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(鱼师)鱼是一类快速游泳、温水的肉食性鱼类,隶属硬骨鱼纲,鲈形目,黪科,(鱼师)亚科.我国沿海和日本均有分布.现已形成规模养殖的种类有高体(鱼师)鱼(鱼师)鱼、五条(鱼师)鱼和黄条(鱼师)鱼.生长速度快,当年鱼种经6~8个月养殖,可达到500g以上的商品鱼规格,第二年可达4~7kg.0.5~1kg产品重(鱼师)鱼价格为36~40元/kg.在日本有数十年的养殖历史,已成为日本海水渔业的重要养殖对象,目前已在我国南方开始试养.养殖模式大多采用网箱养殖.  相似文献   

(鱼师)鱼是一种名贵的海水养殖品种,具有极其广阔的出口市场.上世纪六十年代,日本(鱼师)鱼养殖业得到高速发展,目前已居日本海水养殖业之首,(鱼师)鱼的养殖产量占海水养殖总产量的1/5.近几年,随着我国浅海资源的开发,(鱼师)鱼养殖业也得到了一定的发展,本文就有关(鱼师)鱼人工养殖技术作一简要介绍.  相似文献   

杜氏(鱼师)又称紫(鱼师),亦称高体(鱼师)、赤(鱼师)或红(鱼师)。它属暖水性鱼类,其生长速度快,经济价值高,是一个很有潜力的海水养殖品种。作者根据杜氏(鱼师)资源调查结果,并探讨如何开发利用我国的南海(鱼师)鱼资源.  相似文献   

高体(鱼师)鱼属(鱼师)科(鱼师)鱼属.广泛分布于热带和亚热带的海洋性鱼类,它的渔捕量比同属的五条(鱼师)和拉氏(鱼师)少,虽然有养殖,但不如其它两种普及.此外高体(鱼师)是(鱼师)鱼属中生长最快的种类,市场价格高,天然种苗的采捕量少,几乎没有作为单独的养殖对象.国内(鱼师)鱼人工繁殖已获得实验性成功,但海水鱼类人工育苗技术在国内外都尚存在很多问题和困难,育苗工作还处于研究阶段,育苗的成活率还只有百分之几.日本对(鱼师)鱼的人工繁殖及其受精卵胚胎发育已有研究报导,国内尚未见有关于(鱼师)鱼胚胎发育过程的研究报导.本文采用人工催产(鱼师)鱼亲鱼自然受精,取得受精卵后,恒温下观察,记录高体(鱼师)人工催产、产卵、胚胎发育过程并与前人的研究结果进行比较,主要研究高体(鱼师)的胚胎发育.  相似文献   

黄带(鱼师)Seriola aureovittata(Temminck et Schlegel)是中国黄海北部的优质品种,我们于2002年7月至2003年3月在浙江对黄带(鱼师)进行了引种及养殖越冬试验。结果表明:黄带(鱼师)可以在浙江海域进行养殖及自然海区安全越冬,而且生长速度较快,是具有发展前途的养殖品种。  相似文献   

据1989年度的调查,现在日本海水养殖鱼类的种类有33种,倘若加上淡水、咸淡水养殖的种类已达到61种。以黄尾(鱼师)等(鱼师)鱼类为主,其次是真鲷、银大麻哈鱼、紫(鱼师)、长缟鲹、河鲀等多种  相似文献   

鱼师鱼是一种名贵的海水养殖品种,具有极其广阔的出口市场。上世纪六十年代,日本鱼师鱼养殖业得到高速发展,目前已居日本海水养殖业之首,鱼师鱼的养殖产量占海水养殖总产量的1/5。近几年,随着我国浅海资源的开发,鱼师鱼养殖业也得到了一定的发展,本文就有关鱼师鱼人工养殖技术作一简要介绍。一、生物学特性鱼师鱼种类较多,目前在养殖上主要有高体鱼师和黄条鱼师,此外还有五条鱼师、杜氏鱼师、紫鱼师等。鱼师鱼是凶猛肉食性鱼类,在天然水域中体长4mm(开口以后)~8cm的鱼苗主要摄食0.5mm~3.0mm的桡足类、枝角类及其它大型浮游生物,体长8cm以上…  相似文献   

<正> 五条黄尾(鱼师)(Seriola quinqueradiata)是日本海水鱼养殖的重要对象,目前日本沿海约有3000个渔农户从事该鱼种的养殖,年产量为15~16万吨,也是日本海淡水鱼养殖中产量最高的品种。沿海渔民还用手钓、曳绳钓、剌网和定置网捕捞(鱼师)鱼,但年捕捞量仅3~5万吨。生长周期 (鱼师)鱼主要分布于沿海暖水区,以堪察加半岛南部,经日本和朝鲜水域至西伯利亚滨海省西部水域,资源较丰富。产卵场分布于能登半岛(北纬37°)  相似文献   

