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芝麻栽培种与野生种种间杂交亲和性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以芝麻栽培种‘中芝14’(2n=26)为母本,分别与野生种‘刚果野芝麻’(2n=64)和‘野芝1号’(2n=64)进行正反交,结果表明:栽培种与野生种杂交均可得种子,其中‘中芝14’与‘刚果野芝麻’正交结籽率为2.16%,平均每蒴粒数为0.85粒,反交结籽率为95.14%,平均每蒴粒数为2.16粒;‘中芝14’与‘野芝1号’正交结籽率为8.21%,平均每蒴粒数0.51粒,反交结籽率为0.79%,平均每蒴粒数5.43粒。将杂种F1植株与亲本比较发现,F1植株的形态偏向于母本。因此,通过人工杂交的方法难以得到真正的杂交种。  相似文献   

墨兰多倍体的离体诱导和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以墨兰‘企剑白墨’的根状茎为材料,研究了秋水仙素处理对墨兰根状茎生长和多倍体诱导的影响。结果表明,秋水仙素对根状茎有严重的毒害致死作用,在试验浓度和时间范围内,随着秋水仙素浓度的升高或处理时间的延长,根状茎存活率明显降低。秋水仙素能诱导‘企剑白墨’根状茎的染色体加倍,但不同浓度和时间处理的染色体加倍效率不一样。只在0.01%×3 d处理下诱导出四倍体,诱导率为11.11%,其余处理诱导出二、四混倍体,诱导率在0~19.44%之间。四倍体根状茎比二倍体粗壮,顶端更圆,再生出的四倍体植株株型紧凑,叶片质地变硬,根明显增粗。  相似文献   

小麦条锈病(Puccinia striformis f.sp.tritici)是中国乃至世界范围小麦上的最重要病害之一。随着施肥水平的提高及农业耕作制度的变化,小麦条锈病的危害日趋严重,已成为中国小麦生产中重要的灾害性病害。小麦条锈病不仅对小麦的产量有严重影响而且会导致种子生活力指标的下降。以感病品种‘绵阳11’与抗病品系‘R212’以及‘绵阳11’与抗病品系‘582-584’杂交组合的F2:3家系的种子的生活力进行比较分析。结果发现:在‘绵阳11’与‘R212’杂交子代中小麦条锈病对种子生活力的影响极为显著;而在‘绵阳11’与‘582-584’的杂交组合中不显著。研究表明小麦条锈病会降低种子的生活力,同时它的影响程度可能与遗传背景以及小麦生长发育的阶段有关。由此为小麦条锈病抗病品种的衰退趋势及抗病育种提供相关的参考。  相似文献   

长穗偃麦草是小麦的野生近缘种属,具有抗寒、抗旱、抗病等优异性状。为了利用长穗偃麦草的优异基因,将‘中国春’-长穗偃麦草1E二体附加系与‘中国春’-柱穗山羊草2C二体附加系杂交、自交和回交,观察其后代的细胞学和形态学特性。结果表明,在杂交后代有丝分裂和减数分裂中观察到了染色体畸变现象;统计F1代自交结实率,发现与亲本相比,这些杂种后代的结实率明显降低;杂种后代的穗型发生了分离,除正常穗型外还观察到了密穗型,说明杀配子染色体2C可以诱导染色体畸变并对结实率和穗型均有一定的影响。本研究为进一步创制小麦-长穗偃麦草1E染色体易位系和缺失系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

摘 要:马铃薯高度杂合的同源四倍体遗传背景使马铃薯新品种选育的预见性较差,但对大量亲本杂交效果及其配合力的评价仍使马铃薯育种工作有一定的规律性可循。在低纬高原条件下杂交15份马铃薯亲本,配制93份杂交组合,授粉花朵1937朵,坐果621朵,平均坐果率32.06%,共计60个杂交组合坐果结实。适合做母本的品种有:‘丽薯6号’、‘高淀2’、‘丽薯7号’、‘米拉’、‘宁蒗A’、‘转心乌’等,‘CIP004’、‘CIP005’、‘阿乌洋芋’、‘高淀1’、‘老鼠洋芋’等则适合做父本;‘高淀2’和‘丽薯7号’做父本完全不结实,‘宁蒗A’做父本的结实率也仅有2%,均属雄性不育类型。在坐果率超过70%的19个组合中,云南地方种和CIP亲本的杂交组合居多。  相似文献   

