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肉粉和肉骨粉是动物加工过程中的副产品,具有较高的营养价值。文章就肉粉、肉骨粉品质控制及其在鱼类生产中的应用作以简述。  相似文献   

黎慧  付文忠  邵庆均 《湖南饲料》2012,(3):26-28,42
肉骨粉富含蛋白质和钙磷,是良好的动物副产品。但由于其存在品质差异大、消化率低及安全隐患等问题,饲用价值差别很大。本文就肉骨粉的营养价值、影响肉骨粉使用的因素及目前肉骨粉在水产动物营养中的应用研究进行总结概括,为肉骨粉的进一步开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

本文综述了肉骨粉在水产饲料中的应用、影响肉骨粉使用的因素及改善水产动物对肉骨粉利用率的途径,以期为其深入研究和合理应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

应美国动物蛋白及油脂提炼协会的邀请,广东省饲料工业考察团一行16人,于1997年12月7日至26日赴美国、加拿大访问,考察美国、加拿大的动物油脂及肉骨粉加工业。参观了肉骨粉及油脂提炼企业、大型肉鸡肉牛屠宰分割厂、大型饲料厂、饲料品质控制实验室,同时还访问了2所大学。通过参观访问,代表团初步了解了美加现代肉骨粉加工生产工艺流程、油脂提炼及回收方法、油脂品质检测鉴定方法。饲用油脂及肉骨粉在饲料工业生产中应用以及油脂及肉骨粉在饲料中使用的研究进展等。较系统地认识了饲用油脂及肉骨粉加工生产、品质控制和饲养应用的各个…  相似文献   

近年来,国际社会对畜产品和饲料安全问题越来越重视,纷纷加强了对饲料、食品及疫病的监控和检测管理。针对饲料安全中存在的突出问题,世界各国都制定了相应的法规,制订了畜产品和饲料的卫生标准。如欧盟已明令禁止使用肉骨粉和动物油脂作为饲料原料。专家指出,不可否认,从营养价值的角度讲,肉粉和肉骨粉是一种优质的动物性蛋白饲料。但是众所周知,震惊世界的“疯牛病(BSE)”和“二噁英”事件,引起了人们对动物性食品的恐慌。动物源性饲料(肉骨粉)一直被认为是BSE传播的主要来源,被污染的肉骨粉或其他动物源性饲料也是其他疾病传播的途径。所以,禁止疫区动物源性饲料(肉骨粉)的生产和流通也就成为目前最主要的防止BSE流行的手段。专家强调,针对当前国际社会和我国饲料安全的现状,我国应该加强对已经制定的饲料法律法规的贯彻和执行,尤其是对于肉骨粉等动物性产品,要严格按照相关的法律法规规定进行使用和销售,不经营使用有“疯牛病”“痒病”疫病国家的反刍动物肉骨粉及其产品,严格遵循同类动物不得饲用同类动物肉骨粉的原则,特别是反刍动物不得饲用反刍动物肉骨粉,肉骨粉的各项质量卫生指标完全符合产品标准要求。出现问题必须严格处理。 文中作者有针对性地从几个方面就确保动物源性饲料安全,提出了可操作性的建议。以期对专业主管部门和相关企业管理者,提高产品质量的安全性有所帮助。  相似文献   

2001年3月1日我国农业部已下发《禁止在反刍动物饲料中添加和使用动物性饲料的通知》,《通知》要求各地饲料企业禁止在反刍动物饲料中添加和使用动物性饲料,这些饲料包括肉骨粉、骨粉、血粉、血浆粉、动物下脚料、动物脂肪、干血浆及其它血液制品、羽毛粉、鱼粉、鸡杂碎粉、蹄粉等动物性饲料。肉骨粉的营养成分和氨基酸消化率,无论对单胃动物还是反刍动物,都具有较高的营养价值。由于反刍动物,尤其是高产反刍动物(如高产奶牛、强度育肥肉牛和肉羊)对由过瘤胃蛋白提供的小肠氨基酸的需要量较大,而动物性饲料尤其是肉骨粉、鱼粉…  相似文献   

