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1选择优良种羊根据用途选择高产优质种羊品种。肉用羊可选南江黄羊、四川麻羊、江苏湖羊,小尾寒羊等;奶山羊可选瑞士莎能奶山羊,陕西关中奶山羊等;绵羊可选新疆细毛羊,罗姆尾羊等。要求外来品种公羊40千克以上,母羊30千克以上;本地公羊30千克左右,母羊20千克左右。公羊体型标准健壮,背腰平直,胸深广,睾丸发育良好,雄性特征明显。母羊体型大,  相似文献   

1种羊的选择1.1种公羊的选择选择种公羊时要选留体格高大,体质结实,四肢高、粗壮,背腰平直,腰身长,胸宽,臀部丰满,睾丸发育良好,雄性特征明显的公羊。1.2种母羊的选择一般要求母羊体质结实,四肢高,善于行走,发情症状明显,母性强;头大小适中,两眼有神,精神旺盛;乳房及生殖器官发育良好,健康无病。2加强种羊的饲养管理2.1种公羊的饲养管理2.1.1营养与饲喂营养条件对绵羊、山羊的繁殖力影响极大,丰富和平衡的营养,可以提高种公羊的性欲,提高精液品质,增强公羊的体质。饲养种公羊要选择营养价值高、适口性好、又易消化的饲料。种公羊在非配种期…  相似文献   

1选择优良种羊 根据生产用途选择高产优质种羊品种。肉羊如南江黄羊、四川麻羊、小尾寒羊等;奶羊如陕西关中奶山羊、瑞士莎能奶山羊等。要求外来品种公羊40千克以上,母羊30千克以上;本地公羊30千克左右,母羊20千克左右。公羊体型标准健壮,  相似文献   

(一)配种前准备种公羊从繁殖力高的母羊后代中选择培育,要求体形外貌标准、健壮,睾丸发育良好,雄性特征明显,精液质量、后裔品质好。母羊从多胎母羊后代中选择优秀个体,并注意其泌乳、哺乳性能,也可根据家系选留多胎母羊。老龄母羊发情持续时间较短,应在发情后及早配种,青年母羊发情时间较长,配种时间应稍后些。一般在一个发情期内,配种1次,但为了提高准胎率和多羔率,可在  相似文献   

1加强选育及选配1.1种公羊的选择种公羊要选择体形外貌健壮,睾丸发育良好,雄性特征明显,尽量选择产双羔或多羔的母羊后代作种,及时发现并剔出不符合要求的公羊。1.2母羊的选择选择应从多胎的母羊后代中选择优秀个体,注意母羊的泌乳,哺乳性能,提高  相似文献   

通过深入调查,找出影响母羊受胎率的主要因素:公羊不育或公羊精液品质不良;母羊饲养管理粗放,发情排卵不正常;母羊发情后配种不及时,延误最佳受孕时机;公、母羊的疾病治疗不及时等。针对以上原因,采取相应的防治措施,以提高母羊的受胎率。1推广人工授精,消除公羊不育症要有效地杜绝母羊因公羊精液品质差或公羊不育而引起的母羊空怀,做好发情鉴定,及时进行人工授精。有条件的养殖户(场)也可以自己进行公羊精液品质检查。仍采用自然交配方式的养殖场(户)要有效提高羊只自然交配受胎率。对种公羊的选择和喂养必须做好以下三点:一是选择种公羊应…  相似文献   

饲养奶山羊可繁殖奶山羊新个体,满足人类对羊乳和羊肉的需要。羊乳和羊肉营养丰富、肉质鲜美,市场需求量大,价格合适。在农村养殖项目中,奶山羊养殖生产效益较高、发展前景良好。养殖奶山羊是为了繁殖新个体、生产羊肉和羊乳,并获取经济和社会效益。奶山羊能否正常妊娠与分娩、生产新个体,决定着奶山羊养殖的成败。可根据奶山羊的妊娠期、配种时间推算出预产期。在预产期到来之前要注意观察母羊的变化,出现临产征兆时做好接产准备;需要助产时立即实施助产措施。介绍了奶山羊母羊的分娩征兆、分娩过程、接产与助产措施,供参考。  相似文献   