EMS诱发大豆不同品种M2代与M3代农艺性状变异比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了明确甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)对大豆品种诱变的后代变异情况,利用0.5% EMS溶液处理4个大豆品种种子,对M2、M3代主要农艺性状的遗传变异进行分析比较。结果表明:各世代农艺性状均发生一定程度的变异,与M2代相比,M3代株高、分枝数、单株粒数、单株粒重及百粒重的平均变异系数变小,而主茎节数的平均变异系数变大,单株荚数的变异系数大致相当,然而这种趋势在各品种间却不尽相同;各世代都诱变出早熟或晚熟的变异株,各品种总熟期变异率由高到低M2代为‘黑河43’(0.71%)>‘北豆5’(0.63%)>‘合丰50’(0.57%)>‘合丰55’(0.53%),M3代为‘北豆5’(0.64%)>‘黑河43’(0.5%)>‘合丰55’(0.25%)>‘合丰50’(0.22%),说明熟期的变异至M3已下降。  相似文献   

彩色马蹄莲块茎冷藏解除休眠机理研究初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以彩色马蹄莲‘火烈鸟’(Zantedeschia hybrida ‘Flamigo’)块茎为材料,经6℃冷藏4周、8周、12周、16周后进行盆栽试验,通过研究不同冷藏时间对植株生长和养分代谢水平的影响,探讨彩色马蹄莲块茎冷藏解除休眠的生理机制。结果表明,6℃条件下冷藏时间越长,植株生长越快,至开花时间越短;栽培50天时,经4周冷藏的块茎中淀粉含量最高,经12周冷藏的块茎中可溶性总糖含量最高。彩色马蹄莲块茎6℃冷藏12周后的可溶性总糖含量和α-淀粉酶活性均开始明显下降,表明此时块茎已充分解除休眠。  相似文献   

不同百合品种间杂交亲和性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以国外引进的性状优良的栽培品种7个作为亲本进行杂交,摸索不同品种间交配亲和性规律,提高育种效率。试验结果表明:4种杂种系不同品种百合系内杂交,后代平均有胚率最高的为OO杂种系(43.63%),其次为AA杂种系(25.35%)。以OO杂种系的‘多顿’、‘蒙特祖玛’为母本,与其他杂种系杂交,后代平均有胚率高与其他组合,亲和性好。‘多顿’ב穿梭’这个组合的结实率为50%,有胚率为50.8%,杂交亲和性最好。  相似文献   

秋水仙素对辣椒生长的影响及多倍体诱导效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以秋水仙素为诱变剂,比较了不同浓度和不同处理时长组合下辣椒(Capsicum annuum L.)的生长差异和多倍体诱导效应.结果表明:和对照植株相比,所有处理变异植株在形态上表现为叶片宽大,叶色较深,茎变粗且节间距长,气孔增大;相关指标都表现出显著或极显著的差异,而且随着处理强度的增加差异更为明显.秋水仙素诱导产生的变异植株经染色体倍性鉴定植株表征为嵌合体(2 n=24或2 n=48).相同处理时长下,不同浓度秋水仙素溶液对辣椒多倍体诱导效应差异显著,而对相同浓度下不同处理时长对植株叶片数和气孔面积影响差异不显著(P>0.05),其它指标差异极显著(P<0.01).秋水仙素浓度与处理时长之间存在交互作用,不同处理之间除气孔面积差异不显著之外,其它指标间差异显著或极显著.结合加倍率和植株死亡率综合分析后认为,用0.05%的秋水仙素溶液处理6天诱导效果最佳,诱导诱导加倍率可达26.1%.  相似文献   

彩色甜椒品种比较试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为筛选获得适合广东大棚栽培种植的优良彩色甜椒品种,采用随机区组设计方法对引进的5个彩色甜椒品种‘锦紫’、‘锦玉’、‘锦黄’、‘锦红’和‘锦桂’进行品种比较试验。品种间植物学性状、产量、商品性和果实品质分析的结果表明:品种间植株生长势差异显著;‘锦紫’和‘锦红’单株产量和小区产量高,但‘锦紫’果实品质差;‘锦红’和‘锦黄’维生素C含量高、含糖量高、口感好、商品性最好,可作为广东大棚大面积推广的优质品种。  相似文献   