由美国动物蛋白及油脂提炼协会、四川省畜牧科学研究院及四川省畜科饲料有限公司联合举办的“肉骨粉在畜禽饲料中的应用”技术研讨会于2002年3月6日在成都召开。这次研讨会的目的在于降低饲料成本,以价廉物美的优质动物蛋白原料———肉骨粉、鸡肉粉代替价格直线上升的进口鱼粉。来自美国动物蛋白及油脂提炼协会的王征技术经理、虞予博士分别作了题为“肉骨粉在畜禽饲料中的使用价值”、“肉骨粉及鸡肉粉在水产饲料中的使用”、“鸡肉粉在断奶仔猪饲料中的使用”的专题报告。来自省内外近百家大中型饲料厂负责人及技术总监参加了会议…  相似文献   

肉骨粉的使用对饲料安全性的影响,是在对疯牛病发生原因的研究结果公布后才真正得到重视。目前世界各国都制定了相关法令,限制在畜禽饲料中添加肉骨粉,并严格禁止使用含有肉骨的饲料粉饲喂反刍类动物。但问题是,由于掠夺性的海洋捕捞造成渔业资源的减少,致使鱼粉紧缺,价格高昂不下,要解决这个问题必然要找替代品。肉骨粉以其营养成分比较均衡、蛋白质含量高,可作为替代鱼粉的动物源饲料再次进入人们的视线。作者正是从这个角度出发,对肉骨粉的来源和加工技术对饲料安全的影响进行了研究,并指出,政府及专业主管职责部门应强化对肉骨粉加工技术的研究、推广的扶持力度和规范、监督生产一线,以及对生产企业资格论证,对确保肉骨粉的质量安全特别是对安全卫生乃至饲料安全质量和动物、人类健康都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

鱼粉中的有毒有害物质组胺的HPLC检测方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1前言鱼粉和肉骨粉作为优质的动物蛋白饲料原料,被广泛应用在动物生产中。其质量的好坏通常以粗蛋白、粗脂肪、氨基酸、钙、磷、盐分和灰分等常规指标来衡量。在卫生指标中主要强调沙门氏菌不得检出。实际上使用不新鲜、腐败霉变的鱼或肉制品制作的鱼粉或肉骨粉产品,其生物胺含  相似文献   

通过实验的方式研究利用貉子胴体生产肉骨粉的可行性,采用湿法水解生产貉源肉骨粉,从貉源肉骨粉的营养价值和安全性两个方面进行了分析和评价。表明了貉源肉骨粉中总磷、粗脂肪、粗纤维、水分满足国标对肉骨粉的要求,粗蛋白、粗灰分符合国标对一等肉骨粉的要求,铜、铁、镁、锰、钾、钠、锌等微量元素丰富,铅、砷、汞、镉、铬等重金属元素卫生安全,能够成为优质的蛋白质饲料原料。  相似文献   

The feeding of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) derived from cattle infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a major source of BSE infection. The risks of BSE infection via MBM in Japan were examined quantitatively to estimate infectivity to cattle via MBM derived from a single clinically infected animal being rendered. Three routes of exposure were modeled: (i) feeding cattle concentrates containing MBM as an ingredient, (ii) feeding cattle concentrates contaminated with MBM from non-ruminant feed at feed plants and (iii) directly feeding MBM in supplemental form to cattle on farms. The effectiveness of measures designed to restrict the feeding of ruminants with ruminant MBM (feed restriction) as well as differences in the risk of exposure among regions were examined using the model.

The model revealed that the median total infectivity fed to dairy cattle via MBM derived from one infected animal was approximately 0.49 cattle oral ID50 (5th percentile = 0.43 ID50, 95th percentile = 0.54 ID50). This value was reduced by 55% after the addition of MBM to cattle concentrates was restricted in 1996. The risk of exposure in dairy cattle was twice that in beef cattle. Comparisons of regional differences in exposure risk indicated that the risk was highest in a region where 14 of the 20 BSE cases reported to date were born. Our model suggested that the routes of exposure via MBM were unlikely to result in increased propagation of BSE in Japan. Furthermore, despite some regional variation, the risk of exposure declined further after the feed restriction was imposed in 1996.  相似文献   