<正>羊的人工授精技术是利用工具采集种公羊的精液,经过质量检查、稀释、冷藏、运输等处理后,再通过输精设备将精液输入发情母羊的子宫内,以达到配种的目的。和传统的自然交配相比,羊人工授精技术的优势更明显,该技术可以大大减少公羊使用数量,实现异地配种,还具有显著提高母羊受胎率等优点。本文重点从种公羊的选育和调教、母羊的准备和发情鉴定、人工采精和输精等关键要点来深入地理解羊人工授精技术。1种公羊的选育和调教1.1种公羊的选择种公羊引进要优先选择具有资质的种公羊繁殖场,选择种公羊时,首先要认真核对种公羊的系谱,对种公羊前几代的生产性能,比如繁殖数量、产肉量、泌乳量、日增重和料肉比等进行系统综合的考察。其次,选育种公羊时,要根据不同品种的特点和育种要求来选留,选择身体健壮、适应性强、发育良好、年龄在2~6岁的公羊作为种公羊。1.2种公羊的饲养管理种公羊的饲养管理主要体现在两个方面,一是为种公羊提供一个舒适的生活环境,二是为种公羊提供充足的营养。只有提高了饲养管理水平,种公羊才能生产出合格的、高品质的精液。  相似文献   

一、加强选育选配。1.种公羊的选择:从繁殖力高的母羊后代中选择培育公羊。要求体型外貌标准、健壮,睾丸发育良好,雄性特征明显,并通过精液质量检查、后裔鉴定等措施发现和剔除不符合要求的公羊。2.母羊的选择:从多胎母羊后代中不断选择优秀个体,并注意其泌乳、哺乳性能。也可根据家系选留多胎母羊。正确选种是提高繁殖能力的一个重要方法。  相似文献   

奶山羊养殖是一项投资小、设备简单、效益高的农家致富项目。山羊奶和山羊肉都是营养丰富、人们喜食、供不应求的营养食品。本文从品种选择,羔羊、青年羊、种公羊、母羊的养殖技术以及防疫消毒等方面介绍了奶山羊养殖技术要点。  相似文献   

Multiparous Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewes were randomly allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure, during transition from anestrus to breeding activity, on reproductive performance. Treatments were: 1) ewes joined with two mature vasectomized Rambouillet rams for 15 d before breeding (DC), 2) ewes maintained across a net wire fence from two vasectomized rams for 15 d before breeding (FC) and 3) ewes maintained approximately 400 m away from rams (NC). At the end of the 15 d, all ewes were placed in one pasture and mated to three fertile Suffolk rams during a 34-d breeding season. A total of 96 Suffolk and 177 Suffolk-cross ewes was utilized during the 3-yr experiment. A greater (P less than .05) prebreeding ovulation percentage was observed in DC and FC than in NC ewes. Mating and lambing occurred approximately 6 d earlier for DC or FC ewes than for NC ewes. A similarly designed experiment was conducted using Suffolk and Suffolk-cross ewe lambs allotted to treatments within breed and year to measure effects of ram exposure during the natural breeding season, but prior to breeding. Treatment differences were not detected (P greater than .05) for date of first observed estrus, date of lambing, percentage of ewes lambing in the first 17 d of the lambing season, number of lambs born per ewe lamb exposed or number of lambs born per ewe lamb giving birth.  相似文献   

由于藏羊特殊的品种特性,高海拔严寒地区养殖适应性好,养殖成本相对其他类型羊较低,但自然交配情况下,空怀率高,繁殖率低。为克服藏种羊胆小易惊,调教不易,采精困难等不利因素,我们采用电刺激法促使种公羊被动排精,很大程度上降低了采精难度,提高了采精数量,在母羊集中发情季节,优秀种公羊个体可授配母羊500只以上,同时引进药物诱导母羊同期发情等技术进行人工授精,大大提升了藏羊繁殖性能,加速了我县藏羊引种改良进程,提高藏羊养殖经济效益。  相似文献   