高体(鱼师)(Seriola dumerili)属鲈形目、鲹科、(鱼师)属,是暖温性海洋鱼类,广泛分布于印度洋北部沿岸、红海至太平洋中部、夏威夷群岛、墨西哥湾,我国产于南海诸岛、海南岛和广东、福建沿海等地,亦是我国名贵海产经济鱼类.在高体(鱼师)人工养殖中,生长迅速,当年可养成至体重1.0kg~1.5kg,经济效益十分显著,成为海水网箱养殖诸多品种中最受养殖户欢迎的种类,也是当前南方网箱养殖中出口创汇的主要鱼类.  相似文献   

根据日本水产厅透露,由于前年秋季以来以养殖的真鲷稚鱼为主感染了病毒性红细胞坏死病,导致1991年养殖鱼类死亡509万尾,直按经济损失达8亿日元。其中真鲷495万尾、(鱼师)鱼31000尾、竹(竹夹)鱼3万尾、紫(鱼师)28000尾、石鲷27000尾、长缟鲹15000尾、斑石鲷4000尾、黄尾(鱼师)3000尾、长棘鲷2000尾、鲈500尾。真鲷  相似文献   

光唇鱼雌性个体生殖力的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随机采集光唇鱼雌性个体样本12尾,测量其体长(L)、体质量(W)、净体质量(Wn)和性腺质量(Wo)等生物学指标。用质量法计数个体绝对生殖力,并对体长相对生殖力(FL)、体质量相对生殖力(Fw)和成熟系数进行计算,结果表明:个体绝对生殖力(F)在458~14254粒,平均3736粒。体长相对生殖力(FL)在50~1013粒/cm,平均346粒/cm。体质量相对生殖力(Fw)在19~151粒/g,平均85粒/g。绝对生殖力主要集中于1000~5000粒,绝对生殖力在10000粒以上的样本较少。体长相对生殖力主要分布于100~500粒/cm,而体质量相对生殖力主要集中于25~100粒/g。  相似文献   

为研究马苏大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus masou)资源保护策略和人工繁殖技术,对人工养殖的图们江陆封型马苏大麻哈鱼繁殖力进行了研究。选取122尾不同养殖区域卵巢发育Ⅳ-Ⅴ期的马苏大麻哈鱼样本(其中延吉42尾、山东35尾、北京45尾)进行统计分析。试验马苏大麻哈鱼体重209~845 g,平均为(512±206)g;体长17.0~39.5 cm,平均为(26.81±6.53)cm。结果表明,大麻哈鱼的绝对繁殖力410~3 075粒,平均为(1 485±797)粒;体重相对繁殖力1.93~3.64粒/g,平均为(2.72±0.47)粒/g;体长相对繁殖力23.60~77.85粒/cm,平均为(51.35±17.60)粒/cm;Ⅴ期卵巢性腺指数14.85%~27.93%,平均为(20.97±3.57)%;繁殖力随着体重、体长、性腺指数增加而提高(P0.01)。通过人工驯养和移植培育,改变了马苏大麻哈鱼在自然环境下雌鱼卵巢发育不成熟的现象,而且繁殖力明显提高。移植到北京和山东后,其繁殖力极显著高于原产地(P0.01)。国产陆封型马苏大麻哈鱼具有规模化人工繁育的优势,能够为野生种群资源增殖提供苗种补充。  相似文献   

在黄河三角洲地区对高位海水对虾养殖池进行改造,利用低盐度水源进行罗氏沼虾养殖试验, 获得成功。经116天养殖,亩产罗氏沼虾50.1 kg,平均体长7.86cm,平均体重15.2 g,投入产出比1:2.4, 亩获纯利润1 205元。  相似文献   

Chinese catfish ( Clarias fuscus ) were successfully spawned in Hawaii using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at dosage rates of two and four international units (IU) per gram body weight. Fish not injected with HCG did not produce viable eggs. Successful spawns with HCG occurred between May and October. Hatch rates of up to 80% were obtained during June, July, and August for those fish given either a 2 or 4 IU per gram body weight injection of HCG. Fish spawned in either May or October yielded significantly higher hatch rates when injected with 4 rather than 2 IU per gram body weight. Fish held at elevated temperatures (28 to 30 C) prior to the normal spawning season developed significantly larger oocyte diameters, 60 days earlier than fish held under ambient temperature conditions (21.5 to 24 C). Photoperiod manipulation at ambient temperature conditions was associated with earlier oocyte maturation, but photoperiod effects were much less important than temperature.  相似文献   

2002年11月从美国引进夏牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)鱼苗2000尾,平均体长8.3 cm,平均体宽3.6 cm,平均体重8.26g,在室内长方形育苗池内试养,水温9-32℃,盐度20-28,通过投喂自制的湿颗粒饲料,控制水质,防治病害等措施,经过1年试养,夏牙鲆平均体长36.80 cm,体宽15.77 cm,体重达750 g。本试验为室内池养殖夏牙鲆提供了有实用价值的技术资料。  相似文献   