PCR方法鉴别肉骨粉中的动物成份种类   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为防范疯牛病传入我国,有必要鉴别肉骨粉中动物成份的种类。针对牛、羊、猪和鸡四种动物的特异性核苷酸序列,分别选用和设计了四对特异性引物,用试剂盒提取四种动物的肉骨粉或者处理过的肉组织中的DNA,然后进行PCR扩增,所扩增的目的片断大小分别为271bp、199bp、196bp、148bp,运用PCR技术建立了鉴定这四种动物源性成分的方法。结果分别扩增出四种动物的特异性条带,证明该PCR方法具有很高的特异性和敏感性,而且成本低廉,简便易行,因此可以作为鉴别肉骨粉种类的常规方法。  相似文献   

Real-time PCR和常规PCR方法快速鉴定肉骨粉中的牛源性成份   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疯牛病是一种严重危害动物和人类健康的疾病,其病原朊病毒可以通过食物链进行传播,因此建立准确的检测牛源性成份的方法非常重要.我们采用常规PCR和Real-time PCR中的TaqMan技术建立了快速鉴定牛源性成份的方法,使用Chelex-100提取肉骨粉中的DNA,过程简单可靠仅需要20min左右.对不同含量的牛肉骨粉进行检测,常规PCR能够检测到的最低含量是0.001%,而Real-time PCR对相同的样品进行检测所得到的灵敏度更高,最高可达到0.0001%,两种PCR方法的鉴定过程都非常简单快速,各需要2 h左右.这两种方法可以根据各实验室的不同条件作为肉骨粉鉴别的常规检测方法.  相似文献   