Objectives were to estimate effects of sire breed (Dorset, Finnsheep, Romanov, Texel, and Montadale), dam breed (Composite III and northwestern whiteface), mating season (August, October, and December), ewe age (1, 2, and 3 yr), and their interactions on reproductive traits of F1 ewes. A total of 1,799 F1 ewes produced 3,849 litters from 4,804 exposures to Suffolk rams during 35-d mating seasons over 3 yr. Ewes were weighed at breeding. Conception rate and ewe longevity (present or absent at 42 mo of age) were determined. Number born and litter birth weight were recorded, and number and weight at weaning and 20 wk of age were analyzed separately for dam- and nursery-reared litter mates. Total productivity through 3 yr of age for each ewe entering the breeding flock was calculated as the sum of 20-wk weights for dam- or nursery-reared lambs. Interactions of sire breed x mating season, sire breed x ewe age, and mating season x ewe age were generally significant, whereas interactions of sire breed, mating season, and ewe age x dam breed were seldom detected. Interactions of sire breed x mating season were often due to changes in rank as well as magnitude, indicating the importance of matching sire breed to a specific mating season. The number born to Dorset-, Texel-, and Montadale-sired ewes was not affected by dam breed; however, Finnsheep-sired ewes out of northwestern whiteface dams were more prolific than Finnsheep-sired ewes out of Composite III dams, and the opposite situation existed for Romanov-sired ewes. Least squares means of sire breeds (P < 0.001) for total productivity of dam-reared lambs were 98.5, 103.5, 106.9, 124.6, and 154.9 kg/ewe entering the breeding flock for Texel, Dorset, Montadale, Finnsheep, and Romanov, respectively. Superior reproduction of Romanov-sired ewes was due to greater conception rate and prolificacy for each mating season and ewe age, as well as greater ewe longevity. Total productivity of F1 ewes by Composite III dams (125.6 kg) was greater (P < 0.001) than for ewes born to northwestern whiteface dams (109.7 kg), and the effect of mating season increased (P < 0.001) from August to October to December. Litter weight at 20 wk of age of 2- and 3-yr-old ewes was similar but greater (P < 0.001) than for 1-yr-old ewes. Experimental results provide comprehensive information about the appropriate use of these breeds in crossbreeding systems to meet specific production-marketing objectives.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to compare the efficacy of synthetic progestogens administered by subcutaneous ear implant or intravaginal sponge to induce a synchronized estrus in adult ewes and ewe lambs and to evaluate reproductive performance (fertility and litter size) to breeding at the synchronized estrus. Experimental animals were representative of three strains maintained in total confinement and exposed to a synthetic light regimen which alternated at intervals of 4 mo from 18 h day length to 10 h day length/24 h. Treatments were applied at different times of the year at the end of a low light cycle. Implants contained Norgestomet (3 mg) impregnated in a polymethacrylate polymer (Implant H) or impregnated in a silastic polymer containing 1.05 (Implant S1), 1.78 (Implant S2) or 2.60 mg (Implant S3) Norgestomet, respectively. Intravaginal sponges contained 40 mg Fluorogestone Acetate. Implants or sponges were left in situ for 12 d and 500 IU pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin was injected im at the time of removal. Following treatment with Implant H, 96% of ewes were judged to be in estrus at 48 h after implant removal. Fertility of adult ewes and ewe lambs (6 to 7 mo of age at time of breeding) at the synchronized estrus were similar after implant H or sponge treatment, but litter size was higher (P less than .05) for adult ewes treated with sponges. The percentages of adult ewes marked by rams within 60 h after removal of silastic implants or intravaginal sponges were similar. There was a tendency for ewe lambs to be marked later than adult ewes and for adult ewes treated with Implant S1 and Implant S2 to be marked earlier than ewes treated with Implant S3 or sponges. Higher percentages (P less than .05) of adult ewes and ewe lambs lambed to breeding at the synchronized estrus after treatment with Implant S2 or Implant S3, respectively, than after treatment with Implants S2 or sponges.  相似文献   

【目的】试验旨在对崂山奶山羊无角间性综合征(polled intersex syndrome,PIS)生殖缺陷基因进行定位并分析其基因型。【方法】以155只崂山奶山羊为研究对象,其中有角公羊9只、有角母羊34只、无角母羊29只、无角公羊47只、间性山羊36只。对36只间性山羊进行表型特征分析;以155只崂山奶山羊血液基因组DNA为材料进行遗传学性别鉴定;根据山羊基因组DNA的完整序列信息(RefSeq:NC_030808.1)分别设计PIS wt-2、PIS wt-3和PIS var-2 3对扩增引物,利用PCR方法验证山羊PIS区是否存在198 bp替换和108 bp缺失,并分析不同性状山羊PIS基因的基因型。【结果】36只间性山羊包括17只大阴蒂雄性假间性、12只拟雌性假间性和7只短阴茎间性这3种不同的表型,其性染色体均为XX;山羊PIS区是完全缺失的,且在129 427 003~129 427 905 bp区域并不存在198 bp替换和108 bp缺失;间性山羊的基因型全为突变纯合子,其突变类型为10.1 kb缺失/480 kb重复双突变;有角山羊的基因型全为野生型纯合子,没有发生10.1 kb缺失/480 kb重复;在检测的无角山羊中,有10只10.1 kb缺失/480 kb重复双突变纯合子公羊,其余无角山羊的基因型为10.1 kb缺失/480 kb重复单突变的杂合子。【结论】间性山羊的出现是由于10.1 kb的完全缺失和1个反向插入的约480 kb大小的重复片段导致,且间性性状仅发生在纯合子母羊中,而公羊的纯合缺失并不会出现间性性状。结果可为进一步揭示山羊无角性状的遗传机制以及培育崂山奶山羊无角新品系提供参考。  相似文献   

