened in 1991, 53 birds were resighted between 1991 and 1996. Most of the sightings were reported from main wintering and resting sites in Germany and The Netherlands. It is noteworthy that 19 of the 53 birds sighted had serologic evidence that they had been exposed to NDV before the time of marking in 1991. Although the origin of these infections in bean geese and white-fronted geese is still unknown, the sightings reported in this study indicate that, once infected, wild geese may be involved in the dissemination and spread of avian viral diseases, specifically Newcastle disease. The migration patterns of the wild geese provided further evidence that the main resting and wintering areas of migratory waterfowl are likely to be important for the inter- and intraspecies transmission of avian diseases, thereby representing risk areas for the poultry industry.  相似文献   

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