Consequences of the ban of meat and bone meal (MBM) and animal fat with regard to livestock feeding, cropping, ecology and economy where investigated with an inter-disciplinary approach for Germany and the European Union. Calculations were made for different production systems with pigs and poultry on the basis of statistical data for the production and for the feed markets as well as from requirement data for the respective species and production system. (1.) The ban of MBM from feeding caused a need for alternative protein sources. If all the amount of protein from MBM is to be replaced by soybean meal, in Germany and the EU about 0.30 and 2.30 x 10(6) t would be needed each year (supplementary amino acids not considered). Alternatively, doubling the grain legume acreage in Germany to about 420,000 ha would supply a similar amount of protein. A wider application of phase feeding with adjusted dietary amino acid concentrations, however, would allow for saving protein to an extent which is similar to the amount of protein that was contributed by MBM in recent years. Thus, the ban is a minor problem in terms of ensuring amino acid supply. (2.) However, alternative plant ingredients cannot compensate for the gap in P supply that is caused by the ban. An additional demand for inorganic feed phosphates of about 14,000 and 110,000 t per year is given in Germany and the EU, respectively. So far, this gap is filled almost completely by increased mining of rock phosphates. Alternatively, a general application of microbial phytase to all diets would largely fill this gap. Until the ban, MBM contributed to 57% of the supplementation of P that was needed for pigs and poultry. The ban of MBM makes large amounts of P irreversibly disappearing from the food chain. (3.) Energy from slaughter offal and cadavers can be utilized in different technologies, in the course of which the efficiency of energy utilisation depends on the technology applied. It is efficient in the cement work or rotation furnace if heat is the main energy required. In contrast, the energetic efficiency of fermentation is low. (4.) Incineration or co-incineration of MBM and other by-products causes pollution gas emissions amounting to about 1.4 kg CO2 and 0.2 kg NOx per kg. The CO2 production as such is hardly disadvantageous, because heat and electrical energy can be generated by the combustion process. The prevention of dangerous gaseous emissions from MBM burning is current standard in the incineration plants in Germany and does not affect the environment inadmissibly. (5.) The effects of the MBM ban on the price for compound feed is not very significant. Obviously, substitution possibilities between different feed ingredients helped to exchange MBM without large price distortions. However, with each kg MBM not used in pig and poultry feeding economic losses of about 0.14 [symbol: see text] have to considered. In conclusion, the by far highest proportion of raw materials for MBM comes as by-products from the slaughter process. Coming this way, and assuring that further treatment is safe from the hygienic point of view, MBM and animal fat can be regarded as valuable sources of amino acids, minerals and energy in feeding pigs and poultry. Using them as feedstuffs could considerably contribute to the goal of keeping limited nutrients, phosphorus in particular, within the nutrient cycle and dealing responsible with limited resources.  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM) is an important protein source used in animal feeds. However, as the composition and availability of amino acids (AAs) in MBM fluctuate markedly, it is important to verify the magnitude of these parameters in different MBMs. In this study, the AA compositions of 19 MBMs were analyzed to confirm variations in lysine (Lys), threonine (Thr), and tryptophan (Trp), then which were compared with those of soybean meal (SBM) and fish meal (FM). Instability in Lys, Thr, and Trp availabilities in six MBMs were also considered after estimation using the slope‐ratio growth assay technique in rats. Variations in AA composition were evaluated using the coefficient of variance (CV: Standard deviation/Mean). CVs for Lys, Thr, and Trp content were 9.40, 11.83, and 18.12 in MBM, 2.71, 2.48, and 3.19 in SBM, and 10.09, 10.44, and 13.47 in FM. Furthermore, means and SDs for Lys, Thr, and Trp availabilities in MBM were 53.3 ± 10.4% (CV: 19.5), 65.9 ± 17.6% (CV: 26.6), and 83.2 ± 11.2% (CV: 13.5), respectively. These results provide the first evidence that variations in MBM AA compositions were 3.5 to 5.7 times higher than those in SBM, but similar to FM, and that the large variation in availability substantially existed.  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM), a type of protein feed source, with high nutritional value, has been widely used as feed in China. In order to study the effect of defatting on the quality of MBM, MBM were defatted by hexane, and their basic nutritional components, color, flavor, protein characteristics, freshness indexes before and after defatting, were investigated. The crude protein content of the defatted MBM was increased from 54.5% to 61.2%, lysine content increased from 1.83 to 1.96%, pure protein content and in vitro digestibility of MBM were increased to 50.7% and 90.45%, respectively. Acid value decreased from 9.0 to 2.6 mg potassium hydroxide/g, and the color and flavor were also improved after defatting. Furthermore, volatile basic nitrogen content decreased from 60 to 40 mg/100 g and histamine content did not change significantly (decreasing from 20.1 to 19.6 mg/kg). Therefore, defatting treatment was good for the quality improvement of MBM.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone meal (MBM) at 133 degrees C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion of fallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1, coherent with a slowly progressing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were low at 0.06.The corresponding R0 values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Additionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0. The discrepancy between the results of the two models is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model. This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingredients and MBM.  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM), when supplemented with tryptophan, is an excellent protein source for pigs. It is also a rich source of Ca and P, but some research has suggested that the bioavailability of P is variable. Three experiments were conducted to determine whether particle size, ash content, or processing pressure of MBM influences the bioavailability of P. Each experiment involved six replications of six treatments with individually penned pigs initially averaging 13 to 17 kg of BW. A low-P basal diet was fed with or without 0.1 or 0.2% added P (as-fed basis) from monosodium phosphate (MSP) or with three types of MBM added at levels that supplied 0.2% P (as-fed basis). The Ca level was 0.70%, and the lysine level was 0.95% in all diets. Pigs were allowed to consume their diets (meal form) on an ad libitum basis. At the end of the study, pigs were killed, and femurs and third and fourth metacarpals and metatarsals were removed for determination of breaking strength and ash content. Bone traits were regressed on added P intake for each P source, and slope-ratio procedures were used to estimate the bioavailability of P in MBM relative to that in MSP. In Exp. 1, a blended source of MBM ground to three particle sizes (amount that passed through 6-, 8-, or 12-mesh screens) was evaluated. In Exp. 2, low-ash MBM of porcine origin, high-ash MBM of bovine origin, and a 1:1 blend of the two sources were assessed. In Exp. 3, normally processed MBM was subjected to an additional 2.1 and 4.2 kg/cm2 of pressure for 20 min to determine whether excessive heat treatment would influence the bioavailability of P. Fineness of grind of MBM or processing pressure did not influence the relative bioavailability of P in this study; however, ash content of MBM affected P bioavailability. The relative availability of P in low-ash MBM of porcine origin (with composition typical of meat meal) was approximately 15 percentage units less than that in high-ash MBM of bovine origin. Overall, the bioavailability of P in MBM, relative to that in MSP, averaged 85%.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of two rendering processes applied to meat and bone meal (MBM) production, associated or not with extrusion, by measuring diet apparent total tract digestibility of dogs and cats, and true digestibility of amino acids (AA) by cecectomized roosters. Four diets were evaluated, with the main protein source as follows: conventional and extruded MBM; high temperature and pressure (HPT; 135 °C, 3 bar, 20 min) and extruded MBM; conventional non‐extruded MBM; HPT non‐extruded MBM. Nutrient digestibility and food metabolizable energy content were evaluated with dogs and cats by the method of total collection of faeces. True AA digestibility was evaluated by a precision‐fed assay with cecectomized roosters. The evaluated MBM had high‐ash content. The HPT process of MBM increased the digestibility of crude protein of the diets by cats, and the true digestibility of several AA by cecectomized roosters. The extrusion process did not modify the apparent total tract nutrient digestibility of MBM by dogs and their amino acid digestibility by roosters, but increased the digestibility of the dietary protein by cats. Dogs fed HPT MBM presented a higher urea post‐prandial response, suggesting reductions in bioavailability and protein synthesis from absorbed AA.  相似文献   