A new breed of sheep has been developed in Colombia by crossing Scottish Blackface rams with the indigenous Criolla ewes and then interbreeding the progeny, with selection based on performance. It has been given the name Manchada Paramuna. The breed has been developed to provide the small producer (campesino) with a breeding ewe which has a high level of fertility, a good fleece, and which produces lambs with high survival rate and good growth rate.  相似文献   

Sixty ewe lambs, 12 each of Suffolk, Dorset, Finnish Landrace, Finn-Dorset and Rambouillet born in January and February were used in a study of puberty and duration of the first breeding season. Ovulation was monitored via progesterone assay of weekly blood samples beginning in July, and estrus via daily checking with vasectomized rams. All 60 ewes ovulated but three, one Dorset and two Rambouillet failed to show estrus although each had five to seven ovulatory cycles. Several ewes showed small progesterone rises, 300 to 500 pg/ml, before first ovulation and six (10%) failed to initiate regular cyclicity following the first ovulation as defined by progesterone greater than 500 pg/ml. Mean number of ovulatory events before the first behavioral estrus ranged from 1.25 for Finnish Landrace to 2.20 for Rambouillet ewe lambs (P less than .1). Rambouillets were older (277 d; P less than .05) at first estrus than Finns (258 d) and Finn-Dorsets (260 d), but differences in age at first ovulation were not significant: Finn-Dorset, 233 d; Dorset, 234 d; Finn, 235 d; Rambouillet, 240 d; Suffolk, 245 d. Most cycles were of normal length, with 91.4% between 14 and 20 d. Repeatability of cycle length within breed group was .38. Suffolks had significantly shorter cycles (16.1 d) than the other four groups (17.0 to 17.4 d). Finnish Landrace and Finn-Dorset ewes continued to cycle much longer than the other groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

本试验旨在通过构建模型,利用计算机技术识别母羊发情的叫声。对40只崂山奶山羊发情、羔羊寻母、母羊饥饿和饲料刺激4种类型声音进行录制,通过搭建程序对原始声音进行声音信号分析,然后将声音进行预处理并进行特征参数提取,发现母羊发情、饥饿、羔羊寻母状态下羊的声音强度和频率有显著差异。利用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)、支持向量机(SVM)和迭代算法(Adaboost)3种声音模型对羊声音进行识别准确率验证,结果显示3种声音模型识别羊的发情状态与试情结果吻合率为96.67%、84.17%和87.92%。从动物行为学的角度分析,可以利用计算机处理羊的声音识别出母羊发情等状态。  相似文献   

能量是影响母羊繁殖性能的重要因素之一。满足母羊不同时期的能量需求是提高母羊生产效益的重要措施,对保证母羊繁殖和羔羊健康生长有重要意义。能量主要通过下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴来影响母羊的繁殖性能。文章综述不同能量水平对母羊的发情、胚胎发育、泌乳和羔羊生长的影响,以期为母羊合理的日粮能量水平提供依据。  相似文献   

Four hundred seventy-four ewe lambs (5 to 6 mo of age) were assigned within breed to two postweaning feed treatments; 1 = alfalfa pellets ad libitum and 2 = alfalfa pellets plus 20% barley or wheat ad libitum. Ten days prior to the start of breeding, approximately one-half of the ewe lambs within each feed treatment were treated with a single injection of 2.5 mg of estradiol valerate and 1.5 mg of norgestomet and implanted with 3 mg of norgestomet for 8 d. At the start of breeding, fertile Suffolk rams were fitted with marking harnesses and penned with ewe lambs; evidence of estrus and breeding was determined on a weekly basis by visual examination for breeding marks. In the second year of the study, 7 to 13 d after recording estrous activity, all marked ewe lambs were bled; and blood was assayed for progesterone. In 1983, 60% of the ewe lambs showed estrus and 11% lambed compared with 48% exhibiting estrus and 30% lambing in 1984 (P less than .01). More (P less than .01) ewe lambs on feed treatment 1 displayed estrus, but more (P less than .05) lambed in the feed treatment 2 group. Steroid treatment resulted in more (P less than .01) ewe lambs showing estrus but fewer lambing (P less than .01). Examination of progesterone concentrations for evidence of ovulation and corpus luteum development indicated that treatment with steroids caused a large percentage of ewe lambs to exhibit estrus. However, many of these failed to develop a corpus luteum and become pregnant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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