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芬兰北极狐与地产北极狐杂交改良应注意的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用芬兰良种北极狐与国内地产北极狐杂交,改良提高地产北极狐的品质,目前已在全国各地逐渐展开,并收到良好成效。杂种后代明显表现出芬兰北极狐体型大、皮肤松驰、毛绒厚密短平和性情温顺等特征,随着级进杂交代数的增加,杂交后代越来越趋近芬兰原种狐,有些个体甚至达到或超过原种狐的体型。因此,这种杂交改良的举措已成势在必行之势。本文仅就其应该注意的几个问题,浅谈一些粗浅的看法。 一、必须引进纯种芬兰北极公狐 良种公狐是杂交改良的先题条件,并直接影响杂交改良的效果。因此,杂交改良所用的公狐必须是纯种的芬兰北极狐。芬兰  相似文献   

<正>近几年,我国从芬兰、美国引入了优良北极狐(蓝狐)良种,这对改良我国地产北极狐起到了积极作用。狐人工授精技术在我国随之广为推广和应用。春季正是北极狐发情配种时期,也是进行狐人工授精和疾病易发季节。来自四面八方不同场家的  相似文献   

我场近年在引进芬兰原种北极狐纯繁的同时 ,亦开展了用其公狐和原有地产母狐杂交的改良提高工作。由于杂交的仔狐初生重较大 ,且同胎仔狐体型参差不齐 ,故母狐难产现象明显增多。我们在诸多北极狐难产处置中发现 ,只有尽早发现难产 ,并视各自的难产原因和难产现象 ,及早采用相应的技术措施 ,才能取得较好的效果。1 母狐娩力不足 ,应注射催产素母狐已过预产期 ,如出现拒食和行为不安 ,外阴流出血样分泌物 ,或已见到频频努责行为时 ,应视为已开始产仔 ,如 2h内仍不见胎儿产出 ,即视为难产。应立即注射催产素 1 0~ 2 0mL助产。如属母狐娩…  相似文献   

为了发展养狐业,我国北方一些地区先后从芬兰引进了一批巨型的北极狐,使我国的养狐业开始向规模化发展。但由于地理位置和气候因素的差异以及饲养条件和技术相对落后,这些芬兰原种北极狐引入国内后,有很多先后出现了一些非传染性疾病,常见的如感冒、肺炎、结核、胃肠炎、尾脂腺炎、眼结膜炎、维生素和微量元素缺乏症、自咬症等。这些疾病制约着原种狐的生长发育及繁育后代,严重的还造成死亡,给养狐场带来巨大的经济损失。2005年3月份,我们解剖1只芬兰原种北极狐,该狐因患胃穿孔而死亡,具体情况报告如下。1发病情况及临床症状该狐病初表现为…  相似文献   

利用世界银行贷款,从芬兰引回近千只优质北极狐原种狐的绥化市经济动物养殖场,已成为我国最大的纯种狐繁育示范场,现存栏种狐2000多只。阿尔及玛希等芬兰专家在该场观察北极狐的长势后十分高兴,他们认为其生长发育完全可以和芬兰同龄优质狐媲美。这些专家曾在世界许多国家考察人工养狐,认为绥化市经济动物养殖场无论是规模、环境还是饲养水平,都数亚洲一流水平;特别是人工授精和科学饲养,已达世界领先水平。  相似文献   

狐属于食肉目,犬科动物。目前,世界上人工饲养的狐有两个属,即狐属和北极狐属及这两个属的变种狐。狐属中有银黑狐、赤狐及各种彩狐;北极狐属中有北极狐(又名蓝狐)、芬兰北极蓝狐和彩色北极狐。  相似文献   

狐属于食肉目,犬科动物。目前,世界上人工饲养的狐有两个属,即狐属和北极狐属及这两个属的变种狐。狐属中有银黑狐、赤狐及各种彩狐;北极狐属中有北极狐(又名蓝狐)、芬兰北极蓝狐和彩色北极狐。  相似文献   

