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非淀粉多糖及其对家禽的抗营养作用   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
本文综述了谷物饲料中非淀粉多糖的分类、含量、结构及理化性质,非淀粉多糖对家禽的抗营养作用及机制,应用酶制剂等消除非淀粉多糖的抗营养作用、提高谷物饲粮营养价值的原理和方法。  相似文献   

非淀粉多糖抗营养作用的正确理解及酶在猪饲料中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
非淀粉多糖对动物的影响是多方面的,本文通过非淀粉多糖对动物的抗营养作用机理和消化生理的分析,阐述了影响非淀粉多糖抗营养作用的几个特点,即非淀粉多糖的抗营养作用与动物肠道食糜的含水量、动物的消化道结构、动物的年龄和水溶性非淀粉多糖及甘露聚糖的特殊抗营养作用有关。对比分析了家禽和猪对非淀粉多糖的耐受性,成年猪对非淀粉多糖有...  相似文献   

加酶日粮有效营养值的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非淀粉多糖酶可通过水解谷物饲料中的非淀粉多糖(NSP),消除其抗营养作用,提高蛋白质、脂肪及淀粉等营养物质的消化率,同时伴随代谢能的提高.由于谷物中非淀粉多糖种类和含量的多样性及复杂性,影响了非淀粉多糖酶与相应饲料有效营养值之间定量关系的确定.本文对酶制剂的添加量与饲料有效营养值方面的研究进行综述,以期为进一步明确酶与营养改进值之间的关系提供参考.  相似文献   

非淀粉多糖(NSP)是谷物饲料中的主要抗营养因子包括,纤维素、半纤维素、果胶和抗性淀粉等.非淀粉多糖分为不溶性非淀粉多糖(如纤维素)和可溶性非淀粉多糖(如β-葡聚糖),可溶性非淀粉多糖可直接与水分子作用增加食糜黏性,具有明显的抗营养作用.  相似文献   

世界上每年大约生产20亿t的谷物和14000万t的豆类和油料种子,这意味着能生产23000万t的各种各样的纤维性物质的副产品。谷物纤维部分主要由非淀粉多糖(NSP)组成,它形成部分细胞壁。在豆类、NSP也起着能量贮备作用。近年来,纤维在单胃动物日粮中的作用引起广泛注意,主要是因为:①可溶性NSP的抗营养作用;②单位动物对作为饲料物质的NSP的利用是很差的。由于世界人口的增长,而食物产量却跟不上。因此,有效地利用潜在能利用的养分来生产食物显得极为重要。1非淀粉多糖的定义与分类多糖是由单糖通过糖苷键连接而成的聚合体。非淀…  相似文献   

麦类原料及其加工副产品含有大量非淀粉多糖(NSP),如阿拉伯木聚糖和葡聚糖等,影响养分的消化吸收,降低动物的生产性能,具有抗营养作用。NSP酶制剂可降解麦类等谷物中广泛存在的一种抗营养因子可溶性非淀粉多糖(SNSP),因而被应用于饲料中。  相似文献   

谷物中非淀粉多糖导致日粮养分消化率和饲养效果降低,限制了谷物在饲料中的应用。本文详细论述了非淀粉多糖酶制剂消除非淀粉多糖抗营养作用的机理,对养分消化率和动物生产性能的影响以及对作用底物定量关系的研究,存在的问题及今后的研究方向。非淀粉多糖酶制剂在提高谷类籽实饲料的利用效率,开发利用非常规饲料资源方面有着巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   

非淀粉多糖酶制剂在动物营养中的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
谷物中非淀粉多糖导致日粮养分消化率和饲养效果降低,限制了谷物在饲料中的应用.本文详细论述了非淀粉多糖酶制剂消除非淀粉多糖抗营养作用的机理,对养分消化率和动物生产性能的影响以及对作用底物定量关系的研究,存在的问题及今后的研究方向.非淀粉多糖酶制剂在提高谷类籽实饲料的利用效率,开发利用非常规饲料资源方面有着巨大的应用前景.  相似文献   

非淀粉多糖的抗营养作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
引言谷物中的淀粉、蛋白质和脂类在动物的消化系统中很容易被消化。然而,很多其它物质却不能被动物(特别是单胃动物)消化吸收,并且还影响其它营养物质的消化吸收,对动物的生长、发育和生产性能产生负效应。这类物质在动物营养学上称之为抗营养因子。如:非淀粉多糖(...  相似文献   

