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Summary Loading trailers and trucks includes a high risk for mechanical damage to potatoes, particularly when no anti-shock system is used. Manufacturers offer anti-shock equipment to reduce mechanical damage. A selection of anti-shock systems was compared. Firstly, the effect of protecting the product layer at the bottom of the trailer was investigated by dropping tubers in the empty trailer and analysing tissue discolouration and cracks. The combination of a shock absorber and a mattress yielded the highest bruise protection. Secondly, to investigate the bruising profile in the trailer and the damage reduction effect of each anti-shock system a bulk mass of potatoes was dumped into the trailer. Five hundred test potatoes were mixed into the bulk mass. Test potatoes were visually analysed for bruising and compared with controls (anti-shock systems absent). The results allowed the introduction of a mathematical relationship between drop height and tissue discolouration. Using an anti-shock system bruising was reduced by 10–90%, depending on the system and the bulk layer. On-field experiments were carried out to validate laboratory results. However site-specific harvest conditions and variable commodity properties made comparisons difficult.  相似文献   

Modifications of a potato harvester for small plot field research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A commercially available one-row harvester was modified to meet a number of needs that are often encountered when conducting field trials with potatoes. The harvester can be utilized for both small plot collection (e.g., 8 m row lengths) as well as for bulk harvesting of larger plots (e.g., 65 m row lengths). The equipment alteration time required for conversion from one system to the other is minimal (less than 30 min) and the harvester has been altered to accommodate typical row widths and harvesting conditions in many N. American potato growing areas. It has been structurally modified to improve stability during operation to overcome a tendency to tip-over under certain circumstances. In addition, bulk harvesting operations with this machine involves a minimum of three persons as compared to a minimum of six generally required for a traditionally utilized digger-picker harvester.  相似文献   

A harvesting system based on two-stage harvesting was developed for harvesting plots of potatoes. Potatoes were dug with a single row digger and laid on the ground. After the selectors inspected the potatoes, they were harvested by the prototype harvester and placed into boxes for transporting to storage. The two point hitch semi-mounted harvester was light weight and readily maneuverable. A unique foam roller assisted the flow of potatoes onto the harvester. No mixing of potatoes between plots was observed.  相似文献   

邱贵春  卢景忠  薛飞 《玉米科学》2008,16(6):152-155
采用液压折腰转向原理对自走式玉米收获机进行设计研究与试验。该机一次可收获两行玉米,整机体积小,转弯半径小,操作方便,保养维修简单安全。整机结构配置新颖独特,实现收获自走式、集穗箱液压升举翻转拖车式,使转弯半径达到2.5 m。工作部件摘穗辊设计为螺旋圆锥凸棱组合式,抓取能力强、子粒损失少。  相似文献   

为明确机械收获对蔗地土壤物理性状和宿根蔗产量的影响,以消除蔗农对大型机械收获系统对甘蔗耕层土壤严重压实的顾虑。以广西红壤坡耕地为研究对象,设置机械收获和人工收获2种处理,研究机械收获对耕层土壤物理性状和宿根蔗产量的影响。结果表明:蔗垄0~40 cm土层,土壤容重、贯入阻力、抗剪强度、田间持水量和总孔隙度等土壤物理性状在机械收获和人工收获间均无显著差异。蔗沟0~20 cm土层,机械收获后,土壤紧实度、贯入阻力和抗剪强度显著提高,总孔隙度和通气孔隙度下降。同人工收获相比,机械收获过程中,机具行走对蔗沟土壤造成压实,但对蔗垄土壤影响不显著。蔗垄土壤紧实度在垂直梯度上存在2个明显交替变化的界面,0~20 cm土层以人工收获的土壤紧实度较高,20~40 cm土层以机械收获的土壤紧实度较高。第1年宿根季和第2年宿根季人工收获处理蔗茎产量均高于机械收获处理,但差异不显著。综上所述,在固定道技术下,甘蔗机械收获对蔗垄土壤物理性状和宿根蔗产量的影响不显著。本研究为规范甘蔗机械收获操作,减少大型机械对蔗地土壤压实提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Injury to potatoes during three commercial harvesting and bin-filling operations in the Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Dakota averaged 46.9%. The varieties Norchip, Kennebec, and Viking averaged 24.1, 64.5, and 73.2% respectively in these observations. The Kennebec potatoes, which had the most injury at bin filling, had the least decay at the end of the storage period. Loss of weight during storage averaged 2.04, 2.33 and 1.75 g/kg of potatoes per week, respectively for the Norchip, Kennebec and Viking tubers. During bulk scoop operations none of the factors: type of bucket, condition of pile, or operating speed significantly influenced handling damage.  相似文献   