近年来,肇源县的部分养狐户采用人工授精技术,用芬兰种公孤与本地母狐(多为北极狐)进行杂交,试图达到改良皮张、提高毛质、增加毛针密度的目的。但实践中常因母狐配种时间过早或人工测情化验的准确率低,及近亲繁殖等因素的影响.出现母狐空怀、受胎后流产、死胎、产仔少和成活率低等问题,使改良效果不理想,影响了种狐的利用率。据调查,当地采用人工授精母狐的受胎率仅达30%。因此,养狐户对种狐的改良积极性不高,改良总数减少,本交的增多,延迟了育种进程,影响了产业效益。  相似文献   

狐的人工养殖是目前特种经济动物养殖项目的重要组成部分,银黑狐和蓝狐都是具有发展前景的特种经济动物。狐的人工输精技术在国内、国外的饲养场都已经开始应用,特别是在当今特种动物养殖业处于日益高涨的时期,狐的人工输精技术倍受饲养业和科研业的关注。在芬兰巨型狐(芬兰原种狐)培育成功并广泛引种到我国饲养场的今天,狐的人工输精技术不仅可以提高种用公狐的利用率,通过人工输精技术可以解决芬兰巨型狐(芬兰原种狐)与国内当地狐(银黑狐、蓝狐)自然本交时,因为体型差异极大,无法实现自然交配的矛盾。通过人工输精技术,可以调整银黑狐和蓝…  相似文献   

<正>大连市自1998年开展狐人工授精技术以来,收到较好的经济效益和社会效益。对狐人工授精技术普遍接受和认可。采用人工授精技术,用芬兰原种公狐改良本地母狐效果非常好。成年狐体长可达85cm,比本地狐提高20cm;平均体重8.5kg,增长2~2.5kg,皮张价格高于本  相似文献   

Distemper vaccination of farmed fur animals in Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most important farmed fur animal species in Finland are the American mink (Mustela vison), blue fox (Alopex lagopus), silver fox (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); all are susceptible to canine distemper. The only distemper vaccines currently available are for mink, although they also have been used for fox and raccoon dogs in emergency situations. The efficacy in eliciting neutralizing antibodies and the safety of three mink-distemper vaccines were studied under field conditions with mink and silver fox. Two of the vaccines were also studied with raccoon dogs and blue fox. All three vaccines elicited a satisfactory antibody response in mink, whereas the response varied in the other species. No side effects were observed in any species tested. One of the vaccines was safe and immunogenic in all four species.  相似文献   

The farmed blue fox (Alopex lagopus) is particularly susceptible to congenital infections of the microsporidian species Encephalitozoon cuniculi. This report is based on an outbreak of the disease in Finland with high mortality. Five pups (four males and one female) with prolonged disease were examined. The pups had moderate pathological alterations in the kidneys and mild lesions were found in the brains, hearts, salivary and prostatic glands. Diagnosis of E. cuniculi infection was made from serological tests (ELISA, CIA, IFAT), and by in vitro isolation of the parasite from the brain of all five pups investigated. The identity was confirmed by molecular means as E. cuniculi strain II ('mouse strain'). Novel histopathological lesions not described as yet in fox encephalitozoonosis are presented. These include cerebral infarction and necrotizing inflammation of the renal pelvis. The sources and mechanisms of spreading of E. cuniculi to blue foxes are discussed.  相似文献   

A captive breeding programme for the Fennoscandian Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus; syn. Alopex lagopus) failed due to fatal encephalitis. The aim of this study was to identify the causative agent. Viral nucleic acid was detected by PCR and in situ hybridization in the brain of affected foxes. The results suggest that a herpesvirus might be the causative agent. Whether this infection also occurs in free-living Arctic foxes is unknown.  相似文献   

The clinical features of a case of granulosa cell tumour in the blue fox (Alopex lagopus) are described. The associated hormonal changes are discussed in relation to present knowledge of the regulation of the oestrous and furring cycles in this species.  相似文献   