国内外学者的大量研究表明,麦类饲粮中的非淀粉多糖是一种重要的抗营养因子,它难于被动物(特别是单胃动物)消化吸收,并能使消化道食糜黏稠度增加,导致饲粮养分消化率和饲养效果降低。笔者就非淀粉多糖的概念及抗营养作用作一综述。  相似文献   

小麦营养价值很高,但由于其富含具有抗营养作用的阿拉伯木聚糖等非淀粉多糖(NSP),从而降低了小麦中营养物质在家禽中的利用率。NSP主要通过增加动物消化道食糜黏度,阻碍消化酶与营养物质的接触,降低饲料利用率,导致动物生产性能下降。在麦类饲粮中添加NSP酶,可有效消除其抗营养作用。论文主要介绍了非淀粉多糖的抗营养作用、非淀粉多糖酶的作用机理及其在家禽生产中的作用。  相似文献   

We investigated the pattern of non-starch polysaccharide(NSP) digestion along the gut of pigs fed two different wheats, which were offered with or without xylanase supplementation. The two wheats used were pre-characterised before the experiment on the basis of low and normal feed intake of young pigs.Wheat type significantly influenced feed intake and growth rate in the first 7 days, however, by day 14 the only significant effect of wheat type was on growth rate. Xylanase supplementation increased the growth performance of pigs fed the poor quality wheat to a level similar to those fed the normal wheat. It also increased the daily gain of pigs fed the normal wheat. Wheat type had no significant effect on the digestibility of dry matter(DM), energy, free sugars or the different fractions of NSP in the duodenum,ileum or in the faeces. The duodenal gross energy digestibility values for the low and high performance diets were -27.4 and -47.5%, respectively, and xylanase supplementation significantly increased the digestibility of energy back to positive levels. Dry matter digestibility values followed a similar pattern. In the duodenum, xylanase increased(P 0.05) the digestibility values of both soluble and insoluble NSP,whereas in the ileum, xylanase had a significant effect only on the digestibility of the soluble NSP fraction. Xylanase did not affect free sugar digestibility. The reduction in soluble NSP level coincided with a marked reduction in the amount of fucose, a prominent component of mucosal polysaccharides. This suggests that soluble NSP substantially increase endogenous losses. The absence of differences in the digestibility of the measured NSP between the two wheat samples suggests that the structures of the NSP, rather than just their amount and solubility, are important for the anti-nutritional properties of NSP in pig diets.  相似文献   

抗营养因子广泛存在于植物界,这些有毒有害物质进入动物体内后,其可能转化为具有更大活性和毒性的物质,引起畜禽产品质量和产量下降,起到致病作用,甚至引起死亡。主要对饲草料中硝酸盐及亚硝酸盐、苷类物质、棉酚等抗营养因子的危害作一介绍。  相似文献   

Polysaccharides are widespread biopolymers, which quantitatively represent the most important group of nutrients in botanical feed. In animal nutrition polysaccharides, which cannot be degraded by endogeneous enzymes and therfore reach the colon almost indigested, are summarized as "non-starch-polysaccharides (NSP)". Individual NSP groups have different chemical and physical characteristics, that result in various effects on physiology of intestine and on organism in general. They affect e.g. digesta passage, nutrient resorption, microbial growth and activity, lipid metabolism and immune systeme. The physiological effects lead to conclusion that some polysaccharides are suitable tools in health management of farm animals. However, limitations result from antinutritive effects and from little scientific knowledge about modes of action in vivo.  相似文献   

大豆抗原蛋白研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
大豆抗原蛋白既是大豆的主要营养成分,又是大豆抗营养因子之一,是限制大豆及其制品在人类营养和动物饲料中利用的主要因素。鉴于此,对大豆抗原蛋白的研究具有重要的科研和应用价值。其中最主要的两类为大豆球蛋白和β-伴大豆球蛋白,同时也是大豆引起机体过敏反应和腹泻的主要成分。本文主要介绍了大豆抗原蛋白的种类及结构、大豆抗原蛋白的营养免疫学特点,并对今后的研究方向进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