For three years, potato yields, tuber quality, and incidence ofVerticillium dahliae were measured in field plots previously cropped for one year to the following nonhosts: sudan grass, green peas followed by sudan grass (same year), spring wheat, spring wheat followed by sudan grass (same year), sweet corn and field corn. One year rotation to nonhosts did not reduce the population ofV. dahliae propagules in the soil and in only one of the three years wereV. dahliae propagule numbers in potato stems significantly reduced in plots following nonhost crops, compared with plots following potatoes. Verticillium wilt symptoms in potatoes were not reduced by one year rotation to any of these crops and only in one year in three was yield significantly increased. In two of three years, percent U.S. No. 1 tubers was increased following one-year rotation with green peas plus sudan grass, and in one of the two years, specific gravity was increased by rotation. Rotational cropping to nonhosts for two years between potatoes significantly reduced preplant soil populations ofV. dahliae propagules in the soil and in potato stems the following fall. However, soil populations in these two year rotational plots the spring following potato were not reduced compared to plots previously cropped to potatoes two consecutive years. Cropping to nonhosts for two years had no consistent effect on incidence of Verticillium wilt in subsequent potato crops. Two years’ rotation to nonhosts increased plant height and yield compared to continuous cropping to potato but not percent U.S. No. 1 tubers. The various nonhost crops all had about the same non-significant effect on yield. In two out of three years’ trials, fumigation significantly reduced both the incidence of Verticillium wilt and number ofV. dahliae propagules in stems in plots compared to plots non-fumigated. In only one trial, fumigation significantly increased tuber yields and percent U.S. No. 1 tubers.  相似文献   

Antitranspirants (AT) were applied to greenhouse, field research plots and commercial plantings of Norgold Russet potato plants. In the greenhouse AT (Folicote and Vapor Gard) reduced water uptake by plants by 20–40%. In field trials at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Halfway, similar concentrations increased yield of Norgold Russet potatoes by 21–45 cwts per acre (2352–5040 kg/ha). In a commercial trial on 20 acres of potatoes, 2% Folicote applied 5 and 3 weeks prior to vine kill increased total yield by 47 cwts per acre (5264 kg/ha) and increased yield of premium grade potatoes by 100%. Gross crop value at harvest was increased $500 per acre ($1125/ha). Significantly higher soil moisture levels existed in soils of treated plots between irrigations.  相似文献   

Yields were recorded from a potato crop grown in the first year following a grazing trial comparing four strains of white clover, previously described in this journal (2 & 3). The Kent clover strain, which was the most persistent and which had produced the greatest live-weight increase per acre, gave the highest yield of potatoes. The Dutch white clover, which had been the poorest in the grassland trial, gave the lowest yield of potatoes.
A 2 × 2 × 2 N, P, K fertilizer design was superimposed in the form of split plots. Nitro-chalk at 5 cwt. per acre and muriate of potash at 2 cwt. per acre both caused significant reductions in yield, and this was thought to be due to the exceptionally high soil fertility status of the field. The fertilizer × clover interactions were non-significant, and contributed little towards an explanation of the fundamental basis of the soil fertility differences caused by these four clover strains.  相似文献   

丽江市冬早马铃薯栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简要介绍了丽江市冬早马铃薯生产情况,提出了选用优良品种,推广脱毒种薯;选择适宜田块,精细整地;进行种薯催芽和切块;合理密植,科学施肥;及时防治病虫害;水分调控;预防冻害;适时收获等具体措施。  相似文献   

Summary The effect of the dyked furrow technique on potato yield was tested for 3 years in a commercial field on a sandy soil. Dykes, creating a surface storage capacity of 60 mm of water, were constructed in the furrows with special equipment after planting. Another implement, harnessed to the front of the tractor, was used to remove the dykes before harvesting. During 2 of the 3 years, the yield in the dyked furrows was 18% higher than that in the control plots. The dykes closely maintained the original volume of the ridges. The dykes seemed not to have any deleterious effect on mechanical harvesting since the percentage of tare (i.e. clods, soil and plant residue) and of rotten tubers were similar to the control.  相似文献   

1984~1985年,作者在北京延庆县田间观察马铃薯脱毒种薯早收对减少种薯感染病毒的效果。在桃蚜迁飞高峰后10~15天割秧的(以下简称割秧)病毒感染率很低:1984年0.08~0.25%;1985年1.17~1.50%。不割秧的病毒感染率很高:1984年0.83%;1985年3.30%。翌年挖取芽眼经病毒提取作PVX、PVY和TMA血清鉴定,割秧者呈阴性反应,不割秧者呈阳性。翌年将所得种薯栽种田间目测病毒症状,割秧者未见症状,不割秧者病毒株率5.5%。割秧每亩8000穴的亩产10克以上的种薯块数达32240~37600块,而不割秧正常密度的亩产10克以上种薯块数只16400~26800块。因此,早割秧密植不仅可以减少病毒感染,而且利于加大种薯繁殖系数。  相似文献   