Nine of 10 mature blue fox vixens (Alopex lagopus) in spontaneous oestrus ovulated approximately 2 days after the preovulatory increase in luteinizing hormone (LH). Plasma concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone and progesterone increased simultaneously with the LH peak, whereas oestradiol-17 beta peaked 1 day previously. In the tenth vixen, an LH peak was not observed, and neither visible follicles nor corpora lutea were found in the ovaries 6 days after peak vaginal electrical resistance. Eggs were ovulated as primary oocytes, but oocyte maturation was initiated within the day of ovulation (2 days after the LH peak). Within the next 2 days (3-4 days after the LH peak) the first polar body was extruded, and the cumulus mass was completely dissociated from the zona pellucida. The interval between the preovulatory LH peak and initiation of the final oocyte maturation is thus considerably longer in the blue fox than for example in the cow (48-72 h compared with 9-12 h). This suggests that the relationship between these two events is somewhat different in the blue fox.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of blue fox parvovirus on blue fox kits and pregnant vixens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To study the pathogenicity of a newly isolated parvovirus of blue fox (Alopex lagopus), pregnant vixens and 43 kits of different ages were experimentally infected with the agent. The kits had no clinical signs of disease, even though most of them excreted virus in their feces, and they responded immunologically to viral exposure. Infection during pregnancy appeared to affect the fetuses. A group of 15 blue fox vixens inoculated with the virus produced a statistically smaller number of kits (78) than did 15 untreated controls (131). Vaccination with a homologous inactivated virus preparation appeared to afford protection against reproductive losses. After infection, 15 vaccinated vixens gave birth to 97 kits, compared with 54 kits born to a similar, non-vaccinated experimental group.  相似文献   

Kapel, Chr. M., Sv. Aa. Henriksen, H. H. Dietz, P. Henriksen, P. Nansen: A study on the predilection sites of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae in experimentally infected foxes (Alopex lagopus, Vulpes vulpes). Acta vet. scand. 1994, 35, 125-132.–Studies were carried out on the predilection sites of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae in experimentally infected arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) and silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes) reared in cages. The highest number of larvae per gramme tissue was found in the muscles of the legs, eyes, diaphragm, and tongue. The 2 fox species showed no significant differences with regard to predilection sites.  相似文献   

Acute disseminated toxoplasmosis was diagnosed in three wild arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) that were found dead in the same locality on Svalbard (Norway). The animals included one adult female and two 4-months-old pups. The adult fox was severely jaundiced. Necropsy revealed multifocal, acute, necrotizing hepatitis, acute interstitial pneumonia, and scattered foci of brain gliosis, often associated with Toxoplasma tachyzoites. One pup also had Toxoplasma-associated meningitis. In addition, the latter animal was infected with Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serotype 2b and Salmonella Enteritidis phage type 1 (PT1), which may have contributed to the severity of the Toxoplasma infection in this animal. The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was confirmed by positive immunohistochemistry and detection of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in serum of all foxes. The animals were negative for Neospora caninum, canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, and rabies virus on immunolabelling of tissue sections and smears.  相似文献   

芬兰蓝狐杂交改良本地蓝狐生产性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用芬兰蓝狐通过人工授精杂交改良本地蓝狐,研究其生产性能。结果表明,窝育成数平均78 只,与本地狐差异不显著( P> 005) ;育成狐体重平均97 kg ,显著高于本地蓝狐( P<001) ;育成狐体长平均9586 cm ,显著高于本地蓝狐( P< 001) 。按当地市场价格,每张改良蓝狐皮比本地蓝狐皮高出300 ~400 元,经济效益十分显著。  相似文献   

A safe and effective anesthetic regime for use in arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) cubs was developed. During July 1996, six free-ranging 6-8-wk-old cubs were captured near their den in Vindelfjallen Nature Reserve, Sweden. Medetomidine and ketamine HCI, followed by atipamezole, were selected for the anesthetic trial because of the well-documented safety and efficacy of this drug combination in a broad range of species. The dosage regimen used was 50 microg/kg medetomidine combined with 2.5 mg/kg ketamine followed by reversal with 250 microg/kg atipamezole. Induction was rapid, with a mean induction time of 1 min and 32 sec (range: 58-150 sec). The cubs were anesthetized for a mean time of 18 +/- 5 min (range: 13-25 min). Serially recorded heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and pulse oximetry were stable throughout the anesthetic period for all cubs. Anesthetic depth was suitable for safe handling and minor clinical procedures, including venipuncture. Following atipamezole, all cubs were standing within 12 +/- 7 min (range: 5-24 min) and fully recovered at 27 +/- 5 min (range: 19-36 min). This information will be useful for future captive breeding and management programs involving the endangered arctic fox.  相似文献   

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