文章总结了畜禽生产中可利用的藻类及其营养成分,重点介绍了含藻饲料对以猪和鸡为代表的畜禽生长、免疫、肌肉品质、产蛋性能和禽蛋品质等方面的影响,还指出了藻类在畜禽饲料应用中存在的问题并提出建议,旨在为藻类资源在猪、鸡养殖生产中的广泛应用提供参考。藻类分布广、易生长、产量大,尤其是海藻,含有陆生植物不具有的生物活性物质和营养物质。将富含不饱和脂肪酸和色素的微藻添加到饲料中能改善畜禽肉品质,提升禽蛋品质;将富含多糖等活性物质的大型海藻添加到饲料中有助于提升畜禽免疫力。饲料中添加少量藻类可提高饲料稳定性,提升畜禽生长性能和饲料利用率;当藻类添加量过高时,其所含的抗营养因子会对畜禽产生负面影响,但通过适当的预处理可消除部分抗营养因子,减轻负面效应。  相似文献   

作为饲料原料中非淀粉多糖的主要成分,戊聚糖是畜禽饲料中最主要的抗营养因子,也是评价植物性原料饲用性能及酶作用效果的主要指标。为了促进非常规原料及戊聚糖酶的科学使用,作者对可用于饲料工业领域的戊聚糖最新研究成果进行综述,详细介绍了戊聚糖的理化性质、分布特点、测定方法、抗营养作用及酶解性质。  相似文献   

棉粕是棉籽经过压榨、浸出等工艺得到的一种微红色或黄色的颗粒状物品,其粗蛋白的含量可达40%以上,仅次于豆粕,是优良的植物蛋白源之一。因此,常被人们当做饲料原料应用于养殖业中。但因棉粕中含有很多抗营养因子,如游离棉酚、单宁、植酸、环丙烯脂肪酸等,会对动物产生一定的毒害作用,使得棉粕在动物中的利用受到限制。对棉粕的营养组成及其在畜禽生产中的应用进行了综述,以期为棉粕在畜禽生产中的合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Lu Z  Cao Y  Guo J  Qi S  Li D  Zhang Q  Ma J  Chang H  Liu Z  Liu X  Xie Q 《Veterinary microbiology》2007,125(1-2):157-169
Non-structural protein (NSP) 3ABC antibody is considered to be the most reliable indicator of present or past infection with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) in vaccinated animals. An indirect ELISA was established, using purified His-tagged 3ABC fusion protein as antigen, for detection of the antibody response to FMDV NSP 3ABC in different animal species. The method was validated by simultaneous detection of the early antibody responses to NSP and structural protein (SP) in FMDV Asia 1 infected animals. The performance of the method was also validated by detection of antibody in reference sera from the FMD World Reference Laboratory (WRL) in Pirbright, UK, and comparison with two commercial NSP ELISA kits. The results showed that the antibody response to SP developed more quickly than that to NSP 3ABC in FMDV infected animals. In contact-infected cattle, the antibody response to NSP 3ABC was significantly delayed compared with that to SP antibody. The early antibody responses to SP and NSP 3ABC in FMDV inoculated cattle and contact-infected or inoculated sheep and pigs were generally consistent. In pigs, 3ABC antibody was linked to the presence of clinical signs; however, in sheep, subclinical infection was detected by the development of 3ABC antibodies. Therefore, the antibody responses to 3ABC varied between host species. Eight out of 10 positive serum samples from FMD WRL were tested to be positive at cutoff value of 0.2. The rate of agreement with the ceditest FMDV-NS and the UBI NSP ELISA were 98.05% (302/308) and 93.2% (287/308), respectively. The prevalence of 3ABC antibodies reached 71.4% in some diseased cattle herds. The further work is required to evaluation the performance of this method in different animal species and different field situations.  相似文献   

Between October 2001 and January 2003 the prion protein (PrP) genotypes of over 250,000 sheep were determined through the operation of the National Scrapie Plan (NSP); the results for 38 breeds were analysed to provide an estimate of the underlying PrP genotype distribution of the British sheep population. Although there was marked variability among the genotype profiles of the different breeds, several trends emerged. A comparison of the allele frequencies demonstrated that the breeds could be grouped into three categories: breeds dominated by ARR and ARQ in which the frequency of ARR exceeded the frequency of ARQ; breeds dominated by ARR and ARQ in which the frequency of ARQ exceeded the frequency of ARR; and breeds with significant levels of either AHQ, ARH or VRQ. Hill breeds were more likely to have a lower proportion of animals at low risk of scrapie (NSP type 1) and a higher proportion of animals at an intermediate risk of scrapie (NSP type 3) than other breeds. Most breeds had a small proportion of animals at high risk of scrapie (NSP type 5). The frequency of ARR/VRQ (NSP type 4) was variable.  相似文献   

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