黑龙江乌苏里白鲑的个体繁殖力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年和2014年的10–11月,在黑龙江抚远江段采集成熟度为IV期的雌性乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus ussurinsis)133尾,鉴定年龄(A),测量叉长(L)、体重(W)、净体重(Wn)和卵巢重(Wo)等生物学指标。计算了绝对繁殖力(F)、叉长相对繁殖力(FL)、体重相对繁殖力(FW)、性成熟系数(GSI)和肥满度(K),并运用6种数学模型及多元线性逐步回归方程拟合了乌苏里白鲑个体繁殖力与生物学指标之间的关系。结果表明,用于统计繁殖力的样本由4+~8+龄5个年龄组组成,乌苏里白鲑F分布范围在1.161×104~5.921×104粒,平均为3.027×104粒;FL分布在307.13~1119.4 eggs/cm,平均为622.5 eggs/cm;FW分布在19.81~56.98 eggs/g,平均为34.62 eggs/g。F与叉长、体重和年龄拟合度最高的函数分别为幂函数、线性函数和抛物线,FL与叉长、体重和年龄分别为幂函数、幂函数和线性函数相关,而FW与叉长、体重和年龄无显著相关性,FW只与卵巢重和性成熟系数具有一定的相关性,且拟合度最高的方程均为幂函数。多元线性逐步回归分析表明,乌苏里白鲑F与卵巢重、叉长和性成熟系数显著相关,而FL和FW均受卵巢重和性成熟系数的显著影响,从二者偏相关系数值来讲,卵巢重与个体繁殖力(F、FL、FW)之间的相关性均高于性成熟系数。  相似文献   

Juvenile silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus (Mitchell) of 3.2 g average weight were reared under controlled conditions on diets containing 23.4% and 40.6% protein. Diets were administered at 3% or 6% of the fish biomass per day. Both the protein concentrations and the feeding level of the diet influenced growth and proximate composition of the fish at the end of the 100-day growth trial. The energy requirement for these fish for maintenance was found to be 81.9 kcal × BW–0.8 and, for each unit of energy retained per metabolic body weight, 7.05 needed to be supplied, whereas for each gram of protein retained per metabolic body weight, 5.79 g were required. The results indicate that it is possible to obtain the same weight increment when feeding a 23.4% protein diet at a level of 6% body mass day–1 compared with only 3% body mass day–1 of a 40.6% protein diet. This study provides the first estimation of nutrient requirements for juvenile silver perch, and these estimations require further refinement.  相似文献   

Groups of juvenile green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (average wet weight = 3.3 g), were fed five different dry feed rations (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2% and 2.4% of their body weight per week) under constant light and temperature conditions for 160 days (Experiment I) in groups to examine growth effects, and for 40 days as individual treatments (Experiment II) to examine feeding efficiency. There was 100% survival of the sea urchins during both experiments. In Experiment I, the lowest ration group (0.2%) had significantly lower growth than the rest of the groups. There was no significant differences in growth between the sea urchin fed ration over 0.4% dry feed of the body wet weight per week. In Experiment II, the lowest feed ration groups (0.2%) had significant lowest growth but had the best feed conversion ratio (FCR), using 0.5 g of feed of dry feed per gram of sea urchin wet weight body growth. The FCR increased with increasing feed ration and the 2.4% group had the poorest FCR, using 1.3 g of feed per gram weight gain. Results from Experiments I and II illustrate that juvenile green sea urchin can grow at a restricted feed ration that is under maximum feed intake, without reduction in growth.  相似文献   

Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus, Mitchell) of 65 g average weight were reared at high density under controlled conditions on diets containing 24.8% and 40.6% protein. Diets were fed at 2% or 4% of the fish biomass day?1. Both protein concentrations and feeding level of the diet influenced growth and proximate composition of the fish at the end of the 50‐day growth trial. Energy requirement for maintenance for these fish was found to be 77 cal BW?0.8 and for each unit of energy retained 3.78 cal BW?0.8 needed to be supplied, and for each gram of protein retained per metabolic body weight 5.04 g were required. The results indicate that it is possible to obtain the same weight increment when feeding a 24.8% protein diet at a level of 4% body weight day?1 as compared with only 2% body weight day?1 of a 40.6% protein diet. This study indicates that the nutritional requirements for early grow‐out are similar to those found in a previous study with juvenile silver perch and adds information concerning the required relationships between dietary amino acids. The results provide information required for further refinement of nutrition for this species.  相似文献   

巢湖沙塘鳢的生物学测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对114尾沙塘鳢进行了测定,全长范围为8.4~19.9cm,体重范围为8.8g~134.2g,其体长和体重呈指数函数增长关系,相关关系式为:W=0.0327L2.9513。绝对怀卵量在822~5430粒之间,相对怀卵量为66~219粒/g。成熟系数5.89~35.56。  相似文献   

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