为推动大宗茶机械化采收,提升大宗茶鲜叶采收效率与质量,针对目前仿形采茶机感知传感器易受接触作用力、自然光照或茶蓬面叶片间隙影响,提出了融合2D激光雷达与航向姿态参考系统(Attitude and heading reference system,AHRS)的采茶机割刀仿形距离估计方法,在此基础上,设计并研制精度验证试验台与自动仿形采茶样机,分别开展了室内与田间试验。采茶机采用2D激光雷达测量采茶机割刀仿形距离信息,为提升测距精度与实时性,结合AHRS感知的加速度信息,提出了融合2D激光雷达测距与加速度信息(Fusion of2D-LiDAR ranging and acceleration,FLRA)的采茶机割刀仿形距离估计算法,并研制了算法精度验证装置和方法,验证了算法有效性。室内试验结果表明,算法处理前仿形距离测距误差均值为36.53 mm,标准差为23.21 mm,算法处理后仿形距离估计误差均值为8.56 mm,标准差为6.31 mm,算法处理后的输出数据延迟更小,提升了仿形距离测距精度与实时性。田间试验表明,鲜叶采收效率达180~210 kg·h-1,割刀...  相似文献   

北安地区大豆收获适时性损失规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大豆生产关键作业环节适时性损失规律是影响大豆产量及效益的重要因素,也是优化大豆生产机器系统的重要依据。以北安地区大豆收获作业为研究对象,采用去除边界效应、控制单一变量、随机区组等试验法设计试验方案,确定每日收获大豆小区分布;依据罗曼诺夫斯基准则剔除异常试验数据,运用SPSS统计分析软件对试验数据进行回归分析,得到北安地区大豆收获量及收获适时损失率随收获日期呈二次函数规律变化。试验条件下,北安地区大豆最佳收获日为10月6日。试验结果为合理确定该地区大豆收获日期提供理论依据,为农业机器系统优化提供参考。  相似文献   

选择适宜机收籽粒的玉米品种是实现玉米全程机械化的重要条件。玉米生理成熟期籽粒含水率高、后期脱水速率慢以及成熟后田间站秆性状差是制约玉米直收籽粒的重要原因。通过比较12个玉米品种在生理成熟期的籽粒产量、籽粒含水率以及生理成熟后籽粒脱水速率和倒伏倒折率、籽粒霉变率等田间站秆性状指标,结果发现:迪卡653和C1210两个玉米品种比较适宜河北东部旱作区直收籽粒,可作为苗头品种进一步应用验证。  相似文献   

A mechanical destoner was designed and built. The unit is suitable for small scale potato processing. It efficiently removes all stones from potatoes while rejecting less than 1% of the potatoes.  相似文献   

Altogether 365 isolates of Phytophthora infestans were sampled from potatoes propagated from seed potatoes of high (multiplied for two years in open field after meristem phase) and low (commercial certified seed multiplied for several consecutive years in open field) phytosanitary quality at different phases of epidemic progress during the growing seasons of 2001–2007 from field plots at two experimental institutes in Estonia, North-East Europe. High or low phytosanitary quality of seed potatoes had no effect on mating type ratio or response to metalaxyl in populations of P. infestans isolated from these two different groups of potato material. In contrast, the incidence of certain virulence factors, as well as the diversity of pathotypes, was very high in populations collected from potatoes propagated from low-quality seed in comparison to those from high-quality seed. The incidence of A2 mating type and fully metalaxyl sensitive strains was statistically significantly higher at the epidemic outbreak than later during epidemic progress. The incidence of most virulence factors and overall pathotype diversity were not affected by the temporal progress of the epidemic. Rare virulence factors 5 and 9 were more frequent at the outbreak of the epidemic and declined in the population during the course of epidemic.  相似文献   

R. Peters 《Potato Research》1996,39(4):479-484
Summary Damage to potato tubers due to mechanical forces is among the most important causes of loss of quality reported throughout the world. The causes of such damage are mechanical injuries that occur primarily in association with harvesting and grading. The extent of damage is dependent on the condition of the tubers and also reflects the history of the potatoes. Although important advances have been made, there is still a considerable need for research on this subject since knowledge of the combined effects of essential physiological proceses within the cells is still lacking. The avoidance of exposure to mechanical forces constitutes the most effective protection against tuber damage.  相似文献   

Summary The experiments were designed to study some of the mechanisation problems associated with growing high populations of potatoes on the flat with near square spatial arrangements. In 1963 four row flat beds were used but draught problems at harvest caused the semi-bed system to be adopted for the following three years with 76.2 cm ridges as a control. A new planter and a multigrade potato riddle were developed, and the semi-beds were harvested by three types of digger. It was shown that mechanisation of the semi-bed system of potato cultivation was quite practical, but when compared with 76.2 cm ridges, yields might not compensate for the higher seed rates and increased harvesting difficulties.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus penetrans andP. crenatus were the dominant plantparasitic nematodes in potato roots and soil in Prince Edward Island. No nematodes were recovered from potato tubers. Forage legumes and grasses grown in rotation with potatoes also harbored large populations of root lesion nematodes. The amount of water moving through the stems of potato plants infected withP. penetrans in the greenhouse generally was less than in nematode-free plants;P. crenatus did not produce this effect. Telone-II, Telone-C-17, and Temik reduced the number of nematodes substantially in field plots. Yields of Superiors, Kennebecs, Sebagos and Netted Gems in nematicide-treated plots were not significantly greater than in untreated plots. There was a small but significant reduction in the specific gravity of tubers in the Telone-treated plots.  相似文献   

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