Summary Monohaploid plants of S. verrucosum (2n=x=12) were induced in anther culture. Axillary buds from these plants were treated with colchicine in shoot tip culture for 48 hours and then transferred to a colchicine free medium. The resulting plantlets were scored for diploidy by stomatal chloroplast counts and root tip cytology and it was found that doubling of the chromosome number had occurred.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of colchicine concentration, and the mode and time of colchicine application in doubling the chromosomes of haploid Brussels sprout plants was assessed by scoring treated plants for the presence of diploid flowers and seed set after self-pollination.When colchicine treatments were applied after the plants had been vernalised, using 2 dose rates and 3 methods of application, only 38.1% became doubled and only 13.8% produced seed. Treatment with 0.1% colchicine with or without the addition of 2% dimethyl sulphoxide gave doubling rates similar to those reached with 0.05% colchicine, but resulted in more damage to the apices.When 0.05% colchicine solution was injected into the plants' apices at varying times during vernalisation, the rate of doubling was 71.2% on average and 50.7% of plants gave seed on selfing.Overall doubling rates of plants where the apex was easily accessible were 79.0%, while for plants with dense terminal heads they were 35.0% and for plants with visible buds 31.4%.  相似文献   

Colchicine induced polyploids have not directly contributed for crop improvement in the past. On the other hand, the so-called natural polyploids, derived from the functioning of numerically unreduced(2n) gametes have been shown to be more relevant for crop improvement in many cases. Different types of cytological abnormalities during meiosis can give rise to 2n gametes and the genetic composition of these gametes is variable. Depending on the type meiotic abnormalities, various types of 2ngametes, such as first division restitution(FDR), second division restitution (SDR),indeterminate meiotic restitution (IMR) and post meiotic restitution (PMR) gametes,among others, have been described in recent years. For the improvement of autopolyploids such as potato, alfalfa,Vaccinium spp., and some of the fodder grasses, FDR gametes have been proved to be highly useful. However, the use of 2n gametes for the improvement of allopolyploid crops has received much less attention so far. Some of the investigations on allopolyploids, derived from Festuca-Lolium, Alstroemeria and Lilium species hybrids, have revealed that 2ngametes can be most useful for the introgression of alien genes and chromosomes into cultivars. An important feature of using sexual polyploidization in the case of allopolyploids is that introgression can be achieved through recombination due to genetic crossing-over between alien chromosomes as well as addition of alien chromosomes, which is extremely difficult or impossible to achieve in the case of colchicine induced allopolyploids. Because of the recent developments in the field of plant molecular biology, methods have become available for the analysis of 2ngametes and sexual polyploid progenies more accurately and to develop systematic breeding approaches. The methods include DNA in situ hybridization (GISH and FISH)and molecular mapping (AFLP, RFLP, RAPDs).In addition to providing basic information on the genetic and genome composition of the polyploid progenies, these methods can be potentially useful for a more efficient creation of desirable breeding material and cultivars. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Broertjes  C.  Verboom  H. 《Euphytica》1974,23(1):39-44
Summary Actively growing young rhizomes of various Alstroemeria cultivars, most sterile hybrids, were treated with X-rays. The optimum dose was about 400 rad for diploid cultivars and 500–600 rad for triploid ones.Although the buds on the rhizomes most certainly have multicellular apices, no X-ray mutant showed any sign of chimerism. Hence only solid(-looking) mutants were obtained. This phenomenon, an unforeseen but advantageous circumstance, could not be explained.Among the rather large number of mutants, several proved to be improvements and have been released to the trade such as cvs. Canaria Stagula, Yellow Tiger Stavero, White Wings Staretto, Harmony Stabroza and Rosita Stareza.  相似文献   

一个水稻开颖不育突变体ohs1(t)的遗传分析及基因定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们在明恢86的转基因后代中发现了一个水稻花器官发育突变体,暂命名为开颖不育(open hull sterile 1,ohs1(t)))突变体.ohs1(t)突变体表现颖花开裂,内外稃片变细,内稃微弯向外稃,有雌雄蕊分化,但雌雄蕊较野生犁株的小,大多数花药没有花粉,少数花药中含有不育花粉,雌雄配子均不育.突变体ohs1(t)分别与明恢86、R527、93-11和中花16号杂交后代遗传分析表明,ohs1(t)是一个隐性基因控制的突变体.以ohs1(t)和93-11杂交F2群体中突变个体作为初步定位群体,采用已报道的SSR标记将OHS1(t)初步定位在1号染色体的长臂端RM493和RM5638两个标记间.随后利用已公布的水稻基因组序列(http://rgp.dna.affrc.go.jp/E/index.html)及93-11和日本晴间SSR标记数据库(http://www.gramene.org/),新开发和筛选了SSR和InDel标记,并以ohs1(t))和中花16号杂交F2群体中突变个体作为新定位群体,将OHS1(t)基因进一步定位在NSSR0115和InDel0102之间,遗传距离分别为0.2 cM和0.3 cM,物理距离约66 kb.  相似文献   