Meat and bone meal (MBM), when supplemented with tryptophan, is an excellent protein source for pigs. It is also a rich source of Ca and P, but some research has suggested that the bioavailability of P is variable. Experiment 1 further examined the bioavailability of P in MBM. The MBM was obtained directly from a plant and was processed to pass through a 10-mesh screen. It contained 50.7% CP, 2.26% lysine, 10.0% Ca, and 5.0% P (air-dry basis). Individually penned pigs (n = 35; 17 kg initial BW) were fed (ad libitum basis) a low-P, corn-soybean meal-basal diet (0.95% lysine, 0.70% Ca, 0.34% P; as-fed basis) or the basal with graded levels of added P (0.067, 0.133, 0.200%) from monosodium phosphate (MSP) or MBM for 40 d. The Ca level was 0.70% in all diets. Diets were fortified with salt, vitamins, and trace minerals. At termination, the third and fourth metacarpals and metatarsals and femurs were removed from all pigs. Growth rate and feed:gain improved linearly (P < 0.01) with P addition, regardless of source, whereas ADFI was unaffected (P = 0.20). Bone strength and ash increased linearly (P < 0.01) with increasing level of P from either source. The main effect of P source (MSP vs. MBM) was not significant, except for the greater femur strength (P < 0.05) in the pigs fed the MSP-supplemented diets. Femur and metacarpal/metatarsal strength and metacarpals ash (grams) were regressed on grams of added P consumed for each P source, with the basal included in both regressions. Based on slope ratios (MSP considered as 100%), the relative bioavailability of P in MBM averaged 87% when the regression lines were forced through a common intercept and 95% when unforced. In Exp. 2, 100 pigs were fed fortified corn-soybean meal or corn-soybean meal-MBM diets from 45 to 110 kg BW to evaluate MBM as the sole source of supplemental P. The MBM (54% CP, 2.3% lysine, 9.2% Ca, 4.4% P; air-dry basis) was substituted for corn and soybean meal on a lysine basis, and crystalline lysine was added to all diets at 0.15%. Tryptophan was included in diets containing MBM. Treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial with P source (dicalcium phosphate or MBM) and P level as the two factors. The two levels of P and Ca were at the NRC requirement or the NRC level plus 0.10% additional P and Ca. Performance, carcass traits, and bone strength were not affected by source of P and Ca, but bone strength was greater (P < 0.01) at the higher P and Ca level. These results indicate that the bioavailability of P in MBM, relative to that in MSP, is high (approximately 91%) for growing pigs, and MBM can serve as the sole source of supplemental P and Ca for finishing pigs.  相似文献   

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