To study the origin of unreduced (2n) gametes in diploid Vitis cultivars, we surveyed the occurrence of tetraploid hybrid seedlings from 40 interploid crosses with five tetraploid and seven diploid cultivars. A total of 250 seedlings from the interploid crosses were established through embryo culture and by seed sowing. In 20 2x × 4x crosses, no tetraploid hybrid seedlings were derived from 8,902pollinations. In 20 4x × 2x crosses, two tetraploid hybrid seedlings were obtained from 8,057 pollinations. Investigation of isozyme genotypes of the two tetraploid seedlings using three variable enzyme systems indicated that one of the two seedlings resulted from the union of a diploid egg with a 2n male gamete and that failure of second meiotic division resulted in the formation of the 2n male gamete. The percentage of giant pollen grains in `Muscat Bailey A', a pollen parent of the tetraploid seedling, was relatively high(about 5.9%) and 10.9% of the giant pollen grains germinated on agar medium. These results suggested that 2n pollen of diploid cultivars are useful for breeding tetraploid grape. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

不同类型冬小麦品种拔节后幼穗低温敏感期的鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
摘要:以百农矮抗58、豫麦49-198、豫农949和偃展4110这4个小麦品种为材料,利用人工气候室处理,研究了冬小麦拔节期幼穗抗霜冻力随幼穗分化进程的变化规律。在药隔期前后对4个品种进行了抗霜冻力鉴定,进而分析了不同品种、冬春性以及幼穗发育进程等对冬小麦抗霜冻力的影响。结果表明:4个品种中百农矮抗58抗冻能力较强,其他几个品种抗冻能力相对较弱。随幼穗发育进程的推进,幼穗抗霜冻力总体呈下降趋势, 从雌雄蕊末期发育进入药隔期,幼穗的抗霜冻力骤然下降,雌雄蕊分化期之前以及药隔期之后,抗霜力的下降趋势比较平缓,表明雌雄蕊至药隔期这个阶段是冬小麦幼穗分化的低温敏感期。品种的抗霜性研究适宜在该时期展开。  相似文献   

Summary From data available in the literature and supplemented by information from private tulip breeders, it appeared that triploid and tetraploid varieties raised in the past, resulted from crosses between diploid tulips and between diploids and tetraploids. This can only be explained by the occurrence of diploid gametes in diploid (2n=24) cultivars. This phenomenon which may affect both female and male gametes, appears to be specific for certain varieties. Consequences for practical breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

摘 要:以尾巨桉无性系DH3229组培苗的腋芽为处理材料,研究摇床、渗透剂,秋水仙素浓度和处理时间对该腋芽多倍体诱导效果的影响。结果表明:摇床和渗透剂的使用,秋水仙素的浓度及处理时间均能够明显的影响该无性系腋芽多倍体的诱导率。在使用摇床和添加渗透剂的情形下,0.2%的秋水仙素溶液处理24h可达最大诱导率56%。在秋水仙素处理液浓度小于0.05%时,无论如何改变其它条件均不能获得变异植株;当秋水仙素处理液浓度大于2%且处理时间长于48h时,处理过的腋芽的死亡率会快速上升,这直接阻碍了诱导率的进一步提高。  相似文献   

In this study, treatments of both trifluralin (at 10, 100 and 1000 μM) and N2O (in the form of gas under pressure) were applied to Begonia flower buds to induce the formation of 2n pollen. Three male fertile species (B. cucullata, B. subvillosa var. leptotricha and B. fischeri) and two male sterile hybrids (B. schmidtiana × B. cucullata and B. subvillosa var. leptotricha × B. cucullata) were treated. Pollen size, which is related to pollen DNA content, increased after both N2O and trifluralin treatments, but the induction of large pollen was genotype dependent. Trifluralin induced large pollen only in the male fertile species, while N2O treatments induced fertile 2n pollen in the male sterile B. schmidtiana × B. cucullata. Cytological studies showed that trifluralin induced multinuclear monads that resulted in 4n gametes in stead of 2n gametes. In general, large pollen obtained after trifluralin treatments showed low germination capability, while large pollen obtained after N2O treatments retained high germination capability. Seedlings with raised ploidy level could only be obtained after crosses were performed with large pollen obtained from N2O treatments. Hence, N2O treatments are preferable to the use of trifluralin to induce 2n gametes in Begonia.  相似文献   

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